Qin Luo did not stay in the music department to continue singing in the end, because he still had classes in the morning.

The students in the music department were very sorry, but they also expressed their understanding.

Then Liu Ming explained to Qin Luo some things that need to be paid attention to at the school celebration party next Friday, and said that he would finalize the song, and then talk to Qin Luo about the details of the performance.

Other than that, there is nothing else to do, the most important thing is to sing well in case something goes wrong during the performance.

Regarding this point, everyone is not too worried. After all, this song was composed by Qin Luo. If even he can't sing it well, who else can sing it well?

And when everyone remembers that this song was written by Qin Luo for Ji Yan, they will have another expectation.

When the school celebration party started, Qin Luo sang this song on stage, how would the audience Ji Yan react after hearing it?

That high-cold person set up the school girl who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, maybe she can't help throwing her arms around Qin Luo like she did on the basketball court a few days ago.

Thinking of this, everyone's mood became complicated, it was anticipation and sour.

The boys hope that they are the one who can stand on the stage and embrace the beauty, while the girls wish that they can replace Ji Yan and become the one who throws themselves into Qin Luo's arms to offer kisses.

A man who is handsome, good at sports, can write and sing songs, and is so persistent and serious about his relationship, he can't find it even with a lantern.

Who doesn't love such a man?

At least the girls in the music department couldn't hold back, until when Qin Luo left, they were all staring at Qin Luo like wolves.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people around, and there were rumors that Qin Luo and Ji Yan had already confirmed their relationship, they might have let go of their restraint and couldn't help running to Qin Luo to add contact information or even confess their love directly.

There is no doubt that girls are so bold when facing such a high-quality man.

After Qin Luo left, the music department returned to its usual state.

Most of the people present are people who will be on stage next Friday, so hurry up and practice.

Among them, there is another person who is still in a state of confusion, and that is Shi Yulu.

After she entered the room, she understood the cause and effect of the matter within a short while, and then she was in shock, unable to extricate herself for a long time.

Compared to Qin Luo being able to write songs, sing and play guitar, she was more surprised that the song was actually made for Qin Luo.

When Shi Yulu was listening to the song, she felt that the melody of this song was so light and pleasant, and the lyrics were so beautiful. When Qin Luo sang, there would be a peaceful smile on his face, as if he was really experiencing a sweet love.

If his ninety-nine confessions are Qin Luo's serious attitude towards this relationship, then this song is his beautiful expectation and yearning for love.

Shi Yulu understood it this way, and because of this, she felt that she had personally experienced Qin Luo's mental state when he was chasing feelings.

The attitude of not being able to ask for it, but being desperate, and always holding good expectations is really touching!

So, thinking about it, Shi Yulu couldn't help crying.

Tears were like raindrops falling from the eaves on a rainy day, patter papa papa patter.

The people around were both surprised and anxious, surprised because they didn't know why Shi Yulu was crying, and anxious because Shi Yulu's small appearance made people feel distressed involuntarily.

Her unique appearance has created her cute side. In the music department, she has always been a mascot.

Whether she is a senior or a junior, everyone treats her like a child and often brings her fruits and snacks.

If anyone bullies her, it will attract unanimous hostility from everyone, so seeing her cry at this time is why she is so nervous.

"What's the matter Lulu, why are you crying?"

"Quickly tell senior sister, who is bullying? Senior sister helps you teach him a lesson!"

"Damn, who the hell dares to bully our Lulu? You're getting impatient, aren't you?"

Hearing everyone's eager concern, Shi Yulu wiped away her tears and said sobbingly: "No... no, no one bullied me."

"Then why are you crying like this?" Senior Vice Minister handed over some tissues.

Shi Yulu took the tissue to wipe away her tears, and said, "I don't know, it's just... I'm suddenly sad, and I feel sorry for Qin Luo..."

"Do you feel sorry for Qin Luo?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then fell into silence collectively.

Yes, in the past, everyone only saw his dozens of begging confessions as jokes, but when they thought of his song, they couldn't help but feel sad.

Even though he was rejected again and again, he still had such good expectations for that relationship.

If anyone can get the love of that boy, it must be that he saved the galaxy in his previous life!

"I... I used to laugh at him a lot. I thought it would be silly for him to keep confessing after being rejected so many times, but I found...he, he is really nice..."

Shi Yulu cried and said that when the tears were wiped away, she seemed not so sad, but put on an angry gesture.

For some reason, she suddenly felt resentment in her heart, blaming Ji Yan who had been rejecting Qin Luo, and also blaming herself who once laughed at Qin Luo.

The deputy minister stepped forward to comfort him: "Okay, Lulu, aren't they doing well now? On the basketball court before, Qin Luo helped Ji Yan stand out, and Ji Yan even kissed him in front of so many people."

"Yeah, maybe they're together now."

"I saw the school the two of them went to together in the morning."

"Oh, yes, I have a proposal. Everyone keep this song by Qin Luo a secret, and try not to spread it. When Qin Luo comes on stage to sing, it will be a surprise for Ji Yan."

"It shouldn't work, right? The programs will be announced in advance, and she just needs to pay attention and she will know."

"The most she knows is that Qin Luo is singing on stage, but she doesn't know what song she is singing. Just keep this a secret."

"That's right, you didn't record it before, did you? If you record it, don't spread it!"

"Don't worry, it must be kept secret."

Everyone agreed one after another, and unanimously decided to help Qin Luo with assists.

The deputy minister said to Shi Yulu: "Lulu, you are Ji Yan's roommate, so you can't tell Ji Yan in advance."

Shi Yulu hesitated for a moment, she was not because of this matter, but because she heard someone say that Qin Luo and Ji Yan seemed to be together.

But in fact, she knew that was not the case. When they were chatting in the dormitory, Ji Yan clearly denied this, and said that they were just ordinary friends.

Thinking of this, Shi Yulu felt an inexplicable uncomfortable feeling in her heart, as if she felt worthless for Qin Luo.

But she finally nodded and decided to keep it a secret with everyone.

Maybe... Maybe when Qin Luo is on stage and Ji Yan hears this song, she can't help but be with Qin Luo?

It should be like this.

Shi Yulu came to the window, looked at the blue sky outside, and the scene she saw outside the door echoed in her mind.

Qin Luo was sitting on a chair with a guitar in his arms. His eyes were lowered, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. The melody forms a beautiful song...

Thinking about it, she couldn't help sighing.

When can I have a boy who likes me like that...

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