As a four-year event, the school still attaches great importance to the school celebration party, and the performance list of the program has been released in advance a few days ago.

Many people couldn't wait to browse the program list in advance. The students were not very interested in the programs performed by the same students, but they were very interested in the performers from outside the school.

Some of those people are well-known starlets, and there are also Internet celebrities who are quite popular on the Internet. Everyone often surfs the Internet on weekdays, and they are familiar with them, and they also have expectations for their programs.

In addition to the program, there are also some well-known alumni associations, including some high-class people, some are executives of the world's top 500 companies, and some are local entrepreneurs.

This evening party is geared towards the society, and most of the participating students are juniors and seniors. In order to enter the society in the future, they will very much hope to communicate with those social people at the party, so as to seek a future after entering the society. Development opportunities.

The location of the evening party is the auditorium in the school. The space inside can accommodate thousands of people. It is used to hold important events such as the opening ceremony on weekdays.

At five o'clock, many vehicles have already entered the campus one after another, and there are some expensive cars among them.

Most of the people who drove were people from the society who came to the school celebration party, and quite a few of them graduated from the University of Finance and Economics.

As a prestigious university in Shanghai, although the University of Finance and Economics is not up to the top of the school, it has considerable background and strength in the financial field.

After graduating from the University of Finance and Economics, many people have engaged in the financial industry. Although most of them failed to escape the ending of being lost in the middle, there are still some talents who have made achievements.

The college students who have not yet graduated looked at the men and women in suits and leather shoes and dresses, with some longing in their eyes.

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded, attracting the attention of many people.

But a big red Ferrari drove slowly, it parked in the parking space smoothly, after the door opened, a woman walked out holding an umbrella.

Perhaps because of the rainy weather, she dressed conservatively. A T-shirt with an anime print was lined with a denim jacket, and her lower body was a pair of skinny jeans, which outlined her slender and perfect legs.

People involuntarily turned their gazes to the past, attracted not only by the big red Ferrari, but also by the woman's domineering figure.

However, when they wanted to see the woman's appearance, they couldn't help sighing.

Because the woman was wearing a pair of big sunglasses, which covered two-thirds of her face, making it impossible to see her appearance at all.

Even so, from the perspective of temperament and figure, it is not difficult to tell that this is a rare beauty.

Having said that, it is inevitable to regret not seeing the face.

At this time, a white BMW drove slowly again.

The car stopped, and a young woman with an umbrella walked out.

She was wearing a pure white evening dress, her hair was tied into a simple ponytail, and she was casually placed on her chest.

There was only a light makeup on the cold face, although she looked serious, but that cold look gave her a unique temperament, making people unable to help but want to look at her more.

And some students couldn't help being stunned after seeing her, and there was a strong sense of déjà vu in their hearts.

"What a beautiful woman..."

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always think she looks familiar."

"Yes, I felt that way too, but I don't remember seeing her.

"Damn it! She looks similar to the school belle, can't she be the school belle's sister?"

"Oh, let me go, what you said is really true, the looks are really similar, especially the cold face, it is almost carved out of the same mold!"

"This incident fully demonstrates how important a good family gene is."

"Oh, I suddenly envy Qin Luo. Not only does he have such a good-looking girlfriend, but he also has such a good-looking sister-in-law. Jealousy has torn me apart!"

In the parking lot, maybe the beautiful women had some kind of strange magnetic field before, which would make them attracted to each other.

When Zhang Ru got out of the car, she involuntarily looked at the woman wearing sunglasses not far away.

At the same time, the other party also looked over.

The two looked at each other across the air. Zhang Ru originally wanted to nod politely, but suddenly felt a subtle feeling.

Even though the other party is wearing sunglasses, why do I feel like she is staring at me?

Zhang Ru felt a little baffled, but didn't think too much, and walked along the girls' dormitory building on her own.

Jiang Zhitao watched Zhang Ru leave, and at the same time, the girl she had seen at the school gate and in the mobile phone video appeared in her mind.

That girl is at least seven points similar to this woman.

So, these two women are relatives? Sisters?

Jiang Zhitao curled her lips and looked away.

606 dormitory.

There were only two people in the room. Hao Meng had just changed into the clothes she was about to wear. It was a red evening dress, wearing it like a princess who had just walked out of a fairy tale world.

Suddenly it looks good.

She herself felt the same way, so she was taking pictures in front of the full-length mirror, taking posses from time to time, making her look pretty.

Jia Ting couldn't help but said: "Okay, I know you're pretty, I'm going to be awkward, I'm going to the auditorium later.

Only then did Hao Meng calm down, and said with some regret: "My parents told me to wear the clothes I like. At first I chose Lingmeng's maiden costume, but my parents rejected it. Alas, I have long I just wanted to see it through, what a pity."

Jia Ting's face was full of question marks, she didn't know what Lingmeng's maiden costume was, but her intuition told her that it was not in the same dimension as her.

At this time, they heard a knock on the door of the dormitory, looked back subconsciously, and saw a beautiful young woman walking in.

They had met Zhang Ru when they first entered the freshman year, and they were very impressed by this young and beautiful roommate's mother, so they were very impressed.

Hao Meng greeted with a smile: "How are you, Zhang Aunt, you look more beautiful and younger than last time, so pretty.

"You are too, Mengmeng, you are so beautiful," Zhang Ru responded with a smile, no woman does not like others to praise her young and beautiful, even if Zhang Ru is cold-tempered, it is the same in this respect.

Compared to Hao Meng, Jia Ting's smile was more reserved and polite. She stood up and said, "Hi, Aunt."

Zhang Ru glanced at Jia Ting, with a soft smile on his face, and said, "Jia Ting, I haven't seen you for a while, you are getting more and more temperamental."

"Thank you Aunt."

"Are your parents here today?"

Jia Ting shook her head: "They don't come to Shanghai because they have nothing important to do."

"Really, what a pity," Zhang Ru said with a little regret. Her regret was not polite, but she really regretted that she could not see Jia Ting's parents.

She came to a chair and sat down, and was about to ask where Ji Yan had gone.

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar bag fell into her eyes.

"this is......"

Zhang Ru frowned, reached out and took the bag.

The bag was placed under Ji Yan's desk, of course she recognized the one on her daughter's desk, and more than that, she also recognized that it was the bag that Ji Yan carried downstairs that day and said it was meant to contain the ceramic doll and throw it away.

The bag is still a bit heavy in the hand, it doesn't look like an empty bag at all.

Zhang Ru frowned and opened the zipper, reaching inside.

When she came out again, she already had a painted ceramic little girl in her hand.

With just one glance, Zhang Ru's complexion suddenly darkened, and her originally good mood was instantly covered with a layer of gloom.

She said, "Is this doll brought by Ji Yan?"

"Which one?" Hao Meng took a look and said, "Ah, it's this one, it's brought by Ji Yan, Aunt, do you like this doll too?"

“Aunt....…doesn’t like dolls.’

"Really? I think this doll is pretty. The most important thing is that it is

"Aunt, have a cup of hot water," Jia Ting suddenly said, interrupting Hao Meng's words, and at the same time brought a cup of hot water to Zhang Ru.

Hao Meng is an idiot, but she is not. From the moment Zhang Ru found the bag, Jia Ting noticed that Zhang Ru's face was not right.

And when the doll was taken out, Zhang Ru's complexion became like the winter moon and snow, several times colder than usual.

The keen-minded Jia Ting sensed that something was wrong, so she quickly winked at Hao Meng while handing the water.

Hao Meng realized that something was wrong with Zhang Ru's complexion, but she couldn't figure out why, and was a little dazed.

"Thank you," Zhang Ru took the hot water, didn't seem to want to worry about the doll, put it back into the bag, and asked, "Where did Ji Yan go?"


"She went to the infirmary."

Jia Ting spoke up before Hao Meng.

Because if Hao Meng said this, it would become: Qin Luo sent her to the infirmary!

That Zhang Ru's face may be even uglier

Having been robbed of the conversation, he seemed a little aggrieved, pursed his mouth, and sat on the side without speaking.

Zhang Ru nodded, not surprised.

Ji Yan suffers from dysmenorrhea, and every menstrual period will be accompanied by labor pains, she knows this.

In order to prevent Hao Meng from bringing up the matter related to Qin Luo, Jia Ting took the initiative to chat with Zhang Ru, and Zhang Ru also liked this girl with a good temperament and tutor [chat with her with a smile.

During this process, Jia Ting sent a message to Ji Yan.

In the infirmary, Ji Yan knew that his mother had arrived, so he sat up on the bed.

After confirming that her lower abdomen was not so painful, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you all right?" The ordinary female doctor put down the medical book in her hand.

"Well, there's nothing else to do, I'm going back to the dormitory first, thank you doctor," Ji Yan thanked politely.

The female doctor asked: "Shouldn't you call your boyfriend to pick you up?"

She remembered that it was a boy who sent Ji Yan over before, and she was very concerned about Ji Yan in his speech and demeanor.

When Ji Yan was sweating in pain, he was also anxious beside him. The female doctor saw all this, which impressed her deeply.

Of course, the reason why she was impressed by that man was not because of his previous performance, but because the female doctor had seen that boy once a few days ago.

At that time, he and a girl were sitting at the door of the infirmary eating steamed buns, and that girl was not the same person as the girl sitting in the infirmary...

The female doctor is of course not very interested in the relationship between the students, but when the boys left not long ago, they said they would come back later, so the female doctor asked this question.

After hearing this, Ji Yan frowned and thought about it, then shook his head and said, "No need..."

After a pause, she added: "She is not my boyfriend, you misunderstood."

This sentence is a bit familiar...

The female doctor smiled inexplicably, ignored it, and continued to read her medical books.

After leaving the infirmary, Ji Yan returned to the girls' dormitory with an umbrella.

a push

When he opened the door, he saw his mother who was chatting with Jia Ting.

"Mom, you're here," Ji Yan greeted.

"Well," Zhang Ru replied lukewarmly, and asked, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's good," Zhang Ru nodded, then said with a smile, "It's getting late, we should go to the venue."

That being said, she didn't seem to move at all.

Hao Meng asked, "Aunt, aren't you going?"

"I have something to say to Ji Yan, you go first," Zhang Ru smiled very politely.

Hao Meng didn't think much about it, but Jia Ting could see that something was wrong with Zhang Ru's mood.

Mostly because of the sculpture of the little girl.

Jia Ting glanced at Li Yan, not wanting to meddle in other people's business, and said, "Then let's go first, see you Aunt."

After finishing speaking, he went out with Hao Meng.

It was also the moment the door closed, the smile on Zhang Ru's face disappeared immediately, and her cool and pretty face became gloomy.

Ji Yan was taken aback and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you still ashamed to ask me what's wrong?" Zhang Ru seemed to be very angry and smiled back, and took out the bag and asked: "I ask you, what's going on?

Ji Yan understood what was going on at a glance, and immediately his face turned pale, with a hint of panic in his expression.

"Listen to me, Mom, it's not what you think it is..."

"Not what I thought? Huh."

Zhang Ru sneered, staring at Ji Yan with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice: "You are really a good girl of mother, and you have learned how to obey the yin and the yin, so you should take it away and throw it away.

He actually pretended to lie to his mother, turned around and went to pick it up again. "

"Didn't you say you are mother's good daughter? Didn't you say you listen to your mother the most? Is that how you listen to your mother!"

Zhang Ru's emotions seemed to be a little out of control, her voice became louder and her tone became more and more serious.

But she still knew that this was a girls' dormitory, and the sound insulation was poor, so she calmed down quickly in the end, didn't speak anymore, and just looked at Ji Yan with a pair of indifferent eyes.

But facing his mother who was extremely angry at this time, Ji Yan had no idea what to do.

She lowered her head, tears rolled in her eyes, and she didn't even know how to justify herself.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Ru pursed her lips, her cold face softening slightly.

Anger is all about anger, but in Zhang Ru's heart, Ji Yan is more important than anything else. Seeing her daughter's pitiful and helpless appearance at this time, she will also feel distressed.

But no matter what, what Ji Yan did this time really angered her, and she couldn't just let it go so easily.

Looking at the silent Ji Yan in front of him, Zhang Ru suddenly asked, "Let me ask you, are you already in a relationship with that boy named Qin Luo?"

"No, no, really no!"

Ji Yan quickly shook his head and denied it, his attitude was very firm and serious, and there was no trace of lying at all.

Zhang Ru looked at her suspiciously for a while, and finally seemed to be sure that she was not lying, and her face softened again.

But she still asked in a cold voice: "Then why did you lie to Mom? Don't you want to part with this thing he gave you?"

"No... no... I was going to throw it away, but...but..."

Ji Yan stumblingly explained, but couldn't explain why.

And the more indecisive she looked, the more angry Zhang Ru was.

However, instead of being sarcastic as before, she changed into a heartbroken gesture, sobbing and said: "Ji Yan, have you forgotten what your mother said to you that night?"

"Mom is the person who loves you the most and cares about you the most in this world. Everything Mom does is for your own good, but why don't you know... woo woo woo... .”

She showed a very sad look, and the more she talked, the more sad she became, and the tears flowed down.

Ji Yan panicked at the time, and hurried forward to comfort him: "Don't cry, Mom, it's my fault, it's all my fault, don't cry..."

Zhang Ru cried and said: "It's a good thing that my daughter has grown up and has her own ideas, but mother is really just afraid that you will be hurt. It's not that mother doesn't want you to have sex with boys.

It's just that you clearly promised your mother, why did you lie to her? Woooooooo..."

Although Ji Yan looks cold on the surface, she is actually a kind girl.

She couldn't see others crying, especially the person in front of her still loved her mother deeply.

From childhood to adulthood, the only person who accompanied her was her mother. Grandpa and grandma looked at her coldly, as if complaining that she was the child of that irresponsible man, so Ji Yan

Grandma doesn't have much emotion either.

For Ji Yan, her mother is almost her only relative in this world, and it is difficult for her to turn a blind eye to her mother's sad tears.

So she pursed her lips and said: "I know, Mom, don't cry, I'll just throw it away, okay, don't cry."

Hearing this, Tian Ru's crying finally stopped.

She raised her head, looked at Ji Yan sadly, and asked, "Really? Don't lie to mom this time?"

"Well, don't lie to mom anymore, and I won't lie to mom again in the future."

"Mom believes in you, you are a good boy, and mother has always believed in you..."

As Zhang Ru spoke, she brought the bag over, the meaning of which was self-evident.

And Ji Yan didn't say anything more, picked up the bag and turned around to leave the dormitory.

404 dormitory.

"Hey, old Qin, how do you look at my clothes? Are you handsome?"

"Handsome handsome."

"Brother Luo, do you think my suit looks good? It's my first time wearing a suit."

"It's beautiful and beautiful."

"Brother, tonight's performance must be strong, everyone is waiting for Ji Yan to throw himself into your arms!"

"Send hugs, give hugs."

Hearing his perfunctory answer, the three sand sculptures in the dormitory curled their lips together.

They are going to attend the school celebration party today, and they all put on formal clothes that are rare to wear in normal times, showing certain expectations for tonight's party, striving to create a perfect appearance and image

Some, in order not to lose to those social people.

In contrast, Qin Luo has no awareness of this aspect at all.

What is Qin Luo doing when they are wearing suits and bow ties?

He is making soup!

Yes, that's right, this guy is making soup in the dorm.

On the stainless steel base, a blue alcohol block is burning, and a small casserole is squatting on it, and white smoke is continuously emitting from the hole, and the aroma is spraying.

Qin Luo bought this thing a few months ago. At that time, he learned that Ji Yan would have Mao Bin with dysmenorrhea during menstruation, so he specially bought this thing online and made a pot of soup

Send it to Ji Yan.

Although he was coldly rejected by others, every time Ji Yan's menstrual period came, he would cook a pot of soup and send it over.

Since this period of time, the relationship between the two has heated up rapidly, and they will spend a little time together every day.

Although it is not as passionate and miniature as other couples, but the intimacy is also improving rapidly.

From Qin Luo's point of view, although the two have not confessed to each other, they have already agreed to a relationship of 2.9 to each other as a couple.

It doesn't make sense to make soup when chasing people before, but now we don't make soup when we are together, right?

So, after sending Ji Yan to the infirmary, Qin Luo rushed back to make soup again.

Since the guy is relatively unprofessional, the process of making soup will inevitably be prolonged.

It wasn't until Li Xuan urged him to go to the auditorium to make preparations that he poured the soup into the thermos and said, "I know, I know, I'll send the soup first, you guys go there first

"Then let's go there first, Brother Luo."

"Old Qin, hurry up."

"Don't forget you still have a performance, you have to go backstage to prepare in advance!"

They left after finishing talking, and Qin Luo hurried out after tidying up, and rushed to the infirmary with a thermos.

As a result, there was only an ordinary-looking female doctor in the room, and Ji Yan had long since disappeared.

Qin Luo froze for a moment, and asked, "Doctor, where is that girl just now?"

"Going back to the dormitory," the female doctor said casually.

It should be that it's almost time for the party, so let's go back to the dormitory and get ready... Thinking so, Qin Luo was about to leave.

Suddenly, the female doctor stopped him: "Wait."

"What's wrong doctor?" Qin Luo paused.

The female doctor picked up a book, raised the cover page to Qin Luo, and said, "This book is for you.

Qin Luo took a closer look.

Time management: Time does not lie in how much you have, but in how you use it. Watching and studying this book will help you master the mystery of time.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Thank you, but I don't read such books."

"Intuition tells me that you will need it sooner or later," the female doctor pushed the glasses.

I don't know if I need it or not, I'm even more curious why you have this book!

Qin Luo rolled his eyes, stopped talking to the female doctor, and turned to go to the female dormitory.

The gray curtain in the sky seems to be getting thicker and thicker, and the heavy rain is continuous, making the outdoor flowers and plants bend down.

Holding an umbrella in one hand and a thermos in the other, Qin Luo trotted all the way to the girls' dormitory building.

Coincidentally, he saw Ji Yan walking out of the dormitory from a distance.

Qin Luo was about to call her, but saw Ji Yan walked to the trash can and threw a bag in his hand into it.

Qin Luo squinted his eyes, feeling that the bag seemed familiar, and at the same time was curious about what Ji Yan threw.

Just such a dazed effort, Ji Yan ran back to the dormitory again, walking in a hurry, seeming a little anxious.

Qin Luo was puzzled and walked over step by step. .

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