Confession 99 Times, Gao Leng's School Girl's Persona Collapsed

Chapter 58 From Now On, I Will Stop Catching Rainbows

Ji Yan was slightly relieved by Zhang Ru's departure, and then turned to look at Qin Luo.

In Ji Yan's world, her mother is equivalent to her only relative, so she doesn't want to let her down, and the attitude she showed just now is to make her feel at ease as much as possible.

At the same time, she was a little worried just now, for fear that Qin Luo would behave like they usually did. Although Ji Yan didn't think it was too much, in the eyes of her mother, she might think it was too close, so maybe her mother will be angry.

Fortunately, Qin Luo's behavior just now has been very decent, like a young master who has been cultivated under a good family education, his speech and behavior seem peaceful and natural, which makes Ji Yan heaving a sigh of relief.

She thought for a while and said to Qin Luo with a little apology: "Sorry, my mother doesn't like my contact with other people, especially boys, that's why she said those words just now. She said those words without malice, just too much I'm afraid I'm hurt, I hope you can understand."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. I actually promised my mother that I can't fall in love during college. I don't want to make her sad...... And I think we get along very well now."

"I think we can continue to get along like this forever. We can talk about other things after graduating from university. Can you understand me?"

As she spoke, she looked at Qin Luo with sincere eyes, hoping to gain recognition and understanding from him.

And Qin Luo's answer is also very simple.

He nodded, smiled and said, "Well, I understand."

This was a very normal answer, but it made Shi Yan raise his eyebrows involuntarily.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that Qin Luo's smile looked fake at this time, just like the ceremonial smiles that people in the service industry put on their faces all day long, which made her feel a little uncomfortable instinctively.

Moreover, Qin Luo's behavior at this time is not the same as when they usually get along. He smiled warmly and naturally before, instead of making her feel weird like now.

Especially Qin Luo's promise was too happy, so happy that Ji Yan couldn't even accept it for a while.

She thought that Qin Luo should show dissatisfaction or something...

"You...are you angry?" Ji Yan couldn't help asking.

"Why do you ask that?" Qin Luo asked back.

"I just think...forget it, it's nothing," Ji Yan pursed her lips, thinking it was her own illusion, and didn't mention it any more, and Qin Luo could understand it, so it was a good thing for her

I can keep getting along with Qin Luo without worrying about making my mother angry. Is there anything better than this?

Her raised eyebrows were bent back again, and she asked instead: "By the way, didn't you go to make soup for me before? Where's the soup?"

As she said this, she remembered the scene when Qin Lu brought her soup for the first time.

At that time, Qin Luo had a shy smile on his face. He handed the thermos to Ji Yan, but Ji Yan just said coldly: No need.

Then he turned around and went back to the dormitory building without even looking at the thermos.

Ji Yan thought, at that time, he really shouldn't be so indifferent.

But fortunately, their relationship is no longer what it used to be, and Ji Yan also really wants to taste the soup made by Qin Luo himself.

However, meeting Ji Yan's expectant eyes, Qin Luo's answer was not what she expected.

"I lost it," Qin Luo responded flatly.


How could it be lost?

Ji Yan was puzzled, but he didn't ask, but the expectation in his eyes quickly faded, and he said a little disappointed: "That's it, then...then next time you can make soup for me to drink.

Qin Luo didn't answer, just looked at her with a smile, without saying a word.

Seeing his smile, Ji Yan's sense of disobedience grew stronger and stronger.

She always felt that something was wrong with Qin Luo today, but she couldn't seem to tell what was wrong.

He still looks so good-looking when he smiles, but he seems a little awkward, and he doesn't have the light and natural feeling when we get along with each other.

But Ji Yan didn't think too much about it, he only thought it was caused by the occasion and clothing.

It just so happened that she remembered something again, so she asked with a little expectation: "I heard from Lulu that the song you are going to sing today was written for me by you... Really?"

"That song..." Qin Luo murmured, then nodded and said, "Well, yes, it's for you."

"I'm looking forward to it, I'll watch you sing and applaud you from the audience later," Ji Yan cocked his lips.

She remembered what Qin Luo said, saying that she looks good when she smiles, so that she can smile more when she is free.

Although Ji Yan seldom smiles on weekdays, she doesn't mind showing Qin Luo more of her side, in exchange for Qin Luo's admiring eyes.

It's a pity that even though she showed a smile, Qin Lu still didn't have any special reaction.

From the beginning to the end, he just had such a faint smile, as if everything around him could not cause the slightest emotional change in him.

I thought he would praise me for my good-looking smile again... Ji Yan felt a little disappointed, and asked again: "Can you tell me what kind of song it is in advance?"

Meeting her expectant eyes, Qin Luo thought for a while and showed a subtle smile: "Let's keep it secret for now, you will know later, so look forward to it."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly stood up and walked outside without telling Ji Yan what he was going to do.

The doubts and incomprehensions in Ji Yan's heart reached the highest point at this time, and she finally discovered that the subtle sense of disobedience and incongruity in her heart was not her illusion. "It's Qin Lu who has really become a little different from before.

She followed behind Qin Luo two steps in a row, and couldn't help asking: "Is there something on your mind? I always feel... well, I always feel that you are different today from usual."

"Really?" Qin Luo asked her with a smile: "Then do you think I am better now, or am I better than usual...?"

Ji Yan thought about it carefully, Qin Luo usually makes her feel very natural and comfortable when getting along with her. Although he always looks casual, he will take care of Ji Yan's feelings most of the time.

And now Qin Luo, although it seems that there is a little more of the strange charm that he doesn't usually have, but whether it's the smile on his face or every word he said from beginning to end, it seems that he doesn't take her to heart Same.

This made Ji Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

"I think your usual look is better," she said.

"That might disappoint you," Qin Luo shook his head and drank the wine in his glass.

Just when a waiter passed by with a tray, Qin Luo stopped him, put the empty glass on the tray, took down another glass of foreign wine, smiled and said to the waiter: "Thank you.

That calm and elegant posture made the waiter subconsciously mistook him for a successful person from society, so he quickly said, "You're welcome."

Ji Yan followed at the side, and couldn't help frowning when he saw this, and said, "Why do you have to drink so much wine?"

Qin Luo glanced at her: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"


Ji Yan opened his mouth, but was unable to speak.

The previous scene made her suddenly have a strong sense of déjà vu, and then she remembered in the next second that they had a similar scene at the entrance of the male dormitory building.

That day, Ji Yan took the milk tea and took the initiative to go to Qin Luo. Seeing that Qin Luo was full of alcohol, he asked the same question.

And Qin Luo's answer was exactly the same as now.

Not only that, but his posture and his faint smile as if he didn't care about anything when he spoke were exactly the same as that time.

A strong grievance sprouted from the bottom of Ji Yan's heart, she didn't know why Qin Luo suddenly became like this.

Is it because of what my mother said before? Or what I said myself?

But she has already explained it, and Qin Luo also said that she understands, so why does she still act like this?

Ji Yan bit her lip, feeling aggrieved in her heart, she didn't continue to talk to Qin Luo, but she didn't leave either, she just followed Qin Luo silently.

After walking for a while, she found that she had followed Qin Luo to the outside.

It was still raining outside, but not as much as before.

There is no longer thunder rolling in the sky, and the howling wind seems to have subsided.

The rain was pouring down on the street, and a little light appeared in the thin clouds, reflecting a rainbow in the distance.

Ji Yan asked: "What are you doing out here?"

Qin Luo didn't answer, just pointed to the rainbow in the distance and asked her: "Do you think people can catch rainbows?"

This question made Ji Yan stunned for a moment, and she suddenly remembered that there was a time when they came out of the library management, it was raining outside, and a rainbow was reflected in the sky, Qin Luo also asked the same question at that time.

Although he didn't know why Qin Luo asked again, Ji Yan still gave the same answer as before: "Of course it's impossible.

At that time, Qin Luo gave the opposite answer. He believed that people can catch rainbows.

Ji Yan thought that Qin Luo would still answer this way, but unexpectedly, Qin Luo nodded.

He said, "Well, you're right, people really can't catch rainbows."

Ji Yan froze for a moment, the answer was different from what she had imagined.

She looked up at Qin Luo, and found that he was looking at the rainbow in the distance at this moment, with a lonely expression, and it could even be said that he was a little cold.

This is not at all the same as his previous performance. Ji Yan still remembers that in the situation at that time, when Qin Luo looked at the rainbow and talked, the smile on his face was very sunny and gentle.

Compared with the expression on his face at that time and the him now, it was like two different people.

For some reason, the grievance in Ji Yan's heart quietly disappeared, replaced by an inexplicable fear.

She couldn't help asking: "Are you...are you okay? You really have something wrong today..."

Qin Luo looked at the rainbow in the distance silently, did not answer, and said to himself: "I used to think that people can't catch the rainbow. Just like you said before, the rainbow is just a natural phenomenon. It is made of light, so how can a man catch a rainbow?"

"Later, I felt that even if the rainbow is far away in the clouds and out of reach, as long as one has the heart, the rainbow can be grasped in one's hand.

"But now, my thinking is different. Indeed, no matter what the circumstances, the rainbow cannot be grasped."

As he was speaking, he suddenly turned his head to face Ji Yan, the corner of his mouth curled up, showing a bright smile, and he said: "From now on, I won't catch rainbows anymore.

Ji Yan stared at him blankly, only feeling that the inexplicable fear in his heart was magnified countless times in an instant.

Obviously the face in front of him is so familiar, and that smiling face is as bright and warm as when we got along with each other before.

But for some reason, she felt that the brilliance and warmth were just a disguise.

Intuition tells Ji Yan that Qin Luo's smile is fake.

She felt flustered in her heart, a trace of fear appeared on Qingli's face, and she whispered: "Qin Luo, I don't understand what you are talking about, what's wrong with you? Did something happen to you?"

Qin Luo didn't speak, just looked at her with a smile.

Ji Yan wanted to ask more questions, but at this moment, a beautiful figure walked away.

He came over, and at the same time, there was a cold voice.

"Ji Yan, what are you doing outside?"

Zhang Ru stood in the room, looking at Ji Yan coldly, his cold face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

Ji Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously said, "No, it's nothing."

Zhang Ru didn't ask any further questions, but just gave Qin Luo a cold look, and said expressionlessly, "Come in now, the performance is about to start."

"Oh... oh, here we come," Ji Yan replied, and she carefully glanced at Qin Luo, but in the end she didn't say anything, and trotted all the way to Zhang Ru's side.

She put her arms around her mother's arm and coaxed her mother to smile with a few words.

The mother and daughter snuggled together and slowly returned to the auditorium, bathed in the admiring sights from people.

The cold corridor was empty, separating the auditorium and the outdoors into two worlds.

Indoors, there is the hustle and bustle of the secular world. People come and go, with sincere and false smiles on their faces.

Outside, it was the loneliness of the rain falling silently. Qin Luo raised his head, his deep eyes passed through the rain curtain, and fell on the rainbow in the distance.

Slowly, slowly, the rainbow disappeared without a trace, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water, as if it had never appeared before, leaving no trace of its existence.

Qin Luo wanted to take another sip of the wine in the glass, but found that the wine had been drunk unconsciously.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the side, with slender fingers holding a wine glass, which contained pure foreign wine, exuding a strong smell.

Qin Luo raised his head and saw a woman with a good figure, but her face was covered by big sunglasses.

Her appearance did not surprise Qin Luo too much.

Neither of them spoke, Qin Luo silently took the wine glass, drank the wine in the glass, and sighed a long time.

"It's really hard..."

At seven o'clock, the school celebration party officially began.

"Respected leaders, guests, teachers, and classmates, good evening everyone!"

"It is a great honor to be able to stand on this stage as the host. After years of anticipation, our school once again ushered in the quadrennial celebration party."

"Everyone present here includes the leaders, teachers and students of the school, as well as the graduates who have studied in the school, and there are many successful people from the society.

Together, we will witness this grand ceremony held every four years. "

"I believe that today's school celebration party will definitely leave a very deep impression on everyone here! No matter how many years later, everyone will remember today with

Feeling nostalgic, feeling grateful and satisfied from the bottom of my heart!"

"I announce that this Shanghai School of Finance and Economics celebration party has officially begun!"

"Then, let's invite our first performer to come on stage."

"She is a female singer of the new generation who has made her debut in my country in the past two years. With her outstanding appearance and sweet singing voice, she is rapidly rising.

"During many performances, she left a deep impression on many audiences with her outstanding ability.

"As for her arrival, I believe many people here will feel a little honored like me."

"Because we will have the honor of hearing this singer live today!"

"Not much nonsense, let's invite our new generation of beautiful singer—Linglong, to make a debut!"

[With a bang, more than half of the lights in the auditorium suddenly went out at the same time.

The originally brightly lit auditorium instantly became dark.

However, this did not arouse people's panic and doubts. Everyone knew what would happen next, and looked at the stage with smiles and expectations, looking forward to the next

come to the show.


A beam of bright spotlights shone on the pitch-black stage, where there was no one there because the host had left, a girl appeared at some point.

She was wearing a bright yellow evening dress, like a princess walking out of a castle, gorgeous and noble.

The spotlight hit her body, making the lines of the snow-white fragrant shoulders and collarbone very eye-catching.

Big and bright eyes, a small and delicate nose, and those slender red lips make up her exquisite facial features.

With a frown and a smile, it shows a sweet style.

Most of the people present were amazed by her appearance.

Not to mention those young students, but there are many young and promising social people present, and of course there are some expensive company bosses.

But when the women appeared on the stage, they were still amazed, and then they couldn't help sighing - no wonder they can be stars.

The name Linglong, some people present have heard of it, and some have not, because she is a new female singer who debuted in the past two years. She is popular, but not completely popular, at most she is around the second line,

Not that high profile.

Many people only heard about her name and didn't see her in person. Now that they really saw her, they realized that she was so beautiful in person.

Linglong on the stage is radiant and radiant.

She seems to be a fairy descended from the earth, her every frown and smile is full of confidence and seductive sweetness.

The stage is like her home stadium, as long as she stands there, she can show her charm to the fullest.

The lights turned on again, but they couldn't take away the limelight of the spotlight, making people's eyes always stay on Linglong under the spotlight.

Finally, along with the melodious music, Linglong opened her mouth softly and sang a sweet song.

This is a popular song on the Internet recently, Linglong is the original singer.

The reason why the school invited her was because she was well-known, but the appearance fee was not particularly high.

The second is because the song is widely sung, so they specially invited the original singer.

The third reason is that the entertainment company that Linglong signed is located in Shanghai, so it is easier to find someone, and that company is Rainbow Entertainment.

To sum up, the school finally invited Linglong, and her appearance did not disappoint the school, and easily made the atmosphere of the party lively.

Many students who had never seen anything in the world even flushed with excitement. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, they would even want to sing along with their voices.

Many girls also looked at this scene with envy. To be able to stand on the stage, enjoy the surround of the spotlight and enjoy the eyes of people's longing, that is what many girls have done before.

I had a dream.

When the song ended, many people involuntarily applauded (ma Zhao's), and everyone offered their praise and applause without hesitation.

The girls on the stage smiled sweetly and waved their hands to greet everyone.

She has successfully completed her task, and just a simple song made the atmosphere of the venue lively.

As for the next step, that is the time left for other performers.

After saying a few words, Linglong went back behind the scenes.

There is a space behind the scenes, which is reserved for the performers for final preparations before going on stage.

Everyone was watching Linglong's performance behind the scenes just now, and they were looking forward to running over to ask for autographs after she left the stage. Now that she was back, they naturally rushed over impatiently.

"Miss Linglong, I have liked you for a long time, can you give me an autograph?"

"I really like the song you sang when you debuted!"

"Originally, I was going to sing your song today, but when I heard that you were coming to sing, I changed the song. You sing really well!"

Linglong smiled and dealt with everyone's enthusiasm. She was used to this kind of situation and handled it with ease.

After signing the autographs for everyone, Linglong breathed a sigh of relief, and only wanted to go home quickly so that she could have a rest.

In fact, the invitation from the school is to hope that she can sing a few more songs, preferably an opening song, a dance in the middle, and a performance at the end.

But Linglong only agreed to sing one song at the opening, because she hadn't had a good rest for a long time, and she just wanted to go back to rest early after singing today.

She hurried to the changing room to change her clothes, and was about to leave directly.

"Qin Luo!"

Suddenly, a cute baby voice attracted her attention.

Linglong searched for the sound, but saw a girl in a sky blue princess dress walking towards a boy.

It was a boy in a formal suit. He didn't look very old, but he looked really handsome, and he looked very masculine in a suit.

There is more meat.

At this time, he was sitting in a corner alone, looking at the ceiling in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, even the call of the girl with the baby voice sounded like

Didn't hear Chuang.

Linglong remembered him because he had noticed this boy before he came on stage.

There is no way, handsome people are so eye-catching, even though Linglong is an artist rather than a manager, she also had the idea of ​​bringing Qin Luo into Tianhong Entertainment, or bringing her

The news told the company, let the company send people to dig.

However, she always felt that this boy seemed to be in a bad mood right now, so she gave up the idea of ​​going up to talk, and quickly left behind the scenes, ready to go home.

At this time, a somewhat familiar figure suddenly came into her sight.

Linglong froze for a moment, then laughed, and quietly moved over. .

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