The message Jiang Zhitao sent was very simple, just asking: Are you home yet?

Qin Luo typed: I'm home.

After waiting for a while, Qin Luo didn't wait for Jiang Zhitao's reply, and didn't know whether he saw it or not.

In contrast, Ji Yan has a lot of information.

There are more than ten messages. At first, I asked Qin Luo if he was home, and then asked him if he had dinner. Then he said what he had eaten, and took a photo of Qin Luo’s dinner, saying that her mother celebrated her discharge from the hospital. I took her out for a big meal.

When Qin Luo was reading her news, a new message popped up from behind the house.

She asked: when are you coming back?

After thinking about it, Qin Luo replied: back to school.

Ji Yan replied in seconds: Then there are still two months left, it's been a long time, I won't see you for two months.

Qin Luo didn't know how to respond to these words. Ever since the school celebration party, Ji Yan seemed to be a different person. His previous high-cold image had completely disappeared, and now he had completely become Qin Luo's little fan girl.

Of course, fans are still relatively reserved, as for how to really describe it, everyone knows it well.

But for the current Ji Yan, no matter what he is, as long as he can make Qin Luo change his mind, it seems that no matter how humble he is.

Qin Luo also felt helpless about this, and he had already said everything he could say before, facing Ji Yan's current enthusiasm, he really didn't know what to say.

Ji Yan probably understands this too, but she doesn't care.

After a while, she sent another message saying: But it's okay, it's only two months, it will pass soon, I will wait for you obediently.

Qin Luo: It's getting late, let's go to bed early.

Ji Yan: Well, I'm getting ready to go to bed too. I'm going to sleep listening to the song you wrote today. It's really good. I played it all day today, and my mother also said it was good.

Qin Luo: Good night.

Ji Yan: Good night.

After a while, she posted again: Hey, saying good night like this on the Internet can express what I like, this time I really slept, good night.

Looking at the chat dialog box with her, Toulo let out a long sigh of relief.

I don't know what kind of mood it is, but I feel inexplicably complicated and subtle.

[You have gained Literary Talent +2]

【You gained wit +2】

【You got talent +2】

【You got a perfect video shooting opportunity once】

【You got the perfect recipe】

【You got 500,000 money】

The sudden system notification tone made Qin Luo stunned for a moment.

After reacting, he opened Jia Ting's chat box.

She sent two messages to Qin Luo before, the first message was when Qin Luo and Qin's father were having a drink, she asked Qin Luo if he was home, and then a message from more than ten minutes ago

Ask Qin Lu if he is asleep.

Qin Luo thought about it, and sent a message saying: Not yet, how about you? Are you thinking about that painting again?

It took two minutes for Jia Ting to reply: How do you know?

You thought that what I gave you was a painting, but you didn’t know that it was a fully automatic mining machine... Qin Luo laughed dumbly and said: Guess.

Jia Ting: I just finished washing and I was planning to go to bed, but I couldn't help but look at the painting, wondering if I could finish the painting, but after sitting for more than ten minutes, I still didn't dare to draw. It's very good.

Looking at the messages she sent from 447, Qin Luo seemed to be able to see through the screen that she was holding a pen at her desk, frowning, and finally put down the brush again, sighing softly.

Qin Luo had to sigh, that painting is really easy to use.

Judging from the current rhythm, it is estimated that a lot of resources will be dug up in the future.

Sure enough, the path of sustainable development is the truth.

early morning.

Qin Luo woke up at 5:30, tiptoed out of the room, and found that the house was quiet, and his parents were obviously still asleep.

So he simply washed his face, put on a tracksuit and went out for a morning run.

Exercising is a good habit, and he intends to stick to this habit without the influence of special circumstances.

In the early morning of July, even at 5:30 in the morning, the sky is already bright.

There are not many pedestrians on the street, but at a glance, you can see cars coming and going, as well as sanitation workers in sanitation uniforms cleaning up rubbish on the side of the road.

Qin Luo trotted along the side of the road. When he passed the development zone, he couldn't help but sigh when he saw the high-rise buildings that were either completed or under construction.

I remember that ten years ago, this was a small county that was relatively backward in every way, with no bars, no large shopping malls, and no universities.

However, with the rapid development of society and economy, this small county has caught up with a wave of development.

Perhaps because it is close to the imperial capital and Jinmen, major developers have all set their sights on this small county with backward development but great potential.

So, as if they had made a deal, they all swarmed from all directions, and with a wave of their hands, their wealth was gone, they bought pieces of land, and created new business territories.

In just ten years, there have been three large shopping malls and four large supermarkets in this small county.

A famous university from the imperial capital has also established a branch campus here, thus increasing the population flow and economic development of the small county.

Since the majority of them are young people, many business-minded people seized this opportunity and established entertainment facilities such as bars, KTVs, Internet cafes, etc., which further stimulated market consumption.

Of course, residential buildings are the most built.

In just ten years, those developers are like throwing beans. A residential area is planned in this county.

All kinds of high-end residential buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. No matter where Qin Luo goes, he can almost see residential buildings rising from the ground.

Most of them are familiar, and there are a small number of people who don't know each other. After thinking about it carefully, it suddenly dawned on me, oh, it turned out that it was newly built in the past few months when I was away from home.

He vaguely remembered that some residential buildings were only half built before, but it turned out that a few months have passed, and now they are basically completed. Although no one has lived in them yet, they have already been sold.

Huge banners are hung on the building, and there are large characters on it————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Ten years ago, no local would have thought that housing prices in this small county could soar to such an extent.

Ten years ago, in a small county town, you could buy a house for only about 300,000 yuan. There are also residential buildings in the village more than ten minutes away by car, and you only need 100,000 yuan to buy it in full. (ajdh)

And ten years later, the housing price has doubled several times, and the money that could buy a house back then can only be paid for a down payment, and it may not even be enough.

In just ten years, the house price in a small county has been close to that of a city-level city. When the capital cooperates with the local government, the economic development is really terrible, and the city changes its appearance almost every day.

But in general, this is a good thing for the city and the local people. Although the consumption level has increased, everyone's average income has also increased.

The most important thing is that the housing prices are too high, which greatly increases the value of the houses in the hands of local people. Even Qin Luo’s old residential area without elevators can be sold now.

Ten thousand.

You know, when they bought this apartment for less than 300,000 yuan, now they have been promoted two or three times, which is simply terrifying.

Especially the restaurant opened by Qin Luo's family, it's not a rented facade.

After Qin's father married Qin's mother, the money in his hand was actually enough to buy a good house and a good car.

But in the end he bought a poor house and an ordinary car, and then used the rest of the money to pay the down payment on the facade.

After that, he opened a store and opened a business, while making money to support his family, while paying off the loan of the restaurant and house.

Now that the loan has already been repaid, the restaurant is completely owned by Lao Qin's family.

Even in those days, it was worth a lot of money there, not to mention the soaring housing prices now.

Qin Luo thought so, and was shocked to find that he was still a little rich second generation.

The combined assets of the couple in the family have reached several million, not to mention how much money the parents have saved over the years.

Regardless of the poor living conditions at home and the average car, Qin Luo knows that the business of his restaurant is very booming, "there will be frequent wedding banquets in all four seasons of the decade.

It has been open for a long time, and with its good reputation and great taste, everyone recognizes this restaurant, and they like to go to his restaurant when they have weddings.

After so many years, the profits are naturally extremely considerable.

Thinking of this, Qin Luo suddenly felt very comfortable.

Although he still has tens of millions of deposits in his card, the feeling of being a rich second generation is very different.

Seeing that it was past seven o'clock, he trotted all the way home, bought breakfast on the way, and strode up to the fifth floor, and saw Qin's father squatting at the door smoking a cigarette at a glance.

Father Qin glanced at him, and was about to ask him why he got up so early, when Qin Luo said, "Dad, how much inheritance can you leave me when you die?"

"Puff...cough cough...puff cough cough..."

Qin's father just took a puff of the cigarette, and almost didn't take it up in one breath. He coughed and sprayed, staring as if to shave Qin Luo's scalp.

Qin Luo took a step back and hid on the stairs, and laughed a few times belatedly: "I'll just ask, it's nothing else."

Qin's father waited for a long time before he came over, and finally gave Qin Luo a fierce look, and spat: "You little child, "I'm only in my fifties, and you're looking forward to my death?"

"Aren't I concerned about your body? Seeing that you are so healthy, I feel relieved."

"You are so fucking filial."

Indeed, it is true to be a big filial piety.

The father and son stared at the door for a while, and finally Qin's father threw the cigarette butt on the ground, took out the key, opened the door and entered the house.

Qin Luo followed behind, watching Father Qin slam the door over and shut it with a "bang".

If it weren't for Qin Luo's quick reaction, I'm afraid that his three-dimensional facial features would have to be photographed into a plane.

Qin Luo silently took out the key to open the door, looked at Qin's father blankly, not daring to confront him head-on, and silently said "Old Man", in his heart.

Well, don't say it, it's really filial.

Seeing that Qin's mother didn't seem to get up yet, he put the breakfast on the dining table, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

When I came out, my parents had already had breakfast at the dining table.

Seeing this, Mother Qin waved and shouted: "Son, come over for dinner."

After Qin Luo sat down, she asked curiously again: "What are you doing out so early? You know how to bring breakfast home.

Qin Luo said with a smile: "Isn't it because you are tired of looking at the store every day, and it is rare to come back to take care of you."

Although this sounded like unintentional nonsense, Mama Qin still enjoyed it and said: "As expected of my son, he is great, I know that I love my mother, come, eat a pancake.

As he said that, he made a pancake for Qin Luo.

Yes, it's pancakes, not fritters.

This thing is also a special product in the north. It is made in the same way as the deep-fried dough sticks, except that the deep-fried dough sticks are made one by one, and this stuff is a big cake, like a circle with an extra "well". just eat one

If you are full, you may not be able to finish the meal if you have a small appetite.

Qin Luo used to be the kind who couldn't even finish one, but now it's different, tear off a piece of pancake and dip it in the tofu brain, it's so salty, you can eat three in one meal.

Qin's father on the side watched coldly, sneered at his son's dual-standard filial piety, and said, "Don't change the subject, let me ask you, why did you go so early in the morning?"

"Rob the bank, otherwise what else can I do? Go for a morning jog?" Qin Luo rolled his eyes.

Qin's father was stunned for a moment: "Is the bank open so early?"

Qin Luo: "...Dad, eat pancakes."

Father Qin took the pancakes Qin Luo tore open and handed over. While eating, he took out his mobile phone and searched for the bank's opening time in the morning.

Qin's mother said that her son is awesome, not only looks more and more handsome, but also knows how to exercise, so she rewarded her with a pancake.

Qin Luo felt that after eating like this, he had to increase his physical activity, otherwise, when he returned to school during the summer vacation, the students would be shocked to find that his three-dimensional facial features had become rounder.

After breakfast, the parents were going to the restaurant, and asked Qin Luo if he wanted to go and have a look together.

Qin Luo thought for a while, and there was nothing else to do, so he just followed along.

The location of the hotel is very good, and the facade has been renovated many times over the years, and it looks very beautiful. It has three floors, and the atmosphere is bright and bright.

Qin Luo once heard from his mother that Qin's father almost spent all his family's property in order to get it. For this reason, he took the wedding house to the bank as a mortgage and borrowed some money.

Fortunately, with the development of the county town getting better and better over the years and the flow of people increasing, the business of the restaurant is of course booming.

The current old Qin's family is more or less a well-off family.

When a few people came to the restaurant, there were already many employees working in the store.

The chefs are busy in the kitchen, and the waiters are cleaning the hall and various private rooms.

As soon as they saw Qin's father and Qin's mother, they shouted "Hello boss" and "Madam boss" respectfully.

After that, they would look at Qin Luo one after another, amazed by his appearance, and curious about his identity at the same time.

A few old employees who have worked here for many years knew Qin Luo. When they saw him, they were taken aback for a moment, then looked him up and down, and called out hesitantly, "Xiao Luo?"

Seeing Qin Luo nodding, they were sure that they did not admit their mistake, and then said with a sigh of relief: "It is said that women have changed eighteen times, but I didn't expect that young men will change every day when they grow up. This big city

The city is really good, and a visit can change a lot. "

Qin Luo wanted to complain at the time, I became handsome with my skills, what kind of money do you give to the devil?

Of course, young master, I am naturally beautiful, but if you insist that I became so handsome by digging the mines of the rich school girls in the capital, then I can't help it.

Some young employees who had never met Qin Luo couldn't help but went to the old employees to ask Qin Luo's identity.

The old employee said: "This is our young master, do you understand?"

The employees looked stunned, and hurriedly greeted Qin Luo with a respectful attitude.

Especially some of the young female employees, most of them are between 20 and 30 years old, regardless of whether they are married, divorced, widowed, single, or in love, that guy,

Everyone looked at Qin Luo with lights in their eyes, as if they were going to eat people.

In Shanghai, it is rare for a little girl to take the initiative to ask for contact information, but this is not a common thing in small counties.

In the past ten years, although the economy of the small county has developed rapidly, people's way of thinking has not changed so thoroughly. If a boy strikes up a conversation with a girl on the street, or

Ask the waiter to deliver a few bottles of wine to the table next door to the girl.

When the older generation sees this, they will say that it is a stinking bastard.

If girls take the initiative to strike up a conversation, they won't let people say anything, at most they just snicker a few times, but even so, girls in small county towns are thin-skinned, even though they have unlimited love for Qin Luo.

I have a good impression, but I don't like Yinsi to take the initiative to say something.

Faced with all this, Qin Luo just put on an easy-going attitude, greeted them with a smile, and then looked around, as if looking for something.

It wasn't until a little girl came down from the second floor that his eyes stopped wandering around.

Mi Jiaxuan is wearing a staff uniform today. This is the rule set by Qin's mother in the early years, saying that if the restaurant wants to become bigger and stronger, it must be visualized and standardized.

Regardless of whether it is the storefront itself, or waiters, chefs, etc., they must organize their own image, and all employees will have their own staff uniforms.

The staff uniform of the waiter is very simple, a white shirt, navy blue trousers, and an apron with the name and logo of the hotel on the waist.

It is not as formal and solemn as the suits worn by office white-collar workers, but it is more casual and natural, but it is also natural and casual that are more suitable for restaurants.

Otherwise, you were eating meat and drinking, and suddenly a waiter in a suit came over with wine. Whose friend do you think came to toast?

After putting down the wine and leaving, I realized that it was the waiter who delivered the wine.

Of course, if the slim young female manager walks up in a suit, Isp will definitely like it.

Mi Jiaxuan wearing this employee uniform, although certainly not as exciting as the female manager in a suit, is definitely the most eye-catching cub among all the employees.

Well, here it refers to the figure, the little girl didn't know what to grow up from snacks, she has a surprisingly good figure.

Although Qin Luo has already restrained himself, his eyes can't help but glance at those uneven lines.

Think back to the other women I know, such as Ji Yan, Jia Ting... Tsk tsk, they all belong to the kind of little rich women who own their own airport at a young age.

Of course, it's a bit exaggerated to say the airport, but it's definitely not as good as Mi Jiaxuan's. Even the hot little coquettish girl is just a bad brother in front of Mi Jiaxuan.

If this girl was only based on her figure, she could really proudly write a line on the clipboard: I am not targeting anyone, I mean that everyone here is hot chicken.

Of course, regardless of her figure, the little girl's appearance will be worse.

Humans are visual animals, especially young guys. They don't know how good their bodies are, and they don't know that their bodies are the best breeding base for seafood. They just stare at their faces, so she

When she came down, few of the young male employees paid attention to her.

Occasionally, a few of them would look at her and look away blankly, as if they were quite disgusted.

Qin Luo also understands this quite well. After all, the little girl has a congenital disease, so she can't hear people clearly, and she can't speak clearly herself. She has to rely on gestures and writing to communicate with others.

It's troublesome to listen to, whoever wants to spend time with such a person just communicates.

Everyone is just a wage earner who comes to work, just earn money, and few people really care about other people's physical condition.

Well, Qin Luo is obviously not on this list.

When he saw Mi Jiaxuan, he raised his hand to say hello: "Good morning."

Hearing the voice, the little girl turned her head to look at Qin Luo. She was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head in a panic, and subconsciously stroked the braids on her shoulders with her hands.

It doesn't move on the stairs.

It wasn't until a female employee following her poked her shoulder that she didn't realize it. She bowed her head twice to the female employee, then walked down the stairs quickly and came to Qin Luo


She waved her two little hands and made a gesture that Qin Luo couldn't understand.

Qin's father next to him said, "She said good morning to you."

Qin Luo looked at him in shock: "Do you still understand sign language?"

Qin's father said indifferently: "As a boss, it is right to be sympathetic to employees."

Then the other employees looked at him with reverence, obviously admiring their boss.

Ginger is still old and spicy, but Ning is not the most coquettish. Qin Luo cupped his hands at him.

Mi Jiaxuan seemed to be a little surprised by Qin Luo's arrival, but she didn't say much to Qin Luo. Zhizhi came to say hello and continued to work.

After all, it's working hours, even if she and Qin Ma's relationship is so good that she can be invited home for dinner, but the little girl is obviously a very honest and responsible child, and it won't happen because of this."

I have a privilege" mentality, but still do things seriously.

After Qin Luo's parents entered the store, they didn't pay much attention to Qin Luo, and went to busy with their own affairs. Qin Luo was idle and bored, and flipped through his hands, and a simple magnifying glass appeared.

This is a reward item obtained from mining on the plane—the future market magnifying glass. .

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