A month passed quietly.

This month, the relationship between Qin Luo and Jia Ting has heated up rapidly.

They went to Qindao to watch the sea and swim, went to Sichuan and Sichuan to watch pandas eat hot pot, and went to Tibetan areas to see the scenery and inhale oxygen.

They are like all couples in love, talking and laughing along the way, sweet and greasy.

However, the happy days are always short-lived.

Today is September 1st, and tomorrow they will report to the school.

Although they still have countless opportunities to meet at school, Qin Luo still wants to go on a trip with Jia Ting and put other things aside

On the viaduct in Shanghai, Qin Luo thought about it and suddenly sighed.

Jia Ting asked him: "What's wrong?"

"I always feel that I haven't had enough fun, and there are still many places I haven't been to together," Qin Luo sighed, and then asked jokingly: "Why don't we stop going to class and continue to play somewhere."

Based on Qin Luo's understanding of Jia Ting, although the little girl has a high emotional intelligence, sometimes she is very awkward.

For example, serious things like going to school must be very important to her, so she shouldn't agree to Qin Luo's request.

But to Qin Luo's surprise, Jia Ting nodded and said with a smile, "Okay.

Qin Luo was slightly taken aback, and looked at her in surprise.

Jia Ting said with a smile: "I always feel that I haven't played enough yet."

"Indeed, the month I've been with you feels like time flies by so fast," Qin Luo nodded, thought for a while, and said, "But I'm not in a hurry, I still have to study hard, and soon It’s October 1st long holiday, where shall we go to play then.”

This time, Jia Ting didn't speak, she just watched the cars passing by outside the window in a daze, as if she was already looking forward to "April 17" for the two of them's next trip.

Qin Luo didn't care either, Jia Ting would always let herself go from time to time this month, and Qin Luo was used to it.

When asked what she was thinking, she said that she was thinking about the future and enjoying the future with Qin Luo.

The little girl has a literary atmosphere that ordinary girls don't have, and it's hard for people to resist her words.

When the car was about to drive off the elevated highway, Jia Ting suddenly asked, "Where did you and Ji Yan have their first date?"


Qin Luo was at a loss for words for a while, but he didn't expect Jia Ting to bring this up suddenly, but he replied honestly: "In a shopping mall."

"Oh... what did you do?"

"Drinking milk tea, watching a movie, drawing stone carvings, after dinner..."

Jia Ting listened quietly at the side, and finally put on a thoughtful face and said, "Then let's go to that shopping mall for a date today."

Qin Luo:

Qin Luo was dumbfounded at the time, and looked at Jia Ting in shock, not expecting that she would make such a proposal.

You know, during this month of getting along, Jia Ting never mentioned the matter between Qin Luo and Ji Yan before.

If she didn't mention it, Qin Luo would naturally not say it deadly. After all, women are jealous.

Just because Jia Ting didn't mention these things before, doesn't mean she really didn't care, but just ignored them selectively.

Sure enough, when Jia Ting just arrived in Shanghai today, she suddenly brought up this matter, which made Qin Luo's expression very exciting for a while.

Jia Ting looked at his expression, as if she was amused, and asked, "Why such an expression?"

Qin Luo thought for a few seconds before hesitatingly asked: "You can't be...jealous?"

"Well, a little bit," Jia Ting nodded frankly.

Just as Qin Luo was about to say something, Jia Ting went on to say, "Actually, it can't be regarded as jealous, I just feel very sorry, I regret that the person who was able to be pursued for so long was not me

It's a pity why I didn't meet you earlier. "

"However, although it's a pity, there are ways to make up for it, so I want to do the same thing with you as Ji Yan did... just treat it as a punishment for not falling in love with me first, okay? "

After that, she showed a soft smile towards Qin Luo, waiting for Qin Luo's answer.

Qin Luo naturally agreed without saying anything, and added: "Dating you, how can it be a punishment? This is a reward."

Jia Ting giggled twice: "Glib.

While the two were talking, the car drove off the elevated road and headed towards a shopping mall.

The car slowly parked in the parking space on the ground of the shopping mall, attracting envious eyes from many people along the way.

But compared to the car itself, they had more eyes on Qin Luo and Jia Ting.

Some people even guessed where this star came from. Although they didn't know him, but with his looks and temperament, it will be a matter of time before he becomes popular.

Qin Luo and Jia Ting have long been used to this.

Jia Ting looked around and asked, "Where did you drink milk tea?"

"There, let's go," Qin Luo took Jia Ting to find the milk tea shop that Ji Yan had visited before.

Unlike most girls, Jia Ting doesn't like drinking milk tea very much, saying that drinking too much of this stuff will make her figure lose shape.

She persists in waking up early and exercising every day, but it cannot be ruined by a cup of milk tea.

Having said that, she ordered two cups of milk tea today.

One cup was ordered by Qin Luo. After asking Qin Luo what kind of milk tea Ji Yan drank back then, she asked Qin Luo to order the same cup.

As for herself, she ordered a cup of sweet milk tea.

The two found a corner seat and sat down. As they walked towards the seat, the two little girls at the front desk kept looking at Qin Luo with complicated eyes, and then they got together and whispered.

"I remember that man has been here before?"

"I remember, I remember, but it was two months ago, and the girls around him were not like this at that time."

"Wow, you changed your girlfriend in such a short time, what a scumbag."

"Let's be a scumbag, such a handsome little big brother, I can do it, please come and scumbag me now.

"Smelly good-for-nothing..."

On the corner seat, Jia Ting took two sips of the milk tea in front of her first, then handed the two cups of milk tea to Qin Luo, and said, "Let's see which one is sweeter."

Qin Luo casually took two sips and said, "This cup is sweet."

He was referring to the cup of milk tea that Jia Ting chose herself.

Jia Ting smiled as if satisfied, and asked again: "Then do you like it?"

"Of course I like it."

"Then this will be handed over to you by the milk tea."

Qin Luo:

Seeing Qin Luo's bewildered expression, Jia Ting said with a smile: "I still want to keep my figure, but you are different. No matter how you eat and drink, you will not gain weight. Those who can work harder."

Good guy, you urbanites are too deep in routines.

Qin Luo glanced at Jia Ting with some resentment, and started drinking a cup of milk tea in one hand.

After drinking, the two left the milk tea shop, entered the mall, and went straight to the cinema.

In the dark movie theater, the two sat side by side at the back of the price comparison, each with a glass of Coke, while Qin Luo was holding a bucket of popcorn.

Qin Luo didn't have much thought about going to the movies. During the movie watching process, he spent more time looking at Jia Ting's profile.

Jia Ting has a straight oval face. If her front face looks like a lady of a family living in a simple way, then her side face looks like a lady of the palace with extraordinary temperament.

Suddenly, she seemed to have noticed Qin Luo's gaze, and turned her head around.

The hands of the two approached each other silently, and finally interlocked their fingers tightly, as if wishing that they would never be separated.

Not long after, the two finished watching the movie and walked out of the movie theater.

Like last time, Qin Luo still didn't understand this time, because the movie he watched this time was made by the same director as the movie he and Ji Yan watched last time.

This director is good at black humor and is good at using magical lines to enhance the connotation of the movie.

After watching the entire movie, Qin Luo only had a feeling of ignorance, and the most impressive thing was a line in it.

Translate Translate, what a surprise!

Translate Translate, what a fucking surprise!

I asked you to translate translation, what, called fuck, fuck, surprise!

It's so magical, it's almost the same as the line when the diary was mentioned in the previous movie, it makes people forget it even if they want to.

Then at this time, the surprise came.

Jia Ting pointed to a shop not far away, and said, "That's the shop where you and Ji Yan painted stone carvings before?"

Qin Luo followed her gaze and looked over, not to mention, it was really that store, he saw that the little boy who killed Matt he had painted was still there.

"Yes, head.

Jia Ting couldn't wait to say: "Let's go, I want to paint one too, I haven't played this since I was a child.

When they walked into the store, the clerk was about to say "Welcome" when he looked at Qin Luo with surprise.

Immediately afterwards, she sized Jia Ting and Qin Luo twice, and finally looked at Qin Luo as if she was looking at a scumbag.

"She seems to know you," Jia Ting whispered in Qin Luo's ear.

Qin Luo shrugged helplessly and led Jia Ting to sit on the chair.

Although the employees despised Qin Luo for changing another girlfriend so quickly, they still came over with professional ethics and asked them what they wanted to play.

Jia Ting looked for a while among a large pile of pale plaster dolls, and finally picked a little girl who looked like she was wearing a tracksuit.

Qin Luo wanted to choose a match with her, so he chose a little boy in a basketball uniform.

The two took the plaster dolls they had chosen and painted them in silence.

Jia Ting smeared colors on the plaster dolls in a strict manner according to the illustrations brought by the staff.

Qin Luo is different. He is still the same as before, using fancy colors to paint the little boy's hair in colorful colors. Finally, he paints the boy's jersey with red and the number on the jersey—No. 2 with black.

He quickly painted his plaster doll, then washed his hands and propped his chin to watch Jia Ting's profile.

Jia Ting, a little girl who hadn't finished applying her plaster cast, noticed his gaze, turned her head to look at it, and said with a smile: "You have a personality when you apply it."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly looked at the exhibits left by various guests not far away. Among them was a plaster doll whose color was exactly the same as the one in Qin Luo's hand.

She asked: "Isn't that the one you painted with Ji Yan last time?"

Qin Luo glanced over there, and said with a little embarrassment: "Yes."

"Didn't you take it with you?"


"Then you can take it away this time too, but I will take the plaster doll away."

Qin Luo froze for a moment, then subconsciously asked, "Why?"

Jia Ting didn't want to explain, she just looked expectantly, Qin Luo certainly wouldn't refuse her request, and agreed without even thinking about it.

Not long after, Jia Ting also finished painting her plaster doll.

She asked the staff to put Qin Luo's doll together with the one he painted before, and asked the staff to help pack her own doll.

When leaving the store, Jia Ting kept looking at the doll she brought out, with a light smile on the corner of her mouth.

Shallow smile.

Her appearance made Qin Luo a little puzzled. If Jia Ting really thought of Ji Yan because she came to Shanghai, and she was a little jealous, then she should let him take that plaster doll with her.

That's right.

Why, she won't let herself hold it?

Do you want to completely reenact the content of your previous date with Ji Yan?

Qin Luo shook his head invalidly, and after looking at the time, Qin Luo said: "I won't have dinner here, I've made reservations elsewhere.

"Okay," Jia Ting didn't have any objections, and nodded happily.

They took the elevator to the first floor of the shopping mall. When they walked to the square outside, Jia Ting suddenly said: "Qin Luo, wait a minute."

Qin Luo paused and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Turn around."

"Is that right?"

He turned around and faced Jia Ting.

But just as he was still wondering what Jia Ting was going to do, his sight was suddenly occupied by Jia Ting's face.

Jia Ting didn't open her eyes, but the slender eyelashes were trembling constantly, which seemed to show his inner unrest.

Compared to him, Qin Luo was even more surprised. He never expected that this traditional girl would forcefully kiss him on the street.

1.7 The people around were also shocked by this scene, and they all looked towards the two of them.

In the big city of Shanghai, kissing in the street is not such an embarrassing and embarrassing thing. Some people have lived in Shanghai for a long time, and they are even used to seeing kisses in the subway.

young men and women.

The reason why they couldn't help staring at Qin Luo and Jia Ting was probably because their looks were good enough, otherwise they would be replaced by a pair of ugly ones, and they wouldn't even bother to ask them to look at them.

After a long time, Jia Ting's lifted heels fell back to the ground.

She seemed a little afraid to meet Qin Luo's eyes, and walked towards the position where the car heard in a hurry.

Qin Luo found her shy appearance very interesting, but he knew that the girl had a thin skin, so he didn't take the opportunity to tease Jia Ting, and quickly followed her.

After getting in the car, Jia Ting coughed twice, as if nothing happened just now, she said softly: "Let's go.

"Okay," Qin Luo replied happily, and drove the car away from the shopping mall.

Before leaving, he glanced at the rearview mirror.

The person who appeared in the mirror made him involuntarily stunned.

I'm sorry, this chapter came a little late, it's really uncomfortable physically, from the day before yesterday until now, I have been having a high fever of more than 38 degrees, my limbs are weak, numb and painful, and I take medicine

It doesn't help either.

When I went to the hospital today, the nurse helped me fetch water. In fact, the pain was not difficult to bear. The uncomfortable thing was that I ordered a takeaway at the hospital. The delivery boy looked at me and packed the takeaway package for me.


After hanging the water, I went home immediately and kicked out the manuscript of this chapter. During this period, I was also very dizzy. If the content makes everyone feel dissatisfied, please forgive me. I have tried my best

up. .

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