The golden body is so strong that it can be seen in the dark.

When the big golden fat man appeared on the third floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, all the ghosts went crazy!

There are many kinds of golden bodies, such as the ten-foot golden body, the eight-treasure golden body, and the relic golden body.

Those who have these avatars are all existences that can make people jump when they hear their names, such as Buddha and Jade Emperor.

Chen Qing's two golden bodies are called Yuan embryo golden bodies.

Compared with those powerful golden bodies, it is like a piece of iron embryo. It sounds nice to say that it has infinite possibilities, but it is actually a rough house.

If the strength is strong, it can be refined into the body.

The so-called "invincible golden body" refers to this.

"Wow! What a big Yuan embryo gold body!"

Zhong Kui came uninvited, lying on the Yuan embryo gold body and stroking it.

The ecstatic expression plus the pair of cool eyes,

Guess what? It's so authentic!

All the ghost pets of the wandering soul level were so scared that they lay on the ground and trembled as soon as Zhong Kui appeared.

The evil ghost level was better.

The coroner, the painted skin, and the chaotic court bowed and saluted with a respectful attitude.

But as an evil ghost, the newly promoted water monkey wrapped its long tail around its head and curled up into a ball.

And the hairy zombie was beaten by Zhong Kui, and half of its indestructible hair was plucked bald. At this moment, it was also squatting on the ground, holding its head and trembling.

Not to mention the white bone spirit.

Originally, its ghost energy should be 500-600, but it was beaten to the point where it almost fell apart. Now it has only recovered to 187, with only the upper body of the skeleton piled there, motionless.

"Painted Skin, with these two golden bodies, how much faster can you practice?"

"Master, it can be about three times faster. The big golden fat man can be more than two times faster, and the armless golden body can be 60% to 70% faster."

This is very impressive!

The efficiency of practice has increased by three times, plus the time flow rate has increased tenfold.

A full thirty times!

One day here is equivalent to a month outside.

The ghost energy of all the ghosts has increased a lot, but Zhong Kui is still stuck at 1000.

The total ghost energy value of the twelve ghosts in the Demon Suppression Tower is close to 2300. Logically, Zhong Kui should be around 1150.

But it is already stuck at 1000 and cannot move forward.

Above SSS level... there should be no more, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Qing retreated.

In just one night, the ghostly aura of the princess' ghost domain has increased a lot.

Chen Qing summoned Pegasus with a thought.

A blood-colored porcelain horse taller than Chen Qing.

The night eyes on the horse's knees were made into auspicious clouds, and there were plum blossoms outlined with gold threads on its body. The horse's brisket, saddle, and reins were all golden.

Chen Qing had never ridden a horse before, so he stepped on it carefully.


The Pegasus snorted.

Chen Qing grabbed the reins and silently said in his heart: "Get up!"

The Pegasus took a few steps and soared into the air.


Chen Qing shouted involuntarily.

The fog here was too thick, and Chen Qing only felt circles of fog shattering on his face at a rapid speed.

At this time, a light flashed in the thick fog...

What a huge body it was!

It felt as big as a football field!

The body was shrouded in dazzling golden light, and through the thick fog, the mist illuminated the entire princess ghost domain.

Chen Qing was shocked!

He quickly drove his horse down.

This thing made him feel suffocated!

But he was wondering in his heart. Although it was separated by thick fog, he could vaguely see that it had clear edges and corners, and it didn't look like a living creature.

The vague outline made him think whether it would be a spaceship, UFO or other vehicle...

"Master, I heard of a fierce creature in my early years, called the Big Sun Paper Bird. Maybe it's this."

Paper bird?

Is this also a ghost?

"Master, do you know about paper people?"

Chen Qing suddenly realized!

Suddenly thought of something, "This Big Sun Paper Bird, can't it be an evil spirit?"

"Such a fierce power, it must be an evil spirit."

"Go, go ... The same speed, but different feelings in the sky and on the ground.

Everything around him was rapidly retreating, and all the scenery was pulled into a series of blurred afterimages.

Chen Qing's face was deforming, and waves were rippling.

In just a moment, Chen Qing arrived outside Ximing City.

He didn't dare to be too ostentatious, and there must be big guys in the city now.

He took a taxi at a high price and returned to the base a moment later.

He hid in the third floor of the Demon Suppression Tower to practice, and received a call from Boss Zhu in the morning.

All the pig feed was completed and could be delivered.

Chen Qing paid the freight and asked them to rent a warehouse to store it.

"Chen Qing, you

I didn't know that prices are so outrageous now!"

The monkey got the money the day before yesterday and asked his parents to go shopping, but now prices have more than doubled, and the price of medicines has increased even more dramatically.

The government is trying to maintain prices.

But even if many things are priced at the usual price, the actual transaction price is often several times higher.

No matter what it is, the price will increase as long as the gap reaches 10%.

There are many people buying bulk goods, which will naturally affect all downstream prices.

"Buy even if the price increases tenfold! Money will soon be waste paper."

"Remember, you can even buy a loaf of bread with the 10 million yuan given to you."

The monkey was stunned.

Zheng nodded: "I understand. "

Chen Qing still has a bunch of cards with 10 million in them, but after trying a few times, he couldn't make any large transactions.

And there's not much point in going to supermarkets and other places to shop.

Not to mention that you won't be able to buy much, and if you finally buy a little, you might be targeted.

Even when things are calm, there are conspiracy theorists who plan to end the world.

Although the cover-up was successful, things like community defense and material reserves have long aroused too many people's speculation.

Panic is spreading.

"Chen Qing, today is the last exam. After the exam, the results will be determined and we will be arranged to go to various community war zones. What do you think?"

"Me? Hide at home." Chen Qing smiled and said, "Why spend so much money to build a safe house?"

"I see." Monkey nodded, "Then I'll give up too."

"Oh! I wanted to meet Ji Luo, damn it!"

Coincidentally, Manager Yang called: "Mr. Chen, the safe house is completed. When will you come to sign for it? ”


“I guess you won’t like the signing ceremony, so I didn’t prepare it.”

Chen Qing smiled and said, “Manager Yang still understands me!”

Everything is ready, it’s time to pick up Chen Man.

Passing by the martial arts field, many newcomers were fighting for a few GPAs.

Chen Qing ignored them and found Han Yuan.

Chen Man was there, which made Chen Qing feel relieved.

——Chen Man’s blood and energy are extremely talented. According to Han Yuan, many masters are now very rare.

“Captain, it’s Mid-Autumn Festival, and I have invited several relatives. I have to take a few days off.”

Han Yuan looked at Chen Qing calmly and remained silent.

He knew that Chen Qing knew.

Chen Qing knew that Han Yuan knew that he knew.

“Chen Qing, you are very capable, and this is the time for you to show your skills.”

Chen Qing laughed and said, “Captain, it may not be appropriate to say that you are content with a small fortune here, but I am just that kind of person.”

“I don’t have any big pursuits. "

Han Yuan sighed, "Chen Man is even more wasted."

"Let's wait until he grows up. Now I am his only guardian and he has to listen to me."

"Right, Xiao Man."


Chen Man was born with such a serious expression.

Han Yuan was even more melancholy.

"Forget it, it's up to you." Han Yuan shook his head: "I will teach him the last five punches this afternoon."

"Okay, captain."

Just as he was talking, Gong Huagu came in.

Somehow, Chen Qing felt that Gong Huagu and Han Yuan might have some stories.

The main reason was that the two were deeply bound together because of the Demon Suppression Tower.

The Demon Suppression Tower belongs to Han Yuan, but as a Berserker, Han Yuan cannot contract the Ghost King in the tower.

So the Ghost King became Gong Huagu's ghost pet.

"Captain Gong, good morning."

"Good morning. "

Nodding and passing.


Chen Qing waved to Gu Xing: "Take care, brother."

Gu Xing hesitated and nodded heavily: "Take care!"

Come to Han Yuan's office, he was not there.

Come to the martial arts field, Han Yuan and Chen Man went.

Both of them were covered with blood.

This was the sweat that oozed out when they practiced. If he hadn't seen it in advance, Chen Qing would have been half dead.

"Then take care, captain."

"Yes." Han Yuan nodded: "Take care."

"Xiao Man, tell your master, we are going home."

Chen Man knelt down.

Knelt on the ground, bang bang bang bang heavily three times.

He was stubborn, and each of these three kowtows was like a hammer hitting the ground.

Chen Qing smiled and didn't stop him.

Han Yuan nodded and helped Chen Man up, "You have to practice well at home, understand?"

"I know! "

At that moment, they said goodbye to Han Yuan and returned to the Jiangpan community.

"Why do you need to build so many houses?"

Chen Man asked.

Community defense, several other families are also building safe houses.

Of course, the level is naturally incomparable to Chen Qing's.

Many safe house renovations are even just a door.

When he got downstairs, Chen Man scratched his head, "Is this our building?"



Due to the load-bearing nature, the building was reinforced once in the name of renovation.

Not to mention that it is not recognizable as an old community, it now has a sense of luxurious decoration.

Going upstairs, Manager Yang was waiting at the door.

Canned food, medicines, etc. were signed for one by one.

Chen Qing admired him in his heart, because with the current prices on the verge of madness, the medicines in the pharmacy alone might be enough to buy the entire safe house.

If it were to be even higher tomorrow.

But this guy still delivered as agreed, which was great.

In front of Chen Qing, the decoration keys were destroyed.

And fingerprints, retinas, etc. were recorded.

"Then I wish Mr. Chen peace!"

Arriving at home, Chen Man started to "wow" again.

Of course, he was still expressionless when he wowed.

"Xiao Man, we will be here for a long time~"


After a while, Chen Man started to wow again.

"So many guns? The kind that can kill people?"


Originally, this was to guard against people, but he never expected that the two brothers' strength would improve so quickly. These things may be wasted.

Even if ten big men come now, they are not enough to fight Chen Man.

After thinking for a while, Chen Qing said: "Xiao Man, let's go out and play with you."

Chen Man nodded immediately.

As long as he is with Chen Qing, he is willing to do anything.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines down, and everything is warm to the extreme.

Some aunties in the community are walking their dogs, and some children are playing wildly.

Men are more inclined to talk about the current situation, guessing whether there will be a war.

Coincidentally, Hou Gang and his wife parked their car downstairs, and the SUV was filled with food.

Huang Jian sneered: "You have a lump in your brain to buy things now. Let me tell you, I went to the supermarket today, and a sausage costs 6 yuan! A pack of instant noodles is 12 yuan!"

Chen Qing looked at him calmly, with murderous intent in his heart.

He is Liu Yanhong's husband, and he killed Chen Qing in his previous life. They both contributed.

"Hey, Chen Qing, your family has a safe house. Who are you trying to protect from? Not ghosts, right?"


Everyone laughed.

Chen Qing smiled and walked up to him.

"Oh, don't be angry, kid..."


Chen Qing punched him on the bridge of the nose.

There was a crisp sound of bone breaking.

Huang Jian had already fallen to the ground, covering his nose with his hands and screaming, blood gushing out from under his hands.

Chen Qing wanted to beat him up in the blood moon, but he suddenly thought that it might not be his turn.

Anyway, it's a mess now, and no one will pay attention to him if he calls the police, so he'll punch him a few times to calm down.

Everyone was stunned, pointing at Chen Qing and cursing.

Huang Can didn't know where he came from, and Chen Qing smiled and said, "Xiao Man, beat him up!"

Huang Can always bullies Chen Man because he's older than Chen Man.

How could Chen Man be polite?

A solid punch hit Huang Can's nose!


The nose was sunken, and Huang Can's body flew backwards, without any movement.

Everyone was stunned!

It was totally unbelievable that this was a child's hand! And a dead hand!

Liu Yanhong appeared screaming, and instead of going to see her son first, she grabbed Chen Man.

Chen Man punched again!

Right in the thigh!


The sound of broken bones.

Liu Yanhong fell to the ground with a scream.

Her hands trembled violently, and her mouth opened like a fish, unable to make a sound.

"Well done, you little stinky man."

Chen Qing was happy.

He rubbed Chen Man's head and slowly walked out of the community.

It still looked very calm, but from time to time there were always police cars passing by with sirens blaring.

At the gate of the community, I unexpectedly saw the three familiar homeless children.

Chen Qing waved.

The three of them immediately came over.

The older children were excited, "Who are you going to beat this time?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "Come on, open your pockets."

The three children were stunned, but they all opened their pockets.

The next moment, they were all stunned.

Chen Qing threw money into their pockets one by one!

Ten thousand! Twenty thousand! Thirty thousand...

The three children's faces were flushed and looked at them in disbelief.

The desire for money of such children is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Be careful, don't get robbed. Have fun."

Chen Qing said to himself, because you can only live until tomorrow.

These people without shelter will die first, and these three children will not survive.

Unless there is a miracle.

However, Chen Qing sighed quickly.

I wanted to experience the last fireworks of the world, but it was already a bit chaotic.

I couldn't buy anything good, so I took Chen Man back to the community.

Huang Jian's family was not there, and they said that they couldn't get through to the ambulance, so they were carried to the hospital by several people.

I don't bother to care.

Arriving at the corner of the community, Uncle Xia

Eating biscuits.

He put one hand under his mouth, caught the crumbs, and put them into his mouth.

"Uncle Xia, let's go to my house to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Chen Qing?"

Uncle Xia smiled when he heard the voice, but he was puzzled: "Isn't it tomorrow?"

"You remembered it wrong!"


Uncle Xia was a little confused, but he still followed Chen Qing.

Indeed, the time has not come, but Chen Qing was afraid of accidents, so he simply took Uncle Xia home today.

Arriving at home, Uncle Xia smiled and said: "I originally wanted to take a good shower tomorrow morning. This newly renovated house, once I sit down, I will lose half of my butt."

"Uncle Xia, then you take a shower first?"


Uncle Xia was also straightforward.

He helped him to the bathroom, held his hand to get familiar with everything, and then Chen Qing came out.

I called Hou Gang: "Uncle Hou, is Monkey back?"

"Just arrived! This kid insisted that he didn't want to work in the Ghost Control Army anymore. No matter how I persuade him, he won't listen. Chen Qing, please help me persuade him!"

"No problem, but Uncle Hou, it's Xiaoman's birthday today. Come and celebrate with us."

"Ah? Oh, okay! OK!"

Soon, Hou Gang, Li Qi, and Monkey all arrived.

"Fuck! This is so grand!"

Monkey's eyes widened, "There's also a video game room?! Let me try it!"

"This safe house... I'm afraid it must cost tens of millions, right?" Li Qi looked around, shocked.

"Chen Qing, where are my clothes?"

Uncle Xia shouted in the bathroom.

Chen Qing came to the bathroom door: "That set is smelly, change into this one."

Uncle Xia frowned, but still nodded: "Okay! You kid think I will dirty your new sofa, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

The table was full of hotel meals.

Chen Qing didn't say anything, but came to the door silently. He locked the doors layer by layer.

"Uncle, aunt, sleep at my house for the next three days. There is another floor below, which is enough for living."

Hou Gang's face became serious: "Is it... coming?"

"It should be tomorrow, but I'm afraid of accidents."

Hou Gang nodded with a serious look.

Uncle Xia gradually heard something wrong, "Chen Qing, is there something wrong?"

"The end of the world is coming, we are all staying at home~"

Uncle Xia slapped his thigh, "No wonder! Even the bag of instant noodles and biscuits you gave me was stolen, damn it!"

Finally, he asked again: "What's the meaning of bringing me to your house?"

"What do you mean? We will live together in the future."

Uncle Xia frowned again.

"I want to practice some principles of being a human being. You can only come to tutor my homework."

Tears slowly welled up in Uncle Xia's eyes.

"I have accumulated several lifetimes of blessings to meet you two children."

"Come on, Uncle Xia, eat and eat."

"Monkey, stop playing! Eat first."

"Chen Qing, I don't like fish."

"Then don't eat."

"Is there KFC?"

"It must be there!"

"Chen Qing, I heard today that Xiao Man is very good at beating people. How many people can he beat now?"

The six people are happy and happy.

After a while, they are full of food and wine.

Chen Qing gave Uncle Xia a mobile phone for the blind.

The screen is black, and there is a voice prompt when touching it. It is three times the speed. Normal people hear it all as babble, but the blind have keen hearing and the speed is suitable.

After chatting for a while, Li Qi went downstairs to rest.

Hou Gang and Uncle Xia chatted while watching TV.

Chen Man, Chen Qing and Monkey came to the entertainment room and kept trying various games.

Time passed quickly.

After the three adults fell asleep, Chen Man also drooled and fell asleep on the soft and large sofa in the entertainment room.

Chen Qing stood up: "I'm going out for a while."

"I'll accompany you?"

"No need."

It was already one o'clock.

The whole Ximing City was quiet.

Chen Qing came to the roof, opened the door, rode on the flying horse, and disappeared quickly.

After a while, he came to the warehouse area.

Everything was in place, except for pig feed.

It is very likely that he regretted seeing that everything was rising in price.

I don't know where the ghost energy came from, but this area already has a high concentration of ghost energy.

Soon he found the warehouse, but Chen Qing was stunned.

At the half-closed warehouse door, there were two people lying down, half of their bodies were bitten off.

Looking over, one of them could still be recognized as Boss Zhu!

And the warehouse was filled with smacking sounds.

With one thought, the coroner, the warrior, the hairy zombie, the hanged ghost, and the embroidered girl all appeared.

The warrior used his long stick to pry open the five-meter-high warehouse door, and saw that the warehouse was already full of starving ghosts!

These things pounced on the pig feed, and some of them were eating until their stomachs were about to burst, but they were still eating crazily.

A rough overview

Look, there are more than thirty of them.

"Kill them!"

The coroner gently slashed his hands, and the bodies of the two starving ghosts that were rushing over suddenly broke into pieces, and the bodies fell all over the ground. One head rolled to the side of Chen Qing with the momentum.

There were a lot of them, but their levels were not high enough, and they were far from being worth looking at.

In a moment, all the starving ghosts were killed.

Chen Qing put all the pig feed in the warehouse into the Demon Suppression Tower.

He went to each address one by one and put away the other pig feed.

As Chen Qing's soul power increased, the range of the Demon Suppression Tower became larger. If it was before, it would probably take several hours.

Unexpectedly, I came across a warehouse filled with hundreds of thousands of umbrellas.

Although I couldn't think of any use for them, I took them all.

As if he had found a treasure, Chen Qing collected everything from one warehouse to another.

There was a warehouse of firefighting equipment, with a considerable amount of diesel and gasoline, as well as hair dryers, electric saws, and lime bombs for extinguishing fires, but he didn't even look at them.

There was another warehouse full of unassembled bicycles, which were covered with a thick layer of dust, but they were still accepted.

There were also clothes packed for foreign trade, piles of toys, Wangjin pieces, etc.

During this period, there were a few corpses from time to time.

It took three hours to sweep the entire warehouse area on Pegasus.

Even though most of the warehouses were empty, there were already a lot of strange things in Chen Qing's magic tower.

However, at this time, Chen Qing didn't know why, but he always felt a palpitation in his heart.

This feeling became deeper and deeper.

There was also a warehouse area in the west of the city, and he originally wanted to sweep it, but he didn't hesitate at this time and flew back home directly.

He opened the vents used for ventilation in the family farm on the roof, and stacked a small half of the cultural relics in the warehouse here.

—— The space is limited and can't hold so many.

The monkey didn't sleep, waiting for Chen Qing.

Chen Qing simply didn't sleep, and played games with the monkey.

The two cooperated to pass four or five levels.

Gradually, the two found something wrong.

It was already six o'clock in the morning, but there was no sign of daybreak.

The wind gradually rose, and from time to time one or two whispers reached the ears.

There was an indescribable chill in the sky in August.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark.

And the moon had a few bloodshot threads.

It was like a bloodshot eyeball hanging in the sky.

Chen Qing raised his head and murmured: "The blood moon... is finally here."

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