Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 28 A chance to become a disciple of the master in the academy

"I would like to hear the details." Ci Song said lightly.

"Because Yan Sheng Academy plans to recruit you to enroll." The figure said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Ci Song couldn't help but be stunned. What happened that he was specially recruited? Could it be that his father and wrong grandfather worked hard to find a relationship for him?

"Please come with me."

"There must be a reason why I was specially recruited to enroll, right?" Ci Song said curiously.

The figure did not reply immediately, but suddenly turned around and flew towards the center of the square. In the dark night, his figure was like a black smoke, which made Ci Song feel dizzy.

Ci Song hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to follow.

Ci Song followed the figure, walked through the center of the square, and then walked towards the interior of Yan Sheng Academy.

Inside Yan Sheng Academy, passing through one school pavilion after another, Ci Song followed Mo Nu to a main hall. There was a huge sculpture in the main hall, which was the statue of Confucius. Under the statue of Confucius, there was a Behind the long table are rows of seats. This is the Dean's Pavilion of Yan Sheng Academy.

After the figure entered the Dean's Pavilion with Ci Song, he raised his hands to the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi sitting in the middle and said, "Dean, I have brought him back."

"I know, you can go back."

The man in green waved his hand slightly, letting the figure leave.

Ci Song raised his head and looked at the gentle middle-aged man in front of him. He was dressed in Tsing Yi, with picturesque features. He exuded a calm and elegant aura, as gentle as jade as a scholar, but also Some people are afraid to get close to them.

The man in green looked at Ci Song and said calmly: "Ci Song, I know you have many doubts in your heart, but I can't give you the answer. Now you only need to answer me one question."

As soon as these words came out, Ci Song couldn't help but be stunned and looked at the man in green in confusion.

"Are you willing to join Yan Sheng Academy?" The man in Tsing Yi said calmly.

"I do." Ci Song agreed directly. Wouldn't he be a bastard if he didn't take advantage of the joke? No matter what the reason is, it is a good thing that he can enter the academy.

"Since you are willing, then kowtow to Kong Sheng."


However, just as Ci Song was about to kneel down, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from outside the hall.

"Are you sure you will accept him as a student in our academy?"

As the sound rang out, a man in white robe suddenly floated in from outside the hall. His face was covered with a mask, making his face unclear.

"I've decided, don't stop me." The man in green looked at the man in white and said calmly.

"Aren't you afraid that this boy will destroy the entire literary world like his sinner father?" the man in white robe asked.

"Are you saying this too harshly? Ci Qibai only misinterpreted the teachings of Confucius and did not do anything harmful to nature. You know this." The man in green said calmly.

"Whether what happened back then was a misinterpretation or someone did it deliberately, you should know better than me." The man in white robe said slowly.

"Okay, let's not mention what happened back then. Kong Sheng believed that everyone should be taught without distinction. Even if this child has a special background, as long as he is talented enough, he can join our academy." The man in Tsing Yi said calmly.

The man in white robe looked at the man in green robe, and after a long time he sighed, turned around and walked out of the hall.

"You are very good. I hope his arrival will not bring destruction to our Yan Sheng Academy."

Before leaving, the man in white robe said something, then opened the door curtain and walked out.

In the main hall, the man in green looked at Ci Song and said slowly: "Ci Song, from today on, you will be a student of my Yan Sheng Academy."

"Yes." Ci Song said respectfully, but he began to complain in his heart, "This is too simple, isn't it? The entrance ceremony of the dignified Yan Sheng Academy is just kowtow twice?"

Moreover, from the conversation between the dean and the man in white robe just now, Ci Song heard that his father seemed to have done some terrible things in the past. The man in white robe and mask actually called him a "sinner". It seemed that he was old to him. Dad hates it very much.

However, Ci Song couldn't understand. His father's gentle, gentle and elegant temperament made him look like an honest man.

"I am the current dean of Yan Sheng Academy, and my surname is Yan." The middle-aged man introduced himself.

"Student Ci Song has met Dean Yan." Ci Song came back to his senses and saluted the person in front of him.

"You wait here first. The gentlemen in the courtyard will come here soon to give you a test. You must fully demonstrate your talents, otherwise you will lose this precious opportunity." The man in green said calmly.

"Students are stupid, Dean, what are the precious opportunities you are talking about?" Ci Song asked rhetorically.

"An opportunity to become the personal disciple of the gentleman in the courtyard."

"Becoming Mr.'s personal disciple?" Ci Song was surprised. What does this mean?

This means that you can directly rise to the top, become a core figure in the hospital, enjoy more and better resources, and listening to Dean Yan’s tone, it seems that your husband’s level is not low, so as a direct disciple, the teachings he received must be extremely High.

However, what exactly did he do to make Dean Yan value him so much? Could it be that his father really exerted his strength?

Ci Song was filled with doubts.

"Okay, I've finished what I need to say." The man in green said indifferently.

After finishing speaking, the man in green turned and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Ci Song was the only one left in the hall.

Ci Song was puzzled and could only suppress all his doubts in his heart.

About half an hour later, a melodious bell sounded outside the hall.

As the bell sounded, the two doors of the hall suddenly opened, and a group of men in Confucian robes slowly walked into the hall.

The ages of these gentlemen were different. The oldest looked to be in his seventies or eighties, while the youngest looked only in his thirties. Ci Song checked and found that there were thirty-six of them.

However, each Confucian scholar had a unique temperament, which was a kind of elegant temperament cultivated by years of hard study of poetry and books.

There was a long table in the center of the hall, and behind the long table were some seats. All the gentlemen took their seats one by one after entering the hall.

Among these people, Ci Song saw a familiar figure, the old man who had supervised his two exams before, Ning Ping'an.

He sat in the center of the whole place where Dean Yan originally sat. The other gentlemen were also respectful to him. It seemed that his status should be the highest among these gentlemen.

However, after these gentlemen sat down, their first reaction was to look at Ci Song, and began to whisper to each other.

"Ahem, everyone, please be quiet. The dean asked us to come here today just to see if this child's talent can be passed down."


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