Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 321 The fake beads made by my father put

"No, they are chasing you because they want to take it for themselves, and we want to see your Wen Lun Orb, we are just curious."

Ci Song didn't explain too much. He didn't want to put too much pressure on the young man in front of him. After all, the real Wen Yun Pearl was in his own hands, and the fake bead in the young man's hand was not of much use to him.

Immediately afterwards, Ci Song shot a ray of talent on the young man's body to treat his injuries, and then said: "The reason why I am still here to discuss with you is because we are not evil people. If we really want it in your hands, That bead, do you think you still have a chance to talk to us now?”

The young man felt that his body was gradually recovering, and he also heard the threat in Ci Song's words. However, Ci Song's words did make sense. Since he already knew the existence of the Wen Yun Orb, he could kill himself and search his body. But he didn't do that, instead choosing to discuss it with himself.

"In that case, let me show it to you."

The young man took out a fist-sized jade ball from his arms and handed it to Ci Song.

Ci Song took the jade ball and felt a majestic talent rushing out of the jade ball, washing away his talent.

"This bead does seem to have something."

Ci Song sighed, and then began to observe the jade ball in his hand.

The surface of this Wen Yun orb is engraved with densely packed words. These words are golden and shine with dazzling light under the sunlight.

"Why do I feel like I have seen these words somewhere?"

Zhuang Diemeng looked at the inscription on the Wen Yun Orb and asked.

"have you seen?"

After hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Zhuang Diemeng, and Ci Song also pointed the beads in the direction of Zhuang Diemeng. Zhuang Diemeng said: "I remembered, the words inside this bead are the small seal script of the Daliang Kingdom! "


Ci Song originally thought that Zhuang Diemeng would make some major discovery, but he didn't expect that she would just make a big discovery.

"Sister Diemeng, we are all from Daliang, so we naturally know that this writing is the small seal script of Daliang." Mo Yao reminded from the side.

Zhuang Diemeng touched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Oh, I almost forgot, you guys are from Daliang."

Ci Song also compared it with the Wen Yun Orb in his Dantian and found that the appearance of this Wen Yun Orb and the aura it exuded were very similar to the Wen Yun Orb in his Dantian.

"Teacher, what is the situation with this bead? Is it true or false?" Ci Song asked Ning Pingan.

"Of course it's fake. The real Wen Yun Pearl will never directly improve the cultivation of others. As for this bead, speaking of it, it was the same thing that your father, I, and my senior brother put a lot of thought into. It was condensed so that its appearance is indistinguishable from the real Wen Yun Orb. In addition, your father extracted a trace of Wen Yun from the real Wen Yun Orb and added it to it, so that he could deceive the people in the Master's Hall back then. "

"Of course, even if this is not a real gem of literary luck, it is still condensed from many semi-holy treasures. Adding a hint of literary luck will also be of great benefit to literary practice."

"I see. No wonder I feel that the aura it exudes is almost the same as a real Wen Yun Orb. It turns out it has such an origin."

Ci Song suddenly realized that just from the appearance, it was indeed difficult to distinguish it from the real Wen Yun Pearl. The moment he first got it in his hand, Ci Song thought it was the bead that had escaped from his body.

"It's almost done. I'll give it back to you." Ci Song handed the fake Wen Yun Orb in his hand to the young man. "


The young man looked at Ci Song in front of him, a little at a loss.

"What? You don't want it anymore?" Ci Song said jokingly.

"No, I..." The boy scratched his head, "Did you really give it back to me?"

"What's wrong? I told you we were just taking a look, and I didn't say we wanted to seize the treasure."

"My name is Zhang Wencheng, Korean."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and introduced himself. This bead was extremely important to him. It could even be said that it was his only hope for survival.

"Ci Song, this cold handsome guy is Brother Ning, this beautiful woman is my wife Mo Yao, and this short man is called Zhuang Diemeng." Ci Song also briefly introduced.

"You are the short one!"

Zhuang Diemeng looked like he was showing his teeth and claws, and glared at Ci Song fiercely.

"Don't go up the mountain. We are entrusted by Mr. Xu to kill anyone who goes up the mountain." Mo Yao warned.

A trace of sadness flashed in Zhang Wencheng's eyes, and he said: "Of course I know this truth, but I have no way out. I came here just to die with dignity."

"Oh, I was originally proud to be a disciple of Confucianism, but I didn't expect that those lecturers who usually talk about etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and trust would be so crazy and ignore etiquette and law in order to obtain the orb of literary fortune. I really didn't expect that Confucianism In their eyes, doctrine is no more than a pearl.”

Zhang Wencheng was a little excited, as if he wanted to release all the resentment in his heart these days.

"If there was really no other way, I wouldn't come here, but those people, in order to get the Wen Yun Orb, killed everyone in my family. If I hadn't broken through the realm of scholar a few days ago, I would have died in their hands. "

Zhang Wencheng became more and more excited as he talked, his eyes were red and his expression was painful.

"Every man is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. Don't you know such a simple truth?"

Zhuang Diemeng looked at the boy in confusion. This truth should be learned from childhood. Even she, who was entering the world for the first time, knew it. Why couldn't this boy understand it?

"But don't Confucians always put 'benevolence' first and regard themselves as 'gentlemen'? Everyone says that Confucians are a group of people who care about the world, but I didn't expect..."

Zhuang Diemeng was slightly stunned, "Benevolence?"

"This world has long been rotten. Those people are not worthy of calling themselves Confucian disciples."

Zhang Wencheng was emotional, and his hands were clenched into fists, as if he was going to crush something.

"If one day, I have the power, I will definitely eradicate all those hypocrites who are full of benevolence and morality."

Zhang Wencheng's words became more and more radical, but his tone became calmer and calmer.

Looking at the boy like this, Ci Song and others had no right to say anything.

After a long time, Ci Song finally spoke up to break the silence, "What excuse did they use to hunt you down? Why did they kill your fellow disciples?"

At this time, Zhang Wencheng's heart had calmed down a lot. He nodded and said, "Yes, but these are all frame-ups. I don't even know who I killed."

. . . . . .

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