Congratulations on Your Arrest

Chapter 163: A Preliminary Understanding of Strange Demons

  Chapter 163 Preliminary Understanding of Strange Demons

  Kyoto, Nuo Da’s Peach Palace Dojo is overcrowded, but it seems unusually quiet, just like under the turbulent water surface before the eruption of a submarine volcano, there are countless turbulent undercurrents lurking.

  At a certain moment, countless eyes of astonishment looked at the competition that had ended in the middle of the dojo, and a layer of moistening red rain was sprinkled on the luminous floor.


  Something fell heavily on the floor.

  The next second, the shouts of panic and angry scolding were instantly suppressed by the sentence "Weixin can't beat this with a knife, who else dares to come up to die?"

Tao Gonglin was also standing in the corner, and through the gap between the figures of senior brothers and sisters who seemed to be frozen in place in front of him, he saw that figure who always had a serious face after the death of his mother collapsed in a pool of blood middle.

  Momiya Haruzang's neck was cut open with a huge blood hole, and the gurgling blood flowed out continuously.

At the moment of dying, he seemed to be struggling to raise his head, looked in the direction where Taogong Linye was, and opened his lips that were constantly choking with blood, as if he wanted to say something, but after all, he couldn't say anything. Unable to speak out.

   Tao Gonglin also stared blankly at this scene, which seemed familiar.

  In this scene, I seem to be afraid

  He was more frightened than anyone else, curled up and hid in a corner, trying not to let others discover that he was a cowardly and incompetent son.


  A feeling of grief, anger and shame suddenly welled up in my heart.

   Tao Gonglin also suddenly rushed forward like crazy, his heart seemed to be on fire!

  He wants to avenge his father, even if he dies by the opponent's sword.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, he was dragged by brothers and sisters rushing from all directions, struggling, resisting, and biting.

  Like a cub trapped in a cage,

  Looking helplessly at the sneering smile at the corner of Gaius Rhine's mouth.

  At this time, Tao Gonglin also looked down, and was shocked to find that his arms were slender and weak, very much like his sixteen-year-old self that year, and time seemed to go back in time.

  He was terrified in his heart, and when he raised his head, Gaius Rhine, who killed his father Haruzo Momomiya, separated from the crowd at some point and stood in front of him.

  He held up the long sword stained with his father's blood, and stared at himself with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

  The horrific wind pressure fell, and she was restrained in place and unable to move, Tao Gonglin also closed her eyes in despair.

next moment,

  He suddenly felt a little warm on his face.

Slowly opened his eyes, a black-gold double-edged ancient knife pierced Gaius Rhine's neck in front of him, and a **** arrow spurted out. The sword holder at the end of the double-edged ancient knife was a man wearing red Blue isometric patterned fox mask figure.

  Gradually, Gaius Rhine's facial features began to slowly rot away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a sense of nausea surged from the bottom of his heart to his throat.

  Momogong Lin also subconsciously wanted to retreat.

  At this time, someone seemed to hold his hand, and a vague shout came from his ear.


  Tao Gonglin also threw away the opponent's hand suddenly, he wanted to back up, but the feedback reflected on his body was that he suddenly woke up from the bed and sat up at this moment.

  White curtains swayed gently at the window, and the glare of the sky after the rain came in from outside, and the sounds of nurses walking in the corridor could be heard in my ears.

   Immediately afterwards, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a doctor in a white coat walked in.

  The other party walked to the hospital bed where Taogong Linye was, inquired about the recovery of all aspects of the body, wrote something casually and pasted it on the head of the bed, left the ward with a sentence of "take care of rest".

  Oh, by the way, it's the ward.

  It took more than three seconds for Tao Gonglin to realize that he is lying in the ward now, not in the dojo where the blood flowed all over the floor many years ago.

"Momiya-san, last night you passed out after seeing the body of the Seventh Judgment Envoy. The people from the Judgment Department later took over the scene. They thought you were suspected of collaborating with the fox-faced man, so you were the same as those on the pedestrian street last night. Those who survived were sent to this hospital together."

   Speaking of this, Kyogoku Kawasui's face was a little angry, but more helpless.


  Unexpectedly, Tao Gonglin didn't ask when he could go out, but just thanked him lightly, and slowly leaned back on the hospital bed again.

  He raised his head and stared at the snow-white ceiling in a dazed manner, remembering many things, and the thirty-year revenge of patricide completely melted away.

  But why is there no such thrill of revenge? Probably not able to personally kill the enemy.

  But thinking of the miserable half of Gaius Rhine’s corpse on the ground in the darkness last night,

  Thinking of the enemy who made him reflect on himself three times a day, he has completely and forever left this world.

  That's enough.

  The silver-haired old man Kyogoku Kawasui who was sitting by the hospital bed looked at Momomiya Rinya's reaction. He knew the shadow that the son of an old friend had lived in for the past thirty years.

  At this moment, seeing that the other party has finally let go of the shackles that have been getting heavier and heavier for thirty years, I feel a little relieved for a while.

   But thinking of the incomparably difficult things that happened last night, Kyogoku Kawasui couldn't help but slightly frowned again, glanced at Momogong Lin and said:

"The [Lion King] handed down by the Taogong Dojo was taken away by the Judgment Department last night. In the past, there were some things you didn't want to talk about, and I didn't want to ask too much, but this is the end of the matter. I have a few questions. Can you answer me?"

  Hearing what Kyogoku Chuansui said, Momogong Lin lowered his eyes slightly, and after a while he slowly raised his head, looked directly at Kyogoku Chuansui and said:

   "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know what happened to your knife, and what was the weird sky released by the sky tree radio tower last night?" Kyogoku Chuanmi asked straight to the point, "Why did I Those innocent people who lost control can feel the breath very similar to your knife."

  Faced with such a blunt question, Tao Gonglin also stayed silent for a longer time this time than before.

   After a while, he took a deep breath and said slowly:

   "Have you heard of strange demons?"

   "Yes." Kyogoku Kawasui nodded.

   "I have read sporadic rumors about strange demons in some unofficial histories that record strange things and anecdotes, but there is no evidence to test them. What do you mean?"

   "The strange demons are real.

  My great-grandfather was the human who you read about in Unofficial History a hundred years ago in Wano Country who possessed the 'demon sword' and died in the hands of the Nine Masters of Heaven and Man. "

  Taogong Lin also said this, took a deep breath, and said softly, "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to explain why so many people suddenly gained abilities and lost control like they were crazy."

   "Are these caused by strange demons?"

   "I guess so."

   "Then your sword."

   "Strange demons will not only descend on humans, but also descend on some utensils that can attract them."

Tao Gonglin also explained in a slow voice, "These tools. I call them [magic tools]. Not only do they have strange abilities that are not in the talent sequence, they even have their own fighting consciousness and desire for blood. Consciousness will affect the owner who owns [magic tool], making it bloodthirsty and warlike.”

  Hearing Momomiya Rinya's words, the well-read Kyogoku Kawasui thought of the record about "Demon Sword" he had read in that unofficial history again.

   Could it be that what Taogong Lin also said is true?

  Those records were not groundless, but real events that happened to his great-grandfather?

  Thinking of this, Kyogoku Kawasui suddenly understood why the Celestial World Government and the Judgment Department paid so much attention to the matter of the Sky Tree this time.

  In the past, the death of a seventh adjudicator made the world government and the adjudication department must be furious and questioned Wano high-level officials overnight.

   Wano Country’s top management will also quickly put pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department, asking them to launch a futile search in the city to find the man behind the mask.

  But from last night to now, the murderer who assassinated the Seventh Judgment is currently only a repeated carousel on the news channels of major TV stations, as in the past, the useless wanted and rewarded.

Whether it is the Judgment Department or the Metropolitan Police Department stationed in Wano Country, they have been working hard around the closed sky tree to eliminate the traces of last night, and all the ordinary people from the square were escorted to the hospital for detention and observation. , Reporting the physical condition of those people three times a day, which is full of very abnormal breath.

  Jingji Chuanshui came to his senses, and said incredulously, "You mean that those illusory strange demons are of high value in the eyes of heaven and man? Even higher than the death of the seventh adjudicator?"

Tao Gonglin also shook his head, "It's just that strange demons who have descended into human beings and turned into innate abilities are of course not enough for the heavenly beings to pay so much attention to. What they really pay attention to is the [boundary] in the sky tree radio tower, that fan If the door can be opened for the first time, it can be opened for the second time, releasing more strange demons that can descend into ordinary people, most of them will die, but if they can survive it, it will be a new life. No, symbiosis."

   "Is that door?"

   Kyogokukawa muttered to himself.

  Tao Gonglin also continued, "You should know that it is extremely difficult to improve the levels of ability users, and when they reach a certain bottleneck, they have been standing still for more than ten years, even the strongest of heaven and man cannot avoid it.

  However, some double-talented ability users often learn by analogy, and even fuse new abilities to improve themselves. "


Kyogoku Kawasui said doubtfully, "We were all under the tower last night. If the illusory things that fell from the sky were strange demons, their choices seem to exclude existing capable people. So far, last night, there is no ability are affected.”

   "Is it unreal?"

  Tao Gonglin also paused, and suddenly said with a trance in his eyes, "Those things... haven't always been illusory."

"What's the meaning?"

  Kyogoku Chuan Shui was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized something, and asked with an incredulous face, "You mean those strange demons also have their own entities?"

From the time Momogong Rin also stopped hiding anything from him until now, Kyogoku Kawasui has always understood the "strange demon" that Momogong Rinya said as another "form" of innate ability, and there may be something hidden behind it. There are some unknown secrets for thousands of years.

   But it is hard for him to imagine that strange demons, or abilities, such as [Red Flame] of his talent sequence 31, can have their own physical form, even intelligence and thoughts

  What will happen then?

  A talking red flame?

Noticing Kyogoku Kawasui staring at him in shock, Momogong Rin, who was leaning against the hospital bed, nodded slightly, and said softly, "That's right, when the time comes, it's not they who choose you, but you who choose them, As long as you dare... step through that door."

   "What door?"

   "Boundary Gate."


  The ward suddenly fell silent.

   "Amazing! Higashino heard that you won the 'Dou Zhan Wulian Slash' last night, and beat the first graders in Kyoto to the bum, and they were defeated."

   "Tsk tsk tsk! That's amazing! Your kid should be almost at the third level now, right?"

   "By the way, why didn't you come back together on the school bus last night? I waited for you at school to celebrate."

   "Hiss—! I read the news last night that there was a big turmoil under the Sky Tree. Captain Dragonfly killed another Adjudicator, tsk tsk! This time I'm afraid I'm going to offend the Adjudicator to death."

"By the way, I heard that many people were bewitched by unknown 'spiritual ability' disturbances to attack the black-robed enforcement team last night. I saw some photos circulating on the Internet, and those black-robed enforcement teams of the Judgment Division really killed people. How can it be repaired. These bastards!"

   "But it seems that the ability users are not affected too much, so I'm not too worried about you hehe."


  No matter how terrible the disaster

   It was still a brutal and **** massacre.

  If you don’t come to the scene in person, it’s hard to feel the soul-shaking fear, which is why there are many online keyboard warriors.

   Higashinohara arrived at school today. As soon as the morning meeting was over, the muscular man Hayato Aida at the back table made a noise in the back of his head. Many classmates who were not able to go to the scene last night were also discussing enthusiastically.

   Only snatched a few words from the news, they obviously couldn't understand the horror of the **** suppression under the sky tree last night that even the rain couldn't wash away the blood.

  However, Higashinohara would not stand on some moral high ground and say something.

  If his life path hasn't changed since he came to this world, he might be discussing what happened last night with enthusiasm like the people around him.

   "Eh? Why haven't I seen you for a day, your shoulder is getting stronger and stronger, and you still have this muscle"

   "Take your hand away." Higashinohara was slightly taken aback, and slapped it down expressionlessly.


   "Hiss!" Aida Hayato shrank his hand immediately after being patted, and looked at Higashinohara Michi with some surprise in his eyes, "Higashi, how did your hands become so powerful?"

   "I have a bigger one? Do you want to try it?"

   "Uh, no, no, no."

  After raising [Physique] to 30.5 last night, it is now roughly equivalent to a third-level physical system ability user.

  His figure is slim in clothes. If the clothes are not too slim, no muscle lines can be seen, but compared with the past, the whole person is still full of a hidden sense of strength.

  After getting rid of Hayato Aida's harassment, before class, Higashinohara's consciousness sank into the [Crime Manual] again.

  Continue to use the [Character Image Dissection] to practice swords in the brain and improve the [Wuwu Yidao Style] just obtained last night.

Although Hayato Aida's speech is incoherent, at least he is right about one thing - that is, after beheading two adjudicators of the Judgment Division, he can be regarded as completely destroying the "sword and sword" directly under the world government, the highest authority in the world. The former in "Sword" was offended to death.

  Even from last night to now, New Tokyo did not seem to have taken any large-scale raids and arrests like last time, but Higashinohara knew very well that this was just a brief calm before the superficial storm.

  As the world government, in addition to the means of war, it directly deters more than 300 allied countries and directly subordinates to the judicial enforcement agency.

  If the Judgment Division doesn't handle Wano Country well, the consequences will undoubtedly be unacceptable to them.

   It is precisely because of knowing this that Higashinohara's heart is filled with a strong sense of crisis.

  So even until this morning, Higashinohara’s physical and mental state had not fully recovered, but on the way to school by tram and during the morning meeting, he continued to practice "sword training in the brain" without interruption.

   It's just that the result is not very gratifying.

  Wugo One-Sword Style, the drop of the eighth-order demigod-level ability user, after all, is a more exquisite and profound ancient style of swordsmanship than the Kodachi Two-Sword Style that was obtained from Kusao Masato.

Among the seven types of swords, he has only brushed up the two types of [Dragon Scroll] and [Onikiri], and his proficiency is only (1/10) elementary level. There is no hope of improving it to 2/10 today, and the other five types still have to be completed. Back row.

  As for the secret technique of Wuwo One Sword Style [Wuwo Mirror Heart] and the secret secret [One Sword Asura].

   The proficiency has moved, but compared to the denominator of 1/100, it is still about the same as not moving.

  At this speed, it will take more than three months to brush one point a day. The premise is not to consider the stagnation of the staged bottleneck after the proficiency of the Kodachi two-sword style was raised to 50/100.

  If Higashinohara was in the peaceful and prosperous age of his previous life, he would not be in a hurry if he squatted at school.

  But now that the incident under the Tokyo Sky Tree broke out, he feels that Wano Country is about to storm, and staying at school may not be safe, so he can't help being impatient.

   You have to find a way to improve your strength as soon as possible.

  Thinking about this, Higashinohara's eyes suddenly fell on the origin point with a value of 0 in the column at the bottom of the personal panel on the title page of [Crime Manual].

  When he obtained the ability to unlock the title of [Follower of Justice] [Decomposition], he seemed to vaguely remember that skill proficiency can also be improved through source points.

The issue is.

  Where to get the source of power?

   Ask for a ticket lol~



  (end of this chapter)

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