Congratulations on Your Arrest

Chapter 214: World Breaker, King Kong VS Hulk! (Down)

  Chapter 214 World Destroyer, King Kong VS Hulk! (Down)

   A few minutes ago,

   The lost **** world.

   Insert it obliquely under the Pearl Tower in the sky, and when the anchor point is activated, the [Boundary] gate will be reorganized on the original basis to form a new passage.

The pure "energy body" rotates like a tide, forming a huge vortex at the [boundary]. The scene in front of the eyes with a blue light makes people can't help but think of the scene under the sky tree more than a month ago .

That night, the magnificent sky spread out in all directions centered on the Sky Tree, and sent an incomparably mighty "benevolence" to the people in the Sky Tree business district who hadn't had time to evacuate, but in fact it became the sky. The fuse of the tree bleeding night.

  At this moment, in the deadlocked situation, Nanami Kenjiro is undoubtedly a person who has fully experienced that night.

  His gaze under the sunglasses took a deep look at the blue [boundary] gate formed under the Pearl Tower, and he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

  These invisible, pure and incomparable blue abilities are undoubtedly more terrifying than they looked more than a month ago.

  It’s just that on the other side of the [Boundary] gate, the entire business district around it has been closed, and it is estimated that only people from the Judgment Department are guarding this place.

  But these escaped pure "ability bodies" seem to prefer humans who have no awakening ability. If there are no conditions suitable for them to descend,

   What will happen?

  Wandering like a ghost?

   Or fade away?

   Nanami Kenjiro was naturally unaware of the shocking battle that was taking place on the sky tree.

   It is even more unclear that the Judgment Department specially mobilized captives of the Revolutionary Army from other countries half a month ago to serve as "containers", specially used to receive the pure blue "ability body" that escaped when the door of the border was opened.

However, Nanami Kenjiro didn't have time to linger on this matter for too long. The moment the door of [Boundary] opened, Gray Mane, the captain of the investigation team, resolutely gave up trembling with them, turned around, and strode towards the secluded place. The blue [Boundary] door rushes forward.

  But as a physical ability user, speed is naturally not Gray Mane's strong point.

   Before he had time to get close to the Pearl Tower, he was stopped halfway by Karami with red eyes.

   "Bastard! Bastard! They're all a bunch of bastards! It's a very simple thing that I promised me," Camilla muttered to herself.

  Suddenly, he suddenly grasped the Zhanjian in his hand, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes that almost burst, and he roared at Gray Mane angrily:

   "Why can't it be done!

tell me!

  Why can't it be done? ! "

  Wind Dance. Gale Wind Endless Slash!

  The violent torrent is spinning on the blade!

  Amidst the hysterical roar of a desperate beast, Camilla turned into a violent storm-like slash and attacked Gray Mane.

   You know, Camilla is the ability master of Talent Sequence 33 [Wind Dance], and speed is also his strong point, especially when she is almost losing her mind right now, the slashing sword in her hand is only offensive but not defensive.

   Originally, he was only at the peak strength of the fifth level, but unexpectedly pushed Gray Mane to the sixth level, forcing the opponent to deviate from the path leading to the border gate.

  The way home was within easy reach, but he was stopped by what he regarded as an extremely despicable human criminal, Gray Mane couldn't help feeling angry.

All of a sudden, he stopped in his tracks. As a person with physical abilities, he first reshaped his entire left arm into a steel bone to block Camilla's slash, and then swung his right arm and punched In his chest, Shun Sniper smashed Camilla backwards and flew out.

  Grey Mane's dark eyes flickered, and he said sarcastically to Camilla who was like a wild beast:

   "The emotion of anger, in the final analysis, only comes from your incompetence. Shouldn't you blame yourself for being too naive and weak, and can only watch your sister become a 'toy' of a big shot?"

  Before he finished speaking, the Camilla who flew upside down forcibly reversed the airflow in the air, and his whole body shot towards Gray Mane like a cannonball in an instant.

   "Shut up!"

  However, Gray Mane's eyes did not stay on the opponent for too long. When Camilla attacked for the second time, he turned around with a sneer and continued to move towards the [boundary] gate under the Pearl Tower.


  In the sound of blade-to-blade explosions!

  Grey Mane's two surviving confidantes, a short black-robed executive team member holding the Judgment Slash Sword, stopped in front of Camilla, unexpectedly at this critical moment.

  Obviously, this is also a speed-oriented ability user.

   "Get out!"

   "Looking for death!"

  Flash between sparks,

  The two fought fiercely together.

  Hela and Nanami Kenjiro in the back wanted to help, but another tall man who stood close and looked like a wall stood in front of Hela and Nanami Kenjiro in an instant.

  Although this person is not the opponent of Hella and Nanami Kenjiro, unless there is a gap in strength in the battle of the capable person, otherwise the time for a wandering and fighting battle in real combat will be lengthened.

  Now, what Gray Mane needs is time, enough time for him to pass through the tunnel.

   No one knows whether the new [boundary] formed by the anchor point is stable enough.

  In case it was like the night of the sky tree a month ago, it closed again just half a minute after it opened.

   Who knows when it will open next time? Or is it open next time?

   Taking a step back, even if there is, can their supplies last until the "next time"?

  In the eyes of Gray Mane, these despicable humans and his subordinates

   Anyone can die,

  Only he can't die!

  He has accomplished the tasks of the big shots in Shangjing excellently. As long as he can return safely, he will have a bright future in life, and he will have a smooth path in the Judgment Division in the future.

  How could this make him want to die?

It's a pity that more than one person didn't want him to go over—Ximura Shinichi stood in front of Gray Mane at some point, took a deep breath and said, "Captain Mane, I haven't violated any of the employment regulations of this employment, The adjudicator should keep his word."

  Grey Mane looked at the young man in front of him, and suddenly said with a smile, "Okay, then get out of the way for me now, the Tribunal always keeps what it says."

   "Then what do they do?"

  Nimura Shinichi pointed to the crowd behind him.

  Grey Mane glanced at him impatiently. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure following him. It turned out to be Ji Yuanwen, an old society veteran.

  He immediately said calmly to Ji Yuanwen, "Don't you want to enter the Judgment Division? Help me block him. I will send back the information here first, and I will recommend you to join us after I get out."

  Ji Yuanwen was the cunning one. He followed Gray Mane all the way, wanting to take advantage of the chaos and get out. If he really wanted to make a move, he should have made it long ago.

  But everyone has weaknesses and obsessions.

  Grey Mane has spent the past few days getting along with the two of them, and undoubtedly grasped the "weakness" of Ji Yuanwen, an old slippery man.

   Sure enough, as soon as this condition was thrown out, Ji Yuanwen immediately wavered.

   Seeing this situation, Gray Mane didn't give Ji Yuanwen too many chances, and walked straight forward.

  Behind him, Ji Yuanwen glanced at Gray Mane, a look of struggle flashed across his face, and immediately he gritted his teeth, drew his knife and turned around to stare at Shinichi Niimura behind him.

   "Do you really believe what he said?" Xincun Shinichi said with a frown.

"Young man, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten." Jiyuan Wenren faced Tianren of the Judgment Division with a low eyebrow and a pleasing eye, but faced a compatriot Shinichi Niimura, he was unexpectedly arrogant , squinting at Shinichi Niimura.

   "So, don't try to convince me."

   "Then there is no other way." Shinichi Shinmura took a deep breath.

  With the lessons learned from Camilla, he completely disbelieves a word of these verdicts from Si Tianren—there is a girl waiting for him outside, and he doesn't want to just let it go.

  The next moment, there was a bang.

  Nimura Shinichi went to intercept Gray Mane again, but was forced back by Ji Yuanwen. Both of them are fifth-level superpowers, one body system and the other power system.

  For a while, it was very lively, but Gray Mane's face became more and more gloomy.

  He looked at the [Boundary] gate that was close in front of him. With the passing of those blue fluorescent lights, it became more and more unstable, but Xincun Shinichi, who was fighting fiercely with Ji Yuanwen, stood in front of him from time to time.

   Again and again, and again and again.

  Finally, when Xincun Shinichi appeared again to stop him, and Ji Yuanwen hurriedly swooped back, a gloomy light flashed in Gray Mane's pupils.

   "Useless guy

   Then let's die together! "

   Onsen Yoshimoto, who stood in front of him, was a little nervous, worried that he might not perform well in front of his future boss, and this time wanted to go all out to attack Shinichi Shinmura.

   Unexpectedly, in mid-air, Ji Yuanwen's crisis instinct developed over the years made his heart tremble!

  He couldn't help feeling a pang in his back, as if the **** of death was stabbing his back.

  He felt the killing intent on his back was even more terrifying, it was a terrifying killing intent that could really kill people, far more terrifying than Shinichi Shinichi in front of him.

  So at the very moment, he forcibly turned around, only to see a white light flashing past his eyes.

  A sharp, skinless slashing sword was poured into his chest cavity and came out directly through his body. Wrapped with splashing blood arrows, it suddenly pierced into Shinichi Nimura's waist and abdomen behind Yoshimoto Onto.

   A string of two!

Jiyuan Wenren and Xincun Shinichi were repeatedly stabbed in the back by the judge's sword, and finally hit the rectangular billboard at the foot of the Pearl Tower with a "bang", which was completely eroded by the years. He looked up in disbelief at Gray Mane who was holding a long sword.

"how can that be?!"

   "Aren't we together?"

  The thought just crossed his mind.

  The next second, Gray Mane, who was holding the Zhanjian, still looked at him mockingly, and the Zhanjian in his hand rolled suddenly between Yoshimoto Onren's chest and Niimura Shinichi's waist and abdomen.

  At this moment, there was only a chirp in my ear, like a naughty child poking a knife into the two dolls.

   But he didn't think about drawing the knife, instead he spun and stirred it on the spot, and all the dolls burst in an instant.

  Grey Mane, who fell to the ground without even looking, Yoshimoto Onto and Niimura Shinichi, finally rushed all the way unimpeded.

  But when he rushed to the [Boundary] gate, half of his body almost stepped into the border.

   Suddenly, a terrifying cloud of smoke rose from the street not far away, and a rumbling sound broke into my ears.

  Grey Mane took a closer look, and a chill instantly crept up the back of his neck like a child's hand.

I saw a copper-green upper body about three meters tall with naked muscles and knotted piles. The skin on the face seemed to be stretched and pulled by the muscles. It looked like a mask worn on the face, as hideous and terrifying as an ancient demon god. Just like that, he charged forward with strides like an attacking giant.

  It's hard to believe that such a huge figure is so agile, and even set off two long sound waves in the air.

What is this? !

   Could this be the strange demon from the Pearl Tower?

  At the critical moment, Gray Mane saw the [Boundary] gate fluctuate more and more intensely, and he could almost confirm in his heart that the [Boundary] gate that had been activated and reorganized by the anchor point might close at any time.

  Grey Mane knew that there was no need to delay, so he rushed towards the [boundary] gate in three steps at a time.

  The moment he crossed the boundary, Greymane felt joy in his heart.

He looked around, and found that he had returned to the original world with his feet firmly on the ground, and he was still standing beside him, "meeting him". His sixth verdict made Adeline, Gray Mane's hanging heart suddenly and steadily fall to the ground. .

   There is this "woman".

  Who dares to do anything to him?

  Hehe, for the rampant human beings these days, then give them all to Adeline as toys

  Unexpectedly, just as he was thinking this way, without warning, his waist was suddenly grabbed by a giant hand from behind, and he was pulled back instantly.

  Just in the process of pulling, his head suddenly snapped apart halfway.

  On this side of the sky tree glass curtain wall corridor, the sixth ruling made Adeline Leon show a momentary look of astonishment, but she hadn't waited for her reaction.

I saw a copper-green figure like a demon god, throwing back the half of the corpse that was pulled back, and then leaned forward and thrust forward like an ancient demon god, and unexpectedly pushed the slowly closed body through the border gate. From the internal test, it suddenly opened up.

  In a moment of surprise, Adeline saw the ferocious and terrifying expression of the demon **** who was stuck in the [boundary] door, and the expression in her eyes was not vigilance.

   Instead, it has a look of interest.

   There will be another update later.

   Ask for a ticket lol~



  (end of this chapter)

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