Chapter 134

Mo Yi spent all night in front of the computer.

The horizon outside the window gradually became white, and the edges of the deep ink blue sky were gradually affected by the light and bright morning light. The light gray-white light spread from the window into the house, and the sound of typing on the keyboard in the quiet room continued. .

His eyebrows narrowed unconsciously, his lips tightened, and his pale face was printed in light blue by the light of the screen.

Throughout the night, Mo Yi's posture didn't change much.

He reached out subconsciously to pick up the cup set aside and sent it to his mouth, but the weight in his hand was empty, Mo Yi froze, looked down at the cup in his hand, only to find that there was only one layer of coffee in the cup. Thin and dark coffee grounds,

Mo Yi stared at the coffee grounds at the bottom of the cup for a long time, and finally seemed to return from the previous full attention.

He stopped tapping the keyboard and slowly struck the stiff spine. The bones of the spine made a soothing rubbing sound, and all his muscles were moaning loudly. Grumbled, spreading over the shoulder and neck Heavily sour.

In early summer, the sky is always bright, and the bright morning sky quickly pushes the ink-colored night sky, and the light of the sky gradually clears, indicating the dawn of the morning.

Mo Yi reached out and squeezed the bridge of his nose, under his eyes was a light blue and black.

The long-term high-intensity work has made him extremely sober and excited, and the conflict between the brain and the body has made him a little tired.

He looked up at the results of one night's work, and then exhaled a long breath.

This project is much larger than he thought, and it is also much more difficult--

This code is not only incomplete, but also has several layers of encryption, which makes Mo Yi's work more than times more difficult.

He glanced down at the dial on his wrist and plunged back into the computer screen.

After more than two hours, Mo Yiding's alarm sounded. He pressed the alarm, walked to the bathroom, took a shower, and then packed up and was ready to go out-Jiang Yuanbai is still there after all He had to wake up and find out what was going on.

He hesitated for a few seconds before going out, and finally picked up the silk ribbon from the bedside table and wrapped it around his wrist.

Half an hour later, Mo Yi came to the address Jiang Yuanrou had sent him.

It was a villa on the outskirts of the city. It wasn't very large, and it looked even low-key from the outside.

Jiang Yuanrou personally went to the door to greet Mo Yi. She is now far from the embarrassed look in the copy. She has well-dressed makeup, long dark brown curly hair curled up behind her head, revealing a bright and gentle face.

She waved skillfully, and smiled at Mo Yi: "You are coming."

Mo Yi nodded, stepped forward, stood in front of Jiang Yuanrou, casually uttered a few sentences, and went straight into the subject and asked:

"Yes, where is Jiang Yuanbai? I'll see him."

There was a flash of worry on Jiang Yuanrou's face, but she quickly covered up her mood swings and said to Mo Yi, "Come with me."

After speaking, the two walked towards the house one after the other.

The decoration in this villa is as low-key as the outside. It is quite imposing in both the hall and the corridor. The floor is covered with thick wool carpets, which completely absorb the sound of the footsteps of the two.

Mo Yi followed Jiang Yuanrou upstairs and stopped in front of a room—

Jiang Yuanrou gently opened the door, Mo Yi looked into the room, and saw Jiang Yuan Baizheng lying quietly on a large bed in the center of the room. His pale face was almost integrated with the sheets of the same color, his eyes were tight Closed, it looks as if there is no trace of vitality in the copy.

He seemed to be asleep, his thin quilted chest rising and falling quietly and slowly.

At the bedside are several huge medical instruments, and a few faint green-green screens show several regular fluctuation curves, which seem to be used to monitor Jiang Yuanbai's vital signs, and sounded in a quiet room. Gently dripping.

Jiang Yuanrou stared at Jiang Yuanbai lying in bed, sighed for a long time, and then whispered:

"He has been like this since leaving the copy yesterday."

Mo Yi nodded and asked, "What do your doctors say?"

Jiang Yuanrou walked out of the door, his slender ridges leaned against the wall of the corridor, and his face showed exhaustion that was difficult to hide:

"It's still the same as yesterday. Yuanbai's physiological functions are completely healthy, but there is no way to wake up. The probability is a psychological reason."

Mo Yi turned his head thoughtfully to Jiang Yuanbai lying on the bed in the room, slightly pursing his lips:

"It is indeed possible, after all, if according to the time in real life, he stayed in the copy for nearly half a month. And what happened in the copy ... we don't know."

The only person who is likely to know Jiang Yuanbai's state at this moment is Wen Wen, but he is still in a state of sleep that consumes too much energy.

Jiang Yuanrou sighed for a long time, reached out and squeezed the bridge of his nose, and nodded gently:


The room was permeated with a warm and fragrant atmosphere, and only the monotonous and regular dripping sound of the machine in the room could be heard in the air.

Mo Yi retracted his gaze, stepped back out of the room, and took the door of the room.

The dripping sound of the machine was isolated inside the heavy solid wood door panels, and the air in the corridor was silent and silent.

Jiang Yuanrou took out a cigarette and put it on his lips, biting it gently with his teeth. After a few seconds, he took it off again, rubbing the slender lady's cigarette unconsciously with his fingers.

Mo Yi watched her quietly for a while, and asked coldly, "Aren't you smoking?"

Jiang Yuanrou seemed to be half awake, looked up, smiled concealed, and then shoved the cigarette back into his pocket:

"... No, quit."

She looked up at Mo Yi with a bitter smile:

"How to say ... Seeing that the loved ones who have been lost and recovered are about to be lost again, it is not very good."

Jiang Yuanrou blinked, and when she raised her eyes again, she had converged all her complex emotions, and she smiled:

"Come on, let's go to the study and say."

Mo Yi nodded, followed Jiang Yuanrou in the other direction, crossed several corridors, and came to the study.

There was already hot tea in it, and white smoke was sizzling.

Mo Yi sat on one of the chairs, reached for a cup of tea, then looked up and asked Jiang Yuanrou:

"By the way, I haven't had a chance to ask you before--what did the last copy look like? My sight has always been limited, and I can't observe the whole picture."

Jiang Yuanrou sat down opposite Mo Yi, and also held up a cup of hot tea, and then said:

"In short ... the setting of that copy is probably similar to what we originally thought. Edwin's most evil personality killed the other personalities in his body and became the master of the body. His philosophy is also the same as yours before. The conjecture is the same-he feels that the human soul is a butterfly trapped in the flesh, and human life is ugly and dirty ... "

Jiang Yuanrou subconsciously fought a chill and continued:

"He feels that his killing and dismemberment is a favor to everyone, and to help humanity to free themselves from the flesh that imprisons their souls is a kind of ... artistic and a kind of beauty."

Mo Yi listened carefully, staring at Jiang Yuanrou through the mist of tea, just listening to her continue to say:

"But ... according to what I saw after falling down, Edwin's other personalities are not really good, good and beautiful. The two adult characters are obsessed with healing mental illness, even at all costs. Price, and that young personality I think is the phantom of his deformed childhood, the other two personality is his protector, and he is a cowardly escaper. "

Jiang Yuanrou took a sip of tea and concluded: "Anyway, it's abnormal."

Mo Yi nodded and asked, "What happened after you fell?"

Jiang Yuanrou shrugged: "The following is actually the red door I saw in the previous copy, but this time it was opened-inside is Edwin's slaughterhouse, and my other information about this copy It was found inside. "

Although she said it was light, Mo Yi experienced the copy firsthand, knowing its difficulty and hardship clearly.

That kind of thrill and nervousness leaked from the lines of Jiang Yuanrou's words--

"... I was stepping on the road for a while, and was almost dismembered by Edwin. My leg was broken at that time."

Jiang Yuanrou's fingers holding the tea cup tightened slightly, his fingertips slightly whitened: "But at that moment of crisis ... just like an earthquake, the entire room began to shake and collapse violently ..."

She pursed her lips with a pale face: "And Edwin, as if disturbed by something at that time, stopped and I had the chance to fight back ..."

Mo Yi keenly captured this keyword, interjecting: "Disturbed?"

Jiang Yuanrou nodded, seemingly frowning, and then hesitantly said, "Yes, it's like ... the TV screen is disturbed by other signals, a bit like a screen freeze."

Mo Yi narrowed his eyes and nodded thoughtfully.


Sitting opposite Jiang Yuanrou looked up at him and asked softly:

"... Is it related to the gap in the sky I saw after climbing out of the old house?"

She stared at Mo Yi deeply, and continued, "I've never seen a copy of the sky once before. I couldn't believe my eyes at that time--"

Mo Yi nodded thoughtfully and replied:

"Maybe it's related, but I don't have much more than you now, so I can't draw any conclusions ..."

He subconsciously rubbed the delicate edge of the white porcelain tea cup in the palm of his hand, and the gentle touch was transmitted to his fingertips:

"All I know now is that this should be related to Yuanbai's rescue."

The rescue of Jiang Yuanbai this time seemed to have touched a key point of the entire game. He moved the whole body with one stroke, and pulled out several clues and veins.

As if the gold digger saw a bit of golden reflection in the smoky sand, the inexplicable excitement and tension brought by the feeling of finding evidence could not help but make his heart beat faster.

Mo Yi took a deep breath, suppressing the inexplicable emotions that he felt in his heart, and suddenly remembered the biggest contributor to the incident, Wen Yan, could not help but be a little bit surprised.

And at this moment, it seemed as if there was a spirit in it—

There was something soft in the palm of his palm that was hanging aside.

The familiar touch, like the mist, gently twitches in the palm of the hand, like a coquettish gentle entanglement.


Thank you cherryontop for the deep-water torpedo!

Thanks Mo Xiao Yunyan's grenade

Thanks to Chessman, Lu Junshili, Rolling keyboard with face, Yuyou tree, Talini, Jiang Ye, Cornfield and Poet, cherryontop, Wind Forest Zero, You Lele, Landlord of a certain store

Thank you little cuties!

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