Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 122 [Rules. The Golden Rule] (1)

Today, Higashinohara has been looking for opportunities since he arrived at the Imperial Palace.

Look for that variable that opens up the situation.

When Feng Mo Liusheng disguised himself as Crown Prince Renwen, he began to read out his trial list in front of a large audience, and was full of resolute and ruthless actions, and the eleventh ruling of the Judgment Division made Marcus Rhine appear.

Higashinohara is very clear,

This may not be the best chance.

It is a rare "variable".

a moment ago,

In the ruins of the palace, Feng Mo Liusheng, who was seriously injured and coughed up blood with difficulty, shrank his pupils suddenly when he saw Higashinohara wearing a dark golden dragonfly mask.

A stunned look appeared on his dusty and handsome face. It felt as if Li Gui met Li Kui, and there was a kind of embarrassment in his heart.

"Well done."

"Are you. That man?"


Two short, straightforward conversations.

Higashinohara, who was wearing a dark golden dragonfly mask, did not answer, leaving him with only a back figure, and walked out from the billowing smoke and dust on the ground full of rubble and ruins.

a moment later

As Higashinohara disappeared, the dust suspended in the air was suddenly pulled out of a single passage extending ten meters.

Fei Lei. Juhe's speed of a slash.

This awe-inspiring killing blow undoubtedly surpassed the sight of ordinary people.

However, at that moment, Takuya Amuro, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, whose hair was standing on end, opened his eyes instantly and felt the cold breath of death very clearly.

If you could turn back that time

You can even see it at that moment.

As a politician and an eloquent speaker, Foreign Minister Takuma Amuro opened his plump lips subconsciously when the almost invisible death scythe struck.

In his mind, the warship that sank in the heavy rain in the North Sea appeared, and the bodies of the sailors who floated up in the explosion of the warship appeared, and at the same time, it also appeared that he had fallen down because of some of his demands over the years. The faces of ordinary innocent people

Under that biting cold death, at a certain moment, Foreign Minister Takuma Amuro seemed to want to say something, to repent, to justify something.

But he didn't say anything after all.

Because Higashinohara, who turned into the lightning flash in the shadows, doesn't care what kind of "prosperity and stability" the country of Wano brings to the so-called "stability maintenance faction" of the cabinet in the mind of Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro;

There is no need to sigh and sigh, to distinguish all the merits and demerits of Amuro Takuma in his decades of political career;

There is no need to think about the follow-up impact on Wano Country after the head of the Minister of Foreign Affairs is cut off.

In the midst of the lightning strike that cut out the knife, Higashinohara simply did not want to see that annoying face live another second in the world, so he came to execute his own judgment.

All he brought was death and death.

and death.

That's all.


The decision that the Dragonfly Captain, who was disguised by Feng Mo Liusheng, was rushed in time, caused Markas Rhine to be blasted with thousands of guns, and a huge dusty hole was smashed into the imperial palace.

In the ruins of the hole, Higashinohara "taken over" from him and walked out of the hole calmly.

In front of the adjudicator Marcus Rhein, he slashed out seamlessly!

Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro,

owl head on the spot

At this moment, whether it is the small square under the palace, the large square in the outer garden of the imperial residence, or the royal family on the balcony of the palace.

At the moment when they saw Gululu's head rolling on the ground, everyone's faces were filled with complex expressions of astonishment, shock, and astonishment.

Everyone did not expect that the figure who was ruled to make Marcus Rhine fly with a single blow actually walked out of the dust as if a small universe had erupted, separating time and space with a single knife and killing Foreign Minister Takuya Amuro with such ease!

Speaking of which, the members of the third investigation team who came from all around had mistakenly thought that this mysterious Captain Dragonfly had realized a "new way to use his abilities" when they saw the shadow manifesting attack before - after all, every time this man appeared All of his abilities seem to bring something "different".

This is unbelievable for an ordinary person, but it happened to the man who called himself the "New Tokyo Disciplinary Committee".

over time,

People are already used to it.

However, at this time, even the politicians and members of the public who were fighting against those who didn't understand the ability and the ordinary people in the outer garden of the Imperial Palace noticed something abnormal.

The figure wearing the dark golden dragonfly mask, if the previous battle was like a remote mage in a video game, or a shadow mage.

But at that moment, it turned into a shadow under the electric light, like a top-level close-up assassin!

These two completely different fighting styles, before and after, give people a very unreal feeling in a trance.

And it all happened so suddenly just now that everyone's attention was focused on that iconic mask.

Taking a closer look at this time, some attentive people found that the clothes on Captain Dragonfly had also changed, and suddenly their heads were a little bit hard to turn around.

Even some people with big brains have a whim.

Disguise when a small universe explodes?

Is this a new ability?

Of course not everyone thinks so.

After the eleventh ruling of the Judgment Division made Marcus Rhine slightly startled, he did not care at all about Takuya Amuro, the Minister of Foreign Affairs whose head was cut off with a knife, but stared at Higashinohara with great interest.

"This is the real 'you',

It really made me wait a long time. "

Higashinohara stared at the man holding the golden spear in front of him. The condescending tone of the other party did not make people feel abrupt, but made people take it for granted that it should be like this:

The other party is a high god.

He and they were just mortals who needed an audience.

In fact, a demigod like Marcus Rhine, who really masters the power of rules in the eighth and third stages, once unfolded his powers, he would indeed be like a god who is not angry and self-threatening in front of ordinary people.

Talent Sequence 27 [Golden Rule].

The ability to strengthen the metal of objects and manipulate the strengthened objects is a simple description of this blue high-risk ability ranked 27 in the talent sequence list.

However, in fact, when Markas Rhine relied on the innate racial talent of the Celestial Dragon Race [Power of Concord], his understanding and application of abilities were born with an unparalleled innate advantage over humans and other Celestial Human races.

When Marcus Rhein successfully broke through the seventh-stage peak barrier and raised his ability to the eighth-order, and realized the power of the rules [Rhine's Gold], the [Golden Law] he urged could no longer be the same as the original [Golden Law]. Equal to it.

At this moment, Marcus Rhine's voice fell.

In the noon sun, his golden spear shone like a golden god.

However, Higashinohara didn't seem to respect or have the will to talk to him at all.

Under the gazes of countless people, he was like a shadowy ghost in the air racing against time, and once again "killed a god" and cut out the dark golden double-edged ancient sword.

Shadow Flash. Cang Lei!

Eight times!

Fei Lei. Juhe slashes!

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