Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 139 Cang Yan! (two in one)

The afterglow of the setting sun plated the western skyline with the last tinge of red, and the quiet night shrouded, and the shadows of the people in the private school in Takehara Minami, New Tokyo were gradually sparse.

"You guys said that you are in New Tokyo. Wouldn't it be a pity not to go to Akihabara?"

"What a pity, if you have time, it is better to practice your ability more. This time we can't embarrass Kyoto Takehara Minami."

"Kaoru, can't you practice your skills while shopping in Akihabara?"

"Humph! You guys clearly want to go to those maid cafes!"

"No! Kaoru is the only one in my heart!"

"I prove it! Sakagami is not interested in cafes, he is only interested in maids!"

"Asshole! Don't slander me in front of my girlfriend!"

"Clarify! Who is your girlfriend!"


On the path of Takehara Minami Private Academy.

Sakagami Yu put his hands behind his head lazily, and the girl behind him was his ex-girlfriend Kaoru Amamiya, who was in the "intermediate state" of breaking up and reuniting.

The one who joked with him from time to time was Rita Nakamura, his bad friend, and the three of them walked unsteadily to the gate of the academy.

They are the representatives of the middle and senior grades in this Kyoto Brothers Academy exchange meeting. Today, while the teacher leading the team is not in the school, they want to take this opportunity to experience the nightlife of New Tokyo.

However, at this moment, in front of the path leading to the school gate, a woman in a black trench coat appeared.

The woman's striking azure-blue hair was like a green fire burning in the night, but she couldn't see her face wearing a mask.

She just stood there quietly, like a fire reflected on the water, this hazy feeling filled her whole person with a mysterious atmosphere.


Sakagami Yuichi frowned.

A chill rose in his heart, but he didn't know where the chill came from.

The short-haired girl Kaoru Amamiya who followed behind held a Mini tablet in her hand. She walked and analyzed the information of the candidates participating in the audition in Takehara Minami, New Tokyo. She frowned and thought about the exchange meeting to be held at the Sky Tree at the end of the month. what tactics to use.

Friendship first, communication second.

It's just shouting slogans.

She lost in that exchange meeting three years ago when she was a freshman. You can't fall in the same place twice, and she will never allow herself to lose again before graduation!

At this moment, someone suddenly raised a hand to block in front of her.

Kaoru Amamiya paused for a moment, looked down, her pretty face darkened slightly.

"If you don't want to live with one hand in the future, take it away yourself!"

The corner of Sakagami Yuyi's mouth twitched.

next second,

The wind was blowing under the arm.

The short-haired girl Kaoru Amamiya slammed her knees sharply upward, and Sakagami Yu suddenly turned into a grin!

He rubbed his aching arm and complained miserably, "Hey hey hey! I'm your boyfriend after all, so what are you doing so stingy?"

Amamiya Kaoru glanced at him blankly, "It's an ex-boyfriend."


Lost friend Nakamura Lingta couldn't help laughing.

In the darkness of the school gate.

Xin De Fu watched this scene quietly, as if feeling the youthful vigor, the corners of his mouth covered by the mask raised a smile.

"This is the breath of youth."

This scene brought back memories of her past.

Before she met Gaius Rhine and entered the adjudication department, she also had a wounded relationship, and later started countless failed relationships.

It was only later that those men failed her screening in the end, and they all spent the last night with her, turning into pitch-black coke in the early morning.

I vaguely remember that at that time, the people in the United States of Tagos seemed to call her "The Fire Girl", which meant that she was burnt out at the peak of dredging.

It wasn't until later that she met Gaius Rhine, that powerful and indifferent man.

That time, it wasn't that the other party passed her screening, but she passed the other party's screening, and then she chose to join the Judgment Division.

until now.

It's just that the object of her allegiance has always been the man, not the adjudicator.

As a personal assistant and secretary, she is obliged to help the man reduce these meaningless things-the man who will be in charge of the adjudication department one day does not need to waste time on these things.

So tonight, here she is.

"Does Kyoto's Momomiya Lin also live here?"

A woman's voice came from the front.

As soon as Sakagami Yu came from the other side, he stopped talking with the two people beside him.

He stared vigilantly at the woman in front of him who inexplicably gave him a dangerous aura, and subconsciously raised his hand to protect Kaoru Amamiya behind him.


Kaoru Amamiya clapped his hand away.

"Why? Do you really want me to cut off your thief?"

Sakagami Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his arm almost rubbed up again.

But the black-clothed, blue-haired woman in front of him, wearing a mask and unable to see her face, gave him a sense of indescribable danger, which made him instinctively want to stay away.

But at this time, Kaoru Amamiya had already spoken to the other party.

"Yes, are you looking for Teacher Tao Gong?"

In fact, she also felt that the atmosphere was a little subtle, but then she thought that this was at the Takehara South Private Academy, so there shouldn't be any major incidents.

Coupled with the fact that the other party reported the name of Taogong Linye, he might be an acquaintance of Teacher Taogong.

The voice fell, and the black-clothed and blue-haired woman was silent for a while, then turned her gaze to Kaoru Amamiya and asked, "Teacher Taomiya? You are also from Kyoto?"

Kaoru Amamiya felt that the other party's voice was gritty, sharp and blunt, which made people uncomfortable.

But out of the courtesy of the people of Kyoto, she nodded and said, "We are the representatives of Kyoto Takehara South to participate in the exchange meeting. If you look for Teacher Taomiya, I am afraid you will be disappointed today. Teacher, he is not in the school now. inside."

"Aren't you in the academy?"

The woman seemed to whisper softly, "That's really disappointing."

The voice of the woman in black and blue hair fell, and there was no more words.

But she neither spoke nor gave way, and just stood in front of the three of them.

Kaoru Amamiya also really realized that something was wrong.

Subconsciously, she grabbed the hem of the "ex-boyfriend" Sakagami Yuichi next to her.

The strange and mysterious woman in front of her did not seem to be an acquaintance of Teacher Taogong, but rather came to seek revenge.

Under such an inexplicable low pressure, Sakagami Yuichi didn't have the mind to speak nonsense.

He took a step forward to stand in front of "ex-girlfriend" Kaoru Amamiya, and exchanged glances with Rita Nakamura, a bad friend on the side.

Sakagami Yuichi calmly said to the mysterious woman in front of him, "Sorry, we still have to go out. If there is nothing else to do, we can go first. You can come to Teacher Taomiya tomorrow."

As long as he leaves here later, he will call Taomiya Linya immediately.

Unexpectedly, the woman seemed to see through what he was thinking. The eyebrows on the mask looked at him with a half-smile, "Why don't you call now? I'll wait for him here."

The moment the voice fell,

She waved her hand casually.

As if the god of fire descended to the world and waved his hand to sow the seeds of fire, a few pale blue light spots scattered around them like fireflies in summer, forming a circle in a blink of an eye.


The blue-haired woman in black snapped her fingers.

The faces of the three suddenly changed suddenly, and no one thought that the other party would actually do it when they said they would do it.

But it's too late!

The azure-blue light spot instantly raised a swaying flame, rippling like azure-blue sea water, and the faint ripples, like water waves, blocked Yuichi Sakagami and the four of them in this azure flame in a blink of an eye.

Talent Sequence 30 Cang Yan.

The realm unfolds. Canghai burns the sky!

The moment he fell into the realm, Sakagami Yu put down his right hand that was going to pull out the Kodachi under the windbreaker.

Although they are also the leaders of the Kyoto Takehara Minami Private Academy, even if they look at the young people under the age of 20 in Kyoto, they are considered to be the young generation.

But even so, Kaoru Amamiya, who had the strongest actual combat power among the three, was only at the level of the fourth-order peak.

In the field of this seventh-order absolute ability, it is like a child facing an adult, and it is not an existence of an order of magnitude.

Now the other party's obvious target is not them, if they take the initiative, it is tantamount to seeking death.

How to do?

Do you really have to follow what this woman said,

Call Mr. Taomiya?

"I'm calling Momamiya-sensei." Sakagami Yuichi said immediately.

Tao Gonglin is also a genius swordsman who has been famous for many years in Kyoto, a seventh-order peak powerhouse. Although this woman's field is terrifying, at least the two still have to fight.

If the three of them "would rather die than yield" here, then they have no meaning except to die.

Sakagami Yuichi took out his phone,

Called Taomiya Linya's phone.

Tao Gong Lin was also in a noisy environment on the other end of the phone, but the other party's tone was very calm after hearing their words clearly, just let them wait in place, he will come back soon.

During the call,

Sakagami Yuichi turned on the speakerphone.

At this moment, hang up the phone.

Xin De Fu chuckled and looked at the three vigilant faces in front of him, and suddenly said with a chuckle, "Your teacher's voice doesn't sound very urgent."

"Well, sure enough, was my way of greeting too gentle?" She lowered her head and seemed to say to herself.

Hearing her words, Sakagami Yuichi and the others suddenly became alert and looked at each other nervously.

At this moment, Xinde Fu slowly raised her hand, and a faint blue lotus fire burst out from her fingertips.

Her eyes wandered unscrupulously on the three people in front of them, and finally landed on Sakagami Yuichi who was standing in front of Kaoru Amamiya, "The hypocrisy and lies of men are really familiar, you are willing to go for her dead?"

Xin De Fu's gaze then fell on Kaoru Amamiya.

Sakagami Yuichi felt the breath of the woman in front of him that regarded their life like a mustard, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He knew that begging for mercy in this situation would have no effect, so he quietly put his hand into his waist and held the small dagger hidden under the windbreaker.

Xin De Fu calmly turned her head and glanced at him.

It was just a simple glance, but Yuichi Sakagami's entire body was instantly tensed by the muscles, and an indescribable sense of oppression was transmitted from her body, as if all his thoughts were exposed in the eyes of the other party. Down.

But Sakagami Yuichi wants to fight once!

He remembered what Taogong Lin also said, that the level of ability does not determine everything. The real battle is not a card game. If your card is too high, I can only wait to die.

people who don't want to die,

Just take every opportunity.

Sakagami Yuichi's body slumped slightly.


Sakagami Yuichi suddenly said.


Amamiya Kaoru was stunned.

"Let's start over."

Sakagami Yuichi said seriously.

"You stop joking."

Amamiya Kaoru said with some embarrassment.

This guy... really never does a thing seriously, and in this case, he is still in the mood to say such a thing.

Unexpectedly, the moment Sakagami Yu's words fell, he pulled out the small sword under the windbreaker as quickly as lightning, and the [Super Speed] of Talent Sequence 68 was activated instantly, pulling out a sword light that was about to tear the sea of ​​​​fire.

Only a knife flow!

Sword Drawing Technique. Flying Dragon Flash!

"Come on!"

The moment when the knife was cut out!

Without looking back, Sakagami Yu gave a violent shout to Kaoru Amemiya and his friend Rita Nakamura, who were behind him, and slashed forward to the weird woman in black with blue hair in front of him.

He does so at his own discretion.

The opponent's control of Cang Yan belongs to the elemental ability person. The elemental ability person he has seen is generally weak in physical skills and melee combat. If he can catch the opponent's contempt for the three of them, he will be surprised.

Not to mention beheading the other party, as long as there is a momentary loophole in the field, then it is worth it.

At this time, under his super speed and idealistic sword-drawing technique!

The distance between the two is so close!

However, Yuichi Sakagami saw a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of the other party's mask at this moment of shock.

I saw the woman in the black coat pulled out a Western-style slash hidden between the shoulder blades on both sides from the dark blue hair behind Sakagami Yuichi's incomparable blade. sword.

The next moment, the blade is near!

The woman casually gave way, the chopping sword in her hand turned, and the flowing water fell!

Without me a knife flow!

Running water. Blade turned!

In an instant,

The red blood spurted out like a spurt.

A broken arm fell to the ground, only holding the small sword in his hand.

Kaoru Amamiya exclaimed in surprise, covered his mouth subconsciously, and rushed up to hug Yuichi Sakagami who was standing unsteadily.

Sakagami Yuichi leaned halfway against Amamiya Kaoru, and the pain made him grit his teeth.

But he still stared at the Western-style slashing sword in the opponent's hand, and recalled the sword just now in his mind.

"Only a knife flow?"

Xinde Fu chuckled lightly.

"No, it's a knife without me. Do you think that as a person with elemental ability, I'm at the mercy of melee combat? It's a naive and interesting idea."

"Then, it's time to pay for your naivety, and ask your companion to call Tao Gonglin later, is that okay?"

the woman said,

He raised the sword in his hand high.

However, next

However, she has not cut off the sword for a long time.

Xin De Fu frowned slightly, raised her head abruptly, and looked into the distance through the rippling flames.


The searing wave is rising into the sky!

A crimson flame, wrapped in a terrifying aura of destruction, swept toward the [Canghai Burning Sky] spread out by Xinde Fu like a tide. In the blink of an eye, this area formed a terrifying picture of the blue and red chambers.

In the red waves,

Someone came with a sword.

Ask for a guaranteed bottom ticket at the beginning of the month~

Two in one first.

There is an update this morning.

You can watch after you wake up~

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