Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 147 Goalkeepers play early?

At the same time, on the prosperous pedestrian street under the sky tree, two men dressed as ordinary passers-by stood at the corner of the street, which had just been cleared by the law enforcement team.

"Are you sure that Nanami-san will appear here today?"

The second leader of the Yesha Revolutionary Army, Hua Liwenren, turned to look at the handsome Feng Mo Liusheng who was wearing sunglasses and asked with a frown.

In fact, recently, under the high pressure of the Judgment Division, the Yesha Revolutionary Army is facing an unprecedented severe situation. If you are not careful, the foundation of the ancestors for a hundred years may be destroyed.

So it stands to reason that they should be quietly dormant underground to spend this difficult period at this time.

Appearing like this in a crowded place like the pedestrian street under the sky tree, even under the eyes of the Judgment Division, is completely walking on the tip of the knife.

Hearing Hua Liwen's words, Feng Mo Liusheng said indifferently, "He will, you and I have both seen him after losing an arm, and a man with the kind of look in his eyes will not escape, even if the opponent's strength is strong. Hundred times as much as him, he will ruthlessly tear off a bite of flesh and blood on the enemy's body when he goes to hell, even if the price is shattered and completely turned into ashes."

Hearing Feng Mo Liusheng's words, Hua Liwen couldn't help but startled slightly.

He has to admit that although Feng Mo Liusheng has an unruly personality, he is really accurate in seeing people.

Many people who newly joined the Ye Fury Revolutionary Army are proud to receive a comment from Feng Mo Liusheng.

However, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he looked around vigilantly at the pedestrians in the surrounding streets. His eyes did not stop for the indifferent Judgment Division Law Enforcement Team not far away. road:

"That's right, but wouldn't it be too risky for us to come under the eyes of the Judiciary at this time?"

Feng Mo Liusheng took out a white towel from the pocket of the tan windbreaker on his body, covered his mouth and nose and coughed a few times, his face showing an unusual blush.

Hua Li Wenren was keenly aware that when Feng Mo Liusheng put down the white towel, the edge was stained with an unusually eye-catching scarlet, and a touch of worry appeared on his vicissitudes of life brows.

"My brother is a bit stupid, but what he said is always right." Feng Mo Liusheng squeezed the white scarf in his hand and said softly, "The most dangerous place is the safest place, when you choose to believe this When speaking, no more than three times."

"I believed the emperor once on his birthday, and this is the second time."

Feng Mo Liusheng stepped forward, and the neon lights on the side of the road were reflected in the shallow puddles on the street.

In the ripples that opened up in circles, Feng Mo Liusheng's figure walked towards the exchange venue.

"Kenjiro Nanami lost two girls because of my stupid brother's mission, so things like 'revenge' can't be left to him alone."

Hua Kasa Wenren looked at Feng Mo Liusheng's back and wanted to say, "You said your brother was stupid, why do you still believe what he said when he didn't know".

But he still didn't say anything after all, glanced at the dark sky, and followed quickly, in his heart he could only hope that they would be able to successfully meet Kenjiro Nanami.

Even if the revenge cannot be completed this time, as long as the body can retreat, there will be another chance.

The individual competition of the performance nature has come to an end, and the venue of the exchange meeting will soon enter the highlight of today's [team competition].

With the warm-up of the previous exhibition match, the atmosphere around the venue was very good. Everyone was looking forward to the real competition between the two brothers academies in the team match, and of course, they were looking forward to the final highlight - the battle of life and death for Jianhao.

The way the Judgment Division has just cleared the scene rudely and domineering made the people who dared to speak out in anger wish that someone would go up and beat the seventh adjudicator out of his head.

Below the exchange meeting venue, the first-year team of the New Tokyo Takehara Minami Private Academy is on the side.

In addition to Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri, there are two men and one woman, and the general Nishinomiya is arranging tasks for the striker Iwaide Kenta and Daoshan Harumi.

Noticing that Higashinohara, who was in Class F for the first year, seemed to be in a trance, General Nishinomiya said with an unpleasant expression, "Higashino-kun, the team battle in this exchange meeting represents the image of our academy's strength, please don't be distracted. "

Higashinohara came back to his senses, stunned for a moment, and a gentle smile appeared on his face, "I'm sorry, I will rely on you more for tonight's game."

"Rely on us? If everyone thinks so? Who will win?" Nishinomiya's face was serious, and his tone was slightly serious.

It's not that his EQ is low, but that he privately criticized the "weeds" in the class of F-class repeaters in the first-year team. It's not fair to Higashinohara's first-year students.

After all, Higashinohara repeated two grades, which is actually equivalent to a third-year student.

And the level of his performance is in the middle and upper grades in the third grade, and only in the first grade will he attract so much attention.

At this time, hearing that Higashinohara did not talk back, General Nishinomiya felt slightly relieved, and continued with a stern face:

"Remember! Each of us must have the belief that we can fight one against five. Only in this way can we maximize our strength and win today's game."

"One against five?"

Higashinohara showed a thoughtful look.

Nishimaru Miri, who was holding Higashinohara by the small hand, saw Higashinohara being despised, she rarely stepped forward on the ground and raised her delicate face and said crisply:

"Big brother is very powerful, we will definitely perform well, please rest assured."

Nishinomiyai glanced at Nishimaru Miri, and was even more dissatisfied with Higashinohara in his heart.

He couldn't figure out how the daughter of Team Leader Tokugawa could get along with the poor boy from Hokkaido in front of him.

When it comes to the potential of the talent sequence, which one year A class has more potential than the one year F class student?

Not to mention that the boy named Higashinohara awakened only the ability of talent Sequence 98, so his progress was faster in the early stage.

But no matter how hard you practice in this life, the limit is the peak of the fourth-order, and even the threshold of the fifth-order cannot be seen.

But he couldn't say this directly, he just said in a slightly gentle tone, "Nishimaru-san's words. Of course I can rest assured. We discussed the tactics just now. Would you like to be the vanguard in the first game?"

The striker Kenta Iwaide, who was supposed to play in the first match next to him, explained, "We think Nishimaru-san's strength is, er, more confusing. In the first match, the opponent can be less vigilant."

Nishimaru Miri's ability level is indeed the lowest among the five, and it is possible to pass the selection by a certain degree of unpredictable prophet in the dual talent [Listening].

But the strength and combat ability is definitely the weakest, and it is more appropriate to go to the bottom of it.

It's just that Higashinohara couldn't help frowning slightly after listening to their words. To a certain extent, "finding the bottom line" is also equivalent to being beaten, which is generally what strikers should do.

"Why don't I come for the first game?" he said suddenly.

The striker Iwaide Kenta was stunned when he heard the words. He was about to say that you are a lieutenant, and you should be the fourth pick to help the general Nishinomiya guard the goal.

Only at this time, Nishinomiya suddenly interrupted: "It's not impossible."

Higashinohara's strength is not weak among the five, but they don't know the details of the first-year team in Kyoto, so Higashinohara can also find out and consume the opponent's physical strength.

Of course, more importantly,

Wait until Higashinohara is defeated and defeated.

Next, it is time for him to come on the stage, turn the tide, and become the focus of the audience.

Thinking of this, Nishinomiya's face couldn't help showing a smile, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

Yu Yang Xian Yin The hot-blooded protagonists he was addicted to some time ago were all like this, but he didn't expect that he would also become the protagonist one day.

tsk tsk.

The second is here, ask for a ticket~

This month's goal is still 200,000 words! ! !

Ps: Recommend two works of friends.

"I really want to have a good assistant", the mysterious big watermelon of the author of the great god

"If you want to become the world's number one adc, do you need to match the world's number one good support?"

"Yes, but your operation is linked to the assistant. The more the assistant, the stronger you will be."


When Chen Mo led one after another of recognized rookie assistants to the top, everyone said that if Chen Mo had a good assistant, he would be invincible.

And Chen Mo kept explaining to the world: "He is my best assistant!"

The assistant was moved and worked hard every day.

"Don't, I just like your unruly look before, you recover!"

But the support is always working hard to become stronger, and Chen Mo can only be forced to change one: "Hey, I really want to have a good support!"

"You forced me to become a superstar", author Wu Ma Xing

That year...

Zhou Yang, an honest man who just got his driver's license, crashed the camera of the Caotai crew. With no money, he could only sell himself to the crew to do odd jobs. I originally thought that if I worked until the film was finished, I would be able to regain my freedom.

However! ! !

When the swindler director ran away with the assistant director, and he was almost regarded as a fraud accomplice by the long-legged beauty investor, the honest Zhou Yang was dumbfounded.

"I'm on top? What do I take on top?"

"God, my major is electronic information technology. I'm just connected to wires. I don't know anything about making movies..."


Both books are very exciting, and friends who are interested may wish to try it~

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