Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 151 Rules. Infinite Sword Prison! (6K ask for a monthly pass)

The gunshots rang out without warning in the night rain.

The gunshot came from above the sky tree, passing through the dark blue night sky like a meteor, and landed on the venue of the exchange meeting on the pedestrian street under the sky tree.

If on this pitch-dark sky, someone can make everything go backwards from the perspective of God, and the line of sight traces the trajectory of the bullet back to the source of the gunshot.

Then his last look,

I am afraid it will fall on the new Tokyo Sky Tree on the triangular base, about 300 meters above the ground, at a ring-like corridor of tubular glass structure.

The corridor is equipped with large glass up to 5 meters in 360 degrees around the corridor. Although it is not the 450-meter-high ring at the top called [Tianwang Corridor], it is still high enough to allow you to cover a new area of ​​70 kilometers. A panoramic view of Tokyo at night.

At this time, someone smashed a large circular hole in a corner of the corridor, and the night wind in the sky roared in from the outside like a tide, and I could vaguely feel the refreshing cold touch of the night rain. .

Next to the hole where the night wind roared, stood a middle-aged man wearing a blue overalls from "Daejeon Co., Ltd." and a yellow hard hat on his head.

In front of him was an all-black anti-equipment sniper rifle, and behind the amber windshield goggles on the bridge of his nose were a pair of lifeless dead fish eyes.

As for the tourists in the cloister, the glass burst with a "bang" and the mighty night wind roared in, and they screamed and scattered, so that at this moment there was no one around the man.

Nanami Kenjiro was lying low, and with only one arm left, it was a bit difficult for him to control such a huge sniper rifle. Fortunately, his [Night Nightmare], which has accompanied him for many years and has been improved, is not an anti-equipment sniper in the general sense. rifle.

At this moment, he squinted slightly at the picture in the sniper mirror.

I saw that the seventh ruling made Gaius Rhine stand still on the exchange meeting venue, which was thousands of meters away.

Through the high-definition sniper scope, Nanami Kenjiro could see a circle of orange bullet marks lit up in the middle of the black blade in the opponent's hand, and a thin wisp of smoke floated vaguely. The horror "hammer".

Not far in front of him, a metal-patterned bullet casing of about 13 millimeters kept spinning on the ground, and finally fell into the crack of the floor that had been damaged by the previous battle.

Gaius Rhine lowered his eyebrows slightly, as if he was pondering something.

for example

Who fired the gun?

Why shoot?

How could he have the confidence to kill me?

But in the end, he didn't say anything, just stood quietly in place, raised his head and looked leisurely through the rain curtain under the night, holding the hilt of the big sharp knife and gently tapped towards his eyebrows.

Body language is the most direct language.


Chi Guoguo's provocation!

Gaius Rhine's action immediately made the surrounding people who were panicked by the sound of gunfire stunned, and even made the faces of the execution team of the surrounding ruling team a little nervous.

Although they rationally believed that the seventh ruling made it impossible for the eighth-order demigod-level great swordsman to die in such absurd sniping, tonight's shot was a little different.

The gun in the sniper's hand on the distant tower does not seem to be an ordinary sniper gun, but pours its power into the bright bullets blooming at the muzzle.

Sniper rifle to him,

Just like the sword is in Tao Palace.

In other words, the guy on the tower can't be an ordinary person, at least the level above the power user. For a time, the execution team of the surrounding Judgment Division all looked solemn.

Without further explanations and instructions, the judge immediately had the ability to speed up and ran towards the brightly lit sky tree tower, and they wanted to solve the problem from the root cause.

In the corridor 300 meters above the ground.

After Nanami Kenjiro shot, he did not rush to fire the second shot in the face of the enemy's provocation.

For him, revenge is not a passionate act, but a "father" doing what he should do for his two "daughters".

Therefore, whether it is the boundless sea of ​​fire lined with mountains of knives, or the endless hell where the molten lava is rolling in front of him, he will walk over without hesitation, and will not change himself because of anything that happens in front of him.

The strong night wind ruffled the hair in front of Nankai Kenjiro's forehead. He straightened his body silently, squinting slightly like a precise and stable machine, calculating and calibrating sniper parameters such as wind force, air density, and design depression angle, and How long does it take for the other party to arrive here after discovering him

he is preparing

Get ready for the next trigger pull.

Pedestrian street under the sky tree.

On the venue of the exchange meeting,

The seventh ruling made Gaius Rhine provocate the sneak attacker who was hiding in the sky tree. After he didn't get a reply, his eyes fell back to Momomiya Rinya who was standing opposite him.

"Is this your warrior spirit?"

Gaius Rhine looked at the sniper warhead that rolled into the gap in front of his eyes, a deep sneering expression appeared on his face.

When Tao Gonglin also raised his head, a tinge of scarlet flashed in his eyes, he lowered his eyelids slightly, holding the hand of the Lion King with a strange black aura in his hand, shook his head flatly and said, "I can't hear you. I understand what you're talking about."

Gaius Rhine was stunned for a moment, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He glanced through the night and glanced in the direction of the Tokyo Sky Tree again, and couldn't help shaking his head, "It looks like they want to kill me. No, there are a lot of humans who want to kill me."

After he finished speaking, he retracted his gaze, and his eyes fell on the weird black knife in Tao Gong Linye's hand.

"Okay, then say something you can understand."

Gaius Rhine said indifferently, "The sword in your hand contains the ability that does not exist in the existing talent sequence mark. Do you dare to admit this?"

Abilities that don't exist in the talent list?

If there are other people, or experts and professors who are engaged in the research direction of talent sequence, they are here.

Even in the face of the seventh adjudicator of the adjudication department, I am afraid they will slap the table, point to each other's nose and say angrily, "No one understands innate abilities better than me, how can there be any in this world that do not exist in the talent sequence list. ability in?"

You must know that the talent sequence ability is the ability of human beings to wake up suddenly when the heavens invaded this world thousands of years ago, and it was regarded as a "gift of God" by people at that time.

If human beings didn't have the ability to awaken back then, then in that mighty "war against foreigners" against heaven and man, human beings would have been completely defeated.

In the nearly 100 years after the end of the war, all different abilities were registered and filed. According to their power and danger levels, they were divided into orange extinction, purple epic, blue high-risk, green excellent, and gray ordinary. More than 100 according to The serial numbers are listed in order.

In the first few decades or more than a hundred years, there will be a newly discovered ability, which will soon be entered into the corresponding position in the talent sequence list after the rating.

But in the past few hundred years, no new abilities have appeared, so the more than 100 abilities on the talent sequence list are the common understanding of all innate abilities in this world.

At this moment, the words of Gaius Rhine on the opposite side were tantamount to pointing out the key point - the ability that does not exist in the talent sequence list.

In the face of this shocking question, Tao Gong Lin lowered his eyebrows and remained silent for a moment.

When he raised his head, he also raised the black lion king in his hand, and said indifferently:

"So what? I call it [Ghost Qi], as long as it can kill you, that's enough."

"Hehe, I thought that human beings were not so stupid. Everything in this world follows the principle of equal exchange. You should know that this power does not belong to you. Now you have to pay for it when you hold it in your hands. cost."

Speaking of which, Gaius Rhine suddenly said in a somewhat sarcastic tone, "Also, you don't really think that you can kill me by mastering an ability that is not in the talent sequence, right?"

"In that case. It's indeed a little worse." Tao Gonglin also suddenly muttered to himself.

The next moment, I saw an Asura phantom with nine heads and eight legs and nine hundred and ninety hands reappearing behind him.

But this time the difference is,

The strange black energy that surged from the big sharp sword [Lion King] in Taogong Linye's hand, like the roots of an old tree, gathered in the shadow behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the shadow of Asura, who had been closing his eyes before, suddenly glared angrily, filled with blood red like a Yaksha, and the shadow became even darker and darker.

more solid

Compound field!

Ghostly. Asura!

This time, no one could see Taogong Linye's movements clearly. Behind him, Asura held the Lion King and swung a sword and slashed down. Before anyone could move, a half-moon-shaped ghostly energy shot out into the sky.


The black field that Gaius Rhine was blocking his body was passed through!

In a flash of lightning, his figure was slightly sideways, and the sleeves of the black coat of the Judgment Division suddenly burst open, revealing a bloodstain that was neither deep nor shallow.

It's all from start to happening,

But in the shadows.

Almost everyone in the Judgment Division was standing on standby off the court, but everyone didn't realize that the god-like seventh verdict in their hearts made two bloodstains torn from their bodies by a human in less than a minute. 's wound.

Gaius Rhine lowered his gaze, stared silently at the bloodstain on his waist, and suddenly shook his head, "Haha, I admit. I did underestimate you a bit."

Speaking of which, Gaius Rhine suddenly slowly opened his arms and closed the pair of pitch-black terrifying vertical pupils, the corners of his mouth said softly like a demon whispering:


I'm going to start getting serious. "

The moment the voice fell, I saw a wave of ripples suddenly rippling behind Gaius Rhine, and the gloomy black field was like an overturned ink bottle, and it was infinitely rendered in all directions, in the sky and the ground.

In the eyes of passers-by and spectators 100 meters away from this scene, they only vaguely sensed that there was a black field that sealed Gaius Rhine and Tao Gong Linya together. Distinctive weapons were quietly suspended in the sky above that black field.

Among the complicated weapons are the saber, the big sword, the big sword, the sword, the short sword, the spear, and the naginata.

There are long swords, knight swords, broad swords, slashing swords, big swords, armor-piercing swords, slender swords, machetes, large machetes, two-handed giant swords, etc.

At a glance, all the weapons in this world are displayed in a dazzling array, quietly exuding an extremely terrifying coercion, even if they are far away, it can make people terrified!

Rules. Infinite Sword Prison!

Gaius Rhine opened his eyes again, slowly lowered his raised arms, his pitch-black vertical pupils were as cold as knives, staring at Tao Gong Linya, who was locked in the [Infinite Sword Prison], as if he was looking at someone. corpse.

"The masters of these knives are all my defeated men over the years, but I pity them who have wronged their masters and make them a part of my rules forever. Now it's your turn."

Rules. Infinite Sword Prison!

One type - [solution]!

The moment the voice fell, the thousands of long swords and daggers of various shapes vibrated in unison, exuding a thirst for blood!

Like countless sharp fangs,

I vowed to tear everything in the "mouth" to its original and most primitive state!

Next moment!

The Asura that Tao Gong Lin was also carrying suddenly collapsed!

In a blink of an eye, until the black tide of the Infinite Sword Prison gradually subsided.

I saw that Asura, who was behind Taogong Linye, seemed to have been tortured by Ling Chi, all nine heads and eight legs and nine hundred and ninety hands were cut off from the roots, and black unknown substances gurgled out, and the towering body was also fragmented.

At this moment, the temporary venue for tonight's exchange meeting under their feet seems to have just been mixed with a huge cement mixer several times. At first glance, it has completely reduced to a broken ruin.

On top of the ruins, Taogong Linye's body was dripping with blood, his skin was ripped apart, and he could no longer find a complete place.

The photographers of the big TV station on Saturday and Saturday captured the scene of this life-and-death fight and presented it in front of countless people across the country.

For most ordinary people, one second ago, they had clearly seen that the Kyoto swordsman Tao Gonglin, who represents human beings, also injured the seventh judge, and gained the upper hand.

I can't figure out why the situation turned sour in the blink of an eye, and Tao Gonglin was defeated without even fighting back!

"This is the power of rules!"

Not far away, there was a deep worry in the eyes of the principal, Jingji Chuan Shui.

He is well aware of the character of his friend's son, Tao Gong Linya. At this stage, he can't choose to retreat and admit defeat. It is precisely because of this that he is even more worried.

In any duel, heaven and man lose, and human beings may not have the courage to die.

But human beings lost, heaven and man had no scruples about it at all, let alone the man in a black coat with hell-like eyes standing opposite, who was the seventh judge called "human slash".

"Oh? Haven't you fallen yet?"

On the field, Gaius Rhine, whose hands fell into the pockets of his black trench coat, looked indifferently at Momomiya Rinya, who was covered in flesh and blood and was almost unsteady.

He shook his head sarcastically.

"Tsk tsk, ignorance and conceit. It will always be the worst enemy of mankind. I won't ask you how you obtained that kind of power that is not on the sequence list. The sword will tell me everything. If there are any unfulfilled wishes, don't say anything. Well, because... I've decided to send you on your way."

The voice fell, the black prison filled the air, and the sound of swords hummed!


At this moment, without warning, a piercing electric current suddenly came from the direction of the distant sky tree, instantly passing through everyone's eardrums, and countless people raised their heads in a daze after being startled.

"Can you hear it? Hello! Can you hear it?" A gentle hoarse voice came from the huge loudspeaker used for disaster evacuation in the radio tower of the Sky Tree.

It quickly spread throughout the pedestrian street, and Gaius Rhine couldn't help but raise his head.

"It looks like it should be audible."

In the huge loudspeaker broadcast, the gentle hoarse voice continued, "Sorry, forgive me for greeting everyone in this way tonight, because what I'm going to say next may be very, very important to everyone."

"We all know that the human population in this world is tens of thousands of times that of the gods, and the reason why the world government and the families of gods and people above the law have appeared in our history are rooted in the root cause. Originating from the spontaneous fear in the human heart, this fear makes everyone willing to submit to the unique power, and the inferiority of human beings will drive themselves to instigate others to submit to themselves.

As if fear would not exist if all surrendered to the fear of the powerful"

At this point, a gentle chuckle came from the huge loudspeaker broadcast.

"Do you think it's funny too? Haha, but what's really funny is that this kind of fear is rooted in the flaws of human innate talent. Even an ordinary person who is born with excellent talent, as long as he has not awakened his talent ability, then he will start from From birth, he will become a 'lower man' who is bound to submit to the fears of the powerful in this world.

It's been like this for thousands of years, and it's the same today.

This feeling, I think everyone here today should be more clear and intuitive than what I said. "

I don't know when, the originally noisy sound on the pedestrian street under the sky tree quieted down.

People look at me, I look at you, and they bow their heads silently.

At this time, there was a sound of "zizi" from the loudspeaker overhead, and someone could vaguely hear someone shouting in a panic, "Who invaded our broadcasting system", "cut him, cut him quickly". class discourse.

After a while, the noisy voice disappeared, and the gentle hoarse voice spoke again.

"Hehe, it seems that some people don't want me to say too much, then I will only tell you the last news, and the countdown will start immediately after one minute, a mighty 'blessing' will come centered on this radio tower. On everyone in the vicinity, let you have the power you once craved day and night, the power that really belongs to you, if you don't want to, you can leave now."

"Look here.

Those adjudicating divisions in black. "

"Look there.

Those celestial families who are high in the clouds. "

"Lambs who live under the care of heaven and man, when you have power, will you still surrender to fear? Or will you face your fear bravely?"

"I don't need to answer this question, you just need to. Answer yourselves."

Having said that, the sound of the loudspeaker of the radio tower in the Sky Tree stopped abruptly!

Immediately afterwards, there was a panicked voice, which seemed to be the person in charge of Sky Tree Radio, and hurriedly apologized on the radio, saying that the broadcast had just been hijacked by unidentified dangerous elements, and everything just said was alarmist. Be rational.

However, at this moment, the atmosphere on the pedestrian street became a little weird.

Some passers-by seem to not want to be involved, regardless of whether it is good or bad, and hurriedly picked up their children and took their family members to quickly evacuate in the opposite direction to the Sky Tree Radio Tower;

The frenzy on the faces of some passers-by stood there, staring directly at the sky tree like a lighthouse in the dark night.

There were also some passersby who were a little tangled, and reason made him leave this dangerous place quickly, but the gentle hoarse voice from the loudspeaker just now aroused his longing for the power of day and night thinking in the depths of his heart.

For a time, the pedestrian street suddenly fell into a sudden chaos.

"Big brother, shall we go back now?"

Taking a break in the backstage of Takehara South in New Tokyo, Nishimaru Miri asked Higashinohara with a little uneasiness raised on her face.

Higashinohara nodded, "Well, the exchange meeting has ended. There is a situation here. I think the teacher has counted the number of people and let us go back first."

At this time, the teacher who led the team suddenly shouted, "Has anyone seen the members of the second-grade team?"

Hearing the teacher's words, the first- and third-year students in Takehara Minami, New Tokyo couldn't help but look at each other, looked at each other for a while, and then shook their heads.

The teacher who led the team sighed and said helplessly, "These guys won't go to the pedestrian street to play, they're really a bunch of guys with big hearts! We three third graders only have their second graders who lost, and they still have something to worry about. Go shopping, let’s help you find it first.”

Hearing the words of the leading teacher, everyone nodded and quickly dispersed and began to look for it.

Youth means fearlessness.

What's more, they themselves are the lucky ones with awakening ability, and basically no one takes the god-like prophecy in the sky tree radio tower broadcast seriously.

Higashinohara and Nishimaru Miri looked at each other, he nodded and said, "In that case, come with me, let's look around, don't go too far."


Nishimaru Miri quickly nodded her head.

When the two of them got out of the temporary restroom and came to the pedestrian street, Higashinohara realized that the originally lively and peaceful pedestrian street was noisy and chaotic at the moment!

The crowd on the pedestrian street divided into two lines in front of him, one extended to the distant exit, and the other moved slowly in the direction of the sky tree.

Tonohara looked slightly startled.

At this moment, Nishimaru Miri who was next to her suddenly gently tugged at the corner of Higashinohara's clothes.

After returning to God, Higashinohara lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Big brother."

Nishimaru Miri raised her little finger and pointed to an alley between the two shops on the street, and said with a little hesitation on her face, "I seem to have seen a second-year sister pass by?"

Where to go and what to do?

Higashinohara frowned slightly as he looked at the alley.

He pondered for two seconds, and then said, "Go, let's take a look, and tell them to go back together if nothing happens."

6K today, ask for a ticket Lululu~

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