Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 156 Infinite Sword Prison. The Type II!

Under the New Tokyo Sky Tree.

Near the venue of the exchange meeting, the sky tree centered on the sky tree spread out to the surrounding, like the moonlight of all blessings, and sprinkled those invisible black threads to the earth.

After a minute or so, it finally disappeared into the distant sky, and the Skytree, which had briefly lost its power supply, gradually re-bloomed from bottom to top.

Below, among the ordinary people who had been standing in the same place with dull faces when they were shrouded in the sky.

Except for those who lost their minds after hugging their heads in pain and mourning halfway, and then the black-robed execution team who attacked the Judgment Division was brutally and bloodily washed away, the remaining small number of people also seemed to be still and the screen was pressed again. Start key, gradually regained consciousness.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know, I seem to be asleep."

"I feel the same way, as if I had a dream."

"Do you feel as if a voice is speaking in your head?"

"I don't, but I feel like I have a lot of physical strength and I really want to smash something."

"Hey! Stay away from me, but I also feel that my body is not the same."

"Wait! Could it be true what the man said on the radio just now? It's incredible, isn't it?"


At this moment, the awakened people whispered about the subtle changes in their bodies.

Everyone's faces were full of silent shock and doubt, and no one was mentally prepared to meet this change in a hurry.

NHK's outdoor reporter Makoto Shudu shook his head vigorously, threw the babbling voice out of his mind, and looked down at the palm of his hand.

With a slight movement in his heart, a small dark red flame burst out with a scoff.

Zhouducheng was suddenly startled, and the guy who was eating in his hand almost threw the microphone out, and finally managed to suppress the shock and excitement in his heart to calm down.

He was not a reporter who was born with a serious face under the camera. When he was young, he never imagined that he would one day awaken his ability, but unfortunately he was defeated by reality and life in the end.

But he didn't expect that reality and life made a joke with people. Although this day was late, he just looked at the small flame in the palm of his hand, and he couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Although Zhouducheng is not a capable person, he thinks that he is familiar with the talent sequence list.

There are only a few fire-type abilities on the list, and the little dark red flame in his palm doesn't look like any of them.

Strange. Really weird.

However, in this era, it is always a rare good thing to be able to awaken the ability. Zhoudu Cheng wanted to share the joy with the cameraman behind him.

As a result, turning around,

Almost startled himself.

I saw the straight man of steel who was said to be only interested in photographic equipment on weekdays. At this moment, he was carefully taking care of the things in his palm. Ice crystals like inch of black water condensed in his palm.

Black ice ability?

Zhouducheng was once again caught in a stunned situation.

He unconsciously recalled the words of the man on the broadcast just now in his mind. Could this be the so-called "favor"?

But he was accustomed to looking for the corresponding ability in the talent sequence list. At this time, when he encountered such an ability that was not on the list, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

Before I could understand this, suddenly I heard someone around me exclaim.

The next moment, under the lens of the camera, a large area of ​​scarlet that was difficult to wash away by rain appeared on a street corner not far away.

Countless scattered corpses were piled up in the corners indiscriminately. The clothes on the corpses were tattered, and some of the skin and hand bones were obviously broken and torn violently. When everyone saw this, their hearts palpitated and they couldn't breathe.

Soon, someone noticed that the clothes of the corpse on the street corner seemed familiar.

In the next moment, their throats were a little dry and they realized that the corpses with blood on their faces piled up in the corners were probably the partners and colleagues who stood beside them a minute ago.

What the hell is going on here?

At this time, another member of the Judgment Division Heipao Execution Team walked over with an indifferent expression.

The night wind was mixed with the damp and bloody smell, and in the foggy rain curtain, they seemed to be carrying something when they walked.

It was only after they got closer that everyone could see that the corpses with their hearts and vital positions exploded.

Some couldn't even piece together the corpses, so they were lifted up by the judges in black robes and threw them into the corpse on the street corner.

Suddenly, standing in Zhouducheng, his pupils shrank slightly.

Among those corpses, he saw the young baby-faced intern who had come with them today.

After graduating from the Media Department of Xindong University, he has just joined NHK TV for a month. The young people are very diligent and eager to learn.

NHK's internship is based on the elimination system, but Shudu Makoto is very optimistic about him and thinks that he can complete the internship and keep him. This outdoor shooting specially took him with him to do chores.

But now, the baby face, who usually smiles childishly and shyly, has fallen into the pool of blood lifelessly.

At a certain moment, I don't know if it was the courage born out of thin air after awakening the ability for no reason today, Zhoudu Cheng suddenly picked up the microphone and walked quickly to the usually dreaded black-robed execution team.

"What are you doing?"

In the rushing rain, Funado Makoto asked loudly as he approached.

The captain of the Judgment Division Heipao Execution Team is a man who is not very tall, but has a somewhat sinister complexion.

He turned his head, his indifferent triangular eyes fell on the human reporter in the rain in front of him.

He just stared at him that way.

Not a word was said.

Inexplicably, a terrifying chill like being stared at by a poisonous snake rose in Zhouducheng's heart, and he took a step back involuntarily.

But the baby face with a childish smile appeared in his mind, or the figure stopped by gritted teeth, biting his head to meet the other party's gaze and said:

"I'm Makoto Funado, an outdoor reporter from NHK in Wano country. I want to ask you! What are you guys doing!"

The execution team captain still watched Zhoudu Cheng calmly. During this period, the members of the Judgment Division execution team behind him were unaware of what happened here, and methodically took those cold corpses one by one in the cold rain. tossed them into the pile of corpses.

Finally, the captain of the execution team said slowly, "These people were disturbed by their unknown external abilities, and they openly attacked the execution team of the Judgment Division, interfering with the arrest of high-risk individuals who assassinated MPs and judges, so we follow the law of the Judgment Division. Carry out a clearing mission against them."

Having said that, the captain of the executive team paused, and his triangular eyes flashed a dangerous light, "Do you have any questions?"

The man's voice was cold.

It was so cold that Zhoudu Cheng felt that if he still blocked here, in the next second, he might also become the target of interfering with the other party's mission and be subjected to a bloody purge.

In the past, Zhouducheng may have been scared away by the terrifying momentum of the Judgment Division's execution team.

But today, there was a voice in his mind clearly telling him that if he didn't step back, the consequences might be really serious, but his feet seemed to be nailed to the place by nails.

Maybe it's because he and them and the people of this country have taken too many steps back when facing the World Government and the Judgment Division.

In the past, I had no choice but to withdraw.

But today, he was lucky enough to have the ability. When he was studying before, he heard that "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", so should he also fulfill the responsibility of a media person?

In the bleak night rain, NHK reporter Makoto Shudu's shoulders trembled slightly.

But he still didn't back down.

Human beings are sometimes really strange creatures. They are obviously afraid of dying, but they will grit their teeth for some kind of thought that is ridiculous after thinking about it.

The captain of the executive team stood quietly in front of Zhoudu Cheng, and he stared at him like that.

At a certain moment, the captain's face suddenly showed a somewhat mocking look, and the sight of Zhoudu Cheng was no different from those of the corpses piled up in the corner.

The Adjudication Division never needs to be convincing.

Just need to be awesome.

Especially in front of this kind of stupid human who controls a little ability and wants to challenge the rules.

However, at this moment, without warning, a terrifying explosion suddenly came from the cross street not far away.

The enforcement team of the Judgment Division has just been in charge of chasing down those irrational humans. It is still unclear what happened there. Everyone was shocked when they heard this huge movement!

There is.

The seventh ruling makes the place responsible!

The captain of the executive team suddenly didn't care about the human in front of him. In his eyes, the other party was an ant that could be crushed to death at any time, just as he was in the eyes of the big men in the ruling division.

Last time, the eleventh ruling of Baiyu Square was killed, but no one was injured in the black robe execution team of the ruling division stationed in the country, because this incident has already implicated many people.

The captain of the executive team couldn't imagine the horrible consequences that would happen to them in Wano country tonight if the seventh ruling caused them to not even get involved.

"Quick! Everyone come with me!"

He waved his hand, and everyone behind him immediately followed.

NHK reporter Shudu Makoto was almost soaked with sweat on his back. At this moment, the terrifying pressure suddenly disappeared. He almost didn't sit on the ground with his butt on his back. He glanced blankly at the direction where the black-robed execution team disappeared.

Not far behind, the camera brother who was carrying the camera hurried up to help Zhou Ducheng.

Zhoudu Cheng glanced at the cross street corner in the rainy night, although he didn't know what happened after the corner.

But judging from the nervousness of the black-robed execution team of the Judgment Division just now, he felt that something extraordinary must have happened there.

"Go! Let's follow!"

Zhouducheng wiped the rain off his face, called the cameraman, and followed quickly without saying a word.

The other surviving TV reporters around the venue of the exchange meeting, you look at me, I look at you, gritted their teeth and followed.

In fact it's not just them.

The life-and-death struggle between Kyoto swordsman Tao Gong Linya and the seventh adjudicator was suddenly interrupted, followed by a sudden turmoil and chaos after the sky fell.

The capable people present were basically unaffected, but the actions of the Judgment Division were too fast and bloody, and many people have recovered from it until now.

Principal Kyogoku Chuansui glanced at the bruised and bruised figure on the duel arena, looking in the direction of the cross street, trying to stand up with the black lacquer sword in his hand.

But after trying several times in a row, he failed.

Even as a seventh-order peak swordsman, taking revenge in front of a terrifying demigod like Gaius Rhine, the seventh ruling, has become an increasingly distant goal.

Seeing the [Lion King] that figure was leaning on his hands, he was about to crawl in the direction of the cross street in such a miserable way in the rain.

Obviously, he was extremely unwilling in his heart.

Not reconciled, he has worked so hard to prepare for so many years, asking three times a day if he has gotten his revenge, and even merging the black lacquer knife in his hand, which is stained with unknown and ominous aura, but still can't cut the enemy's head.

So he can't be reconciled.

Principal Jingji Chuanshui sighed silently. He disapproved of the life-and-death struggle after this exchange meeting in advance, but he still did not expect it to develop into the current situation.

After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to the teacher who led the exchange meeting, "First, you and Mr. Nakazaki will take the students from the two schools on the school bus back to the school, and make sure to deliver them all safely."

"What about you, principal?" asked the leading teacher.

Jingji Chuan Shui looked at Tao Gong Lin on the exchange platform and smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "I will stay here with Teacher Tao Gong in Kyoto."

Having said this, he paused and said in a serious tone, "There are so many innocent ordinary people at the scene, and they all came to watch this exchange meeting for our southern Zhuyuan, and the black robes of the Judgment Division enforce the law. The team is domineering, and as the principal, I have to be responsible to the ordinary people who recover their sanity."

Next, Jingji Chuanshui didn't explain much, and quickly stepped forward to help Taogong Linye on the ground.

The latter thanked him in a low voice, and the two of them followed the reporters from the TV station and rushed towards the cross street where the landslides and tsunamis were constantly roaring not far away.

In the rainy night, among the chaotic crowd, a man in a blue maintenance worker's uniform with a toolbox in his hand followed closely behind him.

Ahead, the closer you got to that street corner, the more violent the roaring sound.

But when NHK reporter Makoto Funado, principal Kyogoku Kawasui and others finally walked through the cross street and looked in another direction.

All of a sudden, everyone stood there like nails, full of surprise and disbelief, unable to take a step forward at all.

In front of him, nearly the entire street was covered in pitch-black ruins, and the humid air was filled with the smell of dust, filled with shocking and powerful might.

The original asphalt road was pulled out of countless terrifying gaps of more than ten meters long, and the surrounding buildings were covered with countless cobweb-like cracks.

It's just that the night wind wafted down with raindrops, and with a loud bang, the crumbling buildings suddenly turned into the collapsed ruins on this street.

The people who came in a hurry looked at it with shock, and the whole street was like a cake, which was criss-crossed and cut into countless pieces from different angles from all directions.

And the man who cut the street.

One was standing on a broken street lamp.

It was a fox-faced man wearing a slightly larger black trench coat and a red and blue fox monster mask on his face, holding a bizarre black-gold double-edged ancient sword in each of his left and right hands.

It's him? !

At this moment, the man who called himself "New Tokyo Disciplinary Committee" appeared in the minds of many people.

He seems to have two masks when walking in front of the world, one is a dark golden dragonfly mask, and the other is the fox mask in front of him.

Not far in front of him, the seventh ruling in the black robe of the ruling department made Gaius Rhein shake his head slightly, staring at Higashinohara and said:

"If it's just this level, I think I'm about to lose the patience to play with you."

When the voice fell, he gently raised the [Xiao Long Jingguang] in his hand, and an invisible and intangible black sword prison rolled away like a tide in all directions again.

Infinite Sword Prison. Type II. [8]!

Different from the ordinary slash [solution] that is launched more frequently, "8" means to launch a heavy slash only once on the target, and the power of the heavy slash depends on the ability of the target and oneself.

Intended to kill with one blow!

At the moment when the sword shape unfolded, the countless sharp blades of different shapes that covered the clouds and the sun in the Infinite Sword Prison suddenly gathered in the middle like a tornado.

In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a giant sword that was unparalleled in the world, lying between the two of them.

At this moment, the dark blue night above his head seemed to be torn apart from it, and the rustling night rain seemed to have been captured by this terrifying power for a while, and moved away from both sides.

The sky and the earth suddenly became clear.

The people who rushed over from there were shocked!

This scene in front of me is undoubtedly more terrifying and frightening than the power unleashed when the emperor's birthday is the eleventh ruling on the White Jade Plaza.

Is this a demigod-level capable person? !

Taogong Lin, who was severely injured and supported by Jingji River Water, also raised his head and stared at this scene blankly. His heart of revenge, which had been solid as a rock for more than ten years, suddenly loosened a little at this moment.

Just a fight to the death

The other party didn't do their best at all!

Taogong Linye's eyes suddenly filled with confusion. Is this the difference in personal talent? Or is it the gigantic gap that cannot be bridged between humans and heaven?

The seventh ruling made Gaius Rhine lightly close his eyelids, as if there was a slight flash of light, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "My sword will be faster, how about you? Can it be faster?"

Hearing Gaius Rhine's ridicule, Higashinohara had just been moving every cell and every muscle in his body with the help of [Spiritual Healing] while he was constantly moving [Scale of Quicksand. Fourteen Times]. Recovery, squeezing every inch of this body's potential.

Can you go any faster?

His consciousness quickly retracted his sight from the 111 points in the attributes of the Guilty Manual panel, and raised his head to look up at the terrifying giant sword that was beyond the horizon.

Silently gave himself an affirmative answer.

Hourglass of time. Double slow play X eight times. Shadow instant!

Scales of Quicksand. Sixteen times the speed! ! !

Nine Eyes and Six Paths. Second Eye. Thread of Death!

open! ! !

Take a bath and continue coding~

You can watch it in the morning.

Ask for a ticket!

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