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Chapter 170 Counterattack, the first active attack!

【Guild Handbook】

[Swords without Self, One Sword: Tornado, Onikiri, Lion Heart, Thunder Dragon, Nilong, Shenglong, Shura Yewu] (Intermediate 47/100)

[The Secret Skill of One Sword Without Self: No Self Mirror Heart (Elementary 7/100)]

[The Mystery of the Mystery of One Sword without Self: One Sword Asura (Elementary 2/100)]

In the early morning of the weekend, there was no haze from yesterday outside the window, and it was rare that the rain had passed the sky. After waking up, Higashinohara entered the [Guilty Handbook] and glanced at it, and nodded with a little satisfaction in his heart.

Last night, he decomposed the [Scissorhands] fragmentation ability into 0.5 source power points, and converted them into 50 proficiency points according to the exchange ratio in the [Guild Handbook], all of which were added to the sword shape of [No Self, One Blade Flow], making the The proficiency went from [Elementary 7/10] to [Intermediate 47/100] in one go.

Speaking of which, it's not that he didn't think about the [Secret Skill] or [Secret Mystery], which is directly without self, but at that time the "+" behind those two skills was always in a gray state. The basic basic sword type of the primary level begins to improve.

Facts have proved that Higashinohara guessed right.

The [No-Self Swordsmanship] dropped by the great swordsman is really a step-by-step high-level sword type. Even if you add some points, you must first improve the basic sword type, and only after a certain level can you learn secret skills and secret secrets.

And when Higashinohara upgraded the basic sword type of the No-Self-Dao style to the intermediate level, the gray "+" behind the secret skills and secret secrets in the personal panel skill column immediately turned into a yellow "+".

Discovering this, Higashinohara just went to bed last night with a burst of energy, endured exhaustion and has been practicing swordsmanship and proficiency in secret techniques in Gaius Rhine's [Character Image Dissection].

It was not until the end that the unstoppable tiredness hit him like a tide, and he slowly fell asleep in the spirit of healing.

By this morning, although the increase in proficiency of the secret skill [No-self Mirror Heart] and the secret profound meaning [One Blade Asura] is not very "obvious".

But it's still an improvement.

This also means that when he encounters an enemy in the future, he can use secret skills and secret secrets to fight against the enemy as in "Sword Training in the Skull", which is gratifying anyway.

Lying on the tatami mat, Higashinohara reluctantly comforted himself, but he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

No wonder it is said that the combat effectiveness of ancient swordsmanship among those with the same level of ability is higher than those of ordinary ability, but it is easy to learn and difficult to master.

Even a kendo genius needs to study hard day in and day out, regardless of winter or summer, in order to improve the realm of kendo. This is truly a step-by-step process.

Therefore, in this world, most of those who have become seventh-order swordsmen or even eighth-order great swordsmen have awakened their abilities at a young age and then chose the path of kendo. The starting point is higher than others, so that they can climb more steadily at the peak of kendo. faster.

For a half-way monk like Higashinohara, if he wants to achieve success on the path of kendo, the road to go is undoubtedly more tortuous and difficult than the former.

Higashinohara is not a single-minded person.

Even if he has the [Sinner Manual], he can "practice the sword inside his head", and he can also have the proficiency of the sword shape. The speed and efficiency are far better than other peers of this age who want to enter the kendo.

But the enemy he is facing now is the unprecedented behemoth of the Judgment Division. This speed is still too slow for him - this is why he will take the initiative to join the Aragaki Detective Agency and take risks to try his luck. The reason for not being able to find criminals related to the capable ones.

It's just that the probability is obviously not too high. Looking at the world's huge human population base, there are too few lucky people who have awakened to become capable people.

Moreover, after thousands of years of moral and legal norms, the probability of capable people committing crimes has also been greatly reduced, which makes the efficiency of Higashinohara down this road very slow.

But what happened last night, coupled with the news broadcast by Shin-Tokyo two days ago—the government seems to be recruiting a group of people with the ability of fifth-order and below to the civil society to go to the Sky Tree, which has been closed for half a month and has not yet opened. A special investigation was carried out in the scenic spot, and various treatments were almost full.

Under the blockade of information from the official and the Judgment Division for the past two weeks, many people may not know what happened under the sky tree that night half a month ago.

But Higashinohara is naturally clear about this. The so-called special investigation is mostly aimed at the sky that was released centered on the Sky Tree radio tower.

Although many people died that night, there were also a small number of people who were turned into capable people by alien demons.

Looking at the population base of tens of billions in the world, if those warm lives are simply regarded as cold numbers.

Just imagine,

If such a canopy appears several times, even one day, it will explode on a large scale under the impetus of the ambitious people on the radio that night.

For most ordinary human beings in this world who feel that they can't bear the arrival of alien demons, this is undoubtedly a doomsday disaster, causing countless people to lose their minds and completely collapse into walking dead.

But that annoying, god-like voice on the radio that night, at least one sentence was correct. This is certainly a terrifying disaster like "elimination of the last place in life" for human beings. Under the huge population base, There are always a small number of people who can survive in the alien demons.

You must know that the celestial beings can maintain the foundation of the world government's rule over the Cross Continent because the pure-blooded celestial beings have their own racial talents from the beginning of this world, giving them a high enough starting point.

Therefore, once there is such a doomsday day, most of the lives of ordinary people will be ruthlessly harvested and eliminated, and the gap between the surviving people and the starting point of heaven and man will be completely wiped out.

Then it is the gods who should be feared.

For thousands of years, the withdrawal of heaven and man through the upper and lower houses of the world government and the nine great masters seems to be a step-by-step compromise to human beings, but they have always firmly grasped the real authority of this world, so they will definitely not allow such a thing. things happen.

After seeing the news of the recruitment, Higashinohara thought about it a little, and guessed that there must be a shadow of the Judgment Division behind this special investigation on the sky tree monsters - if those heavenly people didn't figure this out, they would be able to. It's weird to get a good night's sleep.

Higashinohara was puzzled.

Why levy human ability to participate?

Is there any danger?

Or some other reason I don't know about?

This round of recruitment will be held at the end of February. By that time, Takehara Minami Private School, where Higashinohara is located, will almost have to conduct an academic proficiency test, ending the last semester of the first academic year.

So, do you want to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and have a look?

After beheading two adjudication divisions in a row, Higashinohara and adjudication division are basically immortal. He has been lurking under the water carefully, waiting for the tsunami after the adjudication division calms down.

But from the end of January to now for more than half a month, in addition to the news, Wano country still wanted "Captain Dragonfly" and "Fox Mask Man" and increased the bounty, like the first person who died under his sword last time. The Seventh Judgment made Gaius Rhine encircle and suppress the Ye Fury Revolutionary Army as soon as he arrived in Wano.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Higashinohara has now offended the people of the Judgment Division to death, and he must not wait for others to come to him for trouble, not to mention the radio tower in the sky tree, and the strange monsters that he suddenly became interested in.

Then, while the identity is not exposed, it seems that it is not unreasonable to seize the opportunity to investigate.

On the tatami in the living room.

Higashinohara put his hands behind his head and squinted and pondered these things, and gradually fell into contemplation. It seemed that there was something fateful and bound to meet waiting for him in the not-too-distant future.

Outside the window, in the eastern sky where the dawn was like a fire, strands of light gradually shone through the glass into this narrow rental room, leaving a dazzling dizziness on his neck.

At the same time, Chiyoda Ward.

The official residence of the Adjudicator in New Tokyo, in a dark dungeon where the sunlight cannot penetrate.

A row of men and women were covered with black cloth blindfolds, with silver-white ability restraints on their necks, squatting naked in the corner of the wall, their bodies trembling slightly.

Everyone's face is full of numbness and despair. Blindfolded, they can't see the light or hope, just like poor lambs with two feet.

Not far away, dirty tableware and toilet bowls that haven't had time to deal with are piled up indiscriminately.

Half a month ago, part of the bloody night of the New Tokyo Sky Tree was bloodily cleaned up by the black robe execution team on the spot, and some people were taken to the hospital, and they have been discharged one after another today.

But among those who were admitted to the hospital were those whose names were indifferently crossed off the list by the adjudication department to inform grief-stricken families of their deaths.

No one thought that some of them were secretly concentrated here.

At the entrance and exit of the dungeon, the two people on duty from the black-robed execution team of the Judgment Division did not look sideways, their expressions were meticulous, and they seemed indescribably serious.

It's not that they are serious about their work, but that there are 360-degree cameras at different angles in the dungeon. It is said that there is a big man from the Judgment Division who came to Beijing. He likes to sit on the other end of the camera and observe these two feet with interest. lamb.

Occasionally the big man is interested, and he will pick up a person from the dungeon and send it to her office. Only when he is sent back again, there are often only "half", or even "three-quarters" left.

Yes, it is the literal meaning of the quantifier.

I don't know if these lowly two-legged lambs have too much vitality, or if the big man has some kind of god-like strange power.

Those who were sent back were still in a coma even though they were dying, and in the next day or two of endless hell-like pain, they would unconsciously and unreservedly release a certain ability that they carried.

This is said to be the best viewing time.

The people of the Judgment Division Heipao Execution Team will seize this time, carefully observe and record the characteristic attributes of abilities outside these talent sequences, and conduct evaluation and classification.

Today, the reason why the people in the black-robed execution team in the dungeon are so nervous is because there was a night watchman on duty last night who looked at the naked two-legged lambs who were blindfolded, thinking that no one would know at night anyway, so they could vent the fire and find out. Having some fun guarding dungeons is so boring.

But less than half an hour after he vented his anger, he was brought into the big man's office, and only half of them were left.

Later, according to the warning from the faceless black-robed executive team captain, these two-legged lambs in the dungeon were the "private toys" of the big man from Shanghai.

Growing up, what she hated most was people touching her toys.

Double at the end of the month!

Ask for a ticket!

And at night! ! !

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