Pass through the gate of [Border] and come to the second day of this hell world.

After experiencing the tense and intense material snatch and camp migration in the morning, in the afternoon, the survey team continued to survey the surrounding areas with the camp at the foot of the central building as the center.

After all, Gray Maine didn't ask Higashinohara to question him alone, but there were some things that everyone knew.

With the toughness and sternness of the Judgment Division, if everyone can survive until seven days to get out again this time, then this young man named "Nishinomiyai" will probably suffer a lot. The reason why the Judiciary Division can become a nightmare for so many people. It does not depend on tolerance and probation.

Higashinohara is also aware of this.

In fact, at noon, he didn't want to give Gray Maine face so bad. It was because the high-risk blue ability [World Destroyer] was too domineering, and it actually had an impact on his emotions.

Higashinohara usually has a cautious and low-key personality, and he feels like a spring breeze, gentle and kind, which is one of the reasons why he is popular in school.

Handsome may be another.

But the ability of [World Destroyer] is like an emotional amplifier, magnifying the insignificant violent and fierce emotions that occasionally flashed in his heart, and then releasing it together with the torrent-like power in his body.

[World Destroyer (can be advanced twice, the current conditions are not met)]

Higashinohara's consciousness was withdrawn from the [Sin Manual] in his mind, and a thoughtful look gradually appeared on his face.

It seemed his guess was correct.

This second-level blue high-risk ability [World Destroyer], which is not directly obtained from the Alien Demon in the talent sequence, is really not that simple as a physical system ability, but I don't know what the "secondary advancement" in the remarks needs to be. what conditions can be met.

According to Higashinohara's guess, since [World Destroyer] has bonuses to agility, strength, and physique, and can also affect emotions, it may be necessary for all five items of his personal attribute panel to reach a certain standard before he can achieve the advanced level again.

Speaking of which, the ability of Zhang Tuzi, whose real name is Zhang Jiteng's alienation, is actually "unremarkable", just an ability with extremely outstanding growth attributes.

This kind of growth attribute is placed on him, or after a few years, he physically perishes in this world, and the ability to materialize escapes like a ghost to the world where Higashinohara is when the gate of the border is opened. Descend into a human being.

The [Green Death] is always the [Green Death], and it is already difficult to upgrade it into a [World Destroyer] by personal ability, let alone a second step.

It's just that I don't know whether to say it's unfortunate or fortunate. This ability with excellent growth attributes was obtained by Higashinohara, and Higashinohara can be improved by adding points of source power.

The original hardest level was directly pushed out.

The question now is,

How to get power point?

When Dong Yeyuan broke through the siege this morning, with the help of the investigation team of more than ten people and the power of sixth-order power users, he took advantage of the chaos to make up the knife to collect the ability fragments of unknown particles, and then decomposed a dragon, and finally accumulated 1.5 source power points. .

Too bad it's empty now.

If he is alone for the rest of the time, it is basically impossible to go back to the old-fashioned residential building in Pujiang Community and kill seven in and seven out under the siege of strange monsters. Naturally, we still have to investigate The team works together.

However, during the survey in the afternoon, Higashinohara noticed that the six members of the Judgment Si Heipao Execution Team in the survey team had a transparent detector.

In most cases, the detector will not respond at all, except occasionally flashing gray and green light once or twice, but Gray Maine didn't hesitate, and quickly greeted everyone, bypassed here, and continued to move forward. probe.

The people behind him were relieved when they saw this, and felt that Gray Maine was more cautious, otherwise, if he went in recklessly, I am afraid that any of them might sacrifice.

But Higashinohara in the crowd vaguely felt that this was not because Gray Maine was cautious enough, but felt that he had a bigger goal. Could it be the third-level blue high-risk monster?

But the third-level blue monsters are all seventh- to eighth-level strengths, and none of them are the opponents of those third-level monsters.

If you come to the door, won't you die?

However, I thought that the adjudication department spent a lot of manpower and material resources to block the business circle around the sky tree this time. Every blockade of such a popular business circle is a huge loss. It also specially organized an investigation team to cross the gate of [border], so The big hand is definitely not just as simple as investigating strange monsters as stated on the surface.

Ordinary people who do not have the ability to awaken can be descended by strange demons, and if they can resist the conflict between the spiritual fusion of the two, they can obtain the ability of strange demons.

But for those who are capable, if they want to acquire the abilities of the alien demons or want to integrate with their own abilities, the process in the middle is extremely difficult, and it is not an overnight thing at all. Not everyone can kill the alien demons like Dongyeyuan. There are also "experience" drops.

For those who are capable, the most direct help of the alien demons is those parasitic items that are parasitized by the abilities of the alien demons whose consciousness gradually dissipates - such as the [Lion King] of Kyoto swordsman Momogiya Linya, The internal dossier of the Judgment Division called it a simple [Magic Tool].

As the name suggests, the parasitic implements of alien demons.

According to the rank of the different demons, the magic tools are divided into the first-level gray ordinary, the second-level green excellent, the third-level blue high-risk, the fourth-level purple legend, and the fifth-level orange epic.

In fact, the fourth and fifth-level magic tools only exist in the theoretical speculation of the Judgment Division, and no one has actually seen them. After all, the third-level blue high-risk [Magic Tool] already has its own domain. , How can a monster of the same level lose its body so easily to find a parasite?

On the other hand, imagine that a weapon with its own domain itself is very attractive even for the seventh-order absolute ability and the eighth-order demigod-level ability.

Therefore, when we walked through the gate of [Boundary] this time, Gray Maine also instructed very sternly that if [Magic Equipment] was found, or the weapons and items he carried during these seven days were parasitized by alien demons The situation must be reported in a timely manner.

He didn't say much about the consequences of not reporting or deliberately concealing it, but the three words "Judgment Division" here undoubtedly explained everything.

Higashinohara couldn't help but secretly guess in his heart. Could it be that the Judgment Division is investigating strange monsters in name, but is it actually looking for [Magic Gear]?

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