Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 315 Darkness and light, dare to take off the mask?

Upper Kyoto city area,

In the black building of the Adjudication Division.

"Sky Tree Fireworks Festival?"

A woman's slightly cold voice sounded slowly in one of the few meeting rooms on the third floor of the Judgment Division that faced the pure white flower garden in front of the building and could enjoy the afternoon sun.

The woman looks to be in her thirties, her tall 190-year-old figure is very eye-catching, her long jet-black hair hangs back behind her, her forehead is smooth and flat, and her slender and delicate almond eyes have dark blue eyes, which are revealed from time to time. A slight sense of alienation and indifference.

In fact, being able to appear in this conference room, which only a few people can enter, is enough to explain the status and identity of women in the headquarters building of the Adjudication Division.

The only SSS ruling made by the ruling division.

The third ruling makes.

Empress Dorothy Alita.

She looked away from the white flowerbed outside the window and turned to look at the man with a mixture of madness and murderous intent not far away.

Second Judge Pusso Wiseman, the man rumored to be called the Demon Sword, is also the only human in the history of the Judge Division to sit at the top of the Second Judge.

The man is playing with a brass metal coin with the coat of arms of the griffin engraved on it.

Or "collectibles".

In fact, every time he completed the "harvest", he would take something away from the target as a souvenir. The female emperor Dorothy Alita didn't have too many thoughts on the viciousness of men.

"A country is not a country. I didn't expect that people from a small country would still have such a leisurely atmosphere at this time. Do you want their country to go to heaven together in the fireworks?" She said lightly, some dark humorous words came from her mouth. It wasn't meant to be too much of a joke.

"Although I don't know where you got the news." The second ruling 'Demon Blade' Pusso Wiseman tilted his head cynically and glanced at Dorothy Alita, then said with a light smile, " But I believe that the dignified 'emperor' will definitely not play some popular tricks, such a small country that is not worth mentioning about to perish is not worthy of your identity."

Empress Dorothy Alita looked at Pusso Wiseman lightly, "But if I remember correctly, the old man has never assigned the rebellion of Wano to anyone in the Judgment Division."

"But everyone in the adjudication department should know"

The second ruling made Pusso Wiseman glance at the woman indifferently, his eyelids drooped slightly and said, "There are 'fruits' that I need to harvest, and no one wants to destroy a person's 'joyful' harvest, right? Unless He wants to see that joy turn into 'anger'."


The female emperor Dorothy Alita frowned, she naturally knew that what the man in front of her said could not be the 'fruit of ability' circulating on the black market outside, and immediately said with some clarity, "It seems that you are eyeing someone again, Wouldn't it be the guy who was making a mess in Wano but didn't dare to take off his mask?"

"You don't need to know this."

The second ruling made Pusso Wiseman glance at her from the corner of his eye, and said in a regretful tone, "It's a pity that it has been an eventful time in Beijing recently. There is no chance to observe the growth of the 'fruit' up close."

"Don't worry, a person who hides behind a mask and hides his head and tail is not attractive to me."

Empress Dorothy Alita shook her head and said, "I didn't come to you for this boring thing. If I offend you, I'm sorry."

The second ruling made Pusso Wiseman glance at the indifferent and unapologetically beautiful face of the Empress Dorothy Alita, and suddenly said in a frivolous tone, "Then you're not looking for me. I develop a pure sexual relationship that is beyond friendship but definitely not love? Although I am not very resistant to 'workplace romance', I am sorry that you are not my type, and I am sorry if I offend you."

"Long story short."

The female emperor Dorothy Alita raised her chin slightly, ended the brief trial of each other, and said lightly, "There is a third-level [Boundary Gate] in Wano, so there is a high probability that the hell world behind that door will be. There will be 'Styx', if you solve the 'instability factor' of Wano Kingdom, the Wano Kingdom after its demise will definitely be taken over by the people below you.

In order to prevent unnecessary conflicts in the future, I would like to say hello to you in advance. If that post-destruction country has the opportunity to give birth to a higher-level fourth-level border gate, I will go in once. "

"Oh?" Pusso Wiseman raised his eyebrows in the second ruling, "A proud queen, you're actually interested in something that useless old guys like 'Styx' covet?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Empress Dorothy Alita was noncommittal.

The second ruling made Pusso Wiseman not angry, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I thought that the conditions for 'straight to the point' communication always had to be presented together with the reward. Am I shallow?"

"The reward is that I will help you bear the coming pressure together." Empress Dorothy Alita squinted at Pusso Wiseman, the Second Judge, and said lightly, "Those who are high in the clouds have always been Pay attention to the face, the guy in Wano country who hides behind the mask has slapped their face fiercely several times, you don't think those people will really give up and let the other party be played by you?"

"Oh? The thinking of your nobles is really hard to understand." The second ruling made Pusso Wiseman said with a half-smile, "To a certain extent, when I harvest the fruits and get the joy of the harvest, I also Avenged them, shouldn't they thank me?"

"Of course I think so too."

The female emperor Dorothy Alita looked at each other calmly, "But the nobles of the Nine Great Families don't think so, maybe in the eyes of some people, the Judgment Division is just a loyal dog, but this loyal dog has become a loyal dog over the years. It's just too huge, and it's so huge that it violates the face of many masters, you should be aware of this, otherwise it won't hide the news so secretly."

"The old guys of the Tianrenjiu family have entered the gate of the boundary, and time has passed two cycles. No accident, they have all found the Styx, which means that when they can half foot into the tomb, they will The peak of the order is one level closer. After returning to Beijing, their status in the family will surely rise. If the border gate appears again in the sky tree, do you think they will give up the anchor point of the border gate? It is only up to you. I'm afraid I can't eat the place in Wano country alone."

After the Empress Dorothy Alita finished saying these words, she glanced at the unknown flowers planted in the white dazzling flowerbed outside, and stepped on high heels to the door of the conference room.

When she was about to go out, she paused and said, "There is still plenty of time, you can think about it carefully, just in time to enjoy the fireworks before the kingdom of Wano goes to heaven."

Behind him, the second ruling made Pusso Wiseman watch the back of Empress Dorothy Alita leaving, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually turned into distorted madness and murderous intent.

He lowered his head and muttered to himself, "No one can stop my desire for you, but don't let me down, my young 'little apple'."

Some people decide the demise of a country with just a few words, but for ordinary people who really live in this country, they don't feel too much trouble.

In fact, ever since the Wano country government and the Metropolitan Police Department hired the hunters of [Dawning Scarlet] with the support of the Kimura family to jointly enforce the law in New Tokyo, and the round of madness before Higashinohara entered the border gate." Brush points".

No, it should be done after justice.

Over the next few days, the crime rate in various parts of the twenty-three wards of New Tokyo dropped significantly.

Many shopping malls and amusement parks have also reopened. This long-lost calm has once again made the people of Wano country feel the rare peace and tranquility.

The previous evacuation of various adjudication divisions, the death of the new prime minister, and the series of terrorist incidents that occurred after various pirates in New Tokyo City appeared one after another. Everything seems to have happened in the last century.

Fuji TV, a funny variety show called "Dawu Talk Show".

"I'll just say it. There's absolutely no need for you to worry about the sky, and you should rest assured that you should eat and drink. The sky is falling and there are tall people on top of it."

Having said that, the comedian Tony Dawu on the stage glanced at the special guests in the front row with his hand on the pergola.

Several artists in the guest seat suddenly laughed and leaned back and forth for a while.

One guest couldn't help but said, "How dare you say that when all the nightclubs in the city were closed in the first few days, you hugged my arm and said, 'It's over, it's over,' and now you're starting to be optimistic again?"

"Uh, all the time."

Tony Dawu said with a smile, "Did you not receive any news from the city two days ago? Even the sky tree has reopened, and there will be a fireworks festival at the sky tree this evening, which shows that our government is also right Wano's future is full of confidence."

"So Tony-kun is the rudder to see the wind?"

"Eh? No, no, it's too much to see the wind."

"what is that?"

"I'm at best a man who knows current affairs and is Junjie (laughs)"

"Can you say that?"

"Of course you can, hey hey. Are you jealous that I just made a girlfriend to target me? Your kid is not too young, so hurry up and find a girlfriend to take her to the sky tree to watch the fireworks, oh I almost forgot, fireworks The festival is in the afternoon, and it should be too late now."

"Eh? Can Tony-kun attack you personally?"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, anyway, after I finished recording the show today, I took my girlfriend to the sky tree to watch the fireworks. Will you bring your girlfriend with you?"

"You can't get over the 'girlfriend' meme, right? Is it great to have a girlfriend?"

"Judging from the current bachelor rate of our Wano country, it seems to be quite remarkable. You must not know what it's like to go to the Sky Tree with your girlfriend to watch fireworks with your girlfriend, right?"

"Tony-kun, didn't you charge money to advertise the fireworks festival of the Sky Tree?"

"Huh? Is it that obvious? (laughs)"

"Haha well, anyway, the haze of yesterday has passed, and we have every reason to believe that Wano will have a better tomorrow."

"Darkness will be gone, and the light belongs to us."


Edogawa Ward, in the Aragaki apartment.

On the TV on the side, there was a variety talk show on Fuji TV, and the host of the funny show started lyrical inexplicably, which made people feel a little boring.

Today, March 27, is about to usher in April, which means that the annual spring break will soon end.

April is your lie.

Sitting blankly on the tatami in the rented room, supporting the small square table with her arms and her chin on her hands, Nishimaru Miri, who tilted her head and looked at the hazy sky outside through the rain marks on the glass, felt as if she had been "deceived".

The eldest brother said a week ago to go out to do some errands. She was very worried when she went out, and asked the other party to send a message every day to report safety.

But except that afternoon a week ago, she received a message of "Peace and Do not read" on her mobile phone.

The next few days seemed to sink into the sea, and she never heard from her again.

Oh, by the way, when she woke up a few days ago, the cell phones of few people in Nishimaru Miri's address book vibrated, making her excited to see an unread message after waking up.

I didn't expect that when I turned on the phone, it was actually a public message from the municipal department.

It is said that the Sky Tree, which has been closed for more than two months, will reopen tomorrow afternoon.

"No Pear Sauce,"

Next to the kitchen table in the room, Kolotia, who was rolling shrimp and octopus into a nori rice ball, said in a gentle tone, "I made some bento. If you are hungry while watching TV in the afternoon, you can eat some."

Nishimaru Miri raised her head and glanced at Kolotia a little sullenly, and turned over weakly, "But big brother isn't here, so it's boring to watch any TV."

Kolotia saw that Nishimaru Miri, a little loli who was always full of vitality on weekdays, rarely showed this "salted fish" appearance, which made people feel a little helpless.

Kolotia smiled, still a child after all, and said gently, "Don't be discouraged, Higashino-kun just went out to do errands, I believe Higashino-kun also wants to see a full of vitality Mili-chan when he comes back. "


Nishimaru Miri asked with a blink of an eye.

"Yes." Kolotia nodded and said, "Isn't New Tokyo TV broadcasting the Sky Tree fireworks festival in the afternoon? It should be quite lively, you can turn on the TV to watch it."

She had long heard that Wano Country would hold a grand fireworks festival before various major events, but she had never seen it for so long.

Nishimaru Miri immediately got up energetically, rushed over and grabbed the collar of Kolotia's clothes and shook:

"Auntie, why don't we go to the Sky Tree scene together. Anyway, the urban area is safe recently. I think many places are open for business, and there are a lot of people on the street."

After listening to Nishimaru Miri's words, Kolotia, who had a bad experience once, shook her head seriously, rubbed Nishimaru Miri's small head and said warmly:

"You can't do it there. When Higashino-kun was leaving, he also seriously instructed us to stay at home. If we go out, we should wait until next time with Higashino-kun."

Although Kolotia doesn't know Higashinohara's other identity, but after experiencing the scene on the train, Higashinohara is also a young man with "courage, ability, and responsibility" in her heart. A reliance and trust.

Nishimaru Miri heard that Kolotia moved out of Higashino and immediately died, returned to the tatami and sat down obediently, looked at the time on the phone and covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Yeah! The fireworks festival of the Sky Tree is about to start. ."

Saying that, she hurriedly lay down on the small square table and bent over to get the remote control on the tatami, and changed the TV from Fuji TV's funny variety show to New Tokyo TV.

The picture on the TV screen turns!

As soon as it was cut, a firework like a fiery red meteor rose slowly into the sky covered with rain clouds!

The next moment, splendid fireworks exploded with stars all over the sky, illuminating the hazy sky with brilliance and brilliance, reflecting the happy smiling faces of countless tourists rubbing shoulders under the square on three sides of the sky tree below.

"Hello everyone, viewers, here is the live broadcast brought to you by New Tokyo TV. We can see that the fireworks festival of the Sky Tree has begun. There are really many tourists at the Sky Tree scene today. I believe everyone is right. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time.”

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Even in front of the TV, the changing light from the screen made Nishimaru Miri's smiling face extraordinarily pure and full of yearning.

Colotia wiped her hands, walked over with the sliced ​​sushi, and watched the bright TV screen curiously.

Countless fireworks collided and shattered in the air one after another, making the cloudy sky look extremely splendid and colorful. Under the TV camera, everyone's faces were filled with long-lost happy smiles.

But just when everything seemed to be thriving with the blessing of fireworks, in the aerial footage of the TV reporter, the glass surface on the southeast side of the Tianwang Corridor, which was 300 meters above the ground, suddenly swelled high!

Suddenly, the air began to vibrate violently, making a terrifying crackling sound.

A circle of ripples spread out in all directions, and a force of supreme rules descended and enveloped the area.

However, in the splendid collision of fireworks in the sky, this scene was not discovered by the beautiful people who were still immersed in the fireworks in the sky tree square for the first time.

It's the last two days at the end of the month, ask for a ticket!

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