Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 318 The Evil Eight Stars! (5.3K large chapter)

The last time that dark golden dragonfly mask appeared, it has been almost half a year since now, and after entering the Wano country's official wanted list, it has never appeared in the public eye with this face.

But the people from the Metropolitan Police Department and the Third Investigation Team knew that the guy was always by their side, but he just put on a different mask, such as the fox-masked man with very similar weapons and abilities.

However, no one thought that in a hidden corner that they had never noticed, this man actually put on a mask again.

Appearing in front of everyone in a posture that no one had thought of, suddenly made countless people open their mouths.

It turns out that Shiroyasha is the Dragonfly Disciplinary Committee? It turns out that the Dragonfly Disciplinary Committee member is Shiroyasha!

After a brief shock, there was a feeling of sudden realization in the hearts of the countless people in Wano country who were sitting in front of the TV and watching TV Tokyo.

Thinking about it carefully, Shiroyasha rose like a comet during this period of time as the hunters joined Wano and cooperated with the Metropolitan Police Department to maintain law and order.

Almost wherever there is a villain, there is his presence, which is very similar to the discipline committee member who called himself "Captain Dragonfly" back then.

Just why would he do that?

Most people understand in their hearts that the reason why that man was wanted by Wano Kingdom was actually just the result of the compromise of the previous Wano country government's high-level government to the Judgment Division and the Heaven and Human World Government - making that man a political victim.

From an unsung hero in the mouths of the public to a high-risk terrorist in society that everyone shouts and beats.

Today, however, he has reappeared in front of everyone in this way. During this period of time on the Internet, there are many photos of Bai Yasha appearing on the ruins to save people from fire and water. The rescued people in each photo are right He was very grateful.

Obviously, he has been abandoned by the Wano country government and defined as a high-risk terrorist.

Why does he still do it?

For a time, the countless TV money people in Wano Country were silent, and there was a vague answer in their hearts.

That is the heart of a child.

That is a true "partner of justice"!

At the same time, in addition to the people of Wano Country, this scene was also transmitted to the eyes of people from various forces and organizations around the world through the live signal of TV Tokyo.

The moment they saw the mask on Higashinohara's face, various expressions appeared on the faces of countless people.

Shangjing Judgment Division,

In a room with no lights on at night.

Pusso Wiseman sat in front of the TV with his hands folded. The light from the TV reflected the craziness and murderous smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting and interesting! My 'little apple' is getting more and more interesting. I seem to have smelled the fragrance of maturity. It really makes people look forward to it more and more."

Upper Kyoto city area.

In those private estates where every inch of land is worth the money, the Celestial Snake Clan, the Celestial Eagle Clan and the Celestial Dragon Clan, who had been severely offended by Dongyeyuan, were also watching this scene silently.

However, they were not very worried in their hearts, because they knew very well what kind of person in the family went to Wano country this time.

Although the death of Walker Lott, an old man of the Serpent clan, was held at the evening banquet at the Prime Minister's official residence, it once made the Nine Masters feel ashamed and ashamed.

But what kind of "things" Walker, the old man of the Snake Clan, is, in fact, they all know in their hearts.

It was a mediocre greedy and dying mediocrity, and no one was optimistic about his trip to the border gate of Wano.

But the other two old men were different.

In particular, Abraham from the Heavenly Dragon Clan was also a famous man in the Nine Great Heavenly Dragon Clan in the last generation.

It's just that the Tianlong family has always produced many geniuses, and there is no shortage of talented people, especially after the current owner of the Tianlong family was born, it was a generation to suppress the limelight Abraham.

So when they saw the Dragonfly Captain of Wano Country who had once humiliated them reappeared, everyone's faces showed a relaxed and interesting look.

At this moment, on the other side of the continent, they seemed to be watching a good show about to be staged. No one thought that the two old men, Vincent of the Sky Eagle Clan and Abraham of the Sky Dragon Clan, would disappoint them.

Of course, at this moment, the most drastic change in the dragonfly mask that appeared on Higashinohara's face after taking off the Shiroyasha mask, naturally, Kimura Shirataka who asked "what are you kidding?" involuntarily asked.

New Tokyo Sky Tree, on the Tembo Corridor more than 300 meters above the ground.


Higashinohara shook his head and said softly, "This is no joke."


Kimura Shirato shook his head, looked at Higashinohara, and then at the dark and scorched elevator shaft, shook his head and said:

"I used to think that we were the same people who practiced ideals in our own way. I thought we could understand each other's ways, because there is never perfect justice and perfect way to solve problems in this world. Now it seems that I overestimated you a bit."

Hearing Kimura Hakutaku's sigh, Higashinohara was silent for a moment, the brows under the dragonfly mask frowned slightly, and then slowly stretched out again.

"No, we are different."

He looked directly at Kimura Bai Tuo's disappointed gaze, and said in a calm tone, "In your eyes, I may be a terrorist with no ideals, or maybe someone who only knows how to destroy by brute force but has no long-term plan for solutions. People, I don't have the earth-shaking goals of you and you. My 'capacity is limited'. In this world, I can only take care of myself and the injustice I can see, but at least I didn't sacrifice innocent people. to practice my justice and ideals.”

"And I have always believed that the ideal achieved by sacrificing innocents, no matter how grand or bright, is just a prelude to the next cycle of darkness."

Having said this, Higashinohara paused, glanced at the border gate with a blue light band flowing behind Kimura Shiro, and continued, "Team Tokugawa told me, you said 'Wano country's 200 million people only need to live 200,000 people will be enough'."

"Maybe what you said is right. Maybe that can really save the future of Wano. I don't know if I am the 200,000 people who need to survive in your eyes? Or the majority of people who should die?"

"But what I want to say is that if I want to die, it can only be my own willingness to die. If you help me decide, then I don't agree, I think. You should also ask those who were not chosen by you to survive. people."

Almost at the moment when Higashinohara's voice fell, there was a faint scream and scream in the night wind in the square under the sky tree.

Counting the time, the first batch of ability fruits have already changed in the human body.

Life and death are divided into two roads in front of everyone, but most of them have entered the road of death

However, at this moment,

Kimura Shirato stared at Higashinohara, but there was a hint of disappointment and indifference in his eyes. He shook his head and said:

"It seems that you still can't understand that those who survive are not the choices I made, but the choices made by this cruel world for them, survival of the fittest."

"So the weak deserve to die?"

The expression on Higashinohara's mask was equally indifferent, and he interrupted, "Then if you are weaker than me, should you die here today?"

The interrupted Kimura Bai Tuo stared at Higashinohara for a moment, feeling the breath on his body, and said calmly, "You can try."

After he finished speaking, the corner of his eyes glanced at the figures appearing on the sides behind him, and a gentle smile appeared on the corners of his mouth again, "Do you still need help? In the battle of Tianying Vincent, your injury was far more serious than I imagined."

Hearing Kimura Bai Tuo's words, everyone in the hunter team behind him was also a little silent.

If it wasn't for Higashinohara's unparalleled courage and determination to slay two ninth-rank powerhouses in a row while the other side was losing both sides in that battle, they would have been locked in by the "Eagle Vision Land" of Vincent, an old man of the Tianying clan. Life and death are unpredictable.

And Higashinohara's mood is more complicated.

In front of Kimura Bai Tuo, after nurturing the [seed] fusion in the tide, his strength actually stepped into the ninth order, and he also controlled the power of order.

Higashinohara once killed two ninth-rank powerhouses, the Dark Demon Shelby and the old man Vincent of the Skyhawk clan, but at the time when they both lost, he boldly and cautiously took advantage of the situation.

As for the real game with the ninth-order powerhouse, he is also the old man of the snake clan, Walker, who was killed with all his strength under the swept formation of the purple epic ability master Fumo Kotaro.

Objectively speaking, Bai Tuo Kimura, who entered the ninth order through this new way, is not necessarily much better than Walker, an old man of the Serpent clan who was beheaded by him at the Prime Minister's Banquet.

However, the basic condition for Higashinohara to be able to compete with the ninth-order [Order] is to control the [Unlimited Rule] "Dragon of the Candle Day", which can only be entered under the abnormal state of obtaining a huge amount of [Agility] attribute blessing, which means that he is fundamentally at the moment. There is no capital against [Order].

When the world just behind the border gate was trapped in Kimura Bai Tuo's "Small World. Heaven and Earth", it was Higashinohara who used the purple epic ability [Nine Eyes and Six Paths] to see through this small world for the first time. The way of operation, telling Tokugawa Kurito and Sakamoto-san, who were also trapped in it, worked together to break through each other's blockade.

But the three of them can break through the blockade of each other, but it does not mean that they can work together to win against Kimura Bai Tuo, who has entered the ninth order to control the power of order.

Thinking of this, Higashinohara's consciousness entered the [Sin Manual] again for a split second, and then quickly returned to him.

His face still looked calm, but there was a hint of helplessness in his heart.

Unsurprisingly, the gentle man in front of him still did not trigger the task in the [Sin Manual].

Higashinohara once thought that the evil task trigger of the [Evil Manual] satisfies a certain law, but he has been exploring and has not found it yet.

But when facing Kimura Bai Tuo's unresponsiveness, he began to doubt whether all this was idealistic or completely random.


He thought of another question.

In the judgment of [Guilty Handbook],

Is Hakutaku Kimura a villain?

This question just flashed through his mind, and he didn't have time to think about it.

An invisible force of order spread out in all directions with Kimura Shirataka as the center, covering Higashinohara, Tokugawa Kurito, and Sakamoto-san who were still inside.

In an instant, it seemed that some kind of orderly force began to operate, and the entire Tianwang corridor sent out a very slight trembling.

"It seems that your successor is still a little unfriendly." Sakamoto-zun knocked on the cigarette in his hand and retracted his waist. On the other side, the supreme sword Mimikimaru had released an inch of clear light.

The number one swordsman in the East China Sea naturally belongs to his pride, even if the man in front of him has stepped into the ninth order.

But controlling the talent sequence 21 [Yaki Musou], which is second only to the purple epic sequence, naturally, Sakamoto-sun will not wait to die.

The sight of Tokugawa Lihu looking at Kimura Bai Tuo was also very complicated. Immediately, he took a deep breath and put everything in the past behind him. A powerful force also emanated from him.

Now that he has learned of Kimura Bai Tuo's next plan, for the sake of the people of Wano country who are not aware of it, he can't let Kimura Bai Tuo's near-extinct humane removal plan go ahead anyway.

The battle broke out without warning!

Kimura Hakuto almost never carries a weapon on weekdays, and no one has seen his weapon.

In fact, this man never needed a weapon in battle, because he was the most powerful "artificial ability person" among the thirteen division captains of the third reconnaissance group.

Not to mention entering the ninth rank now?


Heaven on earth!

The eighth-order spell. The mirror is broken!

In an instant, the bulletproof glass of the Tianwang Corridor under the feet of the three of Higashinohara began to vibrate, making an unbearable creaking and cracking sound.

The next second, without seeing how Kimura Bai Tuo made the handprint of the surgical formula, the glass ground under Higashinohara's feet turned into an avalanche of countless sharp blades and attacked the three of them.

The members of the hunter team felt the pressure coming towards them, and hurriedly turned their heads and ran wildly with the cargo boxes on their backs, and ran for more than 100 meters along the Tianwang corridor before stopping to catch their breath.

The space behind them that cracked like a thousand piles of snow and the roaring sound of the sky made them gasp for a while.

"Hey! Is this the ninth-order ability person?"

"Are we just leaving?"

"if not?"

Hearing the rhetorical question of the vice-captain Yoshizu Ichiro, everyone was silent for a while.

No matter who they are inclined to in this battle because of various personal emotional factors, but at the moment when the battle kicks off, this is no longer a level at which they can intervene.

"Eh? What is that?"

Suddenly, Teresa stretched out her hand and saw a ring of light formed by blue floating in the Tianwang corridor not far away.

That's where the border gate is.

Suddenly it shook!

In the next moment, an incomparably pure force like an ancient giant beast sent a breath-taking breath through the gate of the border, and even the liquid surface of the ring-shaped light band with the blue floating began to vibrate violently. Bump up!

what's the situation?

Seeing this, everyone could not help but palpitate.

However, at this time,

A deafening and deafening voice with a bit of a choking and choking voice suddenly came from behind the border gate.

"The little thief who killed me, the gate of the border has been opened, how dare you come here to die?!"


Trapped in [Order. Small World. Heaven and Earth], Higashinohara, whose senses and consciousness were constantly weakened and misled, was slashed by a sharp piece of debris across his left arm and wrist, and a scarlet burst out in an instant. blood.

He smashed the glass shards that hit him in front of him with both hands, his body swayed, and he avoided the wave behind him, but his heart became heavier.

At this moment, it is not only affected by the misleading effect of [Order. Heaven and Earth] on his senses and consciousness, but more importantly, in such a high altitude, Higashinohara is completely unable to exert his speed advantage.

If this goes on, he will probably be the first of the three to fall.

Also at this time,

Higashinohara heard the deafening terrifying sound and guessed the identity of the other party.

Tianlong old man.

Abraham Rhine.

The other party seemed to be a step late, but he mistakenly thought that he was still in the hell world on the other side of the border gate.

Thinking of this, Higashinohara couldn't help but move.

The next second, in the eyes of countless people, including Kimura Bai Tuo, who were a little surprised!

Higashinohara raised his foot and stepped on the exploding debris in the air, and slammed his knife sharply. The whole person instantly took advantage of the situation and flew backwards towards the blue ring of light flowing with floating matter behind!

What is this guy trying to do?

In a panic?

Couldn't he have heard the voice from the other side of the border gate, where there are more terrifying guys looking for his life? !

Before everyone could react, Dong Yeyuan's swimming figure disappeared into the blue ring of light at the border gate like a whale falling into the sea, and disappeared in an instant.

Kimura Bai Tuo came back to his senses, shook his head calmly, and said regretfully, "Only in the face of death, do humans show their stupidest side?"

Immediately, his gaze turned to Tokugawa Kurito and Sakamoto-san.

At almost the same time, Higashinohara, who had passed through the gate of the boundary again and returned to the anchor point of the Pearl Tower in the hell world, only felt light in body and mind, and the sense of paradox and distortion that could not be freed from [heaven and earth] disappeared in an instant.

Generally speaking, only the laws of the equivalent level can fight against [Order, Small World, Heaven and Earth].

And the naturally formed [Boundary Gate], as a channel connecting the two worlds, the laws contained in it can naturally isolate the influence of [Heaven and Earth].

This is like the first time Higashinohara met Charlie, the tiger-eared girl, at the station, and she had an idea to let her consciousness enter the [Guild of Guilty] and break free from Charlie's mind control. "Behavior.

But Higashinohara would make such a choice, and his purpose is naturally more than that.

The moment he got his feet on the ground again, Higashinohara raised his head, and a man's back suddenly appeared in front of him.

The other party is clearly wearing an elegant black formal suit that is well-cut, but the whole person exudes a sense of unparalleled power like an ancient giant beast!


[Warning: Quest target found]

[Page 020 of the Handbook of Sins]

【Name: Abraham Rhine】

【Sex: Male】

【Race: Tianlong】

[Racial Talent: Power of Concord]

[Innate Ability: Ten Dragons tortoises (tortoises)]

[Ability Level: Ninth Stage Second Stage (New)]

[Domain: Unknown; Rules: Unknown; Order: Unknown]

[Character image profile drawing (click to open)]

[Evil value: 8 stars]

Bet right!

Since the old man Walker of the Serpent Clan and the old man Vincent of the Sky Eagle Clan have triggered the [Sin Manual] quest one after another.

Then in the [Character Image Cutaway] of the two old people, a lakeside manor with pleasant scenery was built in the suburbs of the upper Kyoto city circle decades ago.

Behind the scenes, he used the lakeside manor to raise human children, and for decades, he has continuously provided "brains" for the elderly people of the Nine Great Families to prolong their lives.

his sin

How could it be possible to lose to the former?

Almost at the same time, the old man of the Heavenly Dragon clan, Abraham, who had his back turned to him, turned around slowly, and a dark golden dragonfly mask jumped in front of him.

The last ten minutes at the end of the month are spicy, ask for a monthly pass and a guaranteed monthly pass for the next month~

Ps: Push this friend's new book [The Era of Giant Ships and Cannons], data-based interstellar warfare, giant ships and cannons, and three major natural disasters.

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