Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 369 The White Swan Harbor Incident! (Down)

The time is three days later.

That is April 20th,

Twelve o'clock noon.

When Higashinohara got up from a coffee shop on the side of the road near White Swan Harbor, his eyes inadvertently swept to two strangely dressed people in white robes and white scarves wrapped around their heads. He followed out of the coffee shop.

Higashinohara was not persecuted delusional.

I didn't do anything out of the ordinary in the three days I came to Barton County. Of course, I wouldn't think that the other party was coming after me when I saw two others following me.

In fact, during the three days he stayed in Barton County waiting for the knife to be retrieved, he really felt the popularity of Barton County in this "one capital and six counties" in the upper Kyoto city circle.

Even if he went out to buy a meal from the hotel where he was staying, he could meet several human tourists from different countries on the street, and they dressed much more strangely than the two behind him.

In the past three days, Higashinohara, who has seen a lot of exotic flavors, even if he sees people running naked on the streets of Bartonshire, I am afraid he will calmly regard her as a kind of performance art.

It has to be said that in the area of ​​White Swan Harbor in Bartonshire, those heavenly people who regard humans as monkeys will hardly intervene in anything on this acre of land.

It's no wonder that so many tourists flock to breathe the wonderful air in the upper Kyoto metropolitan area every year, even though it is only on the fringes of the upper Kyoto metropolitan area.

However, after walking out of this roadside coffee shop in White Swan Harbor, Higashinohara had just walked two streets, but the sight of the face at the crossroad not far ahead made him frown slightly.

I saw a group of people from the execution team in black robes, who did not know when they appeared at the intersection of White Swan Harbor, their eyes as sharp as falcons, checking every passerby.

what's the situation?

During the three days that Higashinohara was in White Swan Harbor, he never saw those black robes.

——This almost made him forget that this is the Kyoto city area closest to the Judgment Division.

Just why those black robes suddenly appeared at the intersection of White Swan Harbor today?

"Why are the people from the Judgment Division here?"

"I guess something happened?"

"Haven't you heard of it? How many places in Barton County have been exterminated?"

"Ah this? Who is so mad? Killed them all?"

"I heard that they all disappeared."

"That's what kind of annihilation"

"That's why these black robes are so nervous. I heard that there is also the county governor of Barton County."


The sensitive Higashinohara listened to the whispers of the pedestrians in the surrounding streets, and his face changed slightly.

Such an unexpected event is not good or bad for his trip to Barton County.

Now facing these indifferent black robes like eagle dogs, although the tourists passing by are accustomed to the freedom and comfort of White Swan Harbor these days, the countries they live in have become accustomed to this scene for so many years.

After a brief noise, everyone silently and quietly cooperated with the black-robed execution teams on the street.

Higashinohara glanced in that direction.

From this road, it happened to be the road leading to Tanjuro's house in the kitchen gate of White Swan Port, but he turned around and walked into a dark alley beside him.

During the three days he waited for the knife at White Swan Harbor, he had already memorized the routes and streets around the port through the map.

He chose this dark alley to turn a few turns and take a detour, but he was still able to reach Tanjuro's house from the back door.

You must know that although Higashinohara's identity is flawless today, there is no real perfect disguise in this world, and the wisest choice is naturally to avoid unnecessary investigations by the enemy.

Although he took a detour in the dark alley, Higashinohara avoided the surveillance and released his speed.

It only took about ten minutes for him to arrive at the back door of the small courtyard of Tanjuro's house in the kitchen gate of White Swan Port earlier than the originally agreed time to take the knife.

However, just as he was about to step out of the dark alley, Dong Yeyuan's heart suddenly moved slightly, and the steps he took were taken back again.


The back door of the courtyard was pushed open, and the sound of three people's footsteps came.

at the same time,

A slightly angry screeching sound entered his ears.

"Waste! You can't even catch a blacksmith?" The man walking in the middle said coldly to the two next to him.

The arms, faces and clothes of the two people who were scolded by the anger were burned to varying degrees, and bursts of burning pain hit, and they said angrily:

"Mad! Who knew that kid had awakened his fire ability and attacked us from behind while taking the sword."

"What about the Tiancong Cloud Sword?"

The man in the middle said with gloomy eyes, "Deputy Captain Pelos loves swords like crazy, and finally got the news that Hawke Udall's supreme sword was cut off and recast here. If we go ashore early this time, we will Nothing, you should know the consequences."

Hearing the three words "Pelos", the two of them suddenly appeared to the man who was drinking and sleeping on the boat with his sword in his arms all day.

It is conceivable that if they messed up this matter, it would be tantamount to losing each other's wife.

Why is this so inappropriate?

Anyway, that's what it means.

The two of them felt a slight chill in their hearts.

One person suddenly thought of something, and rushed up to say, "Captain, although that sly blacksmith ran fast, his wife and children just came back after he left, and they didn't have time to take them away together. Now they have been transferred and controlled by us. ."

Another person also reacted and said viciously, "Yes, he made us lose Vice Captain Pelos' wife, then we lose his wife and children, we left a note in the basement, the other party will definitely come back, At that time, I have to obediently bring up that big sharp knife."

The captain in the middle heard the words of the two and snorted coldly for a moment.

"You guys still have some brains, but now we don't have time to delay. Let's put the matter of Deputy Captain Pelos aside for now. Don't forget that the guys from the Western Army are still waiting for us. Let's go to the captain's business first."

Hearing the word "captain", the two of them also tightened their faces, and quickly nodded:

"Yes, yes, yes, business matters, business matters."

Speaking of this, one of them suddenly said, "What if that sly blacksmith doesn't care about his wife and children?"

Hearing this, the captain shrugged and said sullenly, "He doesn't care, then we don't need to care. After the business is done, the woman will stay and give Captain Pelos an explanation, and the child will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish. "

After speaking, the three seemed to be in a hurry, and immediately left the back door of this small courtyard in a hurry.

In the shadow of the dark alley, Dong Ye Yuan walked out slowly, glanced at the backs of the three, and then glanced at the dead courtyard.

There were still five minutes before the knife was taken, but he obviously didn't need to go in any further.

Judging from the words of the three people just now, they should be a group of pirates in the Western Sea.

Among them, the strength of the captain is quite strong, and it is estimated that he should be a seventh-order absolute ability like himself under normal conditions.

A captain is absolutely capable.

There is no doubt that the background behind this group of pirates who suddenly appeared is definitely not small.

Higashinohara didn't kill him outright just now, and it was precisely because of this concern.

Kamado Tanjuro's wife and children were moved by them, and they don't know where they are now.

If he had acted rashly just now, it would be good to be able to control the scene in an instant.

But if there is the slightest mistake and the other party sends back news, then the other party will definitely think that he is the helper of Tanjuro Kamado, which is quite unfavorable for the situation of his wife and children.

However, listening to the [Tiancong Yunjian] mentioned in the other party's words, if I remember correctly, it should also be the work of the twelve works of the supreme sword in Kyoto.

It's no wonder that Tanjuro Kamado came to him.

And the other party didn't mention his [Big Chidori Ten Characters] and [Phoenix Double Blades] in his words just now.

That's a little tricky now.

Where is Kamado Tanjuro?

He has absolutely no idea.

The two sides had only met once, and he didn't know if Tanjurou Kamado would use the [Amaterasu Cloud Sword] in exchange for his wife and children after seeing the note in the basement.

The only clue that Higashinohara has now is the three pirates who just left.

But he was willing to believe that the other party would come back.

After all, he was a man who had awakened the blue high-risk ability of the talent sequence 31 [Red Flame], but still worked hard to make a living fishing here with a fisherman's daughter as a husband and wife.

Well, keep up.

These thoughts are complicated,

In fact, it's just a flashpoint.

Higashinohara looked at the back that had not disappeared across the street, and made a decision in his heart.

As long as you follow these three people, you will be able to find Tanjuro Kamado's wife and children, and it is very likely to wait for Tanjuro Kamado to appear again.

When the time comes, I can help.

Deep down in his heart, Higashinohara has no intention of saving all beings in the world, nor does he have the ability to take care of it.

Just not in front of the eyes.

Higashinohara has always adhered to a fundamental principle.

That is, evil is slaying.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The time was about a quarter to one in the afternoon.

The five-member Mithril Club executive team was lurking in a warehouse factory building in a port of White Swan Harbor. The door of the factory building was mottled with rust and old cement bags were stacked inside.

It is estimated that it is the leftovers from the construction of the White Swan Port Wharf, and the nose is filled with the pungent smell of cement and rust.

"Is this the meeting place?"

The executive team once again glanced at the old-fashioned wall clock on the warehouse, and hesitantly couldn't help but ask.

Since eight o'clock in the morning, they have been squatting here for more than five hours. The lunch at noon is all about eating bread and energy bars, but the warehouse factory of Kenuo is silent, not even a ghost.

Hearing the doubts of the team members, the vice-captain Felina couldn't help but glanced at the stern profile of Kailutu, the president of the Mithril Association, and found that the other party didn't mean to explain anything.

She couldn't help but feel a little worried.

If Kelutu is wrong, it doesn't just mean they've wasted a day here.

At the same time, it also means that the field mission assigned by the Condor Bureau this time has completely failed.

blah blah-!

The second hand of an old-fashioned wall clock on the wall turns slowly.

While turning around,

It's about a quarter past one.

There seemed to be a roar of a speedboat engine riding the wind and waves on the quay sea where the port warehouse building was diagonally opposite.

someone is coming?

Everyone on the executive team was instantly refreshed.

But in a blink of an eye,

The tightly closed warehouse building was pushed open again, and a long-lost light came in from the outside, along with the sound of dense footsteps.

Felina, who hid behind the cement bag in the corner in advance, suppressed her excitement, raised her head slightly and glanced at it, and then quickly shrank back.

"Are you here?" someone asked.

"Come on." Felina nodded.

"How many have you come?"

"a lot of."


In fact, there are many more.

When the wall clock on the wall pointed to a quarter past one, a crowd of people suddenly poured in outside.

Some of these people took speedboats from the sea, some took boats from the Bama Canal on one side, and some came in vehicles without license plates.

And after these people who arrived at the warehouse workshop by various means of transportation met, they didn't have any eye contact with each other, and they all poured into the warehouse workshop with their heads down.

When the dense footsteps gradually ceased, the building of Nuoda suddenly became quiet.

In the corner, Mithril, who was hiding behind a pile of cement bags, would wait and stare at each other.

The scene at the moment is like a dark night, someone opened your door and walked in.

You clung to the quilt and hid under the quilt, but the room was eerily silent so that only your heartbeat remained.

what's the situation?

The frowned vice-captain Filina took a deep breath and subconsciously wanted to look up again.

Unexpectedly, at this time, footsteps sounded again in the direction of the door of the warehouse.

Compared with the dense and disordered footsteps before, this time the footsteps were not rushed or slow, with a sense of rhythm and rhythm.

From the quiet atmosphere of the factory,

People hiding behind cement bags can even automatically see a picture in their minds.

——The latter entered the warehouse, and everyone silently saluted them.

Who will come?

This is indeed the case.

At this time, among the crowd that had just poured into the warehouse, Higashinohara, dressed in black, wore a mask, sunglasses and a peaked cap.

In this way, it is very abrupt and eye-catching on the street outside, but it is not conspicuous at all in the factory at the moment.

Because all around Higashinohara, men and women, old and young, all concealed part of their true faces in their own ways.

——It seems that they also know very well that a gathering like today can never be placed in the sun.

Higashinohara involuntarily glanced at the three people who were half-covering their chins with the scarves under their necks.

That's right, those three were the three pirates that Higashinohara had followed all the way from Kamado Tanjuro's house, but for some unknown reason, they also mixed into the crowd.

Thinking of this, Higashinohara couldn't help but once again looked at the group of people who had just entered the warehouse. The familiar dark green coat made his eyes narrow slightly.

Even if Barton County is remote, it is still at the foot of the gods in the upper Kyoto city circle.

If his current guess about the identity of the other party is correct, then these dark green coats that can be used in the upper Kyoto city area.

There is no doubt that it is naturally the strongest "Western Army" among the five armies of the Dawn Revolutionary Army.

Speaking of which, even if some people regard him as an unstable and dangerous element, Higashinohara has no ill will towards the revolutionary army in this world.

But the Dawn Revolutionary Army is an exception.

No matter what grand slogans the group of people clamored for, what this group of people have done under the eyes of Higashinohara during this period of time.

as always,

A disgusting abomination that never disappoints.

It's just the people around who are just like him, standing quietly and half-covered?

What kind of people are they?

Why are you here at this time?

Why did the pirates get in there?

Tonohara squinted slightly,

These questions lingered in my mind.

But before he could understand this matter, the group of people in dark green coats who had just walked into this dark warehouse factory under the gaze of countless people.

I saw the tall man at the head, the collar of the coat was slightly raised, and there was a scar on the right side of his face, revealing a stern aura.

Suddenly he raised his hand and clapped.

Soon, the people behind him brought a movable blackboard from nowhere.

The stern-faced man turned around and wrote three blood-colored characters on the blackboard extremely quickly with red chalk that seemed to be soaked in blood.


X! ! !

A huge red cross seemed to be torn apart on the word "Allied Powers".

The man casually raised his hand and pressed it down, and the movable blackboard instantly rotated.

This time,

The man raised the blood-red chalk again,

Swish wrote three completely unfamiliar words on the movable blackboard that had never appeared in history or any dictionary.

【Federal State】


The man threw away the chalk after writing.

He calmly looked around at the members of the delegations from various countries whose eyes were widened in confusion and dazedness, and his jaw lifted slightly.

He is satisfied.

Very satisfied with the shock that I brought.

"I have a dream."

Suddenly, the cold-faced man spoke slowly and said his first words after entering the warehouse, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

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