Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 413 Do you know when you will die?

The fourth ruling made Paseidon certainly "not quite" a funk.

It can only be said that the ginger is still old and spicy.

Among the twelve adjudication envoys, he was the one who accompanied the old man who was in charge of the dry adjudication division the longest.

It's different from other verdicts who show their sharpness and make countless people in more than 300 allied countries frightened just by their name.

On weekdays, he has never shown his mountains and dews, and he is well versed in the way of keeping a low profile.

But that doesn't mean he has no desires.

Entering this hell world on behalf of the Judgment Department this time, on the surface, it seems that the old man in charge of the Judgment Department "grounded" the demon sword Puso Wiseman, or it was a punishment for ineffectiveness.

In fact, this opportunity was actively fought for by Basseton himself.

Between life and death there is great terror.

When people get older, they will look down on many things, but they will not look down on life and death.

he is old.

Older than it looks.

Although the old man in charge of the Tribunal Division was older than him, the other party was much younger than him.

It's not just about looking young.

At the very least, Basseton can be sure that,

If all died naturally,

Even after many years of his death, the old man who is older than him may not necessarily die.

That's why the Fourth Judgment, Partethon, took the initiative to fight for this opportunity, just like those old people who went to Wano Country from the Nine Heavens and Humans.

After hiding his teeth and claws for many years, he suddenly came to this hell world in order to steal higher-sequence abilities from strange demons.

And it is precisely such people who know how to seize fleeting opportunities.

for example,

The strange demon in the red wedding dress who was seriously injured and escaped just now.

Although the old monk and the strange demon in front of him are more than a bit stronger than the strange demon in the red wedding dress, but as the saying goes, "A thousand birds in the forest are not as good as a bird in the hand".

In the same way,

A big bird in the forest is not as good as a small bird in the hand. The old man Paseidon came to chase his "little bird" this time.

It's just that he didn't expect that,

Like the demon sword Puso Wiseman, his "bird" was just chopped off by Higashinohara.

At this time, the fourth ruling made Paseidon recover from his previous surprise.

He looked at the familiar Dorothy Alita standing beside Higashinohara, and then at Higashinohara wearing a clown mask, but a slight smile suddenly appeared in those muddy pupils.

"It turned out to be Miss Alita."

Dorothy Alita is usually inexplicably wary of this old man who is not visible in the adjudication department and who is often accompanied by the first adjudicator who is in power in the adjudication department.

Suddenly meeting face to face in this hell world at this moment, both parties are well aware of each other's purpose and thoughts,

Dorothy Alita was silent for a moment, and suddenly said directly:

"What's the order?"

She didn't add a subject to this sentence, and she seemed a little confused.

However, the old man Paseidon understood what the other person was asking, paused for a moment, then shook his head and said with a smile, "If I said I was just taking you back, you wouldn't believe me, would you?"

Dorothy Alia did not answer.

She knew the gentle temperament of the old man who sat in the adjudication department, so she naturally wouldn't believe it.

And the fourth verdict in front of him, Passeidon, obviously also knows that Dorothy Alita knows the person in power, so he did not choose to lie in the current two-to-one situation.

Glancing over the couple, the old man Passeidon said bluntly, "Catch you and kill him. If you resist, then kill him together."

Hearing this unsurprising answer, Dorothy Alita couldn't help but startled.

Even through the black veil, Passeidon seemed to see Dorothy Alita's absence, shook his head and said, "No offense, an order is an order."

After a while, she shook her head and said, "I don't think this order is correct."

I don't think the order is correct.

In other words, the person who made the order was wrong.

If it comes from anyone in the Tribunal, it must be very shocking.

It is even impossible.

Because from the day anyone joins the Judgment Division, no matter whether it is out of admiration, or deep awe in the heart, for the first arbitrator who sits in the Judgment Division, or simply because of the adjudication division's strict rank The environment is so brainwashed that no one will question the old man.

However, at this moment,

When these words were spoken from the mouth of the black-veiled woman in front of her?

In the hazy night, the fourth ruling made Paseidon's old face slightly startled, and did not show any surprise.

"You're still the same as before."

The cold little girl who just joined the Judgment Department sixteen years ago appeared in Paseidon's mind. He shook his head and said, "It's a naive idea, and it's not always the living who decide what is right and what is wrong?"

Hearing such an answer, Dorothy Alita did not refute, and lowered her eyes slightly.

At this time, Higashinohara, who was standing beside her, took a step forward and stood in front of her. He was wearing a pale clown who seemed to have a scarlet blood drawn from the corner of his mouth and said softly, "Your words sound like We'll all be dead soon."

"Don't you think so?" The fourth verdict made Paseidon shrug.

until this time,

Only then did his sight fall on Higashinohara, the man who once forced the executive team stationed in Wano Country to retreat from the Judgment Division, and once made them lose face in the countries of the Eastern Sea.

"You look very lively,

Should be very young. "

The fourth ruling made Paseidon suddenly lower his eyebrows slightly, and said to himself like an old man recalling:

"It's really hard not to be confident that young people have such strength, and feel that they are the ones who can change the world.

But do you know how many people like you who want to change the world have appeared among human beings in the past thousand years since heaven and man established the world government to rule the world? "

"a lot of.

really a lot

More than I can count on one hand. "

The old man raised his head and looked at the pale mask on Higashinohara's face under the moonlight with a smile.

"Among them, like you, you can't take off the mask after you put it on, but have you heard of...or read any records about these people in any books?"

The night fell into silence again.

The old man sighed lightly?

"You haven't seen it or heard of it because they all have only one ending, which is death, and the 'memory of the world' is passed on by those who survived."

Having said that, the fourth verdict made Paseidon shake his head, staring at Higashinohara Michi once again:

"I said this to tell you that you, who have made a fuss about beheading judges so far,

It's not really special,

Even if I haven't completed the above tasks in this hell world, what does that matter? "

The fourth verdict made Basseton smile slightly, "One day, you will go to the same end as those human rebels, and I believe that day will not be too late, you should feel the same, right?"

Hearing the old man's words, Higashinohara turned around and said, "You seem to have seen many deaths."

The old man Paseidon was noncommittal, and smiled lightly, "The elders are always like this, aren't they?"

It's just that the smile on his wrinkled face hadn't spread yet, but Higashinohara's next words made the smile on the old man's face disappear suddenly.

"Then you know,

When will I die? "

The faint voice drifted in the ear of the old man Paseidon in the night wind, and his sunken eye sockets were slightly narrowed, staring at Higashinohara and said softly,

"Sounds like a threat."

"I'm just asking questions."

Higashinohara Road.

The old man Basseton didn't answer right away when he heard the words, and glanced at the direction where Higashinohara and Dorothy Alita came, guessing that they might have been hiding here a long time ago.

So he smiled and asked, "So before answering your question, can I ask you a question first?"

"I don't mind the sequence, you say." Higashinohara said.

"Did you see one just now?"

"I chopped it off."

Before the old man Baseidon finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden sentence from Higashinohara.

All of a sudden, the fourth ruling, whose face was still calm and eloquent before, made Passeton's eyes condense slightly, and the first reaction in his heart was "how is it possible?"

Few who passed through the border gate this time did not know the danger and preciousness of the purple strange demon. How could someone kill a "seriously injured precious strange demon"?

Even if the kid in front of him doesn't know.

Could it be that Dorothy Alita still doesn't know?

Almost subconsciously, the old man Paseidon's gaze turned to Dorothy Alita.

The latter said noncommittally,

"If it's true that the strange demon will die without its head, then I think it was indeed killed by him."

He knew the character of the woman in front of him, and knew that the other party would not jointly lie to him at this time.

All of a sudden, the old man Passeidon was struck by lightning, and his previous calmness and composure no longer existed.

You know, in the enchantment, he joined forces with the elite children of the Nine Great Families of Heaven and Man and the Second King of the West Sea to hold back that weird and terrifying old monk and strange demon, but he escaped from his shell and did not hesitate to offend them, in order to seize this undisputed man. A first-line chance to snatch the strange demon in the red wedding dress.

But Passeidon never expected that he would run into Higashinohara and Dorothy Alita as soon as he broke through the barrier.


The purple precious strange monster that I have been thinking about,

He was actually chopped down by the guy wearing a clown mask in front of him like a shoe

How absurd this is!

And the seemingly useless nonsense he said just now is actually a subtle psychological hint,

It is also a psychological offensive before the action.

Higashinohara, however, didn't say much.

just with your own actions,

In a word,

That made the old man break his guard.

at this very moment,

With a gloomy face, Passeidon stared at the two people in front of him, quickly calculating the purpose of the other party's "ambush" here to intercept him, as well as the degree of recovery from his injuries in the battle at White Swan Harbor.

In the blink of an eye,

There was a decision in his heart.

Higashinohara also noticed the change in the face of the old man in front of him, so he couldn't help but exchange a glance with Dorothy Alita behind him, and cast a reassuring look towards him.

So far, although the old man has not triggered the task of [Guild Manual].

However, in the Battle of White Swan Harbor, he understood the rules of the speed system [Reverse Current. Unfettered Tour], and relied on the source point of the empress Dorothy Alita's "generation brush" to break through the purple epic level ability [Doomsday Apocalypse] No. Second seal,

The current him is definitely not the old Amon.

Even though the old man in front of him is a ninth-level powerhouse, he joined forces with the seventy-seven-eight-eight empress Dorothy Alita who had recovered from her injuries.

Higashinohara didn't dare to say that he was sure to capture and kill the opponent, at least there was no reason to lose.

Not everyone is a monster like Yaodao.

But just as Higashinohara and Dorothy Alita glanced at each other, they both understood what was in each other's hearts, and they were secretly on guard when the other party was ready to attack at any time.

without warning,

The old man suddenly moved like a tiger and rushed straight to Dongyeyuan.

People with water abilities playing hand-to-hand combat?

Dorothy Alita frowned, and immediately noticed the problem, and quickly reminded:

"Be careful."

Higashinohara also noticed that something was wrong, he only made a slight mistake in his foot, and his figure was already five meters away.

Sure enough, the figure of the old man blurred in the air for a while, and suddenly turned into a pool of crystal clear water, splashing down towards the place where Dong Yeyuan was before.

Chi la la -!

A puff of smoke rose.

The ground was instantly corroded and scorched black.

Higashinohara's face turned cold, and he raised his head and squinted his eyes, only to see that the old man who was faster than a rabbit returned to the light blue barrier in an instant, and ran towards the disciples of the Nine Heavens and Humans at a high speed.

Never put yourself at risk.

This is the way for the elderly to live a long life.

—Those are his allies.

What are allies for?

So soon,

When the disciples of the Nine Families of Heaven and Man, who were under the siege of the Eight Heavenly Dragons, saw the old man Paseidon who had gone and returned, they had not had time to angrily scold the old man for running away.

The next second, they saw a masked man with three knives rushing towards him.

Take a closer look at that mask

It's him? !

All of a sudden, the crowd who were at a loss for doppelgängers glared at Paseidon.

Is that you old boy who brought him here?

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