Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 435 The World Bank Incident

There are six counties in the metropolitan area of ​​Shangjing, covering an area no less than a small country, and the foundations of nine thousand-year-old families are hidden in those little-known but precious lands.

Higashinohara didn't know where the headquarter of Tianhu Bart's house was, nor did he know where the pirate group that Dorothy Alita was on board was taken after returning to White Swan Harbor last night.

So Higashinohara's goal is very clear.

That is the core business of Tianhu Bart's family, and it is also the towering landmark building in the central area of ​​Shangjing-the World Bank Building.

That is one of the basic industries of the Tianhu Bart family. It must be easy to find the important figures of the Tianhu Bart family. "It's a little bit luckier" to meet the old man who ordered the death of Dorothy Alita's father back then. Also or unknown.

But Tianhu Bart's family must be the Nine Greats.

Why, when they learned that Dorothy Alita was betrayed and arrested by pirates, the dignitaries in the upper Kyoto metropolitan area privately didn't think that Higashinohara, who was a party member, would do anything out of the ordinary.

Because they know that the background and power accumulated by the family for thousands of years are not something a human can challenge, even if the speed of this human rise is no less than that of a comet.

But comets will eventually disappear.

However, a thousand-year-old family like the Nine Families hangs there quietly like a star even if it is covered by floating clouds.

Whether you like it or not, you are all so condescending looking down on all living beings.

any outrageous behavior,

It's like hitting a stone with an egg.

However, Higashinohara still came.

Are you ready?

Higashinohara doesn't seem to have anything like that.

In fact,

Higashinohara was not completely prepared for every action, but the difference this time was that he was very proactive.

Although not fully prepared,

But that doesn't mean he wasn't prepared.

Higashinohara's flight took off at 8:00 in the morning and landed at Tiansheng International Airport in the Kami Kyoto metropolitan area an hour later. After leaving the airport, he took the cheapest airport bus to leave.

Next, he had to transfer several buses to reach his destination today - the headquarters of the World Bank Building.

Along the way, no one would pay attention to this handsome young man who, apart from his outstanding appearance, exudes an ordinary aura like ordinary people.

Even if someone did notice him.

But as long as one investigates his traffic route, it is absolutely hard to believe that this is an extrajudicial lunatic who wants to do something big and big.

The route formed by switching to the bus to save travel expenses looks like a backpacker who wants to leave but has a small pocket. There are very few killers in this world who want to change to the bus.

Is it too poor?

Perhaps Higashinohara, who just came to this world in the first half of last year, was indeed a bit poor as the "employee emperor".

But that definitely does not mean that he is poor now.

In fact, after joining the "Dark Scarlet" hunter organization, Higashinohara frantically took orders online during that time, and one task was 30 million yen.

While earning the title of White Yaksha. He also earned a fortune from his "employer" Baituo Kimura, which was deposited overseas in Citibank.

Especially for the trip to hell organized by Baituo Kimura, the salary was calculated on a daily basis. Every natural day outside, the Kimura family would deposit money into his bank account on time.

This Qihua Bank deposit is about 100 million Tacoin converted to more than 10 million Tacoin, and it is only about 10 million Tianyuan, which is less than one percent of the Tianhu Bart family’s free donation to the World Government.

Higashinohara doesn't have a lot of profligate habits in his daily life, and even the exchange students are reimbursed at public expense, but this doesn't mean he is a miser.

In fact, Higashinohara spent all of this huge sum of money last night.

Forty minutes later,

In the center of the Kyoto metropolitan area.

Thinking about this in my mind, outside the car window, the bustling city scene of Kamikyo flew from both sides towards the rear.

Higashinohara, who was in the last bus transfer, grabbed the handrail hanging from the roof, looked down at the traffic route cached on the phone, and there were still two stops to reach the destination of the trip.

He casually turned off the screen and then turned it on again, looking at the time on the screen saver of the phone, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.


It's almost time.

When I arrived, everything should be just fine, right?


Someone spit out the window.

At the intersection of traffic lights two streets away from the World Bank Building, several commercial vehicles were waiting for the traffic lights. These vehicles were of different models and colors, and they did not look like a group of people.

However, in fact,

Those vicious men in these commercial vehicles, the destination of this trip is the World Bank.

in one of the cars.

"Hey, are you nervous?"

Suddenly, a muscular, muscular man in a camouflage vest was chewing betel nuts while wearing sunglasses. He glanced at a young man in the back seat whose calf was trembling unconsciously and asked.

"Uh, I didn't. Cough, cough, cough." The young man subconsciously swallowed his saliva and was about to deny it, but he almost choked on his own saliva.

After finally calming down, he said with a flushed face, "Okay. I'm a little nervous. Boss Shura, why are we taking this kind of order?"

"This kind of list?"

The man called "Sura" raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at him with a half-smile,

"Our hunters of [Darkbreaker Scarlet] still need to classify their orders? If that's the case... I advise you to join that old-fashioned [Red Constellation]."

As soon as the words came out,

The restlessness in the car dissipated immediately.


Why did the Dawning Scarlet Hunters organization become a leading hunters organization that could stand side by side with the largest and oldest [Red Dawn] in the world in just twenty years.

It is because of this crazy ruthlessness!

Have no fear!

No fear!

There are no rules and regulations!

As long as you complete the task, you can get a lot of rewards and then increase the star level, so as to receive higher rewarding tasks.

To some extent,

Twenty years ago, the mysterious founder who single-handedly created the [Darkbreaker Scarlet] hunter organization is simply a genius who has insight into human nature.

He knew what these ability users who joined the hunter business for various reasons needed,

and don't care what.

What they need is money,

What is needed is the recognition of star promotion.

The least of their concern,

It is my own rootless life like duckweed.

If [Red Constellation], which follows the ancient mercenary system, trains a group of hounds, then [Dark Scarlet] attracts and trains a group of hungry wolves.

Justice and evil have nothing in their minds.

No matter what kind of identity the other party is.

As long as it is profitable.

It will pounce on it and take a bite.

Perhaps the mysterious founder who created the [Scarlet of the Dawn] hunting regiment twenty years ago has been trying to cultivate such a group of hunting soldiers full of wolf nature since the establishment of the organization's creed.

After Higashinohara joined [Scarlet of Dawn] and carried out several missions, he discovered this very keenly.

In order to confirm his speculation, he logged into the dark web of [Scarlet of Dawn] last night, and released his first mission as an employer for the first time.

——Assault on the headquarters building of the World Bank.

Originally, he thought that no one would take the order.

Unexpectedly, five minutes later,

His post was transferred to the high-level star hunters' section by an unidentified administrator, and then a hunter group named Shura took over his task.

Higashinohara didn't know who the administrator was and why he would do him such a small favor.

But this also helped him a lot to some extent, and it was also the foreshadowing of his action.

In the center of the Kyoto metropolitan area.

Green lights on the street.

Vehicles began to slowly resume their flow.

In the black business car, the young man sitting in the back seat stopped shaking his legs, and said with some difficulty, "But that... that is the property of the Nine Greats."

When talking about the industry of "Nine Great Masters\

,"Even though this young man was already a newly promoted Seven Star Hunter of the "Dark Scarlet" hunter organization, there was a slight tremor in his tone.


To be precise,

It's Bart's house. "

On the co-pilot's seat, the man called 'Sura' said softly with a somewhat wistful tone of memory.

At this moment, the scene of my family being ruined because of the financial scam manipulated by Tianhu Bart's family more than ten years ago for no reason -- the scene where my father jumped off the building and my mother committed suicide after being insulted by debt collectors

He suddenly grinned and said,

"So what?"

Shura paused and continued, "That's right, all of you here are elites from various countries in our hunter organization, but they are still too fragile in front of such a thousand-year-old family."

There was a smile on the man's face, "The task we received was to attack the World Bank Building, what's the matter with Tianhu Bart's house? You don't think we want to kill the nine families with this little money." people?"

Hearing Shura's words,

The people who were hurriedly rushed from all over the world were taken aback for a moment, and then they came to their senses.


The World Bank Tower has a total of 99 floors.

The lower 10 floors are just ordinary bank offices, and all the people from Shangjing and the dignitaries among human beings are free to go in and out to handle business.

It can be said to be a "public area".

Further up is a dividing line.

There are only floors that can be freely accessed by the children of the Tianhu Bart family, including business suites for VIPs and family members, medical floors, air spa, and family conference floors, etc.

The higher the floor, the direct descendants who are closer to the core of Tianhu Bart's family are the ones who can pass.

——Not to mention the strength of these people, there are also many personal security personnel around them.

If the idle hunter organization wants to move these people, it may be wishful thinking, and they may be killed if they are not strong enough.


The high-star mission that Xiu Luo and the others accepted this time was just a vague "attack on the World Bank Building". The employer didn't mention how to attack or to what extent.

Doesn't seem to care about that at all.

Then there is a lot of room for development.

Daybreak Scarlet's hunters seldom steal and play tricks in completing tasks, but if the target is a monster as big as the Jiu Family, naturally no one will be so stupid as to die.

They only rushed to the lower floors that ordinary people can enter. Is it considered "attacking the World Bank Building"?

Of course it does.

After figuring this out,

Not only the young man who had been shaking his legs just now, but also the other hunters in the car reacted, and they couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, they looked at each other with some embarrassment, uh. It turned out that everyone who was sullen and silent was quite nervous.

However, in the co-pilot position, the man code-named "Sura" spoke so enlighteningly to everyone, but he slowly lowered his eyelids and smiled self-deprecatingly.

After becoming a hunter for so many years, he has been walking on the line of life and death, and he has never thought of taking revenge on such a behemoth as the Nine Masters of Heaven and Man.

I didn't expect that this impulse appeared in my heart for the first time because of an inexplicable task.

The man said silently to himself in his heart:

father mother,

Back then, the coward who could only hide outside the window sill and tremble, after decades of escaping, can finally collect a little interest from the Tianhu Bart's family for you.

Bank Building, first floor.

In the hall, the radiant marble floor reflects the warm white glazed light on the resplendent ceiling.

Every extravagant facility proves that every customer who steps here proves that putting money in the World Bank is definitely the wisest choice in his life.

At the entrance of the hall, the security guard in a black suit yawned bored.

to be honest,

As a sixth-order peak power user with unlimited potential, he is enough to get a good status in any country. It would be too shameful to stand at the door and be a guard to watch the door.

But when the "premise" is in the upper Kyoto metropolitan area where there are many powerful people, the World Bank of Tianhu Bart's family can see the door, and he also has a rather expensive salary

Make money.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

The security personnel looked up at the shining sun outside the glass door, thinking that it was another boring day.

In a place like the Upper Kyoto metropolitan area, during the three years since he joined the job, he has risen from the initial stage of the sixth stage to the peak of the sixth stage, from the initial stage of waiting for a fight to the present idleness.

Every day in the World Bank is peaceful, and it is completely impossible to see that anyone would not want to come to this kind of place to seek death.

Just as this idea was casually popping up in his mind, the yawning security guard inadvertently glanced at the opposite side of the road outside the main entrance of the bank!

Suddenly, he couldn't look away anymore.

He widened his eyes, and gradually opened his mouth wide until he could fit an egg inside without stopping.

It was not anyone who jumped into view.

But a few cars!

one two three four

A whole row of four business vehicles seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force, and they suddenly broke away from the continuous flow of vehicles in front of the World Bank Building, and shot towards the World Bank Building like four arrows leaving the string!

It's too late to say it's too late!

The security guard at the door shuddered all over, and immediately pressed the alarm button on the collar of his clothes to death after realizing it!

All of a sudden!

As if someone had ripped his throat, the terrific siren rang through the entire first floor of the World Building in an instant.

Hearing the terrific siren,

Behind the glass window of the bank counter, the cabinet sisters glanced in the direction of the door in surprise—but they couldn't see anything from their angle at the moment.

The World Bank is the World Bank.

There is only one World Bank in the world.

The superior and comfortable working environment here for many years has given them enough qualifications to select those customers who handle business, and they never thought that there would be any trouble here one day.

but after three seconds

The pupils of the cabinet girls in the hall on the first floor shrank suddenly, and their faces showed a terrifying expression as if they saw a ghost!

How can this be? !


An incomparable banging sound came from outside the glass doors of the World Bank Building.

If someone could freeze the time at this time, or if the time passed quickly, they would be horrified to find that the front of the aluminum alloy car whistling at extreme speed outside the glass door was crushing and deforming on the glass door.

However, the glass door on the ground floor of the World Bank Building only showed a spider web of cracks under the shock of this terrifying ability.

Bang bang bang—!

On the other hand, those 50% off cars,

Under this unparalleled kinetic energy collision, the front of the car was crushed and deformed, and the windshield was instantly shattered.

A car suddenly swelled and exploded with a burst of flames, billowing thick smoke and countless glass splashed in all directions.

Wait till the little mushroom cloud of smoke dissipates,

Appearing with it, there is also a group of men in black with various half masks on their faces.

The man in the lead strode forward, and with a sideways shoulder bump like a mountain, he slammed into the spider web cracks hit by the previous cars.

Eight star hunter.

It is an eighth-level demigod ability user.

How terrifying is the all-out attack of an eighth-level physical system ability user?

Even the World Bank Building has always been known for its outstanding security precautions, and every facility claims to use materials no less than that of an air-raid shelter.

But the glass wall, which was already cracked, quickly spread in all directions like a cracked frozen lake.

Then, in an avalanche of glass snowflakes, a tough and unusual man just broke into the World Bank building.

He looked up at the surveillance camera that turned automatically above his head, gestured his middle finger to the camera, and took out his mobile phone to take a photo of the surveillance camera in a strange way.

Immediately, like a tourist who checks in at a tourist attraction to post on a social platform, the man held his mobile phone at almost 360 degrees and took a picture around the ring before putting away the mobile phone.

I saw him grinning at the guard who quickly assessed his ability in his heart and did not dare to act rashly and wait for support.

"Excuse me, grab a robbery."

When the shrill siren was sounded, everyone on every floor was notified.

It's just that the higher the floors, the more playful the people on these floors are with the rare sirens.

The mansion has been quiet for far too long.

As a result, the daily life of the direct descendants of these nine families is too boring and boring.

Now it's finally time to have some fun.

The sixty-seventh floor of the World Bank,

Spa and wellness center.

A young man with a naked upper body leans against a hot spring pool with rippling blue waves and dense mist.

He closed his eyes slightly,

Feel the uneven pebbles on the soles of the feet and the light and heavy pressure of several pairs of soft catkins.

Hearing the hazy alarm sound not far away, the man slowly opened his eyes, and asked softly to the woman in black who was standing by and connected to the phone, "What happened?"

The woman in black hung up the phone and said calmly, "Report to the young master, there is a robbery downstairs."


The young man was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed a look of hearing some great joke, he shook his head and said with a smile:

"Who would go crazy and come to our Tianhu Bart's house to rob the World Bank, or that the vampires from the World Government Taxation Bureau finally decided to tear off their masks and come directly to rob money."

The woman in black didn't reply.

Obviously, her status is not suitable to take over the young people's teasing of the world government.

After shaking his head, the young man seemed to have just remembered something, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "By the way, I heard that my father captured that woman Dorothy in White Swan Harbor last night."

Hearing the young man mentioned the other party's father, the woman in black showed a trace of fanatical admiration in her eyes, and then she lowered her head slightly and said in a deep voice, "Yes, the master did go to the West Sea last night and captured the Third Judgment Envoy. .”


The young man glanced at the woman in black standing beside him with a strange expression on his face,

Said with a half-smile,

"Is this the name Father asked you Heavenly Guide Nine Blades to call it? I didn't expect him to be so good. Tsk tsk tsk."

Faced with such teasing, the woman in black had no expression on her face, she just quietly stood there with her head bowed.

Whether she understands or not.

She can only choose to remain silent.

Because this man is the young master of Tianhu Bart's family, the third generation heir, and the master's only son.

Francis Butt.

At the same time, Francis is also one of the worst third-generation children among the three-generation children of the Nine Families.

Ability, talent, and brains, the evaluation of the old head of Tianhu's family can only be regarded as "the appearance of a middle-aged man".

If it wasn't for his father being the leader of the Heavenly Guidance Nine Blades Tianhu Bart's family, the default next head of the family, and the Tianhu family has always had few males, I am afraid that his identity as the third generation heir may be wiped out at any time .

Of course, even so, if one day his father really adds another heir to the family, I am afraid that his status as the heir may be abolished at any time.

At this moment, the expression of Francis Bart, who was lying in the hot spring pool, suddenly became gloomy.

gritted his teeth and said,

"My lord father often said to me that it's a pity that Dorothy is not of pure Sky Fox bloodline. If it wasn't for this, I would have been abolished as an heir long ago and exiled to a manor in a remote countryside in the six counties of Shangjing."

The young man's smile became more and more sinister, but finally he raised his head and let out a loud laugh,

Then he turned his head and said fiercely,

"Go and find out where Dorothy is locked up. I'll have a look at that time. Can my cousin, who has been reduced to a 'prisoner', treat me as dismissively as she did when she was a child?"

Speaking of which,

Bubbles surged on the turbid blue water surface of the hot spring in front of the boy, and a girl with a pretty face emerged from the water, greedily breathing the long-lost fresh air.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the young man roughly pushed his head into the hot spring again?

He leaned back comfortably against the wall of the hot spring pool, picked up the red wine that had just woken up, sighed comfortably, and added something with a half-smile.

"By the way, turn on the surveillance on the first floor before you leave. It's not too often to rob a bank."

The woman in black picked up the remote control and touched the panel a few times.

Soon, the LCD screen opposite the hot spring pool lit up.

Through the dense mist,

The young man's eyes narrowed slightly.

these people.

Are you really here to rob?

In the picture on the LCD screen, we can see that the originally magnificent lobby on the first floor is already full of scars.

A few guards clutched their necks, revealing half of their white bones and fell into a pool of blood at the door. The marble floor and walls of the spacious and empty hall seemed to have been hit hard by something again and again, and there were broken and broken decorations everywhere. Crafts and crystal shards and crushed stone concrete.

The row of large evergreen potted plants at the entrance of the hall was smashed one by one on the glass window of the counter, and the splashed soil and debris made the row of counters a mess.

Several men in black wearing masks from the best-selling superhero comics of the United States of Targos reported in the fire escape leading to the VIP area on the second floor.

It's not like robbery what they left behind

It looks like a deliberate sabotage.

almost at the same time,

On the sidewalk outside the World Bank.

Higashinohara, a poor backpacker, finally got off and took several buses, and walked slowly to the gate of the World Bank Building.

He Mo silently glanced at the entrance of the World Bank Building, which was full of chaos. Several distorted commercial vehicles were burning with raging flames, and a security guard with a broken neck was thrown on the green belt outside the door.

Everything works as expected.

Daybreak Scarlet really cultivated a group of vicious wolves, and I don't know what the creators behind this really intend.

Didn't think too much about it.

next second,

Higashinohara quietly disappeared in place, dragging the security guard into the bushes behind the green belt.

a moment later,

A young "security guard" stepped out.

6.6K Asking for a monthly ticket, huh huh~

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