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Chapter 445 Only fast! Explosively kill the Ninth Five Realm! (6.7K chapters)


This is impossible!

Although he couldn't be there in person during the battle at White Swan Harbor, he knew everything that happened there.

He clearly remembered the embarrassment of the man in the clown mask in front of him in the second judgment of the ninety-five level in the Judgment Division, which exhausted his subordinates.

can be replaced by him today

Why does it feel like the roles are reversed?

This is absolutely impossible!


Water splashed in the rippling hot spring, and an extremely embarrassed and miserable figure fell on the water surface accompanied by countless concrete and strong bodies.

Disturbed this pool of spring water,

But almost at the moment when the water surface sank, the figure of the man was suddenly reflected as if he had fallen into a soft spring bed, and he left the water very quickly and landed on the granite floor beside the hot spring pool.

Even so, Yavuz Bart, with disheveled hair like a drowning dog, also turned livid. He lowered his head and looked at the fresh wounds on his body that had just been torn by blades. The dark red blood mixed with the warm water on his clothes slowly fell.

He probably never imagined that his first battle in full bloom would be so embarrassing, and the lofty and noble meaning between his brows also turned into thick anger and gloom at this moment, eyes that were eager to devour others He stared at Higashinohara.

He stood right in front of him.

But nothing like before.

"It's impossible." Yavuz Bart raised his hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with his head down.


Higashinohara raised his eyebrows slightly,

The eyes under the mask looked at each other indifferently.

Once he actually made a move, the only thought left in his mind was "you will die", and he would never underestimate his opponent because of the temporary attribute jump.

Yavuz Bart is in a panic at the moment.

But it is not enough.

There is no coincidence in the Ninth Five-Year Realm.

In addition to having unparalleled opportunities and luck, any god-level person who can reach the "ninth five realms" is also so outstanding in his own strength and talent that it is far beyond countless of his kind.

However, at this moment, the other party was muttering to himself like a gambler who couldn't afford to lose.

Or the other party is really just a lucky person who is far more lucky than hard work and can't stand any setbacks;

Another possibility is.

The other party tried to numb himself.

For speed-type ability users, even a momentary loss of concentration will usher in the farewell between life and death.

at the moment

This man clearly falls into the latter category.

I saw the man in Dong Yeyuan's field of vision like a dog in the water who was muttering "out of his mind" a second ago, but disappeared without warning in the next moment.

Almost at the same time,

The clear water swimming in the hot spring pool in front of him was suddenly pulled up layer by layer by a pair of invisible giant hands like a horse at this moment, and immediately turned into a light green water dragon roaring ferociously towards Come roaring towards Higashinohara.

Among the remaining eight patriarchs of Tianhu Bart's family, there are naturally elemental ability users. The flushed Yavuz Bart has carried their "descendence" to the greatest extent, and at the same time, naturally inherited this ability.

Ninth-order technique. Water dragon chant!

Bang bang bang bang—!

The ear-piercing shock wave set off by the dragon's chant instantly swept across the entire hot spring recuperation layer, and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows around it instantly shattered into countless pieces irresistibly.

The moment when these snowflake-like cracked fragments splashed out of the window into the sky!

In the next moment, an inexplicable suction force emanated from the water dragon, and the broken and splashed fragments rushed back like flames and were sucked into the water dragon.

In this instant,

The water dragon mixed with countless glass shards is like a large-scale rotary cutting machine. The Zen-like landscape painting screens next to the hot spring are instantly shattered into countless flying fragments, crossing the sky above the hot spring pool and attacking Higashinohara indomitably. .

This murderous terrifying coercion!

any one face to face,

Fear will make the hair stand on end and shudder.

However, at this moment, the eyes under Higashinohara's mask were clearly staring at the terrifying meat grinder-like water dragon, but it looked like he was looking at something else.

he knows,

The real killer wasn't there.

Although the opponent's move is extremely lethal, it seems a bit flashy to someone with the ultimate speed ability like Higashinohara.

Would Yavuz Bart, who suddenly exploded, not be aware of this?

Of course not.

not far away,

Betancourt Bate, the patriarch of the Tianhu Bate family who looked old and frail, was watching this scene quietly at this moment.

There was a slight movement in the old man's heart, as if he had expected something, and some praise and relief appeared in the cloudy pupils in the deeply sunken eye sockets.

What the old man praised was not just Yavuz Bart's trick of hiding needles in the thick and fine cotton;

I am more pleased with Yavuz Bart's state of mind—the kind of adaptability that can quickly adjust his mentality to launch a more terrifying lore after a sudden setback.

As the head of the next generation of Tianhu Bart's family, if he doesn't even have such adaptability and wanders wildly against the wind when things go wrong, then he is not worthy of the position of head of the house.

as expected.

Yavuz Bart, the terrifying water dragon sweeping the sky full of glass shards, passed across Higashinohara's "body", and as expected, only a group of afterimages exploded.

Higashinohara's figure still appeared on the other side as if shifting, but at this moment, a figure hanging upside down like a hunter suddenly appeared behind him.

Yavuz Bate held the [Singing Fox] horizontally in his hand, the light of the knife was as clear as water, and fell towards the back of Higashinohara's neck like the warm afternoon sun.

Not the slightest chill!

But it contains the coolest murderous intent!

Prejudged your predictions.

This is Yavuz Bate's real killing move.

The corners of the man's mouth turned up slightly, as if there was a bit of a tricky smile blooming, but the smile froze at the corner of his mouth as soon as it appeared.

The moment the blade sank into the back of the opponent's neck,

A familiar feeling of emptiness arises.

Almost at the same time,

A voice came from the ear.

"Are you sure this is real?"

The voice has not yet fallen,

Amidst the sudden tearing sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, the phantom of Yavuz Bart's knife light in his hand exploded almost at the same time as the thick rain of blood on his own ankle!

At such a close distance, no one could clearly see how Higashinohara changed positions through two jumps.

The only certainty at the moment is that,

Yavuz Butt broke his hamstring, or the Achilles tendon in other words, by Higashinohara after blasting two groups of afterimages in a row.

In an instant, gurgling blood flowed out from the bottom of the trousers, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a pool of blood on the ground behind the feet.

Yavuz Bate groaned in pain, and his body tilted slightly and fell to the ground. The stone who wanted to stand up again found that his right foot had lost the balance supporting his body.

This sudden scene immediately made Betancourt Barthes, who was taking the elevator downstairs, shrank his pupils!

The old man's old eyes seemed to be on Higashinohara for the first time until this moment, and he narrowed his eyes and looked carefully.

Higashinohara noticed this gaze.

He lowered his eyelids slightly, but did not cast his gaze on the other party.

"Is that all?"

At this time, Yavuz Bate suddenly spoke, his voice was extremely dull, like the low growl of a wounded beast.

"This is just the beginning."

Higashinohara said indifferently, "If it doesn't work once, then try a few more times. Little things add up, don't they?"

"Does little add up?"

Unexpectedly, Yavuz Bate sneered for no reason when he heard Higashinohara's words.

"But the wounds caused by insects to beasts may be insignificant no matter how many they accumulate."

the voice fell,

I saw the shocking wound on his right leg that was torn from the calf to the heel slowly close together at a speed almost visible to the naked eye under a burst of muscle squirming. Although it did not heal immediately, it also stopped the bleeding. momentum.

Meat system ability!

Apparently, among the successive patriarchs of Tianhu Bart's family, there are also many outstanding ones in the flesh system.

Seeing this, Higashinohara showed a smile on his face, and said softly, "Sorry, are you sure, are we talking about the same thing?"

Yavuz Bate couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard that!

Next second!

His complexion suddenly changed!

The flickering light of a candle was blown out.

Behind Yavuz Bate, the skeleton phantoms of the remaining eight Skyfox Bate's previous Patriarchs disappeared unknowingly in the skirmishing confrontation between the two just now.

At the same time, his ability to control water with the elemental system was also quietly lost.

And in the hungry ghost path behind Higashinohara, there is another skeleton phantom, which is being pounced on by more hungry ghosts who are drooling from the corners of their mouths, falling into a situation that is the same as the previous skeleton.

no doubt.

What Higashinohara said adds up to more.

It doesn't mean how many wounds are left on Yavuz Bart's body that are enough to crush him.

It is to devour all the "ancestors and ancestors" behind him, and the outcome will naturally be announced at that time.

What a wild ambition!

That's exactly what happened,

Yavuz Bart narrowed his eyes slightly, but a chill rose inexplicably in his heart. He knew that the man in the clown mask in front of him was not talking casually.

He dared to do it.

It seems that it really has that ability.

At this time, Yavuz Bart's sudden attack just now missed a patriarch, and a frivolous and weird voice came from under the mask of the clown on the opposite side.

"Okay, now it's my turn."

Yavuz Bate's heart suddenly tightened when he heard this.

next second,

The figure disappeared.

For a moment,

I saw a slender knife light like a picture of a woman's eyebrows, dragging a white mist, and cut towards Yavuz Bart's neck like this.

Yavuz Bart's pupils shrank suddenly!

At this moment, as if being locked in, he actually felt an inescapable feeling.

There is only one possibility for this to happen.


This guy is faster than before!

damn it!

How could he become so fast!

At this moment, there were only seven phantoms left behind Yavuz Bart. He, who was unable to carry all his strength before, lost two patriarchs, and immediately gritted his teeth and took a step towards the limit that this body could bear.

He has no other choice.

Comprehending the order of [Dirty Soil Comes] is certainly a shortcut for him to step into the ninth and fifth realms.

But shortcuts are often a double-edged sword.

Especially when his weird spirit-like ability of "fighting with the dead" met Higashinohara's even weirder hell way than him, he immediately became even more restrained.

at the same time,

The whole person was like Higashinohara who had been blown into the wind with light smoke, and he also noticed the sudden change in Yavuz Bart's momentum.

The skin of the man in front of him became more and more flushed at this moment, as if a tsunami had been set off in the blue eyes, and the blood all over his body surged like magma in his limbs and bones.

So he narrowed his eyes slightly,

The whole person seems to have a leap.

Candle Day Dragon. Twenty-five times faster!

You know, in the battle at White Swan Harbor, when he faced the demon sword Puso Wiseman, he could deal with the opponent only by relying on the cooperation of 23 times speed and Dorothy Alita.

Now his [Agility] attribute has broken through the 200 mark, soaring to a terrifying value of 213.

Although the twenty-five times speed is already a bit difficult, Higashinohara knows that this is not the limit of his current speed.

But enough!

Secret meaning!

One-shot style. Yushou!

Yavuz Bate clasped Minghu's hands horizontally in front of his chest, and the focus of his sight lined up with the inch of the blade. It seemed that only the blade was left in his eyes, and his breath was instantly filled with a sense of oppression that was sharp.

Like a great swordsman who has reached the pinnacle of the ninth and fifth realms!

This is the sword shape realized by the owner of the fourth generation "natural sword species" of the Tianhu Bart family.

Fight more with less, replace offense with defense.

It is the supreme sword skill that can only be summoned by a great swordsman of the ninth and fifth realms who has been immersed in the way of swords for countless years!

Yavuz Bate hadn't practiced the way of the sword for decades, but at this moment he performed this stance with ease and familiarity!

His eyes were full of fighting spirit, and his blood boiled like magma!

What is there to fear in making swords out of swords? !

It's just that Yavuz Bart's high-pitched state didn't last long, and it turned into a deep sense of astonishment and unstoppable tragic pain.

Chi chi chi—!

After the space was torn apart and then filled with air pressure, the explosion sounded in the ears, and the three big sharp knives in Higashinohara's hands broke through Yavuz Bart's defense without any blockage!

The three knives of the gust of wind, surrounded by the screams of death, fell on Yavuz Bart's three vitals almost at the same time.

The fourth generation patriarch of Tianhu Bart's family, this style [Yu Shou] has historically been known as fighting more with less.

Let him do all kinds of magic tricks,

all kinds of swords,

I broke it with a single sword!

But Yavuz Bhat forgot

Or a sentence was overlooked.


The moment of life and death,

His supremely sharp knife [Minghu] cut open the two vitals that hit his chest and throat wrapped in a thick mist like Bai Lian, and even the knife that cut to the center of his eyebrows was also crushed by his extreme limit at the end. Lift up and open.

But it's not completely open!

The third knife in Higashinohara's hand [Mimi Kirimaru] made a mistake, and the posture of the knife changed instantly.

The antelope was as invisible as its hanging horns, only its speed remained, and it slid directly to the side, cutting a cloud of blood.

And it wasn't until this moment that Yavuz Bart finally felt the piercing pain.

He suddenly covered his right ear that was bleeding profusely, and stared fixedly at Higashinohara, the noble and noble expression on his face before was nothing but ferocious!

"Kill you, I will kill you!"

Higashinohara waved his knife lightly, turning a deaf ear to it.

At the same time that a cloud of blood rained down on the hot spring pool, half of the bloody ear also fell into the pool water.

And in his mind, there is still Yavuz Bate's secret skill sword shape that made people inexplicably feel unstoppable with a single sword strike just now.


"Actually, we are the same kind of people."

Higashinohara said lightly, and continued without waiting for the other party's answer, "We are all lucky enough to be endowed with too many things that did not belong to us."

The bleeding ears and the severe pain that stimulated the nerves in the brain finally made Yavuz Bart tear off the noble mask, and said through gritted teeth,

"Only you? The same kind of humble human being?"

"Well, maybe not."

Higashinohara shook his head indifferently, and said lightly, "At least I'm not that stupid. Even if something that doesn't belong to you is imposed on you, it still doesn't belong to you, but you haven't even tried to turn it into something that belongs to you." your things."

the voice fell,

The phantom of the hungry ghost behind Higashinohara suddenly became more and more condensed, looking like a vivid Ukiyo-e of hell.

The imminent sight,

It seems as if it will turn into reality in the next second.

Yavuz Bate was shocked when he heard the words, and his heart was bleeding while his ears were bleeding.

Behind the remaining seven ghosts of the family skeletons of Bart's family, another one was extinguished, and the overall look became darker than before.

It's like the foundation of a house.

You don't need to hollow out all of them, you only need to hollow out part of them first, and the whole building will collapse with a bang!

Clap clap—!

At this time, there was a burst of applause in the corner.

"What a unique vision cough cough"

Standing on the sidelines, the dying old man finally spoke.

While speaking, the high-altitude wind blowing in from the cracked floor-to-ceiling windows made the old man cough in a low voice.

The contemporary head of Tianhu Bart's family, Betancourt Bart, who was known as the "Shangjing Wild Fox" decades ago, suddenly burst into a vivid and friendly smile like a wild chrysanthemum, smiling at Dong Nohara said,

"Okay, the assessment is over."

"A test?"

Higashinohara looked up at the old man noncommittally.

This is the first time the two sides have looked at each other since the other party appeared on this floor of the building and turned a blind eye to each other.

Looking at each other through masks.

"That's right."

The old man smiled and said, "Although that kid Dorothy made a mistake, we are a family whose blood is thicker than water, aren't we? There is only one dogma in the Bart family of Tianhu for thousands of years,

That's family first. "

family first

At this moment, the old man's tone did not have that kind of deliberate sincerity. Instead, it seemed to be saying a matter of course very naturally, which made people feel convinced unconsciously.

Higashinohara nodded thoughtfully, "So Miss Dorothy should be safe."

"Of course, family comes first."

The old man nodded slightly, shook his head and sighed, "Listen to me, my child, our method of bringing Dorothy back may not be considered soft, but it is a kind of protection for her current situation."

Speaking of this, the old man looked up at Higashinohara with a smile, "It's better to rest in the ward of Bart's house than to be locked up in the dungeon of the Judgment Division, isn't it?"

isn't it?

This rhetorical question is like Hong Zhong Dalu!

Higashinohara was shaken by the purpose and actions of this trip, and began to reflect on whether he had really done something wrong by entering the World Bank building this time.

What did I do wrong from beginning to end? Turned out to be a big joke?

is that so?

Almost at the same time,

In the deeply sunken eyes of the old man,

Those turbid pupils have faded away from the iconic azure blue of the Tianhu tribe, leaving only large and terrifying whites of the eyes, which ripple like ripples on a lake.

Order. Infinite terror!

This is a pure spiritual ability born out of the pupil technique.

As the leader of the Tianhu Bart family, even if this old man is old and frail enough to determine the next generation of patriarch early, how could he be as weak as he appears on the surface.

However, under the pale and strange clown mask, Higashinohara, who seemed a little "confused" suddenly raised his head, and a hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared in his indifferent eyes.

at the same time,

The dark brown on the iris of his right eye disappeared, leaving only a layer of radiance when he was in a demon. An invisible door to Naraku Hell opened quietly, and invisible spiritual fluctuations rushed out towards the surroundings like a tidal wave.

Nine eyes and six realms. The first realm of hell!


Higashinohara was right.

The ability to be imposed is truly controlled by oneself.

As for [Hell Way], Higashinohara's first ability, in just over half a year, he has almost turned it into a [passive ability] that can act in response at any time!

Suddenly, the face of the current Patriarch of Tianhu Bart's family was shocked, revealing a deep expression of disbelief.

However, what he was most worried about at the moment was not himself, but suddenly raised his eyes and looked behind Higashinohara, and opened his shriveled lips as if to say something.

But it's too late!

Yavuz Bate, who has just been fully suppressed, will certainly not miss this rare "opportunity".

Almost at the moment Higashinohara lost control of his mind,

He gritted his teeth and let go of the bleeding ear, and pushed the [Singing Fox] in his hand into Higashinohara's back heart with lightning speed.

This time is different.

The blade penetrated every inch of the skin!

The strong feedback when the muscles and bones were torn apart made Yavuz Bate, who had been cut several times today, feel an unprecedented sense of fulfillment and excitement in his heart!

this moment.

He can't wait to see the wonderful expression under that humble human mask, surprise, anger, fear...

Anyway that must be fun.

thinking so

Yavuz Bate made a wrong step, and walked around in front of Higashinohara, tearing off the weird and hateful clown mask.

What's under the mask?

under the mask.

It is a smooth marble bearing column.

The expression on Yavuz Bart's face froze instantly!

Blinded by anger, he desperately wanted to take the opportunity to kill Higashinohara. As the master of the spiritual-like ability [King's Landing], which is even weirder than the spiritual ability, he never thought that one day he would make such a mistake .

"Your father made me hear what I wanted to hear, and I made you see what you wanted to see."

"That's fair, isn't it?"


Higashinohara's whispers came from the back of Yavuz Bate's head. He tried to turn his body around, but his right arm burst apart, and blood spurted out violently.

In the next instant, an incomparable tingling pain suddenly came from his chest.

Yavuz Bart lowered his head stiffly,

It was only after a little bit of time that I realized that a terrifying hole had exploded in my chest at some point, and the heart crushed by the sharp knife was sprayed on the ground together with minced meat and blood. fell to the ground.

It turns out that hatred and anger

Far better than any anesthesia in this world.

Hearing the dull sound of falling to the ground,

the old man knows

This child who has been appointed by him as the next generation head of the family with high hopes for decades, who has stepped into the future of the Ninth Five Realm at such a young age, and is even expected to surpass the old monsters in the family who can't hide from the world. Has quietly become the dust of history.

In an instant, he, who had long since lost his peak strength, seemed to have grown much older all of a sudden, staring at Higashinohara with those sunken and cloudy eyes.

"What a monster-like human being. But, did I say something wrong just now?"

the voice fell,

There was a sudden silence all around.

Opposite the hot spring, the corner of the clown's mouth clearly twitched twice, but he didn't hear any sound.

The old man realized something was wrong.

Looking around, he found that the surrounding air was covered with a hazy layer of hoarfrost like a field in the early autumn morning.

Gradually, the doubts, thoughts and senses in the old man's mind subconsciously slowed down.

Biavuz Batt, who felt pain in his chest, was even slower. He didn't feel the pain until the half of the beautiful knife tip came out from his chest and tore his clothes.

Order. River of Lamentation!

Eight extreme cold prisons! The four worlds are frozen!

Dorothy Alita, who was wearing a dark blue hospital gown, stepped on the bone-chilling ground with bare feet, her pale face trembling with her slender body, she slowly let go of Mikazuki Zongjin who was sinking into the old man's chest from his back. Ergong has the reputation of "the most beautiful knife shape", the supreme big fast knife.

She gasped with difficulty.

As if to help Higashinohara answer, he said slowly and coldly, "Does family come first?

But you just told me that there is no such thing as a family in Tianhu Bart's family."

6.7K big chapter asking for a monthly ticket lol~

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