Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 451 When did he draw the sword?

In the center of Kyoto.

Rows of black police cars with red and blue lights flashing wildly passed by the street, like ghosts in the sun, which made people feel a little cold in their hearts.

For ordinary people in Shanghai, at this moment they don't know what major accident happened to the World Bank, they only know that the whole city has entered a state of first-level alert.

But what exactly happened, under the information barrier of that class distinction, not many people can tell clearly.

I can only try to see some clues from the faces of the serious-looking black-robed execution team and the Shangjing Security Office scattered at the intersections of various streets in this city.

This time the incident is quite big!

But exactly how big.

But no one knows.

I secretly speculated in my heart that if something happened to the World Bank Building, everyone in Beijing would know who was behind it.

After all, it can't be the World Bank's behind-the-scenes boss. The current head of the Butt family died suddenly, right?

Do not make jokes.

As soon as this guess came to mind, many people were taken aback by their bold and boring guess.

What is the identity of Tianhu Bart's family?

I can only say that I understand everything.


There is no such possibility.

In a stable black car.

"My lord, the Shangjing Security Department has deployed defenses at the entrances and exits of all the sewers in Shangjing. As soon as the other party appears, it will immediately locate them accurately." The person in charge of the special operation of the Shangjing Security Department, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said cautiously.

The second ruling made Puso Wiseman sit in the back seat in a leisurely manner. Hearing this, he glanced at the other party and shook his head noncommittally, "Then what if the other party doesn't show up all the time? Waiting for a rabbit? I don't like being so passive." The way."

The person in charge of the Security Office glanced at the other party through the rearview mirror in the car, and said carefully, "It's not impossible to take the initiative to knock him down, but"

"Just what?" Pouso Wiseman asked.

The person in charge of the Security Department said with some disgust, "Master Judgment Department, you may not understand that there are actually many human beings living in the underground waterway under our feet. If we really want to investigate it, the difficulty may not be less than that of door-to-door visits on the ground."

"A lot of people live here?"

The second ruling made Puso Wiseman slightly startled, but he reacted immediately and said with a smile, "Oh, you mean those losers who were eliminated by this city?"

"That's right, those damned guys live underground like mice, and it's difficult to investigate."

Before the person in charge of the Security Office finished speaking, he was interrupted by a light voice from the back seat.

"Why do you want to investigate?"


The person in charge of the Security Office couldn't help being taken aback.

There was a smile on the corner of Puso Wiseman's mouth. He leaned back slightly on the leather backrest, raised one leg and said indifferently, "Since it's a mouse, let's get rid of them all."

Hearing the other party's understatement, the person in charge of the Security Office trembled.

But for no reason, a picture of a mountain of corpses, a sea of ​​blood, and a sea of ​​human heads emerged in my mind, and even my nasal cavity seemed to be filled with a strange smell of blood.


He subconsciously opened his mouth.

I want to say that the number of rats living in the sewers is not a small number, and those unidentified black households have probably reached a rather alarming number over the years.

"There's nothing but, do rats mean anything to this city?"

Puso Wiseman's tone suddenly lost the previous smile and became a little cold.

He said without haste,

"I am fully responsible for this arrest, and I will be responsible for any problems. You only need to be responsible for the implementation."

"For two days, I'm going to the sewer, and I don't see a mouse anymore."

The person in charge of the Security Office was well aware of the powerful strength and surly disposition of the young man behind him, and he couldn't help but shudder slightly when he heard the other party's voice that suddenly turned cold.

Immediately he sighed, and could only mourn in silence for the "ratmen" who lived in the city's sewers.

He is in charge of city security, although he will go to the sewer to "sweep" several times at the end of the year, the lives of those "ratmen" are nothing to him.

It's just that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Those "rat men" are not completely useless, at least before the "mopping up" at the end of the year, there will be "big rats" who are knowledgeable about current affairs and give him 70% of the year's harvest in advance.

If the "rat man" in the underground waterway was really slaughtered and wiped out by the man in the back seat this time, I'm afraid that he would lose a considerable amount of income every year in the future.

This is the reason for his pity.

Shangjing underground waterway.

Higashinohara walked all the way, and the people on the floor in the dark and damp drainage channel looked at him, a person who did not belong to the underground world, and he was also looking at this completely strange world.

Higashinohara found that this place was a bit like a shanty town in his previous life, except that the narrow houses that sheltered from the wind and rain became natural sewers, and the ventilation and lighting were extremely poor.

Not only that, but this seemingly good public natural shelter also hides many invisible natural and man-made disasters.

Needless to say man-made disasters.

The annual investigation may cause them to be arrested and killed, but as long as they pay enough "rent", it is actually okay, there are "big rats" on it who will notify you in advance to evacuate before the investigation and sweep.


That's what it means to pay rent in the sewer.

Living in the sewer is free.

But security costs money.

If he didn't want to become an unjust ghost for a day or two, he must pay a lot of rent every month, otherwise he might be arrested one day in a year.

What happens when you get caught?

Anyway, these people who live in the sewers,

I have never seen those who were taken away during the raid of the Shangjing Security Office.

It's just that for them who are used to people disappearing frequently, over time, they will naturally become numb.

But man-made disasters are only part of the hidden crisis.

any world,

It is always a beautiful vision to come to the end of all hardships.

But the bloody fact is that the hemp rope is only broken at the fine point, and bad luck is only for the poor.

The urban area of ​​Upper Kyoto is adjacent to the West Sea, and there are often heavy rains. Every time the sewer flood discharges, while destroying the belongings of these "ratmen" in the sewers, the real rats, cockroaches and other underground creatures in the sewers will also cause plagues and diseases. spread again and again

All kinds of the above.

It sounds like this is not a place to live at all.

But in fact,

In Shangjing, there are many low-level people without status and status living in this dark place day after day, and even passing on their families.

It can only be said that human beings, no matter which world they are in, their vitality and adaptability are terrifyingly tenacious.

Higashinohara looked at what he saw and heard along the way, holding Dorothy Alita in his arms, and followed Shura, who was limping and leading the way, with a slightly gloomy expression.

After a while of twists and turns, the field of vision in front of me suddenly widened a little. From the originally low and oppressive sewer pipes, I walked into a pipe whose floor height was twice as high as before.

Almost at the same time as they walked in, several thin bamboo pole-like men in ragged clothes and oil stains surrounded them like vultures in the wild.

Several people's eyes still fell on Dorothy Alita in Higashinohara's arms, and their eyes were full of undisguised greed.

Higashinohara immediately knew,

These may be the "big rats" of the sewer.

"Who are they, you know, we don't welcome outsiders here."

At this time, a strong, bald-headed middle-aged man came up behind those people, with a large tattoo on the back of his head, showing the sense of oppression he needs to bring to others.

The moment he saw the faint light on the other's tattoo, Higashinohara also reacted.

This is a capable person.

It's right to think about it, in the political and economic center city of the world, the upper Kyoto metropolitan area, even if it is a sewer that never sees the sun all year round.

If you want to become a "big mouse" here, you naturally need the ability to control people.

"Don't worry, he is my trustworthy friend." Shura glanced at the other party and said noncommittally.


The bald man stared at Higashinohara and Dorothy Alita in his arms, narrowed his eyes slightly and scrutinized, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and said, "I need to know his real identity."

"Of course I can tell you."

Shura's face also became a little cold, staring at the other person's eyes and said, "But please believe it, knowing their identities is not a good thing for you, the people who live here are all 'nameless' 'Isn't it?"

The atmosphere froze all of a sudden.

The people around seemed to have taken a step forward, and some even stretched their hands behind their backs.

"That's right, we are all unknown people." The bald man and Shura looked at each other for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled.

However, the next second,

But he said bluntly, "Listen, I'm not a fool, I don't know if you and your goddamn friend robbed the bank in the World Bank building or something else happened, but now everyone in Shanghai is looking for he."

"Now, get out of here and don't cause trouble for me." The bald man gave the order to evict the guest.

Although he was limited by his status and news channels, he did not know what Higashinohara did in the World Bank Building until the incident was fully exposed.

But this does not affect the intuition of danger that a low-level boss like him has cultivated all the year round.

He sent a message earlier today to ask people in the Metropolitan Police Department.

On weekdays, although that damned celestial being doesn't treat them as human beings, for the sake of money, at least he will reply with a message.

but this time,

There was no reply to any message from the other party.

When he tried to call the other party, he found that bastard who gave them 70% of the income every year, directly pulled his number into the blacklist.

As if eager to get rid of the relationship with him.

damn it.

What the hell happened?

At this moment, Shura was rejected by the other party, turned his head and looked at Higashinohara, but there was not much disappointment on his face.

He just stared at them and said,

"Risks and benefits have always been twins. People like us, if we want to make money in a place like Shangjing, we have to take risks. I heard that there was a flood discharge in the storm sewer a while ago, so I think you must need it now." money."

When the flood is released, everyone has to temporarily move out of the sewer, hiding in every corner of the city like a peddler chased by the city management in the previous life.

Waiting to come back here after the flood, then the "rent" during this period will naturally be in vain.

The bald man also seemed to have fallen into silence. He didn't expect that the other party would even consider the dilemma of their confrontation, and he asked after a while,

"How much can you give?"

The other party didn't ask what needed to be done first.

And ask how much.

That means there is more to talk about.

Higashinohara looked at Shura, but the latter had already stretched five fingers towards the bald man.

"fifty thousand?"

The bald man was stunned when he saw this.

Shura shook his head when he heard the words, stared into the other person's eyes and said, "Five million currency units are Tianyuan."

All of a sudden, the people gathered around were slightly startled, as if they were a little frightened.

Even the bald man's heart beat faster, and his breathing suddenly became hot and rapid.

But in just a blink of an eye, he quickly adjusted back to normal, and gave a vicious glance at the excited subordinates around him.

Finally, his eyes fell on Shura, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more.

Shura shook his head,

Interrupted the other party's words in advance.

"Listen, I don't like haggling. Besides, you and I both know that the money is definitely much higher than the normal price. If you say anything about bargaining, I will leave here immediately."

Shura glanced at the other party indifferently, and said meaningfully, "In this underground world, you are not the only 'big rat'. I only found you today because I happened to have heard your name."

Having said that, he stretched out a hand and watched the bald man silently from the air, "Please answer me now, will we have a happy cooperation?"

Shura's words were not polite.

In fact,

In this underground world,

Any kindness will be seen as weakness.

At this moment, the bald man's eyes suddenly became a little dark.

As the boss of these people, he didn't like this passive feeling very much in front of so many people.

Inadvertently, his eyes drifted to Higashinohara and Dorothy Alita behind Shura, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he didn't reach out to shake Shura's extended hand.

He said in a neutral tone, "Yes, of course you can go to other 'big rats', but for me, there is more than one way to make money. Although I don't know what you guys did in the World Bank, I Guess... those hyenas on the ground would love to hear about you now."

"First of all, I'm an honest and trustworthy businessman, but I can't guarantee that when you turn around and leave here to find someone else to cooperate with, will any of my subordinates accidentally say something wrong." Speaking of this, his A smug smile suddenly appeared on his face.


This is his home field.

These damn outsiders want him.

Why are you so arrogant? !

Although five million Tianyuan is very exciting.

And this huge amount of "extra cash" doesn't have to be 70% taken by the vampires above, but if it can be more, who will be against the money?

At this time, hearing the other party's undisguised threat, Shura and the other party looked at each other for a few seconds, then sighed silently, took a step back and said inexplicably:

"Don't take it too far."

"Is it too much? I can." The corner of the bald man's mouth curled up slightly, as if he wanted to say something more.

However at this moment,

Suddenly, a gloomy and cold gleam flashed in his eyes.

How can there be light here? !

The next moment, his left cheek suddenly felt a sharp pain, and immediately it seemed that some viscous liquid crawled over half of his face and landed on his shoulder bit by bit.

He twitched his nostrils stiffly, and without warning, a strong smell of blood filled his nasal cavity!

How can a person's bloody smell be so strong?

He raised his head in astonishment, only to find that all the subordinates around him were clutching their blood-spattered wrists and screaming in pain!

Immediately, amidst the sound of "dang, clang, clang" one after another, the weapons that the subordinates hid behind them and were ready to go, all let go of the pain and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

realize this,

The bald man narrowed his eyes suddenly, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Higashinohara behind Shura.

But he found that the man whose body was half hidden in the shadow was still standing there with the woman in his arms.

The whole person didn't seem to move at all.

It's just that in his hand, he didn't know when there was a big sharp knife with blood on the blade.

Higashinohara lowered his gaze, swung his saber, and threw a shocking arc of blood to hit the blood-stained corner of the wall.

he is

When did you draw the knife?

The bald man froze in place immediately.

At this moment,

Shura who just sighed turned around, looked at Higashinohara and shook his head, sighed again and said:

"Oh, I said don't go too far."

Higashinohara glanced at Shura, nodded slightly and said, "I'm sorry, some of the sight just now made me uncomfortable."

As soon as his faint voice fell,

I saw the people who cast their greedy gazes at the sleeping Dorothy Alita in Higashinohara's arms, bowed or turned their heads instantly!

For fear of being misunderstood, take another look.

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