Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 112 Burn! burn! burn! (Happy Chinese Valentine's Day)

"Damn it! Damn it!"

A figure stumbled in the alley, looking like he was in a panic.

He covered the severed wound with force, and after the purple psychic power repaired it, Tosak Rome's face looked a little better, and he glanced viciously at the direction of the explosion above.

"I was tricked!"

That is not at all a noble child who is idle in the empire with a secret, relying on the resources of his father's generation. He was clearly his old colleague, an inquisitor who also belonged to the Heretic Tribunal.

Tosak-Rome recognized the special bolt gun that only Inquisitors were qualified to carry. That damn thing existed to deal with tenacious demons or heretical monsters.

The bullets used are not like ordinary bullets that can only rely on impact to kill the enemy. The explosive bombs of the Inquisition are not only superior in size and ammunition load. This small bullet is a terrifying killing weapon. Rather than being a bullet, it is actually more like a small missile. When shot into the enemy's body, it will cause damage once and then explode, causing a second, more terrifying damage!

Even if it is protected by a psychic barrier, it will still be torn apart by the bullet explosion, so Tosak Rome's left hand was caught off guard and violently broken from the joint.

Tosak Rome once had this thing, but unfortunately there seemed to be a large blank in his memory. He didn't even know how he got to this hive world, and anything that could prove the identity of his former inquisitor was gone. .

The only mission left in his mind drove him to act, and that was to be appreciated by the Lord of Joy.

The simplest way is to burn. For the vast lower world, the trial method that has existed since the beginning of the empire is the best way.

"Send troops to clean up the underground world of Acheulia."

Of course, what Tosak Rome can think of, Isayama Nomei can also think of.

Tosak-Rome has been lurking in the world of Adli Hive for more than a month and has made quite a lot of arrangements. After all, he is from the Inquisition and works meticulously and rigorously, so he naturally has a way out.

It's time to run for your life.

Isayama Nomei just gently put the match into the pool of fuel that had been accumulated in front of him. Soon, with the help of the fuel, the weak fire light became more and more flames, and the volume became larger and larger.

And it will be as scary as poking a hornet's nest. After killing one inquisitor, more inquisitors will come forward.

No matter how powerful the power is, it still requires the Flower of Life. Tossak Rome felt that most of his soul was frightened when he learned that he had been targeted by the inquisitor of the Tribunal.

With a gentle smile on his face, Isayama Nomei held a match with his well-jointed fingers and lightly struck the matchbox.

He couldn't even catch an injured guy. He was really a useless snack.

The powerful Demon Hunters of the Demon Tribunal are terrifying, and the Assassins of the Alien Tribunal are even more difficult to guard against.

Let the fighter plane be fully loaded with fuel with ultra-high combustion properties, spray it over a wide area, and then just a weak flame the size of a match is enough to start a prairie fire.

But although this red fire dragon has swallowed up the entire neighborhood, it is only insignificant compared to the entire Acheulei.

Everyone could hear the roar of the burning flames, and the roar was astonishing!

The houses were burning, the ground was melting, and there were even some screams of being awakened from their sleep.

After all, when you find yourself being targeted by the Inquisition, it already means that countless people are keeping an eye on you without your knowledge.

Isayama Norimei, who was surrounded by everyone, was now at the lowest edge of Acheulean. The fighter planes roaring in the sky were faithfully executing his orders, covering every piece of land with highly explosive fuel. .

"Damn rats!"

"Do you know? A single spark can start a prairie fire."

When Kenmei Isayama used a stove to burn fire in his previous life, there was something very effective, and that was the bellows. Injecting fresh air could help burn more efficiently.

The legal department has fighter planes, chariots, and quite a few soldiers that can be used in battles. It can barely serve as a defense force for the hive world.

Isayama Nomei chose the time well. It was equivalent to around two o'clock in the morning, when most people were asleep.

The match in his hand burned with a faint light. Although it was only a weak beam of light in the darkness now, it would surely support the dazzling light that burned the whole world in the next second.

But if they are just senior officials of the empire, they only have the authority to mobilize law enforcement personnel. They cannot mobilize local troops to carry out any military operations and intervention, nor can they use them.

But the Inquisitor's authority does not have so many restrictions. Even the cyclone torpedo that destroys all life on a planet can be mobilized. It is very easy to mobilize the local army.

Previously, Isayama Norimei said that everyone related to Tosak Rome must die, whether it is a gang or a protective umbrella, all the connections must die, so that Tosak Rome can be betrayed. To minimize the adverse effects of the Tribunal, Isayama Ken's meditation must completely physically purify all the Acheulean natives.

"In the name of the emperor, I grant you death!"


Officials who were much older than Isayama Nomei were also there. They looked at the young judge with awe, and his single iron order determined the life and death of countless people.

Isayama Nomei also knew this, so he directly turned on a function that Acheulei had not used for nearly hundreds of years, the ventilation system.

This time Isayama Norimei did not conceal his identity as a judge. He had previously concealed it just because he was afraid that his opponents in the dark would not dare to come and send him warmth.

Now that the winner has been decided in the initial confrontation, Isayama Nomei naturally wants to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

The location of this escape route is in Acheulia, the lowest level of the Adli Hive World. Tossac Rome could not avoid the dirty environment there, but he didn't care about that when he was escaping. He hurriedly disappeared into the alley. .

After Isayama Norimei didn't get any news about Tosak Romei for two hours after the middle-level blockade, he roughly understood that the seemingly airtight and iron-walled blockade should not have stopped him.

So one can imagine what will happen once the oxygen concentration increases in a world that is already a dry place.

That must be an uncontrollable explosion!

Isayama Nomei and these old men had already retreated to the middle level within the safe range when they were taking a breather.

The so-called ventilation system is to inject fresh oxygen of appropriate concentration. This is a necessary function for most hive worlds, even those that are thousands of years old. Adli cannot live without it.

This poor Acheulei was just a fire dragon hundreds of meters long at the beginning, and suddenly turned into a giant dragon stretching for dozens of kilometers. These flames devoured everything around it, explosions occurred all the time, and the ruthless fire covered this place. of all ground.

The temperature here once reached more than 1,400 degrees, directly turning into a forbidden area for life!

No one knows how many prisoners and heretics were burned alive in the flames and suffocated to death that night.

At this moment, one of the spaceships finally couldn't hold it any longer and flew out in the fierce fire, destroying the outermost layer of the barrier with a laser cannon.

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