Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 333 Sister Huang Quan

“The Tohsaka family members were picked up by the Kamo family.

On a bridge beyond the boundary of the Tosaka family, an attractive woman with short hair used binoculars to look at a 7-seater commercial vehicle driving on the bridge.

The boundary ahead is a heavily guarded area set up by the Tohsaka family. It is part of the magic workshop and you will be discovered if you go further. Therefore, we did not go further, but observed the entry and exit of this place not far away. action.

On the other end of the phone, a dark-haired middle-aged man wearing a dark trench coat who looked extremely vicissitudes of life, listened to the encrypted communication device and said.

"I know, thank you for your hard work."

His name is Emiya Kiritsugu, and he represents the Einzbern family who originally built the Holy Grail system. He participated in this Holy Grail War and summoned the heroic spirits of the Sabar class.

He thinks he is a partner of justice, but he has always done some despicable things to outsiders. He is a very contradictory man.

It also made Isayama Norimei feel that Emiya Kiritsugu was just like his Fushiguro Shiji who only knew how to collect money, and he only did dirty work for others.

One is the "Spellman Killer" and the other is the "Magic Killer". These two guys are both killers and should have something in common.

"Come back, Maiya."

Emiya Kiritsugu returned to the room from the window sill. There was a whiteboard in this room, which was covered with information. Tokiomi Tokiomi's photo was posted on the top, and some information about other things that had been discovered were also posted on it. Master information.

Tokiomi Tosaka puts it first,

After all, the strength of the Archer, the heroic spirit that made Assassin retire on the first night, must not be underestimated.

Yes, Tokiomi Tosaka directed and acted in a scene when Isayama Norimei went to the Tokyo Conjuring High School to fight against Ryōmensu Nuo.

That was to let the King of Heroes kill the Assassin summoned by his apprentice Kirei Kotomine.

But most Masters, including Emiya Kiritsugu, don't know that Kotomine Kirei's Assassin actually has quite a few clones.

The dead one was indeed Assassin, just a simple clone. The identity of this assassin was particularly special, and all clones were the assassin's true body.

Tokiomi Tosaka's move was to completely lead Assassin underground and use his excellent stealth ability to collect intelligence.

So Emiya Kiritsugu didn't know that it was just a play directed and acted by Tokiomi Tokiomi. Everyone was deceived and didn't know that the relationship between Tokiomi Tokiomi and Kirei Kotomine was between apprentice and master. .

Therefore, there are only six heroic spirits that we really have to deal with now, but one of them will definitely be strangled by the other five.

The location where the Matou family was originally has been covered by a bloody cross, marking a question mark.

Emiya Kiritsugu also wanted the two Command Seals that the Kamo family promised to kill the Berserkers.

But that's right, the Command Seal should be something that as a Master you don't want, and you will never use it even at critical moments unless it is absolutely necessary.

For example, the last two-faced Su Nuo was broken by relying on the power of the command spell when it first faced the Gojo Enlightenment Domain [Infinite Space].

That thing can not only command the heroic spirit to do anything, but also teleport the heroic spirit to the master's side from a long distance.

It can even allow heroic spirits to perform at a super level. Originally, the destructive power of the liberation level is at 10, but with the blessing of the command spell, it can reach 100 destructive power.

This is the horror of the Command Seal.

Each Master only has a total of 3 Command Spells. Once used, they are gone and they lose control over the heroic spirits. Once they can collect the rewards, Gojou Satoru and Gojou Satoru are equivalent to having two more trump cards than other domain masters. .

Only a fool would not want such a thing.

But the problem is, that Berserker is not easy to mess with.

I heard only the information released by the Conjurers Association and the Temple Order.

"The ability is to cut through all things." This simple line of words can present very little information.

But the fact that he was soaring straight into the sky and the mana that could be released with the naked eye proved that Berserker was definitely the most powerful fighting spirit.

However, there is no heroic spirit with this level of power in various myths, which makes his identity even more confusing.

The horror of the two-faced Su Nuo made all masters extremely taboo against it, which further highlighted the incredible strength of the next head of the Kamo family who was at war with it.

"There must be a way to kill the Berserker."

Emiya Kiritsugu thought about the probability that his Saber could kill the berserker, but if he could really cut off everything, would the legendary holy sword also be cut off?

There is only one chance, so Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't gamble, so he found it quite tricky.

Fortunately, even though all the Masters wanted to monopolize these two Command Seals, they could be allowed to attack Emiya Kiritsugu.

This Holy Grail War was not actually held in a formal manner. The only people who had received the orthodox education of magicians were Tokiomi Tosaka and the lecturer from the Tower of London.

The other five Masters are either students or ordinary people (murderers) who don't know anything. Anyway, wild people like Emiya Kiritsugu and those who play with the Killing Stone are not common in the previous Holy Grail Wars. .

After having the experience of fighting Isayama Norimei for the first time, it was obvious that those wild men also knew that Isayama Norimei had some ability to track their identities, so they deliberately concealed it. This time he really didn't get any information. .

But Isayama Norimei is not in a hurry. As long as the other party wants the Holy Grail, the "King of the Curse" Yang Miansu Nuo will inevitably be involved in the battle with other masters.

It would be good to have those masters weaken the two-faced Su Nuo.

Isayama Nomei's conscience doesn't hurt at all for turning that little fanboy into a member of the Blood River.

Opportunities are seized one at a time. He did give him a chance to be strong.

It is nothing more than the price of losing freedom and the curse of eternal life.

Is power such an easy thing to get?

How much price did Isayama Norimei pay to achieve what he is today? It wasn't just through life and death again and again. Why did the other party think that just by worshiping him as a disciple, he could get powerful power.

Nanami's decision to build people was his own choice. The world of magic was not a place to play house, so they would not die without regrets.

As for why his training methods are so similar to Takatsuki Izumi training Kaneki Ken.

That's purely because he feels that his painful education method is actually surprisingly effective, especially for some special talents whose self-healing abilities are beyond imagination.

Using other slow methods is simply a waste of their lives.

It also requires a crash course in pain training. Hehe, if you can't die anyway, then you will die.

Moreover, Isayama Nomei has an advantage over Takatsuki Izumi, and the young man trained by him cannot have any rebellious mentality towards Isayama Nomei.

From the moment Nanami Kento entered the river of blood, he could never betray.

Only your own talents are worthy of dedicated training.

Only Isayama Nomei himself knows whether this counts as breaking through the bottom line.

"The area ahead is within the Kamo family's area."

Isayama Nomei said to the two young people in the back row.

The two little guys behaved very well because their mother was present. Even the more lively and cute Tohsaka Rin, like his sister, sat very upright.

Both sisters are good and sensible children, but they have an unreliable father.

The Kamo family can be said to be the safest place in Tokyo. Even the dragon riot caused by Kaneki Ken in the foodie world cannot destroy the barrier here.

Not to mention other cursed spirit attacks, the special barrier is impossible to break.


Isayama Nomei was sitting in the car looking out the window bored, but suddenly there was a familiar wave of spells that he felt immediately.

"Sorry, I have something to do. Can you take a short detour?"

He looked at the gentle Mrs. Tosaka Aoi and asked.

"It's okay, Mr. Isayama, you can take a detour if you want."

Naturally Tohsaka Aoi would not refuse, from the moment the three of them stepped out of the original home. Their lives have been completely entrusted to this young boy who looks very young. Their lives are still in the hands of the Kamo family.

"Well, don't worry, it's not a big deal, I'm just picking up someone."

Isayama Nomei saw that he attracted the attention of the two little ones, so he patiently explained again.

In fact, he was mainly afraid that they would be surprised, so he specifically said that to prepare them.

Otherwise, if you turn the car around in front of your home, it will look like you are going to do something else.

And for Isayama Norimei to turn around on purpose, he must have seen a very familiar person, and only people who are very important to him would do this.

He hadn't seen her for a long time, so even when she was on a mission, he couldn't help but want to get up and take a look.

On another viaduct in Tokyo, which was originally a bustling street, most of the viaducts have been evacuated and the entrances have been closed.

Because a first-level curse spirit is running wildly on the elevated structure.

Even though there is nothing on the elevated platform now.

You can see the obvious footprints on the road constantly tearing apart. Every time you walk a certain distance at the elevated intersection, the street lights are broken accordingly, and the darkness is one after another. The overall light looks particularly trance-like, like the plot in a horror movie.

The shape of the curse spirit is quite terrifying. It is a monster whose body is completely distorted to the point of being abnormal and looks like a monster formed by kneading all kinds of weird things together. The entire body is about four or five meters tall, similar to Qixing. When planting something like this, all five or six legs are running wildly.

But what was even more terrifying was the other giant beast that was following the cursed spirit a long distance away, biting it and refusing to let go.

Originally they were chasing him at a considerable distance, but because the speed behind him was so fast, the curse spirit running in front wished he could grow seven or eight legs and run together.

Suddenly, the ground sank by nearly 10 centimeters. It was clearly the giant beast behind that suddenly exerted force, jumped up, and directly hit its head on the cursed spirit that was trying to escape.

The monster behind, which was more completely invisible, was also revealed at this moment.

It is surprisingly one with quite a lot of compound eyes. The monster has the head of a monkey and the body of a lion. Its tail is quite long and can completely bind the cursed spirit in front of it.

The huge and ferocious mouth bit the monster in front of him, and crackling blood spread all over the floor. Even if the monster didn't let go, in the end the flesh at the throat was completely torn off by the giant curse spirit.

Just its bite is enough to kill a first-level curse spirit. The level of this monster is also quite high. It is about to break through the first-level spell master. Among all the first-level curse masters, it can be regarded as the pinnacle.

The mantra spirit in the body of the monkey head has a very cruel posture, and it keeps eating this good thing into the stomach.

This is how this special curse spirit grows. The more curse spirits it eats, the faster it will evolve to a higher level.

After this cursed spirit had eaten up the other cursed spirit, a girl wearing a black sailor suit slowly walked over. She was holding a black samurai sword from the market in her hand, and her figure was slender and graceful.

This long, dark, straight young lady is Isayama Nomei's cousin, Isayama Yomi.

Due to this series of battles at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government High School, almost a lot of first-level magicians were seriously injured, so this first-level magician who was fighting in other areas was called to Tokyo.

There is a serious shortage of manpower, but the spell spirits on the road will not also start to take leave due to the lack of spell masters.

They will only become more rampant, and the magicians on standby are simply acting as several people.

When the blade was pulled into the scabbard, the rather ferocious-looking curse spirit also disappeared.

When he saw the cursed spirit with only minced meat left in front of him, Isayama Yomi directly used the power of the curse to purify all the remaining filth.

"Hey, it's me, Huang Quan."

The target has been sunk.

Huang Quan said tiredly into the phone.

Normally, she would definitely be fighting with the Lion King. But this time I was really tired, so I just asked the Lion King to bite and kill the curse spirit completely.

But the bigger problem is that Xia Youyoujie and the others have gone on strike, and even model worker Gojo Satoru has quit. Then isn’t the whole of Tokyo in chaos?

"Where's the next place?"

Isayama Yomi herself needs to consume a lot of curse spirits to evolve her Lion King. Because she doesn't want to be too far away from someone's strength, she is resigned to working overtime.

Otherwise, according to the relationship between Isayama Yomi and the Kamo family, who would dare to arrange such a heavy task on her, so it is mainly caused by his own too much effort.

"Thank you, Isayama. By the way, it seems your brother is here too?"

Isayama Yomi's eyes were dimmed, and he was like an oxen and a horse dragging his luggage forward when he heard the supervisor in the communication saying.

"younger brother?"

Isayama Yomi suddenly became energetic.

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