Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 352: Miserable Nanami

The withdrawal of the Lancer made the Heroic Spirits and Masters, except Saber, more cautious, coupled with the threat hidden in the dark from the Berserker.

As a result, it inexplicably brought a period of very stable peace to Fuyuki City, and also allowed Isayama Norimei to find time to return to Kamo's house.

By the time Isayama Nomei returned, Sister Huangquan had already left, and she went to perform her mission.

Since the number of spell spirits is still increasing, the number of spell casters is seriously lacking after being attacked by the two-faced Su Nuo.

Isayama Yomi volunteered to solve these difficulties, so after spending a simple night with Sakura, she went to various places to act as a firefighter non-stop.

Isayama Norimei didn't have much to say to this dedicated sister. He just wanted this sister to rest a little longer.

So when Isayama Nomei returned, Huangquan was gone.

And Sakura is still the same, letting Xiao Ai play with her.

But recently, my sister has a new playmate, the sensible and cute Sakura, and there is no generation gap between the two of them.

After all, in terms of mental age, they should be almost the same age.

Nothing else has changed.

Isayama Nomei originally wanted his sister to devour the giant monster made of casters, but that ghost thing didn't seem to be as full of magical power as he imagined.

Instead, it was composed of the contaminated Fuyuki City spiritual energy. After being devoured and killed, there were only a small number of points.

This seemed to Isayama Norimei to be extremely uneconomical, so it was perfect for the life essence he created to be used as a snack for his sister.

After Isayama Nomei returned to Kamo's house, he seemed to remember someone he had forgotten for a long time.

Since Isayama Nomei forgot about it these days, he might have encountered a hell difficulty.

Isayama Nomei forgot about Nanami.

Others didn't want to stay with the Magician Killer even if they didn't want to, but they had already been there for nearly 48 hours. You can only imagine how bad the situation was.

Isayama Nomei was walking underground. The underground of Kamo's house had been hollowed out a long time ago to create many special areas.

Underground at Kamo's house is the colosseum designed by Isayama Nomei for his junior high school student.

Isayama Nomei kept walking down. The closer he got, the more he could hear the sound of swords and guns clashing with each other below.

and booming explosions.

There is also a rotten giant dragon on the steps of the Colosseum that is wrapped in chains and unable to struggle. It was the corrupted earth god that Isayama Kenmei had previously rescued from Nanami Kento and Haibara Yuu and was sealed by someone. .

It clearly bears the name of God,

He looked extremely miserable, his body was still squirming, and being covered in chains was obviously quite disgusting.

But a giant dragon will still be a giant dragon no matter how defeated it is.

It would also be very nice to have such a violent dragon placed underneath as a decoration.

After studying it for a while, Isayama Kenmei discovered that this dragon-like curse spirit was particularly magical.

The characteristics that are different from ordinary curse spirits are that they are basically another form of life.

This guy was originally far beyond the level of a special-level curse spirit, but after countless long years, he directly degraded to the first level.

This is how I feel about Isayama Norimei

There are so many strange curse spirits in this world, and it seems very normal for it to have such a unique existence.

For Isayama Norimei, apart from seeing various strange curse spirits and the Holy Grail ritual that can resurrect the dead, there is nothing in this world that surprises him.

It was just that this thing was very scarce, so he had the idea of ​​collecting it.

Isayama Nomei has not yet figured out the composition of the earth god's body, so he did not cut it into pieces and absorb it, but continued to raise it here.

Just raise a curse spirit.

It's nothing more than feeding him something occasionally.

But what is unexpected is that this cursed spirit does not need any feeding, as if it is like this in the first place.

It can live well without any nutrients.

Moreover, most of the nails and chains on this guy that were originally used to imprison its torso were also moved to this area by him.

The quality of those nails and chains is quite good, but the effect has become weaker. It is not a problem for Isayama Nomei to just rewrite a set of runes and solve it.

So Isayama Nomei is the only one who would think of using a living first-level curse spirit as a decoration.

"Nanami's training should be very effective."

For this little boy, except forget him.

Isayama Nomei thought that he had a clear conscience and had already let such a master of Taijutsu guide him. Is there anyone stronger than the tyrant Fushiguro Shijiro in terms of Taijutsu?

Grant Nanami immortality and never die.

The foundation for the strong has been laid.

In a sense death is the best form of exercise to make the body remember the feeling of death every time.

You will grow faster and gain more valuable experience.

Death once is better than anything else.

"Hey, hey, kid, stand up."

Fushiheiji cut Nanami Kento's spine with a knife, but he still yelled at him to stand up.

There was blood everywhere in the center of the field

These all come from the blood of Nanami Bitch.

It can be seen from the blood dripping here that he did not die simply once or twice.

Fuheishier's heart had actually been filled with some fear for a long time, and he was even a little lucky.

"Fortunately, I signed the contract, otherwise I would be like this."

Fuheishiji killed Nanami Kento nearly 140 times.

Common and uncommon methods of death such as breaking the neck, piercing the eye socket with a knife, slitting the throat, and strangulation were used.

But every time he killed him, the other person would get up again like a ghost.

Fushiguro thought that if he had not signed the selling contract, Isayama Norimei might have become the same existence as the unkillable brat in front of him.

Hearing that troublesome tone, Isayama Nomei knew that it was Fushiguro Shiji who was complaining without even thinking about it.

"How's the situation?"

When Isayama Kenmei arrived at the area, he saw Fushiguro stepping hard on Nanami Kento's head with his foot, and the huge force dented the surrounding ground.

Fuheisher's knife patted his own shoulder when he saw the boss coming.

Nanami Kento, who was covered in blood, lay on the ground silently for a long time, as if waiting to die.

"Ah, boss."

Fushiguro was very happy to see Isayama Nomei. After all, his appearance here meant that his mission was almost over.

"Thanks for your hard work"

Isayama Nomei said to Fushihei Shiji.

"How is he doing?"

Fushikiji moved his foot away from Nanami Kento's head, thought for a while and said

“It should be broken soon.

When he saw Isayama Nomei, Nanami Kento, who was lying on the ground, said numbly from his throat that had been cut.


At this sound, Isayama Nomei couldn't help but feel moved.

Is he too strict with Nanami?

There is no way, although the physical damage can be recovered, the rate of mental damage is far more terrifying than imagined.

Isayama Nomei had almost figured this out, so he hurriedly came down to see Nanami Kento, otherwise he would have been ruined by Fushiguro Jinji.

The pupils of Nanami Kento who fell on the ground had become hollow. Obviously, the long period of death had made his spirit extremely haggard.

It looks like he is basically in a semi-waste state.

It's really suitable for being tortured till your body is bruised and bruised. No part of the body is intact.

Just think about it and you’ll understand

The magician killer is not a simple killer.

It's impossible to expect Fuheishi'er to hold back. He really does everything he can to be ruthless.

Nanami Kento really taught a good lesson this time, letting this flower in the greenhouse know what the dangers of the world are.

If you want to gain strength, you must have the courage to be swallowed up by strength.

Isayama Nomei looked at this scene and just shook his head indifferently.

So what kind of power does Hao Duanduan desire?

The only one who suffers is you, and you are not a tall person.

"Thank you for your hard work, please go back."

Isayama Nomei helped Nanami Taketo up.

"The money has been sent."

The Kamo family is not short of money, so give this bastard who lacks motivation some encouragement.

Isayama Norimei checks on Nanami Kento’s situation

After Isayama Norimei transformed Nanami Kento into his vassal, the power of the curse in Nanami Kento's body suddenly jumped from the original second level to the first level.

It is completely different from the original level of spell power.

After all, you have paid such a heavy price, and if it doesn't achieve certain results, you can really go home and wash your hands and sleep.

"Go to sleep."

Nanami Kento had been killed for two days and was already overwhelmed.

Isayama Ken thought for a while and decided to let Nanami Tateto forget 80% of the memory of being tortured and killed by Fushiguro Shiji.

Memories can dissipate but the memories hidden in the body will not disappear.

Nanami Kento's body has memorized this instinct. This is the true meaning of unlimited battle with the strong.

This guy's technique is specialized in close combat, and there is no one in the world of magic who can compare with Fuhei Shir in physical skills.

It would be perfect for him to guide and educate.

Isayama Nomei directly put him to sleep. In the past few days, high-intensity fighting, even continuous death, can make him grow up quickly.

Isayama Nomei is going to arrange an exam for Nanami and then let him go back to the Magic College.

But they are really dull, and they haven't noticed that a student from the Conjuration College is missing for so long.

Nanami can go back to the Conjuring College and live an ordinary life, just because she has become stronger.

I have said before that these people swallowed by his blood river will not change any of their original memories, and there will be no change from everything they originally had.

In this way, the original identity can be maintained sustainably, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by others.

After coming out of the underground, Isayama Norimei handed Nanami Kento over to other members of the Kamo family.

Kenneth's side, Isayama Nomei, has also made arrangements to repair the bodies of his wife and Kenneth himself.

After the examination, as he thought, it was true that Kenneth's body could no longer allow him to become a magician.

The magic circuit that had been passed down for generations in that family had completely turned into a pile of scrapped garbage.

It should be the effect of Kiritsugu Emiya's inexplicable bullet. The power of that bullet is really beyond imagination. It really destroyed everything in his body.

Geto Summer Oil has already left here with the two children.

After what happened to Kenneth and his wife, Geto Summer Oil knew that Fuyuki City was not an area where he could stay for a long time.

He originally came here because he sensed the abnormal movement of the spiritual veins here.

But now it seems that the degree of chaos here makes him quite uneasy. If he stays here, he may be affected.

The magicians over there are ruthless and kill each other, and here it is a life-and-death struggle.

So it is better to take the two children away from this area as soon as possible and not wade into the muddy water.

Besides, the bastard Ryomen Sukuna is said to be here, which makes Geto Summer Oil feel that Fuyuki City is a place of right and wrong.

Geto Summer Oil thinks it is better to go to another city for a while.

So this morning, Kenmei Isayama received a message from Geto Summer Oil saying that he had taken the two children to another city.

Mainly, when Geto Suguru saw these foreign magicians, he couldn't help but become interested in them. He might go to London for a look next.

See what the scene of the magicians' base camp there is like.

Kenmei Isayama also gave Geto Suguru an identity token, which is a special consultant of the Kamo family.

It's still good in the Western area. With this layer of skin, at least the Clock Tower will not bother him.

Kenmei Isayama thinks it's better for Geto Suguru to go somewhere else. The result of the Holy Grail War is indeed a bit tempting for Geto Suguru.

To be on the safe side, Geto Suguru doesn't know whether the Holy Grail is an omnipotent wish-making machine, so it's better to keep him away from this place of right and wrong.

Moreover, Kenmei Isayama thinks the essence of this Holy Grail is more like an evil ritual.

Kenmei Isayama only has a certain understanding of the Holy Grail War through the understanding there, and he doesn't know much else.

The thing that uses the seven heroic spirits to fight each other over there and finally descends. It will really be like what they imagined.

Is it a wish-making machine that fulfills all wishes?

Such an evil ritual sounds very unreliable.

Who cares? Now the ritual is about to end. Whether it is a demon or a ghost, we will know it when we take a good look. It doesn't matter at all.

Isayama Kenmei has the [Warhammer Simulator] and even has the ability to absorb. If the Holy Grail wants to make trouble, just put it back to its original place.

The only thing that troubles Isayama Kenmei is Ryomen Sukuna, but Lancer's death makes him think of a very good way.

The Command Seals are something that the Heroic Spirits must absolutely obey in this Holy Grail system.

In other words, no matter how powerful the Heroic Spirits are, they will have to choose to obey the orders of the Master.

This makes him think whether he can start from this aspect?

No matter how many Command Seals Ryomen Sukuna Master originally had left, the 24 Command Seals are always a very tricky problem.

If they don't come out recently, it must be that the 24 Command Seals have not been adjusted yet.

In addition, Isayama Kenmei can't think of any other ideas. The opponent doesn't show up and is hiding.

It would be weird if a bastard as arrogant as Ryomen Sukuna didn't show off his powerful strength when he got it.

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