【PS: Regarding the emergence of reincarnations, there is no need to worry about weakening the golden finger of the protagonist's guild.

The reincarnators in my setting do not know the plot of the mission world.

Moreover, the reincarnation space in my book is very weak. When the reincarnation is so weak that when it enters the mission world, it basically takes one shot and then changes places!

And there are no boss-level reincarnators now.

Zhao Ling'er and the others were the first batch of reincarnators.

There is no need to worry about reincarnators getting great opportunities in the mission world, or stealing girls or anything like that!

Believe me, if the reincarnation really weakens the guild's golden finger, I will perform the handstand pull... ahem, you know.

That’s it, I’ll add another update today, I hope you’ll save it, thank you】


Just when everyone was either shocked or looking into the distance in disbelief. A slender figure walked slowly towards this place.

This figure couldn't see his specific face, and a pitch-black haze enveloped his body. It can only be roughly seen that he has a slender figure, strong limbs, and a straight waist. He is striding towards this place with a peerless demeanor.

Su Han unleashed his domineering aura and faced off against the Sara snake.


Sara Snake flicked its tongue out, and its narrow eyes became solemn at this moment. He could feel the terrifying aura on Su Han's body. He could also feel Su Han's current aura, which was vague and uncertain.

He had no way to specifically perceive it. Su Han's strength is unknown, but a person with such courage cannot be a weak person no matter what.

"I'm still thinking about where to find a master to test my current power after I've recently mastered it! Unexpectedly, you came to the door."

Su Han spoke softly. His steps seemed slow, but in fact he was extremely fast. In a few breaths, he passed Zhao Ling'er and the others, raised his head slightly, and faced the Sara snake directly.

"This feeling?"

Zhao Ling'er stared at Su Han's back closely. For some reason, she suddenly felt that Su Han's back seemed familiar.

"……wrong! What on earth are you thinking about?"

As soon as the idea appeared in Zhao Ling'er's mind, she hurriedly shook her head and rejected it. Thinking about it, she thought it was impossible. Although she found that Su Han had changed a lot after coming back from the reincarnation space, there was no way she could become such a strong person. A person, right?

Yes! This person covered in black mist revealed the demeanor of a strong man from beginning to end.

"Oh my god! This voice is deep with a hint of hoarseness"

"Which master is this? Why do you want to cover your body with mist?"

"I am voice modulated! I bet fifty cents that this voice was deliberately suppressed! It was to prevent his identity from being exposed, but judging from the inadvertently exposed vocal cords, this guy was a young man! Definitely no more than 30 years old, no, no more than 25 years old!"

"The retard upstairs! After the appraisal, you tell me that such a powerful person is no more than 25 years old? I'm afraid you don't know that the average age of psychic masters nowadays is over 50 years old."

"I live in Jianghai City now! I would like to ask, how can I become a disciple of this peerless strong man on the screen? I beg many big guys to give me a guide."

Wang Dali reluctantly moved his body and saw the barrage on his live broadcast. A look of dumbfounding appeared on his face. But then he breathed a sigh of relief and prayed silently in his heart.

"The boss suddenly appeared! Please hold on tight, old man, and kill your opponent! Even if you can't kill your opponent, hold on for at least ten minutes until Grandmaster Han Li arrives."

With a sharp stabbing sound, the Sara snake suddenly moved. Originally, he looked very dignified when confronting Su Han, but when he took the lead, his speed was frightening, just like a bolt of lightning. Barrage on the live broadcast Before they could react, they were discussing Su Han's power. The Sara snake was already in front of Su Han's eyes.

"Well done!"

Su Han's voice was hoarse and low. He suddenly clenched his fists, and his left arm was covered with jet-black weaponry and domineering aura.

Then, a terrifying punch slammed forward. The void trembled, and the air also Was torn apart by this terrifying punch

"Detroit Crush!"

This is the secret of Taijutsu inherited from All Might.

In My Hero Academia, All Might concentrated his strength and punched this punch. The updraft generated alone was enough to change the weather.


A sharp cry, filled with horror and disbelief. The Sara snake was hit in the jaw by this terrifying punch.

His whole body rushed straight into the clouds with a swishing sound. At this moment, dense cracks appeared in the body, Then it exploded with a bang, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood, scattered in all directions. The terrifying power of the fist spread to the sky, and with a crisp boom, the clouds above the sky were shattered.

It turned out that the weather in Jianghai City today was cloudy. But this terrifying punch directly changed the sky. All the clouds in the sky disappeared, replaced by a cloudless sky.

Li Xuezhu:"……"

Zhao Linger:"……"

Wang Dali:"……"

Many masters gathered around:"……"

What the hell, what level of power is this? Can the Grandmaster do it?

Li Xuezhu's legs became weak, and she really knelt on the ground. Mom, Jianghai City, a small seemingly remote city, is so dangerous.

Zhao Ling'er even threw her previous judgment into the back of her mind.

Could this be her childhood sweetheart who was a psychic insulator? It’s just a joke! She would believe this guy even if he was said to be a master at the peak of his master's level.

Wang Dali raised his head blankly and looked at the sky, thinking about the body of the Sara snake that just shattered into pieces. The scene of no bones left. He rolled his eyes and passed out very simply.

After a brief pause, the barrage completely erupted.

"I'm the second best, boss! Real boss! We, Jianghai City, actually have a hidden master, and he is definitely the strongest among the masters!"

"The guy who said before that this boss is no more than 25 years old should get out and get beaten! You tell me that such a giant-level figure is no more than 25 years old? Even though this giant is only 35 years old, he has set a new age record for international masters!"

"I'm convinced! Really convinced. I once saw the scene where Grandmaster Ma from the Xenten Association took action. Grandmaster Ma slashed down a tall building with all his strength! But can Grandmaster Ma change the sky with one punch? Can't do it!"

The barrage covered the entire screen at this moment. If you don't block the barrage, you can't even see the specific content on the screen. The heat of the matter is fermenting at an extremely fast speed.

It turns out that for the first time, the ferocious beast directly Appearing in the hinterland of the city was enough to attract attention. Not to mention, it also attracted an unparalleled powerful master. The number of viewers of Wang Dali's live broadcast account quickly skyrocketed from millions, and eventually soared to 800 Wan, then it slowly slowed down.

But it was still growing, but the speed of growth was not as crazy as before.

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