Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 305 Conan brings good news

"Today is the third day since Connor left. Friends."

"We didn't get any response from Principal Dumbledore, Conan didn't provide us with any clues, and the media reports were suppressed. We can't stay silent like this anymore!"

"But... Mr. Devine, the patriarch of the Lake family, came to the school yesterday. He stayed for a while and then left. Ivan said Connor was safe."

"But we still don't know anything! We didn't get any useful information, did we!?"

"But at least it proves that Connor is safe. Let's leave these matters to the adults. What can we do?"

"Percy, can you be of some use! We are a brotherhood! The Assassin Brotherhood! Connor is our brother! We have to save him! We can't do nothing, as if nothing happened!"

"But what can we people do?! Do you know where Connor is? Do you know how to find Connor? You don't know! You don't even know if Connor needs our help!"


"We are all kept in the dark! We have lost our eyes and ears! We know nothing and there is nothing we can do! There is no point in us arguing here!"


In the Room of Requirement, the roundtable conference room, and on the podium without Connor, a huge "mirror" the size of a blackboard displayed Connor's various information. At the same time, Facebook was also displayed on the desktop of each member of the meeting.

The friends of the fraternity are having a meeting again, but the atmosphere at the meeting is very dull, which can be described as gloomy.

They couldn't come up with any solution after discussing it. The Gryffindors almost had a few fights, and the situation basically made no progress.

On the first day, they held a meeting to discuss the possibility of Connor's whereabouts. As a result, they had an argument, made little progress, and broke up unhappy.

Although there is information inferring that Connor may have disappeared in West Tower, this information is of little use. No one knows where Connor is and how to find him...

The next day, everyone in the brotherhood mobilized their "energy" and sought help from the family and the media behind it.

But there was no response from the newspaper, and most of the information sent back by the family was "wait and see" and "wait." Connor's grandfather did come to the school, but he left again soon. The only good news was that they received information from Connor's grandfather. Brother Ivan received a response of "Connor is fine."

Originally, after receiving the news that Connor was safe, they should have relaxed and waited silently for the news. However, there were only a few people with this attitude. More people did not choose to wait and see in silence. They still tried to do something. They were unwilling to accept this result, but there was nothing they could do.

As a result, the atmosphere of the discussion on the third day became very bad, and the meeting was filled with an air of incompetence and rage.

Now it's not just about Connor's disappearance, there's self-doubt in many people, and they're angry about their own inability to do anything.

The atmosphere in the meeting was very dull. There had been many meaningless quarrels. After each quarrel, there was a long silence, followed by another meaningless quarrel, and the cycle repeated.

"If Connor can't come back, we may lose this Quidditch match."

"Bang!" Fred slammed the table angrily, stood up, grabbed Roger's collar and roared: "Roger, you kid! Are you just worried about this now?! Is this the point!? Quidditch What a piece of shit Qi is! Connor can’t come back now.”

"Stop the quarrel——!" Alice shouted hoarsely, stopping their quarrel.

Then he said in a depressed tone: "Stop doing these meaningless things, think of a way, think of a way."

"Huh!" Fred let go of his hand and sat down with a big breath, and the conference room fell silent again.

The most uncomfortable thing about Connor's sudden disappearance are those who are simply worried about Connor, such as Connor's little secretary, little fan girl, little old p ahem, good brothers, etc.

Penello was very worried about Connor. It had only been three days, but she felt like a long time had passed. She had become accustomed to reporting to Connor every day. Suddenly, there were no orders and instructions from Connor, as if there was something wrong. Something very important disappeared from his life, and Penello fell into confusion.

Fred and George are very worried about Connor. Their tempers have become bad recently. The current situation reminds them from time to time of the first grade, when Connor was knocked away by Voldemort while trying to save "them".

That kind of anger, that kind of powerlessness, that kind of regret, lingering in my heart, lingering. They had clearly made up their minds to fight side by side with Connor next time, but two years later, when Connor was in trouble, they still Same as before...powerless.

Alice is also very worried about Connor. Alice hasn't slept well in the past three days, or she hasn't slept much at all. The fact that her eyes are a little red and swollen from crying can prove this. She is different from others because she has a chain of fate. It turned out that she was the most suitable candidate to find Connor.

However, the Chain of Destiny failed. Connor originally used materials to weaken the effect of the Chain of Destiny. When Connor entered another space, the information provided by the Chain of Destiny was already minimal, and Alice could only feel it weakly. Connor was right next to him, but this feeling was obviously wrong.

Therefore, she was much more worried than others. She once thought that wearing this "chain of intertwined fates" would bind the boy, but she found that not only did this thing not bring them closer, it also failed to work at the critical moment when it was needed. There is also no achievement.

When I needed help the most, he came to save me, but when he needed help, I didn't. Alice tightened her robe tightly, and the pain in her chest made her unable to breathe.

Emily, Cedric, Roger, Jordan, everyone in the fraternity... They are all worried about Connor, because they know Connor better than the average person, so they know that Connor will not leave without saying goodbye, so he will not be like ordinary students. I believed the school's excuse for asking for leave, so I felt uneasy and at a loss.

Teenagers who once thought they were omnipotent seem to realize at this moment that they are just "teenagers". There are too many things in this world that are beyond their capabilities and there are too many things that are powerless...

In the Assassin Brotherhood, perhaps only Connor is the "Assassin", and they are just the "Brothers of the Assassin"...

The sentimental adolescent boys and girls seem to have grown up a lot at this moment, although even they themselves may not be aware of this change in mentality...

"Hey, we're still discussing~"

In a solemn atmosphere, it was very abrupt to hear a voice with a brisk tone. This sense of separation even made people feel uncomfortable. Everyone frowned and looked in the direction of the voice.

"Conan?" Fred frowned at first, then thought of something, and his face lit up: "Do you have any news about Conan!?"

Everyone cast warm glances at Conan, hoping to hear good news.

"Well, Conan asked me to tell you that he will be back soon." After holding it in for so long, he finally told these people, and Conan felt a lot more relaxed.

"Really?!" xn

The friends stood up excitedly. After so long, they finally got the exact news, and the dull atmosphere in the conference room was cleared.

"Is Connor okay?!" "Where did Connor go?!" "When will Connor come back?!" "Connor."

The friends gathered around Conan and asked all kinds of questions.

"Okay, okay, don't ask. The fact that I can pass on the news to you proves that Connor is still fine, so you don't have to worry about it anymore." Conan dealt with it. He didn't even know when Connor started to Why is the reputation so high...

"Conan, you can talk to Connor!" Alice patted Conan's picture frame excitedly.


"Then please tell Connor that if he encounters any trouble, as long as we can help, you must tell us!" Perhaps because she felt that what she said was a bit wrong, Alice quickly changed her words:

"I hope I can help, even just a little bit, please."

"Yes, yes! So do we!"

"Me too!"

"Aren't we a brotherhood? We should help each other!"

"That's right! As long as we can help, let Connor speak out!"

The friends also spoke one after another. They had had enough of this helpless waiting.

Conan scratched his head and smiled: "Okay, I will tell him."

"Connor will be very happy to hear this good news."

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