Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 544 Cooperation


The three of them almost spit out the tea in their mouths. The contract here has been signed, and then you told me that we were doing something illegal?

Connor naturally saw the surprise in their eyes and said unhurriedly: "Of course, what was violated was our wizard's law. The wizard's law is naturally invalid against you, and you don't have to worry about going to jail."

"." The two girls next to him cast strange looks, and Connor pretended not to notice.

"As for the reason, it's very simple. The wizarding world cannot be exposed. When I used magic potion formulas to open a company, I was warned by the Ministry of Magic. If it weren't for the fact that those potions did not contain magic, the company I opened would have been stopped. Already."

Connor shrugged. When the skin care products developed by the Weasley brothers were sold in the Muggle world, they were interviewed by the Ministry of Magic.

"Mr. Connor, what you mean is that you want to come up with something unique to the wizarding world to negotiate business with us?" The old Duke remained calm on the surface, but his heart was already active, and he planned to stick to whatever plan the other party came up with. Seize this opportunity firmly, and you must not miss the deal that can connect you with the wizarding world.

"Of course it is unique, but the premise is still [the wizarding world cannot be exposed]." Connor smiled slightly: "You can guess what I plan to come up with to cooperate with you."

The three of them looked at each other, and finally the old Duke coughed and took over the conversation: "Since the Windsor family has invited me and the Duke of Devonshire to come here. The common industries of our two families are real estate and weapons. Does Mr. Connor want to Do you want to sell us weapons from the wizarding world?"

Connor waved his hand and stopped showing off: "Haha, I don't want to be too pretentious. What I want to trade is [energy]."


"Both dukes have power companies in their names. I want to cooperate with you to build a new power plant. This is my purpose today."

Before they could recover, Connor took out a bright red stone. He let go of his hand, and the red stone slowly flew away, suspended between several people, and slowly rotated.

"This is the magic stone. You should have heard its legend. This is your legendary magic stone that can turn stones into gold and make people immortal. Now we can mass-produce this thing."

Connor finished speaking in a calm tone. The three Muggle gentlemen opposite him were really shocked. The old Duke was even more stunned when he heard "immortal" and his whole body trembled:

"Mr. Connor, are you kidding me? This really makes people immortal?!"

Old Duke Hume never expected that the "miracle" he had been pursuing for many years would appear in front of him so easily. For an old man over seventy years old, nothing could be more meaningful than the word "immortality". Allure.

Connor drank tea tactically and said calmly: "Of course, it is not difficult to produce the elixir of life, but"

Connor did not look at the nervous and excited Dukes opposite him, his eyes were lowered:

".Of course I can't produce it for you."

"?! Why! As long as you are willing to sell me the elixir of life, I am willing to pay no matter what the price is, even if it means using all my wealth in exchange!" The old Duke clenched his cane excitedly and spoke urgently.

"Why? That's naturally because [the wizarding world cannot be exposed]." Connor's tone was still lukewarm. He had already taken the initiative in speaking.

"And even if I could sell you the elixir of immortality, you probably wouldn't be able to use it now, because most of the potions require magic power in the body to work. This means that generally, only wizards can use this kind of potion. "


After hearing this, several Muggles always calmed down, but everyone noticed what Connor said. He just said it couldn't work "now", but that doesn't mean it won't work in the future...

The old Duke also calmed down. He also saw that the young man opposite wanted to control the pace of the negotiation. Although he originally came to "ask for help" and did not intend to play any tricks, he still followed the other party's pace now. All right.

"Okay, Mr. Connor, let's not talk about the elixir of life for now. Now that you have taken out this... magic stone, does it mean that this magic stone is related to the power plant?"

Little Duke Richard's eyes were full of curiosity, and he was full of exploration as a young man.

"Yes, this magic stone contains almost endless magic power. Magic power is also a kind of energy. In other words, this magic stone is actually [endless energy]. Just use tools to convert this magic energy into the electricity you need. …”

Connor's eyes swept across the faces of the three people who looked shocked:

"...That means a steady stream of electricity. The most important thing is that this endless energy comes at zero cost to you..."

The young and old dukes looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

There was no need to calculate at all. Anyone with a discerning eye could see how terrifying the profit it represented was. It was only then that they paid attention to this business.

"I will be responsible for providing you with magic stones and supporting magic generators, technology investment, and establishing a power company with the three of you. I will not interfere with future factory construction and sales. As for the profits... I don't really need you Muggles. It’s money, so it doesn’t matter if you give it or not. This is the content of the cooperation. Do you think there’s any problem?”

As soon as Connor finished speaking, the conference hall fell silent. No one spoke immediately. Several people were digesting this information.

It is impossible for the three nobles to remain unmoved. No one would let go of a free business, but...

"I will definitely not miss such a profitable business, but...since Mr. Connor doesn't care about profits, what do you want?"

No one would believe pie in the sky. Now that Connor has shown his sincerity, it depends on what the other party wants to get from us, "Muggles who are worthless to wizards"... .

The old Duke looked at Connor, and Connor looked at him:

"Does Mr. Duke want the elixir of life?"

Old Duke Hume's face twitched, and he almost lost his expression management: "Hahaha, I still hope to live a few more years..."

"Well, actually I don't mind selling the elixir of life to you, just like this magic stone and magic generator. It doesn't hurt to give it to you, but our laws don't allow me to do this..."

"...because [the wizarding world cannot be exposed]..."

Connor said meaningfully: "In fact, in my opinion, I am no different from you, and I don't know why there is such a law, but this law is recognized by the wizarding world and your so-called Muggle world. Mr. Duke, do you feel that this law is unreasonable?"

The old Duke thought for a while, then his eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "That's true. Such a weird law is really unreasonable, outdated and out of date. I can't accept such a law."

"Hahaha, the Duke is my close friend! My teacher and I also feel that this law is outdated. After all, it was a rule set hundreds of years ago. Now it's time to change."

Connor smiled heartily, stood up, and extended his right hand to the old Duke:

"So regarding this power plant business, we have a happy cooperation?"

The old Duke also smiled and shook his hand: "Of course, it's a pleasure to cooperate."

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