Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 109: On the bulletin board

In the living room, Taylor was sitting on the sofa, holding a wooden guitar in his arms, playing the tune of "Despacito" tinklingly. When he saw the two people returning to the small living room, he pressed the strings and asked, "Are you there?" What to do?”

"Selena said you are so tall and she envies you." Link put down his backpack and smiled.

Selena glared at him with a bulging face, wanting to cover his mouth, but she couldn't do it even if she stretched out her hand.

"Envy me?"

Taylor looked at Selena in surprise and smiled, "I should be envious of you. How could you envy me? Do you think growing taller is good?"

"Isn't it good?" Selena asked sitting next to Taylor.

"No, I used to be a fat girl in school."

Taylor stopped and glanced at Link, "Girls chat, men please leave."

Link shrugged and went to the kitchen to make something for the two of them.

Taylor told Selena about her time in school. She used to be a little fat, a little hunchbacked, and often walked around the school carrying a big guitar. Everyone called her a weird girl, and no one wanted to talk to her. No one invited her to sit down for lunch at school, and she had almost no friends.

"It's not good to be too tall at all, Selena. I envy girls like you the most. You have a good figure, are pretty and cute, just like the princesses in fairy tales. Girls like you, no matter at home or You must be very popular in school, right?”

Taylor touched her fluffy braids and said enviously.

Selena blinked her big eyes and thought for a moment. She was the only daughter in the family, and she was pampered by an aunt. She was indeed very pampered at home.

It's the same at school. Because of her beauty, boys like to show off in front of her and want to date her. She is also the school's dancing queen and a star. Anyway, she has never been ignored since she was a child.

Thinking of this, she felt that it was really good for her to be like this, and she became more and more affectionate towards Taylor.

"Are we good sisters again?"

Link came out with a plate of cut fruit and saw the two of them laughing and joking together like good sisters. He couldn't help but feel that girls' emotions develop so quickly.

"Hmph! Link, you'd better not bully Taylor, or Taylor and I will beat you together."

Selina clenched her little fists and threatened him.

"I understand, you are a team."

Link smiled softly, sat down and listened to the two chatting, and then learned the guitar.

Selena is also a singer and can also play guitar. Although she is not as good as Taylor, she is much better than Link. She can play decently with a guitar on her shoulder.

So when Link was studying, Selina would be a student with Link and ask Taylor for advice. Then she would be a teacher with Taylor, criticizing Link for being too stupid and saying that she could play with her toes better than him.

In the afternoon, the Steinway piano store in New York sent a car to deliver the grand piano he ordered to his door, and he learned piano from Taylor.

When he was immersed in the ocean of music, "Despacito" successfully exceeded 5 million views on the YouTube video website, becoming the video with the highest number of views on the YouTube website this month and the fastest video to exceed 5 million views this year. , the time is 4 days and 8 hours.

In the iTunes Music Mall and Amazon Digital Music Store, the number of listeners reached 1.82 million, and 127,418 users chose to pay to download this song. It ranked 87th on the Billboard Streaming Chart and 92nd on the Hot Digital Songs Digital Music Download Chart. .

There are more and more discussions about the song "Despacito" in the media and on the Internet. Major media such as MTV, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, and American Express have articles related to this song. Report.

Professional media reports such as "Billboard" focused on this song. They commented on the style and rhythm of this Latin song. More than 90% of the positive comments were positive. They believed that this song has a strong rhythm and can stimulate dancing nerves. It is A rare masterpiece of widespread popularity in Latin music.

As for Link's evaluation, only 70% of the reviews are positive. Industry insiders believe that he has a good voice, great potential, and a good image, but he has many problems and needs to be refined.

The "New York Post" and other relatively entertaining newspapers focused on the news about world boxing champion Link and Miss Thompson dancing on Miami Beach. To be precise, it was a scandal.

Link is the new world boxing champion, an Olympic champion, a multi-millionaire, a representative of the American Dream, and an inspirational idol.

Miss Tomp is the daughter of a billionaire, an American socialite, and a frequent guest on reality TV shows. Her popularity is higher than that of Link, who has just become popular.

Both of them are celebrities, so their scandals are naturally very popular among the public.

In addition, the media are still hyping up the fact that through his continuous efforts, the poor boy Link has achieved both fame and fortune, and he has also fallen in love with the rich girl Miss Thompson. He can be called a model of a comeback, an enhanced version of the United States. Dream.

The "Los Angeles Times" said that Link's story is more exciting than Hollywood movies and looks forward to the release of movies related to him.

Seeing these messy news, Link called Ivaca and asked if he wanted to come forward to clarify.

Ivaca said that she would not make a public explanation for the time being, and could use the scandal to promote the boxing match between him and Tyson in the future.

This is very beneficial to him personally and to Tompu Entertainment.

Link didn't object either.

However, a reporter from USA Today interviewed Mr. Thompson at a public event and asked him if he knew that Link and Eva Ka were dating.

Mr. Thompson said he didn't know. The reporter asked him if he would interfere if the two were dating.

Mr. Thompson said no generously and said he liked Link very much.

Then the media hyped that Link had been recognized by Mr. Thompson and had the opportunity to marry into the Thompson family.

Link smiled when he saw the news. If he didn't know Mr. Thompson's character and that Eva Ka would marry a rich man in the future, he would have almost believed it.

With the media hype, the number of clicks on the dance video on YouTube increased, and the number of downloads of "Despacito" on the two music stores increased, and it became a song that many radio stations often played.

It is said that in areas with a large Latino population such as Florida, Texas, and California, this song has become popular in bars and nightclubs, and can often be heard on the streets.

At the end of October, the song successfully ranked third on the US Latin Songs Chart. On the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, "Despacito" also made its first appearance on the chart at No. 88.

Billboard magazine called it a miracle in the world music scene. For the first time, a Latin song, without special promotion, could enter the US Billboard Hot 100 in just ten days through online channels.

When this song became popular, many American record companies also extended olive branches to Link, hoping to cooperate with him and help him release records.

His song was able to appear on the Billboard without being promoted. If there is a professional team to promote and market it, there is a great chance that it will top the Latin Songs Chart and enter the top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, or even higher.

After "Despacito" became popular, Link also thought about whether to sign a contract with a record company.

Being a singer will waste time, affect subsequent training, and may cause a decline in one's condition.

However, there are many benefits to being a singer.

Singers have more influence than actors and boxers. Most of the most influential entertainment stars in the world are singers.

After becoming a star singer, you will gain fame and get higher appearance fees for boxing matches in the future.

You can earn more money and make your position in the boxing world more stable.

After comprehensive consideration, Link felt that he could talk to the record company about cooperation.

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