Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 118: Boxing Champion Admits Defeat

"Link, this seems to be the first time you have completed a round since changing jobs. How does it feel?"

Around the corner, Dino asked, fanning himself with a towel.

"not bad!"

Link said as he took a sip of water.

"Link, hold on, fight like this, Tyson won't last more than a few rounds."

Coach Brooks said.

Link nodded. His advantages over Tyson were physical strength, endurance, speed, and reaction ability. If he continued to fight, his advantages would become larger and larger, and Tyson's would become smaller and smaller. Then he would be the one to defeat him. When Tyson.

"Link, you are injured here, please pay attention during the game."

Morales said, pointing to his left rib.

Link took a look and nodded. Tyson was shorter than him, so it was difficult to hit him on the head, so he often attacked his ribs. Link tried his best to dodge, but was also hit twice by Tyson. Tyson's fist It's very heavy and the feeling after being hit is very unpleasant.

However, Tyson across from him was in worse condition than him. His right eyebrow bone was swollen and the left corner of his mouth was cracked. He sat on a soft stool without saying a word and allowed his assistant to apply Vaseline on his wounds.

After a minute's break, Link and Tyson returned to the stage.


At the beginning of the second round, Link continued to attack Tyson's key parts with high-frequency jabs, and Tyson also attacked him with heavy punches.

The two continued to exchange blows, punching each other to the flesh.

In this round, Link punched 102 times, 13 of which hit Tyson's head. Tyson's right eyebrow bone was injured, and his eye sockets were bulging, red, swollen and shiny. His right cheekbone and left corner of his mouth also had injuries. Bleeding wounds.

Tyson also punched more than 80 times, hitting Link twice, once in the left rib and once in the chin.

After a minute's rest, the two continued to fight in the third round. Link continued to attack for a round and a half, and he began to sweat a lot.

But facing the strong Tyson, if he wanted to win the game within 12 rounds, he could not give the opponent a chance to breathe. He continued to use his physical strength and speed advantages to punch Tyson one after another, treating Tyson as a Mario is strong and clumsy in armor.

1 punch, 10 punches, and 100 punches. In the third round, he punched more than 100 times again, hitting Tyson's head at least 15 times. The opponent resisted but his ability was too high. The punch weighed less than 1,000 pounds against Tyson. There is almost no impact, and a fist weighing more than 1,400 pounds can cause damage to the opponent.

Tyson is indeed a veteran boxing champion. He was hit by him more than ten times in succession, but his body stood firmly on the stage, like a pillar, as if no matter how hard he hit, he could not knock him down.

Link didn't believe this evil. He gritted his teeth and continued to punch at a high frequency, attacking Tyson's body and head one punch after another.


It was probably the 112th or 113th punch. When he threw his fist, he suddenly found a huge flaw in Tyson's defense. This punch directly hit Tyson's left cheek. This was a punch of more than 1,200 A pound of punch, according to the previous hitting effect, Tyson can stabilize his body by shaking at most.

But this time Tyson was staggered by the beating, and his body fell to the right and fell directly to the ground.


Seeing the heavyweight Tyson being knocked down by Link's super middleweight, the audience couldn't help but exclaimed, and some stood up to see Tyson's condition.

"It's okay! I accidentally slipped and fell."

Tyson yelled at the referee, stood up quickly, and gave Link an annoyed look.

After Link saw Tyson's condition, he knew that his fast-break tactics worked - he fought with Tyson in the first three rounds, pulling Tyson to compete in physical strength and endurance.

The third round has not yet ended, but Tyson has made obvious omissions in defense, which also shows that his condition is getting worse, or that the efficacy of the psychotropic drugs is weakening.

After the referee announced the continuation of the game, Link continued to attack with punches. Tyson was also angered by the punch just now, and counterattacked even more fiercely. Like a crazy beast, he kept punching Link.

Link raised his arms and gritted his teeth to resist Tyson's heavy blows. His feet kept moving and he was almost knocked down twice.

Tyson's strong attack did not last long. From the third round to the first half of the fourth round, his speed slowed down again. He was sweating profusely and panting like an ox.

As soon as Link slowed down the pace of his attack, he immediately launched a counterattack, his arms like spears, and continued to attack Tyson's defense.

The audience in the audience watched the two fight from the first round to the fourth round, one after the other and then the other without any rest in between. It was too enjoyable.

"I heard from Franco that Link's goal is to become a world boxing champion in five levels of the four major organizations?"

Old Dua asked Nora Dua beside him.

Nora nodded, "That's what Link said to Franco before the finals of the Golden Gloves Championship."

Old Dua looked at Link on the ring and sighed: "What a confident young man. Maybe he has this opportunity."

Nora asked in surprise: "Do you think Link can also get the gold belt after he moves up to the heavyweight class?"

"The chances are great."

Old Dua nodded and said.

Nola frowned and regretted a little. If she had known that Link had such great potential, she should have been stronger and competed with Franco for people when he was in Miami.

Bang bang bang!

On the ring, Link continued to attack hard, his strong back dripping with sweat, and his muscle lines became more obvious, glowing with a bronze luster under the light.


At 136 seconds of the fourth round, Link once again broke through Tyson's arms defense and punched him on the forehead. Tyson took a step back and fell to the ring. There was another exclamation from the scene.

Link put away his fists and took a few breaths. The muscles in his arms were trembling slightly. The intensity of this game was comparable to the one against Peters, with the same high defense and superior ability to resist.

Tyson was better defensively than Peters, and he could defend and fight back at the same time, causing Link a lot of trouble.

Link threw more than 120 punches in a row in this round. After stopping the attack, the deltoid muscles of both arms were trembling, and the waistband of the competition shorts was soaked with sweat.

"10, 9, 8"

This time Tyson fell to the ground and lay on the ground for three seconds before getting up with his head shaking.

Link also noticed that his legs were shaking, a symptom of exhaustion, perhaps a negative effect of the psychotropic medication.

So after the fifth round started, Link held his breath and continued to attack Tyson hard, punch after punch. Although the weight of the punches was about 1,200 pounds, they continued to hit the body, and the taste was very uncomfortable. , Tyson was forced to defend with all his strength, using his arms to protect his head.

In the fifth round, Link punched 114 times and knocked down Tyson twice.

"Tyson lost!"

Holyfield said helplessly.

"It's not a loss. Link did an extremely good job on both the offensive and defensive ends. Even if we met Tyson in his prime, we might not be able to defeat him cleanly. It's hard to believe that he is only 20 years old. It's incredible." ”

Riddick Bowe marveled.

"I have a hunch that Link's future achievements will not be much worse than those of me and Pacquiao, and another overlord will emerge in the boxing world."

De La Hoya said, clenching his fists.

The people around nodded.

In the sixth round, Link knocked down Tyson again. Tyson lay on the ground for 8 seconds before struggling to get up. After getting up, Tyson chose to give up the game.

"Hey Mike, how are you?"

On the stage, Link was sweating and took a breath and asked.

Tyson was sitting in the corner of the ring, looking a little lost and confused. He glanced at him, "Link, tell me the truth. How much did you hide last time you tested your boxing weight at the HBO Production Center? Your boxing weight is definitely more than 1,500 pounds." ”

Link smiled softly. He really didn't hide much last time. Before the Olympics, the maximum weight of his right fist was 1,540 pounds. After more than two months, he made a breakthrough in training, and the maximum weight rose to 1,600 pounds. This was what he had just said. The reason why he was able to take advantage of Tyson's weak state and knock him down one after another.

"You are such a cunning guy! But knocking me down is nothing. I have rarely trained in the past two years, and my strength has seriously declined. I am at best a second-rate boxer in the heavyweight field. If you want to defeat Chris Bird, Varu Yefu and the others still need to practice more to get the gold belt.”

Tyson stood up and said.

"I will!"

Link said, holding out his fist.

Tyson stuck out his two big gold teeth and touched them.

"I declare that the winner of this 'Fight of the Century' is Link Baker!"

Mr. Thompson ran to the stage in person, took Link's arm and lifted it up. He also took an exaggerated belt from the female model and handed it to Link. There was a golden logo in the middle of the belt with several golden symbols on it. Letters 'Thomp'.

Link shook his head, this was too exaggerated.

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