Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 121 Picking up a leaky script

I will run, I will climb, I will soar

I'm undefeated

Jumping out of my skin pull the chord

Yeah, I believe it

After seeing off Director Darren, Link continued to read the script in the bar. There was a female singer with heavy makeup on the small stage in the bar, holding a guitar and singing Taylor's new song "Dream It Possible". She sang well.

Unfortunately, it's not a familiar face. Link doesn't know the opponent's potential, and it's hard to pick him up.

In fact, after setting up a music company, he also wanted to sign a few unknown singers to fill the company's talent pool, earn more money, and launch the Link music label.

It's just that most of the people he knows have made their debuts, and those who haven't made their debuts are still young, so they have no chance to pick up the slack.

"Mr. Safran, what do you think of my new script?"

While he was reading the script, he heard someone talking about the script in the seat next to him. He took a look and saw that they were not movie stars as he imagined, but two ordinary-looking middle-aged people.

The speaker was in his thirties, wearing a jacket and glasses, and looked like a liberal arts teacher.

"Chris, are you sure this is a new script you wrote? Only in a wooden box? One actor? A mobile phone? Can this also be regarded as a script? Do you think someone will read such a thing if it is filmed? Sorry Chris, I'm sorry today If there’s anything else, please contact me next time you have a really good script.”

The man in a black suit opposite dropped the script, picked up the leather bag on his seat and left.


The other party's bag dropped to the ground with the script, and Link glanced sideways.

On the white script cover, there was a large word "Buried" written on it. When he saw the script title, he thought of a special suspense movie, "Buried Alive" starring Ryan Reynolds in 2010.

Will it be the same script?

He leaned over to pick it up and said to the man opposite: "Sir, can I take a look?"

"Oh please!"

The man next door nodded, suddenly looked at his face again, and said in surprise: "Are you Mr. Linkback, the world boxing champion?"

"it's me!"

"Hello Mr. Baker, I am your boxing fan, and my son is also your boxing fan. He also likes your songs and bought your album."

The man who looked like the teacher stood up and said excitedly.

Link shook hands, invited the other person to take a seat, and asked about the other person's identity. Chris Sparling was the editor of Variety magazine and a new screenwriter. He had no film credits for the time being.

Link flipped through the script and read it. It was about a construction contractor working in Iraq. His convoy was attacked by a bomb when he was returning home from get off work. When he woke up, he found himself lying in a coffin and buried in a desert. , only carrying a mobile phone and a flashlight with him. After learning about his situation, he began to use the tools at hand to save himself.

The script was the same as the plot of "Buried Alive" he had seen.

Link was a little surprised. He remembered that the investment in this movie was not much, about two to three million. It later earned 20 to 30 million in global box office and won many awards at global film festivals.

It can be regarded as a small-budget movie that has achieved both box office and word-of-mouth success.

If you can get the rights to adapt the script and invest in making it into a movie, you can make a small fortune in the future.

He glanced at screenwriter Chris who looked embarrassed across from him, "Mr. Sparling, is the story in this script true?"

Screenwriter Chris shook his head, "It was the news I saw. An American hostage was buried underground by terrorists in the Middle East for five days, and was finally rescued by rainwater. I got inspiration from this news and wrote this script. It is completely original. ”

Link nodded, "Do you still have the rights to adapt this script?"

"Yes, I wrote this script in 2006. After I finished it, I thought it was very good, so I submitted the script to more than ten film companies, hoping that it would be picked up by them. Unfortunately, after waiting for two years, there was no response. I If you don’t want to see your work buried, you go to a familiar producer and ask them to read the script, but no one has taken a liking to it yet.”

Screenwriter Chris said sadly.

Link held the script and pondered for a moment, "Mr. Sparling, I don't know why others didn't take it, but I found it very interesting after reading it. Such a script should not be buried. I want to buy the adaptation of "Buried Alive" If you want to make a movie in the future, are you willing to sell it?”

"Mr. Baker, are you serious?"

Screenwriter Chris looked at him in disbelief. Link decided to buy his copyright after reading it only once. This surprised him and moved him very much.

He used to often tell others that the script was great and would be a great movie to make, but no one believed him.

Now Link wants to buy the adaptation rights after watching it once, and screenwriter Chris suddenly feels like he has met a soulmate.

"Mr. Baker, if you can film this script within three years, I will give you the adaptation rights for free, without asking for a penny."

Screenwriter Chris said excitedly.


Link smiled, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will film this script, but I will still act according to the market. I will pay you as much as the copyright fee for changes. In any case, the script is also the fruit of your labor, and I don't want to Something for nothing.”

Screenwriter Chris smiled happily and finally quoted the lowest price, which was 30,000 yuan for the adaptation rights within three years and 100,000 yuan within five years.

Link thought for a moment and agreed.

Then he called Ms. Mandy and told her about the script adaptation rights, and asked her to find a lawyer to draft a copyright contract and send it over.


"Link, why did you buy the script? Don't tell me that you want to change your career to a director again."

Ms. Mandy asked doubtfully after signing the contract.

Link looked at the copyright contract and script in his hand and smiled: "I'm going to register another film studio and invest in making movies. What do you think?"

Ms. Mandy looked at him and said, "Great, I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me one day that you're running for president."

"An election?"

Link touched his chin and thought carefully.

Ms. Mandy blinked, stared at him and asked, "You don't really have this idea, do you?"

Link laughed, "I'm just kidding. I bought this script because it costs little and can be used to test the waters. But you don't have to worry. I won't invest in movies in the past two years. In the past two years, my focus has been on boxing." "To make more money, I started a film studio to collect scripts."

Ms. Mandy was relieved to hear his words.

After becoming Link's manager, she realized how busy Link was. He got up at 6 a.m. every day for fitness training, boxing training for at least six hours a day, guitar and piano practice, and sometimes going to the recording studio to practice singing.

Now he is reading scripts again, preparing to become an actor. If he opens another film company, he will probably be busy to death.

"After "Dream It Possible" became a hit, many media called Link Music and wanted to interview you. You were busy training and competing a few days ago and I didn't tell you. Do you want to be interviewed?"

Ms. Mandy looked at the singer singing on the stage and said.

Link thought about it and refused. He was not a professional musician and didn't know much about song creation. He couldn't answer the reporters' questions. It was better to remain silent and give everyone an inscrutable impression.

"And one more thing."

Ms. Mandy put away the documents on the table, "Christmas is coming soon, what are your plans?"


Link was stunned. Time flew by so fast. He remembered that it was still May when he came here, and it was almost the end of the year in the blink of an eye.

"I don't seem to have any plans."

Because of his role, he has no plans to return to Miami for the time being. Taylor has been traveling around recently. Even if there is no announcement on Christmas Day, he will spend it at home. As for Catherine, she has remarried, and he does not intend to disturb them.

Link found himself still alone in New York.

"How about spending Christmas at my house? Selena is the only child at home. It will be more lively after you go there."

Ms. Mandy asked expectantly.

Link smiled softly, "Would it be too intrusive?"

"How could that be? If Selina knew you were going to spend Christmas at home, she would be crazy with joy."

Ms. Mandy laughed.

Link thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

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