Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 123: Digging holes for each other

Christmas was coming, and Link called Taylor to ask her if she would come to New York.

Taylor was originally from Pennsylvania. When she was twelve years old, her parents moved her family to Nashville, Tennessee, the capital of country music, in order to support her as a singer.

After Taylor became famous, the Swift family moved to Los Angeles and spent most of the year in Los Angeles. I came to New York just to record songs.

After the release of "fearless", Taylor became the most popular country music singer in the American music industry and one of the most popular pop singers. Her popularity exploded.

The notices and work Taylor received every day also doubled. During the promotion of the album, he only came to New York once, stayed for one night and left in a hurry.

He wanted to take advantage of Christmas to spend time with Taylor.

It’s just that Taylor said that he still has work arrangements on the day before Christmas, and he can’t come to New York until after Christmas.

Link thought that she had parents to accompany her at home and a younger brother who had just entered elementary school, so he didn't say anything else.

As long as she doesn't get too busy and takes care of herself.

Without Taylor coming back, Link would have even more free time.

He also runs around Central Park every morning and does strength and speed training in the apartment’s fitness room.

After fighting Tyson last time, he also saw his own disadvantages.

First, the body is not tonnage enough, and there is a big gap between the fighting ability and the heavyweight. There is no way to change this for the time being. I am a super middleweight, and 77 kg is the upper limit, so I cannot gain weight easily.

The second is that the punch weight is not big enough. The highest punch weight of my right fist is 1,600 pounds, but the average punch is only 1,360 pounds.

Holyfield, who is training at the same training ground, has a maximum punch weight of 1,620 pounds, which is only 20 pounds higher than him. However, the average punch weight of his ten right fists is as high as 1,480 pounds. His performance is very stable and his lethality is greater than his. In actual combat, A little more powerful than him.

As Link continues to train, he also wants to continue to increase his punching weight and strive to increase his punching weight to more than 2,000 pounds. If he can reach this figure, he may become a 'One Punch Man' in the future.

No matter what opponent you encounter, one punch can solve the problem.

After exercising every day, he would drive to the recording studio to practice singing. Ivaca put down the words and said that the album would be released before February, so he, Graeme and others had to work overtime and start the recording process in advance.

I'm never

i never

I'm never down

i never give up

Lying here, staring up

I lay where I fell and stared ahead

And you're looking down

In the recording studio, Link wore a headset and stood behind the microphone to sing the song "Chasing the Sun" from the new album.

"Chasing the Sun" is one of the theme songs of the animated movie "Ice Age 4". It is a popular inspirational song sung by the British idol group The Wanted. It has topped the British singles chart and also won the number one spot on the US Billboard. to fifth place.

This song contains elements of rock, pop, and independent music. The tune is exciting and the rhythm is great.

When Link used to practice boxing steps, he often listened to the rhythm of this song and practiced repeatedly.

Also because it was a song that I often listened to in the past, when I was practicing singing, I often couldn’t help but recall the scene where I used to practice boxing.

This feeling is very strange. I used to practice boxing and listen to music, but now I am boxing in my mind when I practice singing.

"Link, be more involved when singing. You have to remember that you are a singer, not a player. When singing a song, you should try to understand every lyric and every melody, and integrate your understanding and emotions into it, and then use 伱The more thoroughly you understand the song, the more perfect your expression will be, and your voice will be more infectious.”

Soundproof glass exterior, Graeme Goodall pointed out while listening to the song.


Link nodded and adjusted his singing method according to the other party's instructions. He sang it over and over again, and he couldn't stop until his voice became hoarse.

Graeme said that he had not received professional music training and his grasp of the pitch was not accurate enough. Therefore, before officially recording the songs, he needed to sing each song in this album more than a thousand times to form muscle memory. Something went wrong.


"How did Link sing?"

Outside the recording room, Ivaca walked in wearing a black women's suit and skirt, with blond hair in a bun and red lips. There was no extra expression on her fair and delicate face, like a domineering female president.

Graeme came back to his senses, put down his headphones and said, "It's great. Link is a natural singer. His voice is first-class, his understanding of songs and his handling of emotions are also very unique. It's hard to imagine that he is a boxer. If If he can invest more time and energy in singing, his achievements in the future will not be worse than those of first-line singers.”

"Just an A-list singer?"

Ivaca crossed her arms and seemed a little dissatisfied.

Graeme looked at her in surprise. Isn't it enough to let Link become a first-class singer?

There are thousands of singers in the music industry, but only a few dozen can become first-class singers. Link, a boxer, can become a first-class singer. Graeme thinks this achievement is very good.

"Linke is not a professional singer, has not received professional training, and does not understand music theory. The position of a first-line singer is very suitable." Graeme said.

Evaka looked at the person in the glass window and shook her head slightly: "Your goal is too conservative. He is only 20 years old, but he is already a world boxing champion and has hundreds of millions of fans around the world, which is more than all new singers.

The second point is that he is a singer-songwriter. He can write the Billboard champion single "Dream It Possible", which proves that he is very talented.

The third point is also the most important point. He is very handsome and has the appearance of a top-notch movie star.

For such a person, do you think he can only become a first-class singer?"

Graeme Goodall thought carefully, Link seemed to be really excellent, with talent, appearance, fame, and youth.

In addition, he worked very hard, and was very serious when practicing singing. He did not have those bad habits of young stars, and was simply flawless.

"Link is very good, but if he wants to become a top singer, sometimes it depends on the social environment and market trends."

Graeme hesitated.

"I understand. I tell you this to remind you that Link is not an ordinary singer, but a talented singer. You should treat him as a superstar and be stricter with him. If he succeeds, you will also succeed and earn more honors and US dollars. I think you should not dislike these."

Evaka said lightly.

Graham's eyes lit up when he heard her words. He has been a producer for more than 20 years, but he is only a gold medal producer, not a top producer in the music industry.

The main reason is that in the past, he often served some singers with low levels and produced some songs with low levels under Sony Music, and could not give full play to his talents.

Now that he has good songs and singers with great potential, and has great production rights, why not work hard here and make a career?

"Ms. Thompson, I understand. I will definitely be stricter with Link."

Graham said.

Evaka glanced at Link and showed a triumphant smile on her face.

After standing in the recording studio for a while, she left without waiting for Link to come out. Before leaving, she also told Graham not to tell Link that she had been there.

Then Link found that Graeme had higher requirements for him. He kept interrupting his singing, pointing out a lot of mistakes for him to correct, and then took out a pile of music textbooks for him to take back and study.

"Graeme, is it necessary to know so many theories just for singing?"

Link looked at the pile of books on the table and couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

Graeme shook his head seriously, picked up a piece of manuscript paper and said, "Link, do you know how to use this paper to perfectly cut out the shape of a palm?"

Link looked at the A4 paper, thought for a while, and gestured with his fingers.

"First draw the outline of the palm with a pen, and then cut it out with scissors."

Graeme shook his head and took out a larger manuscript paper, which was two palms wide.

"If you want to cut out a perfect palm shape on a piece of paper, the best way is not to draw with a pen, but to expand the paper. As long as the paper is large enough, you can play with it as you like. Draw as many palms as you want."

Link thought about it, but still didn't quite understand what he wanted to say.

"Graeme, please speak directly if you have something to say. Don't use metaphors with me."

"This principle is the same as singing. As long as your level is high enough, no matter what song it is, it can be perfectly presented by you. You can listen to the songs of Celine Dion and Whitney Houston. They never pinch their throats, use falsetto, sing out of tune, or lack breath when singing.

They sing every song easily because their singing skills are good enough. They can present the song perfectly without too much effort."

Graeme said.

Link understood. After saying so much, there are only four words in Chinese idioms - "with ease".

As long as you practice the singing skills to perfection, you can sing with ease.

"Music theory is equivalent to a musician's professional guide. The more you know, the less mistakes you will make. Read more. It won't hurt you."

Mr. Graeme said.

Link thought about it and accepted the other party's advice.

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