Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 151: Drunk (Thanks to the big boss, Grief Alliance Leader Mo Yan for the reward)

After a day of filming, Link trained in the boxing ring rented by the crew for more than two hours in the evening, and did not return to the hotel until 7:30.

After taking a shower, Link chatted with Taylor on the phone for a while, lying on the sofa and reading Billboard magazine.

More than two months after the debut album "The Fighter" was released, seven of its top-charting songs were pushed off the list.

Among these seven songs, there is one number one single and three songs in the top ten. However, the song that has been on the list for the longest time is "Never say never". This song has lively lyrics and music. It stayed on the list for eight weeks.

The current total sales volume of the first album in the United States is 1.957 million, just shy of double platinum.

Overseas sales were 2.74 million copies.

His first album sold more than 4.7 million copies worldwide. Billboard magazine named him the best new artist in 2009, and he is expected to lock in the Grammy Award for best new artist in advance.

The single "Give me reason" he released half a month ago has officially exceeded 2 million downloads on the Amazon Digital Music Store and ITunes Music Mall, and has been listened to more than 130 million times on US radio stations, making it the most popular song in the US in March. one of the songs.

At the same time, this song was also selected as the theme song of "Transformers 2", with a copyright fee of up to 1.5 million US dollars.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door outside.

Link stood up and opened the door. Standing outside was Amy Adams, wearing white suspenders and vertical striped shorts, revealing her white thighs. Her freshly washed long curly hair was draped over her shoulders, exuding the fragrance of shower gel. She was holding a bag in her hand. A bottle of scotch.

"Link, would you like a drink?"

Amy Adams shook the bottle in her hand and smiled.

"sounds good."

Link smiled softly and invited the other party to come in.

Before filming started, he had chatted with Amy Adams several times. Because they were both descendants of Italian immigrants, they had many common topics. They were relatively familiar friends, and Link had invited her to parties.

"Are you reading a magazine?"

Amy asked looking at the magazines on the sofa.

"Yes, I have many part-time jobs, including boxing, music and movies. I usually need to know more about the trends in the industry. Reading magazines saves time."

Link took two glasses from the counter.

Amy sat cross-legged on the sofa, took the wine glass, and said while pouring the wine: "You have indeed changed careers a lot. What's rare is that you do a great job in every career. As a boxer, you are the world boxing champion. As a singer, your album sells It’s amazing to have millions of copies.”

Link smiled and thanked him, took a glass of golden whiskey, smelled the rich aroma of the wine and said:

"Amy, I'm a bad drinker. I usually only drink light beer. I can only drink this glass of whiskey with you."

"Really? You, a world boxing champion, don't know how to drink?"

Amy Adams blinked in surprise.

"Yes, one glass of this wine at most."

"It's okay, cheers!"

Amy held the wine glass, clinked it with him, drank it all in one gulp, and stuck out her tongue at him after drinking the wine.

Link hesitated for a moment and drank half a cup, about 100g. It had a strong burnt aroma and a mellow taste.

He was not good at drinking before, and after practicing boxing, he rarely drank. He only drank a little light beer and wine, and he was not very interested in wine.

"how do you feel?"

Amy Adams laughed.

"Not bad, but a little over the top."

Amy Adams looked at his face turning red and couldn't help laughing, "Link, you are so strong and you don't know how to drink. No one would believe it if you tell me."

"Everyone has weaknesses, and wine is one of mine."

Link shrugged.

Amy Adams smiled slightly and poured another glass, "How about another drink?"

Link reluctantly took another sip, feeling a little dizzy.

But Amy Adams drank it all in one gulp, and the wine flowed from her chin to her chest, revealing the outline of her braless body. Her figure looked very slender, and her appearance was very girlish, but she had a fleshy young woman's feeling about her body.

"Do you want us to revise the script?"

Link said while holding the script on the table.

"It's break time, okay?"

Amy Adams rolled her eyes at him and took away the script in his hand, "Link, last time you said on the show that you could make women faint, is it true?"

This topic is a bit explicit, especially when there are two people.

Link smiled and said: "Amy, is it appropriate for the two of us to talk about this in private?"

"We are all friends. Let's chat casually. Come on, is it true?"

Amy kicked him with her shin.

"Okay! It's true."

Link shrugged.

Amy stared at him, bit her lower lip and asked, "I'm curious, can you let me experience it?"


Link was a little surprised by her directness.

"Do you dare to try with me?"

Amy blushed and sat on his lap, hugging his neck.

Suddenly, there was some warm and soft touch in my arms, and my nose was filled with shower gel and woman's body fragrance.

After drinking, his mind was already a little dizzy, and now it was even more chaotic, with reason and impulse competing in his brain.

When Amy kissed him, the faint aroma of wine and the wet touch made the desires and beastly instincts suppressed deep in her heart explode with a bang.

What happened next felt like a very hard dream.


Xishan Iron Mine is the mine where he once worked.

In the Xishan Iron Ore Area, there is a hill over 300 meters high, covered with gray, with no grass growing on it.

Below the hill is the mine where Link had worked for three years.

In his dream, he returned to the mine, and he was still the little miner.

Pushing a dump truck every day, he kept transporting ore out.

Transporting one truck after another.

The cart full of ore was very heavy, weighing four or five hundred kilograms, and it was even heavier when going uphill to the cave entrance. Every time he had to grit his teeth, muster all his muscles, and push forward with all his strength to push the dump truck out of the slope of the cave entrance.

Pushing one truck after another, he would sweat profusely every time he pushed a truck.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted. In order to make more money, he would always be the most hardworking miner in the mine.

Once, twice, one hundred times, two hundred times, one thousand times, two thousand times.

The muscles in his arms and thighs began to tremble, and the dump truck in his hand also creaked, as if it was about to fall apart.

He could only hold down the dump truck and continue to run forward.

This is a private mine. Every extra trip will allow the mining team to earn more money every day, and he can also get more. This is why he chooses to persist.

Three thousand times, four thousand times, five thousand times.

He didn't know how many times he ran. His muscles were shaking all over. He was exhausted and finally collapsed in the mine.


When he woke up the next day and opened his eyes, it was already 7:30 in the morning, not 6 o'clock as he woke up on time every day.

He rubbed his forehead and smelled the fragrance in his hands. He couldn't help but think of some things that happened last night. He called Amy, but no one responded, and there was no one in the quilt.

If there were no golden hair on the quilt, and there were some wrinkles and unknown liquid on the sheets, he really thought that what happened last night was an absurd dream.

"How are you?"

Link sent a message, but got no response.

He got up for a morning run. He had been busy in his dream last night, but because of his special body, he woke up from a sleep and all functions returned to normal. He felt refreshed and his physical strength seemed to be a little stronger than yesterday.

He ran 20 kilometers as usual and did ten sets of push-ups, ten sets of rope skipping, and ten sets of pull-ups in the gym.

He came to the crew at ten o'clock and unexpectedly heard that Amy Adams had asked for leave. She slipped and fell in the bathroom last night, hurt her hip and knee, and needed to rest for three days.

Link sent another message, asking her how she was and which hospital she was in?

Amy Adams still didn't reply.

The heroine didn't come, so the crew made a temporary adjustment and filmed his and Christian Bale's scenes first.

He and Bale are the male lead and the second male lead, and they have the most scenes in the crew.

Amy Adams, who originally asked for three days off, didn't show up until the seventh day.

I don't know if she was scared, but when she saw him, Amy was obviously a little panicked and didn't dare to look him in the eye.

When the two were filming the scenes together, director Russell called NG more than 10 times, and Amy gradually recovered and used her professional acting skills to overcome distracting thoughts.

But usually in the crew, Amy would never be alone with him unless it was necessary, and her eyes when she looked at him were still shy and panic.

Link tried to find an opportunity to apologize to the other party many times, but there was no chance.

Hearing that the other party had a boyfriend and he also had a girlfriend, he did not get too entangled in order to avoid being misunderstood.

It was not until he finished filming and was about to leave the crew that Amy came to see him off that he had the opportunity to say sorry to the other party.

"Don't drink anymore in the future."

Amy Adams looked at him, hugged his waist and said softly.

"Got it."

Link smiled softly and waved goodbye to everyone in the crew.

Thank you 'Sad Mo Yan' for rewarding the leader. Seeing that there is one more leader on the fan list, like Link, I also feel like I am dreaming. I have been writing books for more than six years and I am the first leader. I am grateful! (I plan to update 10 more chapters, but I am a clumsy person, so the update will probably be slower, please forgive me!)

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