In the fourth week of the release of "I'm the One", T.I. released the single "Dead and Gone", which was jointly recommended by rappers such as Kanye, Jay-z, and Lil Wayne.

It was downloaded 168,000 times in the first week, ranking third on the Billboard rap chart. Link's "I'm the One" was squeezed out of the top three, falling to eighth place, followed by 50 Cent, Drake, etc. The single returned to the top five.

Just as the East Coast rap gang was popping champagne in the recording studio, the Associated Press came out with a news from Serbia in Eastern Europe.

The 25th Summer University Games will be held in Serbia in mid-May.

NYU student Link Baker represented the school in eight swimming events at this Games, including men's 100/200m freestyle, 100m/200m breaststroke, 200m/400m individual medley, 4x200m freestyle relay, and 4x100m mixed. swimming relay race.

After seven days of competition, Link won eight championships, eight individual Olympic gold medals, and broke three world records, two of which were set by the famous swimmer Phelps during the 2008 Olympics.

After the news spread back to the United States, it caused quite a stir.

Major newspapers such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post have forwarded the news from the Associated Press, and television news networks such as CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX have followed up on the news.

Due to the small scale of the Universiade, the quality of the contestants is low, and the viewing experience is not enough, and the public does not pay much attention to the news in this area.

During the game, almost no reporters from mainstream American media were sent to the scene for coverage.

Until the Associated Press released news that New York University student Link Baker won 8 gold medals at the sports games and broke three world records.

Mainstream media is really paying attention.

First of all, Link Baker is a big celebrity, a world boxing champion, an Olympic boxing champion, a popular singer, and a controversial figure.

Secondly, at the sports meeting, Link won six individual gold medals, two team gold medals, broke three world records, and was faster than the flying fish Phelps.

This achievement is too dazzling and very newsworthy.

Celebrities + oddities equal big news.

The American media rushed to report and hyped the news that Link won eight gold medals at the games.

HBO TV station also spent US$2.3 million to purchase the exclusive broadcast rights of the Games from the Serbian organizers, mainly for the eight events that Link participated in, and it will be officially broadcast at 6 pm on May 20.

According to statistics from Nielsen Data Company, this broadcast attracted a total of 18 million to 25 million users, which was no worse than last year's Olympic Games.

Through TV, the American people saw Link wearing the same sharkskin swimsuit as Phelps, swimming quickly on various tracks, leaving the college athletes behind him far away.

In the two team events, Link continued to create miracles, leading three lame teammates to the finals and helping them win a gold medal.

"Oh! It's amazing. Link looks like a male mermaid in the water."

In the Los Angeles villa, Katy Perry stared at Link on the TV and shouted.

"Get out of the way Katie, can you stop standing in front of the screen."

Blake Lively shouted.

Katy Perry shrugged her shoulders, turned around and asked with a smile: "How does it feel to sleep with a male mermaid?"

Lively covered her face, not wanting to answer her question, "Katie, Link is Taylor's boyfriend, and Taylor is our friend."

"You mean you want me to call Tyler and ask him how he feels? That seems like a good idea."

Katy Perry thought for a moment and said.

Lively was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained: "I'm talking about my friend's boyfriend, and I can't seduce him. I'm not asking you to ask Taylor that question."

"Okay, I'm just kidding."

Katy Perry laughed and continued to stare at Link on the TV.

Lively shook his head and was about to ask everyone to continue playing tarot cards when he realized that Kristen and Emma were also staring at the TV, obviously attracted by Link's figure.


"Damn, he's faster than last time."

In a swimming club in Baltimore, Phelps said while watching the swimming competition on TV.

"How can Link, a boxer, swim so fast?"

exclaimed coach Bob Bowman.

"His ancestors were fishermen and he was born to be able to swim."

Phelps said jealously.

"That's impossible. No matter how skilled you are, you still need long-term training to break through the limits of your body and achieve faster speeds."

Bob Bowman stared at the TV for a while, "His swimming skills are average, but what's strong is his physique. His strength, speed, and body coordination must be extremely strong."

Phelps looked at the coach, "You mean, if he receives professional training, he can be faster?"

Bob Bowman pondered for a moment and nodded heavily.

"Damn! How can this bastard be faster than me? No, I absolutely can't lose to him."

Phelps cursed, put on his goggles, and jumped into the pool.

Coach Bob nodded. In the 2008 Olympics, Phelps won eight gold medals and became a sports star. He also relaxed a lot in training. In February this year, he openly smoked marijuana, which caused a lot of controversy in the media.

With such a strong opponent like Link, Phelps will be more serious in training.


After the broadcast of the Games, Link became very popular in America, and his popularity was higher than when he became the world boxing champion. The media were discussing his swimming skills.

In the past, we only heard that he swam faster than Phelps and exchanged gold medals with Phelps, but there was no accurate data, so many people did not believe it.

Now he has broken three world records at the University Games, proving that his swimming ability is indeed very strong.

Everyone is looking forward to his performance in the 2012 London Olympics to see who is better between him and Phelps.

After the game, many media wanted to interview Link and ask him about the Games.

But his agent, Ms. Mandy, held a press conference and said that Link was training in seclusion to prepare for the upcoming boxing champion challenge and had no time to be interviewed for the time being.

The media then remembered that there was a boxing match at Madison Square Garden in New York on May 25, where WBA North American Intercontinental Boxing Champion Andre Reyle challenged WBA World Boxing Champion Link Baker.

Although Link was busy with training and had no time to deal with the media, he tweeted a message on Twitter on the day the Games ended, "I'm the One, Number One".

Within 24 hours of the tweet being posted, it received 1.218 million likes and 80,000 comments.

The comments were very positive, and most of them praised his swimming skills as being superb and a genuine No.1.

On the same day, the single "I'm the One" also rose against the trend, with 82,000 downloads.

Link Music released an MV on YouTube, which was a video of him participating in a swimming competition, with "I'm the One" as the background music.

The video was played more than 2 million times in three days.

In the fifth week of its release, "I'm the One" had 314,000 downloads by users, and it immediately topped the Billboard singles chart and the rap song chart, leaving behind songs by Kanye, T.I., 50 Cent, Drake and others.

Billboard released news that "I'm the One" had won the rap chart and set many records.

Including Link is the first singer to reach the top of the rap chart after releasing his first rap single, the second non-African singer to get the first place on the rap chart with his own rap song, and the first rapper in Florida to achieve this result.

Billboard magazine praised Link's musical talent, saying that he is a talented person who dares to challenge the unknown, and the music industry needs singers like him.

Other media also praised Link, saying that he is a double star with good literary and artistic skills.

"How could this happen?"

Lil Wayne and others were stunned when they saw the ranking on the billboard.

After Kanye and TI released new songs, Link's new song has been far behind.

According to the sales trend of songs, the sales are the best in the first few weeks, and as time goes by, they show a decreasing trend.

After Link's new song was suppressed for four weeks, as expected, it fell outside the top 20 of the rap chart.

They thought they had won a great victory in this battle.

But no one expected that the guy quietly went abroad to participate in a sports meeting, and won eight gold medals and became a swimming star.

With the help of media reports, it became a big hit, and "I'm the One" also became popular, rushing to the fourth place on the Billboard singles chart and the first place on the rap chart, firmly suppressing their singles.

An outsider crossed over to rap and rushed to the first place. The song was called "I'm the One", which was undoubtedly a face-to-face output for them.

"Haha, what are you going to do now?"

Eminem lay on the sofa, looking at Kanye, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and others with extremely depressed expressions, and joked, "Do you want to participate in the sports meeting too? If one of you can win a gold medal, there is a chance to turn defeat into victory."

Several people stared at him with dark faces. If they had the ability, they would have participated in the Olympics long ago, and he didn't need to say it at all.

"Kanye, don't joke, don't forget that your song was also crushed by Link, you should work with us to find a solution." Lil Wayne said.

"No, Link and I have no conflicts, and I don't care about the ranking of this song. In addition, have you ever thought about it? It was MJ who mediated the reconciliation between you and Link. Now you are taking advantage of Link's single release to suppress him together. How will MJ view this matter after knowing it? Will he be disappointed?"

Eminem smoked a cigarette and looked at several people with a smirk.

Kanye's face darkened and his expression became more depressed when he heard his words.

Lil Wayne and others also changed their faces. Michael is not only a superstar, but also an idol and spiritual symbol of their black singers, just like Ali.

In March, after they and Link had a conflict at the Grammy Awards, Michael asked about the matter through his agent, hoping that they would stop making trouble and not cause trouble for Washington.

When they heard Michael speak, they naturally had to give face, stop letting fans make trouble, and took the initiative to apologize in the media.

The last time Michael came to New York, he invited them over and met with Link, which also meant to persuade them to reconcile. Kanye also expressed his willingness to reconcile at that time.

That matter seemed to have passed.

But after Link released a rap single, and seeing that the single performed well, they teamed up to release a single to suppress Link's new song, and their fans even went to scold Link.

Would Michael know about this?

Michael, who has been in the music industry for decades, must be aware of their actions, and he also knows that they have not truly reconciled with Link, and that they are dealing with him and their spiritual idol.

What's even more embarrassing is that dozens of them joined forces, but they couldn't fight a layman like Link.


Thinking of this, Kanye suddenly yelled, kicked over the table, picked up a folding chair, and smashed it on the table, sofa, and wine cabinet.

Eminem and others quickly stood up and stayed away.

Kanye has bipolar disorder. When he is depressed, his face looks dark every day, as if everyone owes him a million.

When he is angry, he will get angry and smash things, and he will hit people accidentally.

"Kanye, don't get angry. This is not our fault. It's Link's fault. He is a pop music singer and releases rap songs on our territory. This is provoking us and stealing our jobs. We are suppressing him. He's not wrong either."

Lil Wayne shouted.

"Yes, it's Link's fault. We're not at fault. We're just competing normally."

50 Cent and Drake also followed suit.

Eminem crossed his arms and touched his chin and said, "How do I remember that Link notified you before releasing the rap single, and you said you didn't mind."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Link did say this in the Lincoln Center parking lot that day.

He said he wanted to work with Eminem. Is that offensive?

At that time, Kanye said, "Whatever you want," and everyone was still laughing when they left, even the depressed Kanye was laughing.

But in the end they broke their promise.

No matter from which aspect, Link is right, they are all wrong.

What would Michael think of them if he knew that Link was still suppressed after saying hello?

Thinking of this, even Lil Wayne and 50 Cents were very dark-skinned, and at this moment they were blushing with embarrassment.


Kanye heard Eminem's words and became even more violent, swinging an alloy baseball bat and smashing things in the house to pieces.

Eminem shook his head and was about to persuade him when he suddenly saw Kanye picking up a dark object from the overturned cabinet and yelling "Fake!"

"Who the hell brought a gun in! Run!"

Eminem yelled as he ran outside.

When other people saw that Kanye had a gun in his hand, they also ran outside with their heads in their hands.

boom! boom! boom!

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