"Be careful when you get on stage. If you can't beat me, surrender. Don't let anyone hurt your face."

In the Yorkville apartment, Taylor adjusted his suit and said.

"Surrender? Are you kidding me? Don't you know how powerful I am?"

Link said as he put his arm around her slim waist.

Taylor rolled her eyes at him: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Even someone as powerful as Tyson will be defeated, and so will you. Previously, Catherine suggested that you give up boxing and become a singer. I think you should seriously consider it."

Link shook his head. It was impossible to give up boxing. He was only 21 years old this year. He had just started in boxing and had not yet completed his goals. How could he retire? If he retired now, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

In addition, becoming a singer is a side job to enhance your fame, not a pursuit. You cannot put the cart before the horse when doing things.

"Are you sure you don't want to go and watch the game? Today's game will be exciting."

Link looked at Taylor and then at Selina, who was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed and stuffing things into her mouth.

"No! The boxing match is the most boring thing. It only takes a few minutes and it's over. It's better to watch it at home."

Selena ate spicy chicken wings, her cheeks bulging.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

Ms. Mandy came out of the kitchen carrying the dinner plate and placed it on the long table in the small living room.

Catherine and Mrs. Andrea also filled the table with various snacks, fruits, snacks, and cold drinks.

They have agreed that instead of going to watch the game live, they will stay at home and watch the live broadcast. For this, they have prepared a lot of delicious food in advance, just like celebrating Christmas.

Just seeing so much delicious food, Link didn't want to go to the game. There were so many people at home and there were delicious foods.

But if he doesn't go to the game, everyone has nothing to watch.

"Yeah, now that Link is gone, no one will grab the delicious food from me. These are all mine."

Selina looked at the many delicious foods on the table, her fleshy little round face full of happiness and satisfaction.

"Eat less, or you will become a fat girl."

"I want you to take care of it!"

Selena rolled her eyes, pursed her shiny lips and said, "I practice dancing every day, how could I get fat? It's you who should be careful. The newspaper said it. You are running around everywhere during this time. There is no time to train at all, and the strength has declined seriously. You may be beaten into a pig's head. "

Ms. Catherine and Ms. Mandy also looked at him worriedly. He had indeed spent a lot less time on boxing training in the past six months. They heard that once a boxer relaxes his training, his strength will decline significantly, which makes them worried. .

"Don't worry, no one can defeat me. Eat slowly, I'll be back soon."

Link hugged Taylor and ruffled Selina's hair. Amid Selina's protests, he strode out of the room.


"Mr. Linkbacker, I am a reporter from the New York Post. I have a few questions for you."

In front of Madison Garden Arena, when Link stepped out of the commercial vehicle, a large group of reporters gathered around him. There were one to two hundred people holding microphones, cameras and recorders. In addition to these people, there were thousands of spectators queuing up at the entrance. .

Several bodyguards saw the reporter approaching and formed a human wall to block Link's sides.

"Mr. Baker, are you confident in this game?"

"Mr. Baker, your first rap song won the first place in the rap category. How do you feel?"

"Mr. Baker, you broke three world records at the University Games. Will you continue to participate in the World Swimming Championships in July?"

Since Link was training in seclusion during this period and had not appeared in public or been interviewed by the media, reporters now had too many questions to ask him, and they kept asking them as soon as they saw him appear.

Link took a look and saw that there were reporters from several major media among these people. He stopped and said: "Gentlemen and ladies, please be quiet. Due to time constraints, I can only answer five of your questions here. The other questions will be answered at the end of the game. Later, I will hold a special press conference to answer your questions."

"Mr. Baker, in the past 11 super middleweight matches, you have all ended the fight within 101 seconds. In this match, will you still stick to the original tactics and end the fight in 100 seconds?"

A reporter from USA Today asked, holding up a voice recorder.

Link smiled lightly. In the WBA title challenge last October, he used 1 Kessler.

After the game, the media had a long discussion on whether 100.6 seconds is 100 seconds or 101 seconds.

Because the answer to this question is related to the question of whether Link is a "talker". If it lasts for 100 seconds, it is not a talker. If it exceeds 100 seconds, it is a talker. The reporter of "USA Today" obviously thinks that he is a talker. , also waiting for him to continue firing.

Link said: "I made the 100-second promise to motivate myself and strive for the WBA world boxing title. Now that I am the WBA world boxing champion, my goal has been achieved, so I can win the game in as much time as I want. Free arrangement."

"Mr. Baker, you said at the beginning that you could KO all opponents at the same level within one hundred seconds. Now you have given up on this plan because you have neglected training and your strength has seriously declined, so you are unable to achieve your original goal, right?"

The reporter from USA Today did not get the answer he wanted and continued to ask unwillingly.

Link smiled, "Mr. Reporter, I don't want to use words to explain whether my strength has improved or decreased. I just want to tell you, go watch the game, and I will answer with a wonderful game." Your question."

"Mr. Baker!"

A reporter from the New York Post rushed forward and said, "Congratulations on your new single reaching No. 1 on the rap chart last week. This is an amazing achievement."


“In the third and fourth weeks of your release of rap singles, Kanye West and T.I. released new songs one after another, and East Coast rappers such as Jay-z, Lil Wayne, and 50 Cent jointly recommended their new songs. Keep your song from reaching No. 1 on the rap charts.

Regarding their behavior, the media's interpretation is that this is a follow-up to the "Grammy Awards conflict". Kanye and others released and jointly promoted a new single in order to suppress you and have no intention of reconciling with you. As a party involved, how can you What do you think of this statement? "

The New York Post reporter took the microphone and asked.

Link thought that MJ might come to watch the game. He hesitated and said: "I never thought that this was a kind of suppression. Suppression is bullying by the strong against the weak. And my singles and I are very strong. I The fans are also very united. I don’t think anyone can suppress us, and I don’t think anyone can defeat us in this way. Last week, “I’m the One” ranked first on the rap chart, which proves my statement. That's absolutely right."

"Mr. Baker, after "I'm the One" topped the rap chart last week, we noticed a lot of comments on the Internet saying that the reason why this song topped the list was because you won eight gold medals in the sports games and became famous. skyrocketing, rather than the quality of the songs being good enough, do you agree with this point of view?”

New York Daily News reporters asked.

Link shook his head: "This kind of comment is ridiculous. When fans pay for their favorite songs, they not only like the song itself, but also because they like the singer himself, his voice, attitude towards life, style, story, etc. These are all It’s a valuable thing. Just because Marilyn Monroe’s necklace fetched a high price at Christie’s, it doesn’t mean it’s not a beautifully crafted necklace.”

"Last question!" Simon reminded.

"Mr. Baker, you once told a reporter from the Miami Herald that you would set a harsh goal for yourself before every game. Did you have a harsh goal before this game?"

"American Express" reporter asked.

Link nodded and said: "Yes, Andre Lell is very good and a great opponent, so when I compete with him, I will show greater strength and make the game more exciting. To give a classic game, that’s my goal.”

"Mr. Baker, after the University Games, will you participate in other sports events?"

"Mr. Baker."

Amid the reluctant shouts of a group of reporters, Link waved and was escorted by bodyguards into the Garden Arena for the game.

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