Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 177: Open Fight (Additional chapter 410 for the leader)

After the match, Link returned to Yorkville Apartment, and the spicy chicken wings on the table were still hot.

"Uh! How did you come back so soon?"

Selena and Taylor, as well as Katherine, Ms. Mandy, and Mrs. Andrea looked at Link sitting on the carpet, eating heartily, in surprise, and then looked at the TV, which was still playing Link's post-match interview.

Link thanked all the boxing fans, music fans, and movie fans, and distributed 100 signed records and 200 signed posters on the spot to thank the fans.

Just when they were discussing whether Link had more boxing fans or music fans, Link suddenly opened the door and came in from outside. Without saying much, he sat on the floor and ate.

It felt like he just jumped out of the TV.

Link ate spicy chicken wings, looked at the stunned people and smiled: "I thought there was delicious food at home, so I didn't stay for long. I handed those tasks to Anna and Simon and a few others and came back."

"You came back so early, just to eat?"

Selena puffed her little face and looked at him dissatisfied.

The game was so intense just now that she didn't have time to eat anything. She was going to wait until the game was over before eating, but Link would come back early. With Link's big belly, how could her small belly compete with him?

All the food on the table today will be eaten by him.

Selena didn't dare to say much, and grabbed the chicken wings, one in each hand, and stuffed her small mouth full. She suddenly found that the chicken wings she grabbed seemed to be more delicious.

Link smiled lightly and shook his head. With her small belly, she was also competing with him for food. He picked up a large box of Boston grilled shrimp and started eating.

"Look at you two, what do you look like."

Taylor sat between the two and joked.

"Eat slowly, if it's not enough, we'll make more."

Catherine and the other two couldn't help laughing when they saw the two people fighting for food.

The WBA Super Middleweight World Boxing Championship Challenge is over.

In this game, a big news came out.

Some media photographed a spectator who looked like MJ leaving the VIP seat after the game, and a paparazzi photographed his silhouette.

But this news has not been confirmed by MJ, and it is only speculation at present.

In addition, after the game, Link's income from this game has also become a focus of media reports.

According to reliable sources, Link's appearance fee is 2 million, 15% ticket revenue, and 10% PPV share.

The ticket revenue of this game reached more than 6.7 million, and Link can get nearly 1 million US dollars from this income.

In terms of PPV share, according to a report by Nielsen Data Consulting Company, a total of 1.03 million live PPVs were sold in this game, including 650,000 ordinary signals and 380,000 high-definition signals, with an average of 75 US dollars per piece.

The total PPV revenue is more than 77 million, and Link can get 7.7 million US dollars.

Therefore, his income in this game is about 10.7 million US dollars.

The game lasted a total of 119 seconds, and on average, he earned 100,000 US dollars per second.

Although there is still a certain gap in income compared with top boxers such as Mayweather and De La Hoya, this match is just a boxing champion challenge, and the opponent is Andre Rey, who has few boxing fans.

The American Express commented that if the opponent in this match is a boxing champion, such as WBO boxing champion Andre Ward and WBC boxing champion Carl France, the prize money has a great chance of exceeding 30 million.

If it is a top boxing champion such as Mayweather and De La Hoya, there is a great chance to surpass the 100 million prize money record set by De La Hoya and Pacquiao on December 7 last year.

The American Express and other media also reported the news that Link and former light heavyweight champion Roy Jones Jr. will compete this year, and expressed their expectations for the match between the two.

In addition, Link defeated his opponent in 119 seconds in this match, which also caused a lot of controversy in the media.

Last year, he defeated 11 boxers in the same weight class, and it took him only 119 seconds at most. But when he fought Andre Rey, it took him 119 seconds. The media generally believed that Andre Rey's overall strength was not as good as Mikkel Kessler or Jean Pascal.

But he used 11 Reys.

There is only one truth, he has regressed.

The Chicago Tribune commented that after defeating Tyson last year, Link seemed to have taken a wrong path. He started making movies, releasing records, taking advertisements, and taking college entrance exams, and he was involved in many unfamiliar fields. He wasted too much time on several unimportant part-time jobs and relaxed his training, which was also the main reason for his decline in strength.

The Chicago Tribune and many media commented that he should focus on boxing training and not do so many part-time jobs. As long as he can stick to it, his future results will definitely not be much worse than Tyson, Mayweather, De La Hoya and others, and the money he earns will not be less than them.

However, some media also spoke for Link.

Doug Fisher, editor-in-chief of Ring magazine, commented that Link showed more sophisticated boxing skills and a more stable boxing style in this match than last year.

In this match, Link was not in a hurry to end the match, but enjoyed the process of the match. He used fast-frequency jabs to attack the opponent's solid defense. It was an absolute head-on collision without any tricks, which made the match more enjoyable and more exciting than last year's match.

Doug Fisher said that Link's strength has not only not regressed, but has become more unfathomable. He will become a terrible enemy that several super middleweight champions and light heavyweight boxers will face next.

Boxing magazines such as "KO", "The Ring", and "World Boxing" also believed that this game was more exciting than last year's games. They also said that if Link's opponent was stronger in this game, the game would be more exciting. , and even became a classic.

Several magazines also revealed that De La Hoya is in discussions with Link's agency, and the two parties may have a match at the end of the year or next year.

Since the owner of these boxing magazines is De La Hoya, the editors-in-chief of these magazines will not make fun of their own bosses, so this news is extremely authentic.

After the news that De La Hoya was going to fight Link came out, it sparked a heated discussion in the boxing world. Many people wanted to see who was better, 'The Flash' De La Hoya VS 'Superman' Link. One chip.

The nickname 'Superman' was given to Link by the media after he won eight gold medals in swimming. They said he could become a world champion in both swimming and boxing and was called a 'Superman'.

Franco and Simon felt that this nickname sounded better than 'Anesthesiologist', 'Miami Boxing Prince', 'Big Devil', and 'Butcher', so when using the media for public relations, they unified Link's title as 'Superman'.

In addition, through the promotion of boxing matches, his boxing fans and fans have merged. On the day of the match, "I'm The One" was downloaded 72,000 times. In the sixth week of its release, the weekly downloads were 142,000. Although it was less than Last week's data was slightly lower, but it still ranked first on the rap chart.

"I'm The One" has topped the rap chart for two consecutive weeks, causing quite a controversy in the music industry. It is not unusual for Link, a new rap artist, to have his first single top the rap chart, but it has been able to top the rap chart for two consecutive weeks. Remaining number one, he set a new record.

Link's fans are very excited and have gathered on his personal fan website to celebrate. They are also preparing to raise funds to promote it in Times Square and several major media to try to stay at the top of the charts for a few more weeks.

Just as fans opened the champagne to celebrate, Beyonce's husband and top rapper Jay-Z announced the release of the single "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)"

Before releasing the song, Jay-z revealed to the media that his 11th studio album "The Blueprint 3" is planned to be released in July, and "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)" is one of the promotional singles for this album.

The time for releasing the single was set at the beginning of the year. It is mainly to promote the 11th album and has no other meaning. Please don't misunderstand me.

Despite Jay-Z's explanation, the media and fans still believe that Jay-Z suddenly released a single just to prevent Link's "I'm The One" from staying at the top of the rap chart and to replace Dong. Shore rap gang regains face.

Because Jay-Z is an old man in the music industry, he is a top performer, has more fans than Kanye, and his influence is one of the best in the rap industry.

In addition, he has achieved very high achievements in business.

He has founded two record companies, owns a clothing brand with a market value of over 100 million, and is the owner of the 40/40 Club restaurant chain.

The major shareholder of the famous cosmetics brand ‘Carroll’s Daughter’, shareholder of the NBA Nets, and shareholder of the Arnason Football Club, with a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars.

In April last year, he and Beyoncé got married in New York, becoming the first couple in the music industry with personal assets exceeding $1 billion.

Since Jay-Z is a big figure in the music industry, after he released a single, Beyoncé, Kanye, Lil Wayne, Eminem, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Rihanna, Katy Perry, etc. hundreds of singers,

It is also recommended by Oscar winners and famous movie stars such as Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, and Forest Whitaker.

The number of downloads exceeded 800,000 on the first day of release, and a total of 1.824 million downloads were received in the first week of release.

With a super domineering attitude, he occupied the Billboard singles chart and rap chart, ranking first on both charts.

"I'm The One", which ranked second on the rap chart, only had a measly 129,000 copies, only a fraction of the other.

This single also became the first song in 17 years to be the most downloaded and played song on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Jay-Z is also the male artist with the most downloaded singles of all time.

After the single results came out, many media also expressed shock.

On the one hand, I am amazed at this data. The quality of this song itself is not top-notch, but the number of downloads exceeds that of many classic songs.

On the other hand, he admired Jay-Z's influence.

Jay-Z was originally a Brooklyn gang member. In the early 1980s, he was influenced by his partners and started selling drugs. During this period, he was shot three times. In the 1990s, he entered the rap industry and became a famous hip-hop singer.

I originally planned to sell drugs while singing, but in the end I found that the money I earned from selling drugs was not as much as I could make from singing, and it was also more dangerous.

In the mid-1990s, he gave up his big business and became a rap star and business tycoon. Last year, he married the little queen Beyoncé.

His experience is also legendary.

The media believes that Jay-Z has become the number one person in hip-hop rap music. After the release of this song, he was able to receive support from hundreds of celebrities, which also proves this.

At the same time, the media also expressed concern about this situation.

Although Jay-Z released a message through his company before releasing the single that the release time of the single was set early to promote the eleventh album, fans would think that his purpose was to suppress Link's single.

After "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)" won the championship, his fans went to Link's Twitter and fan website to show off, and posted a comparison chart of the download volume of the two singles.

The total download volume of "I'm The One" in seven weeks was less than the download volume of "D.O.A." in one week, mocking Link's complete defeat and asking Link to quit the rap world as soon as possible.

The media believed that such things had a bad influence and were likely to cause a split in the music industry, or even greater dangers.

Some media suggested in their comments that Link should quit the rap world and stop releasing rap songs to stimulate the sensitive nerves of East Coast rappers and fans.

The media's suggestions were also reasonable.

The argument given is that rap music is the music of African people, equivalent to folk music. The popularity of rap songs around the world is also the credit of African singers. It is obviously inappropriate for Link, an "unwelcome" outsider, to share the cake in the rap field.

For this view, before Link's music department spoke out, magazines and newspapers such as "Rolling Stone", "The New Yorker", "Billboard", and "The New York Times" took the lead in standing up and severely refutating this argument.

"Rolling Stone" magazine commented that music belongs to the common wealth of all mankind and must not be divided by groups. This practice is extremely dangerous.

Rap music is not just African music. When rap music was born, it integrated various styles of music such as pop, rock, rhythm and blues, and funk. It did not appear out of thin air.

Everyone can participate in creation and interpretation, and there should be no restrictions in this regard.

At the same time, many media asked fans of both sides to remain restrained and not continue to disagree on this matter to prevent deepening conflicts.

Link also expressed helplessness about this matter.

He just released a rap song in April to make more money and attract some African fans.

Before releasing the song, he had even said hello to Kanye and others, but he didn't expect the result to be the opposite. Instead of attracting fans, he got millions of haters.

"1.824 million downloads in a week, Jay-Z is really amazing."

Link said enviously while looking at Billboard magazine.

"Boss, the comments of those fans online are too much, should we fight back?"

Ms. Anna asked.

Link shook his head as the words sounded familiar.

"This song has 1.82 million downloads in a week, what can we use to fight back? Fighting back with words is useless, as for actions? Even if I am tough, I can't beat these guys, they have the joint support of hundreds of top singers and actors."

Link looked at the long list with envy. There were too many top stars on it. Even if he took out another top rap song and asked the former 43 presidents of the United States to recommend it together, he probably couldn't beat it.

He wanted to send a tweet to express his grievance, seek comfort from his comrades, and see how many people were willing to support him at this time.

After thinking about it, he decided to give up. On the one hand, he didn't want to embarrass everyone and avoid awkward meetings in the future. On the other hand, he was also worried that he would be too embarrassed without any comrades.

At this time, keeping silent and making himself the weak party could actually gain support from the mainstream media.

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