Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 179 Public Relations (Additional chapter 610 for the leader)

"Aren't you guys going too far?"

In the Black Gold Music Club in Brooklyn, Eminem looked at Kanye and the others and said, "Link has already made concessions, so don't target him anymore. It's not good for everyone if you continue to make trouble. Don't forget the rap battles in the 1990s, in the end both sides suffered huge losses."

"Eminem, is Link making concessions? The fans are right, they are just promoting the single and taking advantage of your popularity, and you don't mind?"

50 Cent asked.

Eminem shrugged his shoulders, "Link said the truth. Originally, this song was supposed to be a collaboration between him and me. Now he has withdrawn and given the song to the person I recommended to him. This is very kind.

They deliberately mentioned in the statement that I recommended Mars to him, and they didn't want to involve me. It was completely out of kindness. I don't mind being mentioned by them.

In addition, the fans are right. This song is a collaboration between Mars and Bobby. They are two newcomers, and it won't affect the ranking of the charts. What are you still worried about?"

Dreadlocked Lil Wayne stood in front of the rap machine, holding the microphone and said: "Eminem, now The situation is different now. Now it is the fans who are targeting Link, not us, and we can't stop it. "

Eminem shook his head, "I said last time that it is easy to reconcile with Link. You just need to publicly express your love for Link's songs or his boxing fans, and your fans will no longer target him, and the fans of both sides will no longer have conflicts. "

"Eminem, are you kidding? Let us say that we like Link's songs, and fans will call us soft eggs after knowing it. "

T.I. shook his head repeatedly. For rappers, face is very important and will affect the sales of the next album.

Lil Wayne continued to say to the microphone: "Also, Eminem, you forgot someone."

"Who? Can you not hold that shitty microphone when you talk? Our ears are not deaf." Eminem said while picking his ears.

Lil Wayne shrugged his shoulders, put down the microphone and said: "Wiz Khalifa, he is a West Coast rapper, Snoop Dogg's apprentice. After Tupac's death, West Coast rappers' songs rarely won the championship of the rap chart.

The song he collaborated with Link has been ranked first on the rap chart for two consecutive weeks, which is equivalent to pissing on the heads of us East Coast rappers. Even if we agree, can the fans agree? Jay-Z recommended me Kanye and T.I.'s new song, and chose to release the song in advance last week. This is also the reason."

50 Cent said: "Link is a pop singer. After a conflict with us, he deliberately released a rap song, which is a provocation to us. He knew that we had a conflict with West Coast rap, but he deliberately found a West Coast rapper to cooperate. This is a double provocation. We are right to fight him."

After hearing his explanation, Eminem realized that things seemed to have become more complicated. It was no longer a simple conflict between Link and Kanye, but also a conflict between the East Coast and the West Coast.

The two conflicts were entangled, and the matter became more serious.

Eminem was helpless, "You didn't let me cooperate with Link at the beginning, so Link had to find West Coast Rap to cooperate. How come it's his fault now?"

"Eminem, it's useless to argue who is right or wrong now. The war has begun, and we can only continue to win."

Dreadlocked Lil Wayne picked up the microphone and said with a fist.

"Lil, well said!"

50 Cent, T.I., Drake and others waved their fists and shouted.

Eminem felt that this group of people was getting more and more dangerous. He looked at Kanye West, who was depressed. This guy was the backbone of East Coast Rap. Both of his parents were university professors. He also went to school in China. He was a rare scholar among this group of people.

"Kanye, you should also know that this situation can't continue to deteriorate, right? Shouldn't you stand up and do something?" Eminem asked.

Kanye frowned and asked, "What? Link, that bastard, first took advantage of my popularity, and now he's taking advantage of yours. It's so despicable. I advise you to stay away from him."

Eminem said helplessly, "Can you please stop talking about taking advantage of others? Link is a sports star and a popular singer. He is definitely more famous than us internationally. Does he need to take advantage of us?"

"That's because he took advantage of my popularity. When he released his album at the beginning of the year, he was just a nobody. If he hadn't deliberately quarreled with me and made a lot of big news, how many people would know a little singer named Link?"

Kanye said with a dark face.

Eminem covered his face, feeling that there was no way to communicate with this guy. He looked at Kanye, Lil and the others and shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever you want, I don't care. I'm going back to the studio to record songs. I haven't been free for the past two months and I don't answer the phone. You don't have to look for me for drinks."

After that, Eminem waved his hand.

Lil watched him leave, shook his head and said, "Eminem is white, and he still leans towards Link in his heart."

"Shut up!"

Kanye yelled, "Damn it, put down that broken microphone, and Eminem is our friend, don't say he's not behind his back."

Lil shrugged, dropped the microphone and said, "I know, I'm kidding."

"Humph! Don't make such jokes in the future. Link and I didn't have much conflict originally, but you ran to the Grammy podium and made things worse. Last time Link released a new song, I didn't plan to release it in advance, and you came to persuade me. Now things have become so big, you have a lot of responsibility."

Kanye cursed with a dark face.

Lil spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Kanye, you wronged me. This is not my intention."

"Hmph! Please control your fans recently. MJ's comeback concert is about to start. Please give MJ some face, okay?"

Kanye glared at a few people, angrily cursed a few times, and left the club.

Lil shook his head and cursed that it was all Link's fault.


"Link, there are a lot of bad comments on the Internet recently. Some people want to label you a racist again. In response to this situation, we have held a meeting to discuss and come up with a more appropriate solution. Do you want to listen to it?"

In the morning, Link received a call from Eva Ka on his way to the boxing ring for training.

"What solution?"

Link asked. As an idol, he didn't want to be labeled with that kind of label. With that kind of label, the development of his career would be greatly restricted.

"We suggest you find an African-American girlfriend. Considering that you already have a girlfriend, we are going to arrange an African-American model for you to have a scandal with. What do you think? If you are worried that Taylor will have an opinion, I can explain it to Taylor in person." Ivaka asked.

Link was stunned for a moment, "You are definitely kidding."

Ivaka said in a faint voice: "But this is indeed the most effective way to wash away the stigma."

"Yes, after washing away the label of racist, I was labeled as a scumbag. This is a bad idea that I can reject with my toes. Is this really a good idea that you have discussed at a meeting?" Link asked helplessly.

Ivaka was silent, but Link heard a faint laugh, and then he heard Ivaka say: "Okay, this is indeed the solution I just came up with, but do you have a better solution than this?"

Link shook his head, "I am an artist, and it should be your job as the president to find a way to wash away the stigma on me and help me build a good reputation. You ask me?"

"Okay, next I will contact Dynasty Promotion Company and work with public relations to find a way to help you wash away the stigma. During this period, you should not make any public response for the time being. In addition, remember to bring bodyguards when you are outside. There are many criminals among the fans of that group of rappers. Be careful."

"I understand!"

Link looked at Bob and Wallace in the front seat.

Bob is of Mexican descent, 45 years old, has served in the military for four years and the police for six years. He came to America ten years ago and is his driver.

Wallace is of German descent, 42 years old, has served in the Marine Corps for five years, worked as a security guard at Golden Shield Defense Company for twelve years, and is now his bodyguard.

The two were bodyguards arranged by Link Music and Dynasty Promotions, and they had gun licenses.

In terms of safety, Link was not too worried, and he did not believe that anyone would come out to play assassination tricks now.

However, in order to avoid accidents, he spent most of his time in the boxing ring for closed-door training after the game.

He really wanted to know whether the reason for the slowdown in his strength and speed improvement was the reduction in training time, or the bottleneck, or the limitation of physical fitness. Is there any solution?

After all, no matter what the environment, a healthy body and strong strength are the foundation of life and livelihood.

Becoming strong is more important than making hundreds of millions of dollars.

He knew this very well.

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