Link called Anna to ask about "Transformers 2" and the single.

Anna told him that "Transformers 2" had a box office of US$82.95 million on its first day of release. After five days of release, it earned US$201.2 million in North America, becoming the second-largest "five-day box office record" in history. It also ranked first in the overseas box office market. Received US$162 million.

Because this movie is a big hit recently, the theme song "Give Me Reason" matches the plot of the movie very well. It is jokingly called the MV of the song by the audience. As a result, many people choose to download resources online or go to the physical store after watching the movie. Buy records in the store and listen to them.

In just five days, the total online and offline sales of this single reached 627,000 copies, 5,000 copies more than "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)" in the second week of its release.

It narrowly topped the Billboard singles chart, becoming Link's second number one single.

"So that's it!"

When he and Graeme discussed releasing a single before the movie was released, they wanted to use the popularity of the movie to promote it. They also thought that after "Transformers 2" was released, the song would sell tens of thousands more copies, but it sold 620,000 copies in a week. It topped the singles chart, which was completely beyond his expectation.

Anna told him that after the movie was released, many mainstream media took the initiative to promote this single. They believed that the lyrics of this single were also positive and uplifting. It was an anti-war and anti-discrimination song and worthy of vigorous promotion.

The video he posted on YouTube in March had more than 20 million views. Many fans left messages to support him and advised him not to go into the rap world and continue to make pop music and rock.

Among the several trailers released by the publisher of "Transformers 2", one also used this song as the background soundtrack, and it has been viewed more than 5 million times on YouTube.

In addition, the song is of extremely high quality and Link sings it very well.

The combination of several advantages allowed "Give Me Reason" to reach No. 1 on the singles chart.

This song surpassed "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)" to top the Billboard singles chart, which shocked countless people in the industry.

Last week, Link was still having trouble with a group of East Coast rappers on the rap charts, and was even snatched away from the No. 1 spot by Jay-Z's single.

Faced with attacks from many anti-fans, Link was forced to make a compromise and announced that it would postpone the release of its new single for half a month.

But in the blink of an eye, he quietly used a rock song to regain his lost ground on the singles chart and beat Jay-Z again.

This result is so unexpected.

After seeing the news, many conspirators agreed that this was Link's strategy. They said that Link used many clever tactics in this battle, including attacking in the east, attacking in the west, retreating, cheating, Trojan horse trick, turning back, etc. Dozens of tactics.

Those conspirators said that he was a master of boxing tactics and had repeatedly used exquisite ring tactics to defeat powerful enemies.

Now he has applied this tactic to the music world, defeating the boss of the rap world, the New York rap king Jay-Z, and giving the East Coast rap gang a hard slap in the face, which is very powerful.

Jay-Z, Kanye, Lil and others, as well as their fans, were also caught off guard by this sudden number one single.

When they heard that Link Music had announced a delay in releasing songs, they privately ridiculed Link for being a softie, fighting against the East Coast rap gang alone, and overestimating his abilities.

But in just the past week, the situation on the Billboard has changed drastically. Link has powerfully topped the Billboard with a pop rock single.

"This must be Link's conspiracy. He first deliberately showed weakness to make us relax our vigilance, and then used a cold fist to sneak up on us. What a despicable guy."

Lil Wayne said angrily.

Jay-Z didn't speak, just frowned and smoked his cigar silently.

Rihanna glanced at Jay-Z. In 2005, she signed a contract with JAY-Z's Def Jam record company and became a singer under Jay-Z.

The three albums currently released were jointly created by Jay-Z, Kanye and others, helping her gain a foothold in the North American music scene, which also allowed her to maintain a very close relationship with the East Coast rap team.

But often hearing Katy Perry mention Link also gave her a good impression of Link.

Rihanna thought for a moment and said, "I think it's a coincidence. "Give Me Reason" suddenly sold so many copies in the fifth week of its release. Link Music probably didn't expect it."

"Rihanna, you think of Link too simply."

Lil Wayne shook his head and said, "Link Music said at first that they would not compete with us for the charts, but after the release of "Transformers 2", they immediately increased their promotion of the song, allowing the media to praise the song. This Aren't you competing with us for ranking?

In addition, the sales volume of this song is neither more nor less, just 5,000 copies more than "D.O.A.". This is clearly a slap in our face. I suspect they did it on purpose. They are probably hiring people to boost sales. "

Sales volume reduction is not new in the music industry. There are companies providing related services in various places. However, sales volume reduction is relatively expensive. After being exposed, it will also affect the reputation of the singer. Generally, there are very few singers on independent labels. Do this kind of thing.

Only major record companies would use this unconventional method to package their singers and give them a best-selling halo.

Rihanna has listened to a few of Link's songs and feels that he is very good from lyrics to music to singing. He is a capable newcomer. In addition, he has a lot of halo and a good image, and he can sell so many albums. There is no problem.

"Rihanna, Leal is right, Link is not a good person."

ex-boyfriend Chris Brown said.

Rihanna glanced at him, hummed softly, turned her head and crossed her arms and stopped talking.

"What should we do now? Do we still want to compete for the rankings?" 50 Cents asked.

"How to fight? That's the number one spot on the Billboard singles chart, not the category number one. It's too difficult to win the title."

Kanye said grimly.

There are many American musicians, and new works are released every month. The songs that can appear on the Billboard Hot 100 are all extremely high-quality songs. It is very difficult to be on the list, and it is even more difficult to win the single championship. .

Superstars like MJ only had 14 number one singles, and the legendary rock band The Beatles only had 20 number one singles, ranking first.

Last time, his "Monster" sold 610,000 copies in the first week. He originally had a chance to top the singles chart, but he accidentally encountered the hit song "Boom Boom Pow" of the Black Eyed Peas, which continued for 12 weeks. Winning the championship again, it suppresses the songs below.

It wasn't until Jay-Z released a single and everyone recommended it that he took the top spot from the Black Eyed Peas. However, before he could sit firmly, he was pulled down by Link again.

Thinking of this, Kanye's eyes suddenly widened with an incredible expression on his face.

Link has only debuted for half a year and already has two number one singles, while he has only had four number one singles after five years of debut. If he continues at this rate, he will be tied by Link in less than two years.

"Asshole!! I will never let you succeed."

While everyone was talking, Kanye suddenly roared, kicked over the coffee table in the middle, put on his hood and sunglasses, and walked away angrily without even saying hello.

The people around him were stunned, but considering that Kanye has bipolar disorder, they didn't care too much.

"Jay-Z, the recording of "Forever" that I collaborated with Kanye, Eminem, and Drake has been completed. The quality is very good. Do you want to release it in advance for charting?"

Lil Wayne suggested.

Jay-Z smoked a cigar and thought for a while, then said: "Stop competing for the rankings now and wait until MJ's concert is over."

Lille, 50 Cent and others nodded and did not refute.

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