Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 191: Far Ahead (Additional chapter 1010 for the leader)

In the fourth week after its release, "Go Forward" sold 389,000 copies in a week in the United States, ranking first on the Billboard 200 album chart for the second time.

"The Blueprint 3" ranked second, selling 232,000 copies this week, 150,000 copies ahead of "Go Forward".

Some media analyzed the reasons. First, Link held a gold medal giveaway event last week, which gained a lot of exposure.

Jay-Z's promotional activities were boring and lacked highlights. In addition, Lil Wayne, Drake and others were late to the event many times and behaved very negatively.

The second reason is the album style and quality.

"Go Forward" belongs to the style of rock, pop, and electronic music. It is more popular and has a wider audience.

The songs in this album are also great, similar to "Give me reason" and "Believer". The tunes are high-pitched and exciting, and the rhythm and soundtrack are also very intense. Paired with Link's impactful voice, it is very exciting to listen to. .

"The Blueprint 3" is also very good. It was named the best rap album in 2009 by the hip-hop music magazine "XXL". Jay-Z also relied on this album to save his declining reputation and popularity in the music industry.

But rap music is not as popular among light-skinned people.

This also results in "The Blueprint 3" having a narrower audience than "Forward".

There are also songs in the album. Although there are two champion singles, the quality of other songs is generally not as good as "Go Forward", and the popularity is not as good as that of several songs in Link's second album.

The Los Angeles Times analyzed that the third reason lies with the singer.

Compared with Jay-Z, a 41-year-old middle-aged black man with a fat body, Link is 21 years old, young and handsome, tall, strong and handsome, with a good public image and a youth idol.

One is a veteran actor and the other is a new star.

In terms of influence and appeal among young people, Jay-Z is more than a step ahead of Link.

This is also the reason why "The Blueprint 3" is still far away despite constant publicity.

However, there is good news for Jay-Z this week. "Empire State of Mind" topped the Billboard singles chart for the third week in a row, while "Believer" dropped to fourth place.

This time Link and Jay-Z are competing for the list.

In terms of album sales, Link and Jay-Z each topped the album chart for two weeks, with Link winning in terms of cumulative sales.

On the singles chart, "Go Forward" has only one number one single, "Give me reason", which topped the singles chart for a week.

"The Blueprint 3" had two songs, and it topped the singles chart for four weeks.

But Link's album had more songs on the charts.

The New York Post commented that the two had won and lost each other when competing for the rankings, and the two were tied, and advised the two to make peace.

People in the music industry also think this way, thinking that if the two are tied, it would be better to take the opportunity to make peace. If they continue to fight, other people's albums will not be able to sell during the same period.

But for Jay-Z and the East Coast rap gang, the tie was a hard result to accept.

They are all top figures in the music industry. Jay-Z is a veteran top figure and the king of the New York music scene. They all come together and work overtime to promote, but they are tied with Link, a newcomer who has only released two albums?

A tie means a loss to them, a group of people lost to one person.

"Is there any other good way?"

Jay-Z asked.

Kanye and others shook their heads together. This album has been released for four weeks. Just like a movie, the first month has the highest data, and the sales volume will become lower and lower in the future. With good quality albums, the longer the long tail effect lasts, the cumulative sales will be higher.

The quality of the album "The Blueprint 3" is okay, but not top-notch. The distribution company predicts that the total sales in the United States will be within 2.5 million copies.

Continuing to promote it will not do much good.

There is no good way for everyone to reverse the disadvantage.

"I propose reconciliation."

Beyoncé leaned on the Italian sofa, crossed her long legs, and shook a glass of Bordeaux red wine. She said, "Rihanna and Katy Perry have talked. Link doesn't want to compete with you. It's you who have topped the list many times in a row." He was forced to accept the challenge because of the competition, so it would be better to propose a settlement while the two sides were tied. "

"Bullshit! His speech outside the Grammy Awards, saying that after African Americans were elected, we have become domineering and hostile to us. Later, he suddenly released the rap single "I'm the One", which was also deliberate. Dare you say he was forced to provoke us? Shit!"

Jay-Z cursed sullenly.

"So, do you have any way to defeat him?"

Beyoncé smiled and glanced at Jay-Z, Kanye, and Lear.

Dreadlocked Lear glanced at Beyoncé's thighs and said: "Jay-Z, we did not lose. At first we only competed with Link for the rap chart championship. Later, we were hyped by the media and led astray, so we The battleground shifts to the album charts.

Now we just need to use the media to draw everyone's attention back to the rap charts and continue to compete with Link on the rap charts. "

Seeing everyone looking over, Lil laughed and said even more excitedly, "Currently on the rap singles chart, "Empire State of Mind" is the champion, and "The Blueprint 3" has 12 songs in the hot40.

Link's song "I'm the One" had long been pushed off the list, and "Lighters" was only ranked at 1k. Music was completely defeated in the field of rap, so this time in the competition for the list, we won a big victory and Link lost. "

After everyone thought about it, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

Initially they and Link only competed for the rap charts.

In the meantime, because "Give me reason" stole the number one spot on the singles chart from Jay-Z's promotional single "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)", everyone shifted their attention from the rap chart to the singles chart.

Later, due to media propaganda, the competition between the two parties moved from the singles chart to the album chart, and was defeated by Link's album.

If he had not changed his position and only competed in the field of rap, Link, a new rap artist with Link Music's three raw melon eggs, would definitely not be the opponent of these top rap artists.


Jay-Z had a dark look on his face and slapped the armrest of the sofa heavily.

"Fell into a trap! We fell into Link's trick. That damn bastard knew that he was no match for us in the rap field, so he used a trick to get us out of the rap field and then compete with us. This bastard is so cunning."

When everyone thinks about it, Link is indeed cunning.

Perhaps when he attacked Kanye at a press conference at the beginning of the year, he deliberately started a fight with the intention of provoking conflicts between the two parties and making the matter bigger, thereby gaining more attention, increasing the exposure of his first album, and boosting sales figures.

The fact that his debut single was able to sell double platinum in the United States fully proves that his trick was successful.

He took a break for two months, and before the release of his second album, he started the war again with a rap single, taking advantage of everyone's popularity to create a lot of news for himself and his second album.

Seeing him as a newcomer being bullied by a group of top rappers, and a young pretty boy being bullied by a group of black people, the public and public opinion will definitely sympathize with and support him.

Then he succeeded and the album became a hit.

"Damn Link! You are really rubbing off on me."

Kanye West was furious and kicked the table. The marble table did not move at all. Kanye suddenly took a breath of air and fell on the sofa holding his feet. He also calmed down.

After the others figured this out, they also looked angry and wanted to shoot Link.

"Is Link that powerful?"

Rihanna asked with some disbelief, sitting next to Beyoncé.

It was Kanye, Lil, and 50 Cent who targeted Link first, and Link was forced to fight back, and he did the same thing several times later. If Link started planning from the beginning of the year to promote the album, it would be terrible. .

"Rihanna, the news says that Link is a master of ring tactics, and in many matches he relies on intrigue to defeat his opponents.

During his amateur competition, he was very good at using the fame of other boxing stars to create hype. When he debuted, his fame was greater than that of the second-tier boxing champions. This shows that Link is a very cunning guy. "

Chris Brown said.

Rihanna snorted lightly and ignored it.

After listening to Chris Brown's words, Kanye was even more sure that Link had been rubbing off on him, and he kicked the sofa a few times in anger.

"We should go back with revenge."

Lil Wayne shouted angrily.

"How to take revenge?"

Jay-Z and others all looked at Lil, who had many braids and a quick mind.

Leal scratched his pigtails and said, "How about finding someone to put drugs and guns in his car?"

"Link is not an ordinary person, and these methods of dealing with ordinary people are useless to him." Jay-Z said with a frown.

T.I. thought for a while and said, "Hey, how about giving him a woman? He is very powerful in that area and must be looking for women outside. If we take the opportunity to get one, and then accuse him of harassment and rape, his reputation will definitely be bad."

Jay-Z touched his chin. This was a good idea, targeting Link's weaknesses.

But it is more difficult to operate. First, you need to find a beautiful woman, and secondly, you need Link to be willing to accept her. This kind of thing cannot be completed in a few days.

Jay-Z thought for a while, "First, through media PR, we will draw the public's attention back to the field of rap and let everyone know that we are the kings of rap music. In this field, no one can defeat us. Others We’ll figure it out later.”

Everyone nodded, this was a good idea.

Beyoncé and Rihanna looked at each other and shook their heads, feeling that these men were so boring and only knew how to fight around all day long.

The ten additional updates have been completed. Thanks again to Mr. Grief Mo Yan for the reward^_^.

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