"Hi! Good evening, viewers of MTV Music Channel. This is the pre-stage of the MTV Awards. We just saw off the Green Day band that arrived on a fire truck. Next up is Lady Gaga. Wow, I bet she's dressed the best today."

At Radio City Music Hall, outside the red carpet for the awards ceremony, the black host Quincy Jones said in an exaggerated tone as he looked at Lady Gaga walking down the red carpet.

Lady Gaga was wearing a black knitted feather dress, a golden 'Phantom of the Opera' mask covering half of her face, and a black dome hat on her head. Her look was very unique.

After Lady Gaga appeared, the fans at the scene shouted loudly, even louder than when the Green Day band entered just now.

Lady Gaga is very popular this year. She released her first solo studio album "The Fame" in August last year, and currently has sold more than 15 million copies worldwide.

After the release of the lead single "Poker Face", it won the singles chart championship in 20 countries including the United States. The single sold more than 10 million copies in the United States and was certified as a diamond single by the Recording Industry Association.

Although Taylor's second album "Fearless" has also sold more than 10 million copies worldwide.

The lead singles "Dream It Possible", "Love story" and "You belong with me" have also won the singles chart championship in more than a dozen countries including the United States. "Dream It Possible" has also sold 8 million copies in the United States.

But in terms of influence and popularity, Taylor is temporarily behind Lady Gaga.

Even Beyonce, the queen who has debuted for many years, is not her opponent in popularity.

Lady Gaga has become a phenomenal pop star in two years since her debut.

The only one who can compete with her in popularity is Link Baker, who has two best-selling albums, various championship halos, and the phenomenal single "See You Again".

Four weeks after its release, "See You Again" is still far ahead of other songs, and has topped the Billboard singles chart for two consecutive weeks. It has also topped the singles charts in 32 countries and regions including the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Japan, and South Korea.

Last week, the total sales of this single in the United States exceeded 15 million copies, and the global sales were close to 40 million copies, making it one of the best-selling diamond singles in the world music scene.

Although "See You Again" has become a phenomenal single, Link himself has not yet become a phenomenal superstar.

Therefore, in terms of influence, he is still inferior to Lady Gaga.

"Good evening, Miss Gaga, your outfit is incredible. I just said that you will get the best dressed of the night, and now I still insist on this."

Host Quincy Jones greeted Lady Gaga to prepare for a live interview.

"Thank you! Quincy, you are also charming tonight."

Lady Gaga took out a big-mouthed doll on her hand and said in a weird tone.

Quincy Jones laughed, "Miss Gaga, your outfit today is very classic. Can you tell us about the connotation of these designs?"

"Okay, Quincy!"

Lady Gaga did not speak directly, but used the big mouth doll in her hand to explain the design concept of the shape.

Because her hit single this year is "Poker Face", she has to wear a mask, and the black knitted feather dress and the round hat on her body are matched with several popular songs in the album "The Fame".

Before the interview was over, there was a warm cheer from the street.

The queen Beyonce arrived. She was wearing a bright red deep V evening dress, matched with reddish-brown skin, like a sausage with the casing peeled off, with plump meat.

Beyonce is 28 years old this year. She debuted with the "Destiny's Child" group in 1993 and became a top girl group. In 2003, she went solo and released three best-selling albums in a row, becoming a music queen and a billionaire. This year, she received 9 MTV TV Music Awards nominations for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)".

Like Lady Gaga, she is also one of the hottest figures on MTV this year.

There are also bookmakers who set up betting projects with the two of them, betting on who will win more awards.

Quincy Jones didn't expect that she would enter the venue before and after Lady Gaga, and it might be difficult to interview them if they met.

Lady Gaga saw Beyonce coming, waved her hand puppet at the camera, and left the red carpet area.

Quincy also breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Beyonce with the microphone.


"Honey, do you want to bet and see who can win the award tonight?"

In the Bentley car, Taylor looked at the street and said.

"What is the reward for winning?"

Link leaned back in the seat and smiled.

"If I get it and you don't, I will make you dessert to comfort you. If you get it and I don't, you have to tell me ten jokes to make me happy."

"If we both get it, or if we don't get it, how will we reward it?"

"It's impossible to get both. MTV is not a couple's show. If we don't get it, I will make you dessert and you tell me jokes."

"Good idea!"

Link nodded.

"Link Taylor, it's your turn."

Anna knocked on the car door and said.

As the car slid forward for more than fifty meters, it stopped at the entrance of the red carpet.

Link opened the door and got out of the car first.

Waves of enthusiastic shouting immediately came from the street, and many spectators shouted "Lin Klink", both boys and girls, and the girls' voices were louder.

Stretching out his hand inward, Taylor put his long white fingers on his palm, and under his guidance, he lowered his head and walked out of the car door.

As the two stood side by side on the street, the roar from the audience was deafening and echoed from the buildings on both sides of the street.

Several fans tried to rush over the barrier, but were stopped by on-site security personnel.

Link and Taylor waved to the audience, then to the MTV cameras, and signed autographs to several enthusiastic fans.

"Wow! Link is so handsome, Taylor is so beautiful, and they are the most popular male and female singers in the music industry. It is hard to imagine that they are a couple. They are definitely the most well-matched couple in the world."

Host Quincy Jones looked at the two people walking on the red carpet and praised them.

One of the two was handsome and tall in a slim-fitting dark suit, and the other was tall and beautiful in an exquisite evening dress.

The two walked hand in hand on the red carpet. In terms of appearance, fame and strength, no couple in the current entertainment industry is stronger than the two of them. What is even more difficult is that the average age of the two is 20 years old.

"Good evening Link, good evening Taylor!"

Quincy Jones stepped forward with a microphone and said hello.

"Hi! Quincy!"

Link and Taylor came to the interview area in the middle of the red carpet to be interviewed by the MTV television channel.

The surrounding photographers kept pressing the shutter to take pictures of the two people from various angles, and their flashes flashed together.

Outside the surrounding barriers, many fans were still shouting Link and Taylor's names.

Judging from the volume, the number of fans at the scene was about the same.

"Link Taylor, before the awards ceremony, I heard that the two of you would appear together. At that time, I was thinking, wow, Link and Taylor come together. You will definitely be the most dazzling couple tonight. I I still stand by that.”

Quincy Jones said.

"Thank you! Quincy, I heard that every time you host a show, you prepare a lot of beautiful words to praise the guests, so tonight Link and I will be assigned the 'most dazzling' one?"

Taylor laughed.

Quincy laughed, "Yes, and the most popular and the best match. I think it's not too much to praise you with all the words of praise. You are a dream couple."

"Dream couple? I love that adjective, Quincy, thank you!"

Taylor laughed.

Quincy smiled and asked about their clothing.

Taylor pointed to the one-shoulder dress and said it was the dress of Juliet, the heroine of "Love Story". Then she took Link's hand and said to the camera, "This is "You Belong With Me". Belongs only to me."

"Wow! That's so sweet."

Host Quincy and the surrounding fans cheered loudly.

Live cameras also focused on Link and Tyler's crossed hands.

"They look so in love, I'm so jealous of Taylor!"

In a high-rise apartment in the TP Building, Lana Del Rey said while watching the live broadcast of the MTV music channel.

Next to her, Ivaca was sitting sideways on the sofa wearing a silk nightgown, with her long golden brown hair hanging loose, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, looking at Link and Taylor on the TV, and humming softly in her nose.

Lana looked back at her and asked: "Eva, do you like Link?"

"He and I just have a partnership."

Ivaca said expressionlessly.

"But you will definitely like him too. Link is very, very good both externally and internally. For such a boy, no girl can control her feelings and not like him. I bet you are the same."

Lana smiled.

Iwaka looked at her with her forehead raised and her legs swaying, "So you also like Link?"

Lana shrugged her shoulders, "Of course, Link is so good and so charming. I have been in contact with him several times, and it is even harder to resist his charm."

"You can pursue him, maybe you have a chance." Ivaca smiled.

Lana glanced at the two people on the TV and shook her head, "Taylor is also very good. I can't beat her, but I know there is someone who can definitely do it."

"Oh, who is it?"

Ivaca blinked her long eyelashes.

Lana smiled slightly and pointed her index finger at her.

"I know you like Link, very much. Otherwise, it would be impossible for you not to have a boyfriend for so long without even a single scandal. You would also close other companies and put more time and energy into Link music. All because of Lin. Right?"

Ivaca pursed her lips and hummed noncommittally.

"I also know that if you take action, you will definitely be able to snatch Link over. I just don't understand why you haven't taken action yet. Are you waiting for an opportunity?"

Lana stared at her and smiled.

"You're wrong. I care more about career than men."

Ivaca stood up from the sofa, and the silk nightgown she wore immediately slid down her white thighs, clinging tightly to her plump curves.

"When a woman has her own career, she can take control of her own life, including love."

Ivaca walked towards the bar while talking.

Lara looked at the faint peach-shaped curves under her nightgown, like a plump and ripe peach.

When she walked, her charm was revealed. Even though she was a woman, she couldn't help drooling. She didn't think Link would not be attracted to such a woman.

And Link was so handsome, talented, and had a super strong body. She didn't think Evaka would be uninterested in him.

She didn't know what Evaka was going to do, but she felt that things would not continue like this.

Evaka turned and walked into the bar. Lana looked back at the TV and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Eva, guess what Link wore on the red carpet?"

"A boxing glove as big as a sandbag."

Evaka's voice floated from the bar.

"You know? Well, you are partners, and he will definitely not hide his things from you."

Lana shrugged her shoulders and saw on TV that Link showed the audience his super invincible boxing glove, which was a red boxing glove two or three times larger than an ordinary boxing glove, worn on his left hand, and there was a cartoon smiley face on the boxing glove.

When he walked the red carpet before, he held Taylor with his right hand and put his left hand behind his back, so no one could see it.

When the host asked him about his attire, he took out his left hand and shook it.

He wore a straight and serious suit, but wore an oversized boxing glove, which looked very interesting.

"Link, I'm curious, why did you wear boxing gloves to attend the MTV Awards? Are you going to promote boxing through the MTV channel?"

Host Quincy Jones asked.

"No, the single I was nominated for is "Unstoppable", and the songs in my first album also tell the story of a boxer. I think it's a good idea to wear boxing gloves, don't you think?"

Link asked, waving his fist.

"Haha, yes, it's great, no one dares to deny it."

When interviewing Link and Taylor, there was another round of cheers on the street, and someone shouted "Kanye is here".

Link pulled Taylor to look at the entrance of the red carpet.

Kanye West was seen walking on the red carpet with his girlfriend Amber Rose in his arms.

Kanye wore a black short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans, with the left hem of the shirt tucked into his belt. He was holding a half-bottle of Chivas Regal in his hand, and his walking posture was very cool.

His current girlfriend is the supermodel Amber Rose, who has a shaved head and wears a tight snakeskin lace dress, which fully reveals her bombshell figure, as if she is not wearing anything.

Judging from Amber Rose's figure and clothes, Kanye is also a dedicated person. No matter how old he is, his taste is the same. He likes bombshell women and likes his girlfriend to wear revealing and avant-garde clothes.

Seeing Amber Rose, Link remembered another thing. This woman seemed to be the future wife of Wiz Khalifa. Wiz's taste is also very unique.

"Everyone, see you on the scene!"

Link and Taylor waved at the camera.

"Wait a minute, Link, I heard that you and Kanye have reconciled. Do you want to talk here? I think this is a great idea."

Quincy Jones said excitedly.

"No, it's Mr. West's time next. We'll leave this to him."

Link waved his hand and pulled Taylor into Radio City Music Hall.

Quincy Jones was a little disappointed to see him and Taylor leave.

Link and Kanye are the new king of pop and rap respectively. They have public conflicts, although they interacted publicly on Twitter some time ago and expressed reconciliation.

But is it a real reconciliation or a fake reconciliation? This is something many people want to know.

If the two could take a photo together on the red carpet or chat in person, the ratings of this MTV Awards Ceremony would definitely be higher and there would be more hot topics.

"Hi! Kanye Apple! Wow, you two are definitely the wildest and sexiest couple tonight."

Quincy Jones shouted in an exaggerated tone.

"Hey! Man, is that Link in front? He looks like he's going to a high school graduation party, which is very boring."

Kanye said with his girlfriend in his arms, curling his lips.

Quincy laughed and looked at the bottle in his hand, "Is this your idea? It looks really good."

"Yes, 18-year-old Chivas, do you want to try it?"

Kanye picked up the whiskey in his hand and asked with a spit of alcohol.

"Oh, no, thank you, I really want to try it, but I still need to work."

After interviewing Kanye for a few questions, Quincy Jones sent the two away and saw Katy Perry walking over in a bright silver evening dress with a bare chest.

He thought seriously about what adjectives were left to praise her?

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