"Hey Eminem, congratulations!"

Link said after seeing Eminem come back from his performance.

"Thank you! Link, you have a chance."

Eminem gave him a fist bump, sat down with the Astros trophy and said.

"what chance?"

"A chance to win the Best Male Vocalist Video of the Year."

Eminem shook the trophy in his hand and said, "They gave me this, and they will definitely not give me another Male Vocalist of the Year award."

Link thought for a moment, does he have a chance to win the prize?

The probability is relatively small.

Beyoncé and Lady Gaga are the two favorites this year, with nine nominations each.

Link competes with Lady Gaga for the Best New Artist Award. If Lady Gaga can win the Best Female Singer, he may win the Best New Artist Award.

But that award was taken away by Taylor, and Lady Gaga has a greater chance of winning the best new artist.

In addition, the registration period for the MTV Awards is before July.

He was nominated for a song from the special.

The performance of the first album in all aspects is slightly worse than that of the second album, so the probability of winning this time is extremely small.

It is very possible to get two nominations this year and get a Best Male Vocalist award next year or something else, just like Taylor.

"Hey, Eminem, are you kidding me? He wants to win Best Male Singer just because of his crappy MV? MTV gave him a nomination because he caught on to MJ's popularity."

Lil Wayne said dissatisfiedly after hearing Eminem's words.

"Have you guys seen the MV for "unstoppable"? It's really good. I suggest you go check it out."

Eminem said.

"I don't watch those drama-based MVs, they're not cool at all."

Lil Wayne said disdainfully.

"Yes, if the voting committee awards him the award, I swear I will never come to the MTV awards ceremony in the future."

T.I. said while showing his white teeth.

"me too!"

50 Cent, Drake, and Chris Brown also nodded.

Just as he was talking, another Latin queen Jennifer Lopez and Australian actress Rose Byrne walked onto the podium and began to present awards.

"The award for Best Male Video goes to Link Baker for "Unstoppable"!"


As soon as Jennifer Lopez said Link's name, there were several roars from the audience.

Kanye, Lil Wayne, and 50 Cent stood up with angry faces. Even Jay-Z, who had always been unmoved, turned to look at Link with knives in his eyes.

Link was also very surprised. The MV for "Unstoppable" is a plot flow, like a five-minute short film. It is not cool enough, has few special effects, and the dance is not exciting enough. From a visual effect point of view, it is much better than Jay-Z and Kanye. People's MVs are very different.

The MTV Music Awards have always paid more attention to MVs with better visual effects. Hip-hop and rap MVs have good visuals and dance, and they win awards more frequently.

Now the organizers of the MTV Awards have awarded this award to him.

Link was more surprised than everyone present.

"Link, I was right, you really won the prize!"

Eminem nudged him in surprise as well.

"Amu, maybe it's the luck you gave me."

Link laughed and bumped shoulders with Eminem and Wiz.

"Hey Link, congratulations on your win!"

Beyoncé and Rihanna said from the front.


After leaving his seat, he hugged Doutzen Kroes, the heroine of the "Unstoppable" music video. He passed by Taylor, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry, and was asked to leave for three more hugs.

When he left his seat, Kanye, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, and T.I. also left their seats one after another, causing quite a stir at the scene.

And the online news about the ‘26th MTV Music and Television Awards’ has undoubtedly made the headlines on all news websites.

When Link won the award, the number of tweets about the award on Twitter exceeded 1.2 million within ten minutes.

After Kanye and others left the meeting angrily, the hot word immediately exceeded 4 million times, more than three times more popular than before when Kanye grabbed the microphone.

In terms of TV ratings, according to Nielsen’s data department, halfway through the MTV Awards ceremony, there were three ratings peaks:

They were Link playing the piano and MJ holographic projection appearing in the sky, with ratings reaching 14 million;

Kanye and Link competed for the microphone, and the ratings directly reached 22 million viewers. In the subsequent period, the ratings basically remained between 12 and 15 million.

After Link won the award and Kanye and others left the show, the ratings directly exceeded 28 million, reaching a peak of 28.72 million.

Although not as good as major sporting events such as the Super Bowl and Football League.

But among entertainment programs, it is already comparable to the Academy Awards ceremony at the beginning of the year, and the highest ratings are even higher than the 2009 Academy Awards.

"Wow! Link won the award unexpectedly! Kanye and Lil Wayne left the meeting angrily. It was so exciting."

"Are all these scenes real? Why do you feel like there is a script?"

"Same feeling! Everyone knows that several people don't get along. If there was no script, Link would not be placed there."

"The organizer arranged for Link to sit with Jay-Z, Kanye, and T.I. just to increase the effect of the show. It is definitely a script!"

"There is no way there is a script. Based on Link's relationship with the East Coast rap group, they will obediently cooperate with Link's acting? Absolutely impossible!"

"Support Kanye for winning! Link drop that trophy."

"It must be a script, not a script. Before Kanye grabbed the microphone, Link had already hit someone. How could he not even touch Kanye? This year's MTV Awards is a big show."

The traffic of major social platforms on the Internet also increased significantly at this time. People who had not followed the MTV music channel before could not help but turn on the TV and take a look. Everyone wanted to know whether these scenes tonight were scripts.

So when Link walked up to the podium, took the silver Astronaut trophy from Ms. Rose Byrne, and was about to give his acceptance speech, the program's ratings officially exceeded 28 million viewers.

"Thank you! Thank you everyone! This is really a wonderful moment. I will stand here again and receive this important award. This is the best encouragement for my work in the past year.

Thank you to MTV, thank you to all viewers, all fans, I love you. Without your vote and support, I think it would be difficult for me to stand here and say such words. "

Link said while holding the heavy trophy and looking at the thousands of spectators in the audience.

Although he has won several music awards before, the gold content is much inferior to this trophy, and the scale of the award ceremony is also much lower.

Now he stands here, looking at the hundreds of star singers in the audience, including Taylor, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Beyoncé, Eminem, and Sharkey. La, Ashley Greene, Paris Hilton, Ambrosio Alexander, Green Day, Coldplay and more.

Each one of them is a star that he once followed, and now he is being followed by these people, and even more people.

It's a much different feeling than lifting a belt or wearing an Olympic gold medal.

When he picked up this trophy, he felt that he had truly entered the American entertainment industry, rather than being a boxer and part-time singer.

"Thank you also to Director Herrick. You are the first and most important director I have ever worked with. Thank you to the beautiful Ms. Doutzen Kroes and all the staff of the "Unstoppable" MV crew. Thank you for your efforts.

At the same time, I would also like to thank my partner Miss Ivaca and all the staff of Link Music. This award also belongs to you. "

Link looked at Director Stephen Herrick, Doutzen Kroes and others in the audience, and finally his eyes came to Taylor.

"Finally, what I must thank is my girlfriend, Ms. Taylor Swift, who taught me music and creation. She is also my eternal teacher in music."

"Link, I love you!"

Taylor put her hands against her red lips and blew him several hot kisses.

"Wow, it's a big dog food scene. I want to see Kanye and the others go on stage to grab the trophy, and then get knocked out by Link one by one. Can you show me this?"

"Come on Link! You are always the best!"

"This award was supposed to go to T.I. and Rihanna. There is definitely a shady story."

"Jay-Z is the King of New York, support Jay-Z for winning!"

When Link delivered his acceptance speech, his personal fan website also became more active, with tens of thousands of fans leaving messages and photos online to celebrate Link winning an important music award.

"Catherine, Link won the award, the MTV Award for Best Male Vocalist."

Selina shouted towards the study.


"I also want to sing, and I will also win awards in the future."

Selena watched TV and started playing the guitar.

She originally planned to release the single "Let it go" in June, but after the Disney music department heard her singing that song, they felt that she had great potential in music and were ready to help her create an album.

The album is currently in production and is scheduled to be released in November, so she is now considered a quasi-professional singer.

"Iwaka, how did Link get this award?"

In the TP high-rise apartment, Lana looked back at Ivaca, who was wearing glasses and flipping through a magazine, and asked, "I think it's more appropriate for him to win the best new artist."

"I don't know, but I can guess that the ratings of the MTV Awards have been declining year by year in recent years. MTV is also looking for ways to increase the ratings and the influence of the MTV Music and Television Awards in the music world. Link and East Coast The contradictions of rappers also give them opportunities.”

Ivaca held the magazine and said slowly.

"Let Link win the award and create a topic? It's just that they arranged for Link to be nominated at the same time as Jay-Z, Kanye and other rap kings, and then let Link win. It seems like they are deliberately provoking conflicts between the two parties."

Lana thought for a moment and said.

"What does it matter? If there is a conflict, there will be news. MTV is a brand of Viacom Media Group. It will also be beneficial for Link and the East Coast rappers to continue to compete. In addition, the awards will be given to a few old singers who have won awards. , it’s not as topical as sending it to Link, a rising star.”

Ivaca said, yawning slightly and looking at her watch.

"There are many things to do tomorrow, I have to go to bed first!"

"Don't you want to watch Link's performance?"

"Just dancing, nothing to see."

Ivaca rubbed her shoulder blades, swaying her plump figure, and walked into the bedroom.

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