Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 214 Paparazzi in Action

After becoming a top player in the music industry, Link's every move will attract a lot of attention.

While his plane was still sailing over the Atlantic Ocean, a senior entertainment reporter for London's "Sun" was planning something big.


London, September, The Sheaf small bar on Thames East Bank Pier.

There is a hint of coolness in the weather, and the leaves of the sycamore trees on the street begin to turn yellow and curl up in the middle. The double fruit balls hanging between the branches and leaves are also exposed, like bells.

Bernard Gary retracted his gaze, took out his cell phone and took a look. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and Officer James Ryder, who had made an appointment with him to meet here, had not arrived yet.

He sent a message, and Ryder replied saying he was on his way.

Officer Ryder also told him that world boxing champion Link Baker was coming to London to compete in a competition these days.

Officers at the Greenwich Borough Police Department are working overtime.

Go to the airport and the surrounding streets to maintain law and order to ensure that there are no accidents during the game.

He also patrolled the streets for two hours at noon and only had time to come out in the afternoon.

Officer Ryder asked him what he wanted and why he couldn't say it over the phone.

Gary said he'd wait until he got there, promising it would be a good thing.

After more than ten minutes, Officer Ryder broke into the bar in a dusty state.

He was wearing a gray woolen windbreaker, a blue police shirt, and police pants. He had a slender figure and a nimble pace.

Although he is in his early thirties, he has a resolute face and a steady aura about him.

"Hey, Bernard, what can't be said over the phone? I have to come over."

Officer Ryder shouted as soon as he saw him.

Gary chuckled, held up his glasses frame and said, "You won't come if I invite you to drink?"

"Just drinking? Then you should change the time, such as the afternoon or evening on the weekend. You won't be able to enjoy yourself even if you drink today or Wednesday."

As he spoke, Officer Ryder took off his windbreaker, sat down across from him, crossed his fingers, looked at Gary across from him, and said seriously, "You just said on the phone that there is a good thing, can you tell me now?"

Just as Gary was about to speak, he looked up at the door and stretched out his hand to say hello.

At the door of the bar, a young man with small eyes and blond curly hair walked in.

"Jack Charlotte?"

Officer Ryder glanced at the other party and said in surprise: "Bernard, why are you looking for him? Do you want to investigate the mutilation case in the northern suburbs? I told you that the case is still under investigation, and I have no clues here. You It’s useless to look for Jack Charlotte. Although his surname is Charlotte, he is also a detective, but his level is not very good. "

"Hey, James, is it bad to say this in front of me? Although I am not a detective, my 55% case detection rate is far higher than the 15% of your Greenwich Police Department."

The small-eyed Detective Charlotte curled her lips and said dissatisfiedly.

"When you talk about solving crimes, do you also include helping neighbors find cats and dogs that you have hidden, and helping a certain lady find evidence of her husband's affair? If that's the case, our police station is indeed not as good as your detective agency."

Officer Ryder said with a sarcastic sneer.

"Hehe, that's right. The last time Jenny saw me, she said she suspected you were having a woman outside and wanted to ask me to help find evidence. James, do you think I should take this order?" Charlotte, with her small eyes, smiled half-heartedly. asked.

"Jack Charlotte, how dare you threaten me? Threatened a police officer?"

Officer Ryder jumped up, pointed at Charlotte's nose and shouted.

"Stop, don't make any noise!"

Gary quickly stood up and grabbed the angry Ryder, looked at the two of them and said, "James, Jack, we are all friends. I invited you here today because I have something to discuss with you. Can you please stop arguing?"

Officer Ryder and Detective Charlotte looked at each other, hummed slightly, and sat down opposite each other with their arms folded.

Gary picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured each of them a glass of whiskey.

"The thing is like this. Yesterday, editor-in-chief Joseph found a reporter from the entertainment section and gave us an important task. Whoever can complete the task will get a bonus of 50,000 pounds."

"Fifty thousand pounds? What kind of mission has such a bonus?"

Officer Ryder asked in surprise.

Gary is a senior reporter for "The Sun" and Ryder's friend and partner. Ryder once cooperated with Gary and exchanged clues on the bureau's cases for a lot of pounds.

Gary looked around and lowered his voice and said: "I think you all should know who Link Baker is, and everyone is familiar with who Emma Watson is.

As far as we know, Emma Watson did date Link Baker for a while when she was filming in Florida, but they were in the United States at that time and their relationship was relatively short, making it inconvenient to collect evidence of their relationship. .

Now Link is coming to the UK to compete. According to the reliable news we have learned, Emma Watson stopped promoting the movie "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" three days ago and came to London first.

According to our guess, the purpose of her coming to London must be to date Link. "

Having said this, Gary paused, looked at the two partners who had worked together for many years and said, "Our mission is to take photos of Link Baker and Emma Watson dating at all costs, as long as we can do it, You can be one step ahead of others and get the 50,000 pound bonus.”

"Is the photo of Link and Emma dating so valuable?"

Officer Ryder asked, frowning in confusion.


Detective Charlotte smiled disdainfully: "You, a guy who only knows football, probably don't even know who Link is, right?"

"Of course I know."

Officer Ryder glared and said angrily, "Link is the WBA super middleweight world boxing champion, right? Last year he was clamoring in the media to challenge Mr. Calzaghe.

Later, Mr. Calzaghe defeated the legendary American boxer Roy Jones Jr. and won the The Ring light heavyweight championship belt. He never dared to mention challenging Mr. Calzaghe again.

Humph, do you think I only pay attention to football? Don’t forget that I am also a boxing fan of Mr. Calzaghe. "

"No, no, Link is not afraid of Mr. Calzaghe. Don't forget that he defeated Mikkel Kessler in just 100 seconds in the WBA championship last September.

In the combined fight for the boxing titles of the four major organizations in November 2007, Mr. Calzaghe took 12 rounds to defeat Mikkel Kessler. Isn't it obvious who is more powerful between the two? "

Charlotte retorted.

"Nonsense! Link can defeat Mikkel Kessler in a shorter time, but that doesn't mean he is better than Mr. Calzaghe. Boxing matches mainly depend on on-the-spot performance.

Just like Tyson defeated boxing champion Frank Bruno in three rounds in 1996, Bruno defeated McCall in 12 rounds, McCall defeated Lennox Lewis in two rounds, and Lewis defeated Lennox Lewis in 8 rounds. Beating Tyson, can you say McCall is better than Tyson?

In addition, Mr. Calzaghe is a light heavyweight, and Link is a super middleweight. Anyone who knows boxing knows that the heavier the weight, the heavier the punch, and the stronger the strength, so Link is definitely not Mr. Calzaghe’s opponent. . "

In order to protect the honor of his idol, Officer Ryder blushed and his voice became intense and high-pitched.

"But Link beat Tyson."

"A 43-year-old Tyson? I won't necessarily lose if I meet Tyson. The match between Link and Tyson was just a fake match deliberately arranged by the Americans to praise Link. It's not convincing at all."

Officer Ryder said.

Detective Charlotte, who didn't know much about boxing, waved his hand.

"I don't want to argue with you here about who is more powerful, Link or Mr. Calzaghe. What I want to say is that in addition to being a world boxing champion, Link is also a famous swimmer with 8 University Games gold medals and 7 World Championship gold medals. With four swimming world records, only Phelps can compare with him in the current swimming world.”

Officer Ryder shrugged, "He's a really good swimmer."

"In addition to being a world boxing champion and a famous swimmer, he is also a singer. The two albums he released this year have sold more than 500,000 copies in the UK and more than 5 million copies worldwide, "The Guardian" said His second album, released in July, has sold more than 7 million copies worldwide.

"Give Me Reason", "unstoppable", "This Is Me", "believer" and more than ten songs have been on the British singles chart hot40. The song "See You Again" topped the British singles chart for two consecutive weeks last month. Champion, I think you should have heard of it. "

Detective Charlotte knows Link's songs by heart and obviously pays close attention to Link's news.

"Of course I've listened to it. I prefer "Give Me Reason" and "Believer," but I've listened to "See You Again" too much recently and I kind of hate it."

Officer Ryder said, sipping his whiskey.

“Now you should understand why their photos are so valuable?

Link is not only a world boxing champion and swimming star, but also a popular singer with a high reputation in the European and American entertainment circles.

"The Guardian" commented that he is the new king of European and American pop music and the next George Michael, and Emma Watson is the most popular actress in the UK at this stage. "

At this point, Detective Charlotte paused and looked at Gary with squinted eyes, "Are you sure the photos of the two of them dating are only worth 50,000 pounds?"

Bernard Gary adjusted his glasses and said: "Yes, the price our newspaper gave is fifty thousand pounds, but if we can capture the video, the price should be doubled."

"Sounds good, do you want to do it?"

Detective Charlotte looked at Officer Ryder, who was drinking.

Officer Ryder frowned and thought for a moment, clenching his fist and slamming it on the wine table.


Since their son Harry entered primary school, the family's expenses have gradually increased. The monthly food, laundry, gas and electricity bills, etc., cost more than 1,500 pounds.

Louise, her lover, spends more money. She likes to smoke, drink, perm her hair, and buy luxury goods. Her monthly expenses are more than 3,000 pounds.

His monthly salary plus other gray income is only five to six thousand pounds, sometimes less.

He had to bear both expenses and maintain a decent life. He was under great pressure and would often lose sleep over money.

Now there is finally a money-making project, and Officer Ryder doesn't want to miss it.

"Okay, then let's discuss how to divide the money."

"Hey, three decent gentlemen, I'm also very interested in your project, can you add me to the list?"

While the three of them were discussing how to distribute the bonuses, a hoarse voice came from the booth next to them.

Gary turned around in surprise. He had looked next to him just now and didn't notice anyone there. Where did this person come from?

I saw this man in his thirties, with thin cheeks and only a few sparse yellow hairs on his shiny head. He was wearing a gray sportswear, lean and short, with large tattoos on his arms and drug abuse. Pinholes left behind.

He grinned, revealing a few rotten teeth.

"Crow Biggs?"

Officer Ryder looked at him with disgust, "I remember you were sentenced to three years in prison last year for failing to steal Lord Campbell's safe. Why are you here?"

"Hehe, because I performed well in prison, I got a chance to be released."

The thief Biggs sat on his seat, poured a glass of whiskey, looked at the three of them and smiled, "Hey, gentlemen, don't look at me like that, listen to me, I'm very useful.

The three of you are all decent people, and you probably won’t be doing things like sliding doors and picking locks, or squatting in smelly ditches to secretly take photos, but I can. I think your plan needs someone like me who can endure hardships. A hardworking person. "

Reporter Gary and Detective Charlotte looked at Officer Ryder and asked about the man.

Officer Ryder looked at the thief Biggs, "He used to be a very powerful thief and participated in many thefts. Police stations in all London districts joined forces to arrest him but they failed to catch him. But later he became addicted to drugs and his physical functions declined. , we can catch him, but his lockpicking skills are very good.”

"Hey hey hey!"

The thief Biggs grinned proudly.

"Count him in?"

Reporter Gary looked at the two people.

Officer Ryder snorted coldly, "Craw Biggs, how about I give you five hundred pounds to unlock the door for us and get information if necessary?"

"Hey, give me a thousand pounds, I can promise you, otherwise I will find other paparazzi to cooperate. I believe that at this time, more than just "The Sun" will be interested in the scandal between Link and Miss Emma Watson. interest."

Biggs shook his finger.

Gary and the three looked at each other and nodded.

"make a deal!"

Jingle Bell! Reporter Gary's cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out, looked at it, and said to the three of them: "Link's flight will arrive in London in half an hour. I need to go to the scene for interviews now."

Officer Ryder's cell phone also rang. He took it out and looked at it. "I also need to go on duty in the neighborhood. It is said that there are tens of thousands of Link fans picking up the plane at the airport."

"In this way, let's make arrangements.

Ryder, the two of us go to the airport to track Link.

Charlotte, please investigate the whereabouts of Emma Watson. It would be best to know when she will appear around Link;

Mr. Biggs, as far as I know, Link will stay at the Tower of London International Hotel after arriving in London. You can find a way to sneak into the hotel, find the room number where Link is staying, and reimburse the expenses afterwards. "

Reporter Gary said.

"Okay, that's it."

"Hey, leave it to me, don't worry."

"Come on, guys, let's drink to the prize."

Dang! The four of them raised their glasses of whiskey, drank it down, and laughed.

Then they split into three groups and began to perform their own tasks. Their goal was to get two popular stars, Link Baker and Emma Watson, trapped in the bed.

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