Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 237 The pregnancy is not yours

When Link arrived at the cinema hall, the crew of "The Fighter" was almost all there, including producer Darren Aronofsky, director David Russell, Christian Bale and others.

Since leaving the crew in April, Link has not met with many people. Now that they are together, they have to chat.

"Link, when will the next album be released? I am also your fan now."

Christian Bale smiled.

"Really? About March or April."

Link smiled gently and introduced Selena to Bale.

Selena said that she liked Bale's Batman the most and was his super fan. Bale smiled happily and praised Selena for being beautiful and cute.

Link talked to director Darren about his new movie "Black Swan" and asked him if he had a suitable supporting role. He was willing to try.

Director Darren smiled and said that if he was willing to wear a tights and learn ballet, he could consider giving him a supporting role.

Link thought it was okay. It would be strange for a boxing champion to dance ballet.

He found director David Russell again and asked him if he had any new works.

I remember Russell had a movie called "Silver Linings Playbook", which had a good reputation and helped Jennifer Lawrence, the heroine of "The Hunger Games", win an Oscar for Best Actress. I don't know when it will start filming.

He said hello to the other party in advance. If they needed a male lead, he could try. If they lacked investment, he could also invest.

After chatting for a while, he found that one person was missing, the heroine Amy Adams.

Since filming "The Fighter", he has not seen Amy again. He only saw the news of her marriage to her boyfriend in the newspaper. He was about to ask Director Russell about Amy's situation.

Then Amy Adams walked slowly in from the aisle, wearing a green dress with a loose skirt, but still couldn't hide her bulging belly.

Seeing the pregnant Amy, Link was stunned for a moment, thinking of what happened between the two that night, and couldn't help but get nervous.

But he remembered that Amy Adams seemed to have married and had a child this year, which should have little to do with him.

"Hi, Amy!"

Seeing everyone go over to say hello, Link also walked over and said hello to Amy.

Amy Adams saw him and smiled gently, "Link, you are so popular this year. You can hear your songs everywhere."

"Fortunately, congratulations on becoming a mother."

Link looked at her abdomen and said.

"Thank you!"

Amy Adams stroked her abdomen with a gentle smile on her face. With her fair and moist cheeks, the whole person seemed to be glowing.

The premiere ceremony of the movie began. Link and the main cast and crew talked about some filming matters on the stage, answered a few questions from the media, and the movie began to be shown.

The opening scene was a scene of Link training in the boxing ring, with Bale's brother Dick guiding him.

The director of HBO TV kept interrupting and said that he would help Dick record a documentary.

Dick thought it was a promotion for his comeback, and he was very excited and told everyone that he was about to come back.

In fact, this was a documentary shot by HBO TV, talking about the harm of smoking, and Dick, a former professional boxer, was a negative example.

Mickey, played by Link, is also a road paving worker, holding tools to repair the road surface on the highway. His mother used to be his brother's boxing agent, and now she is his agent.

But his mother is more concerned about Dick's comeback and doesn't care about his development in the boxing world.

In a match, an unequal fight was arranged for Mickey, and Mickey was beaten badly.

Because of this incident, Mickey had a disagreement with his family, and met the heroine in the bar and fell in love. With the encouragement of the heroine, Mickey found a new agent and won several games in a row.

This also caused dissatisfaction among Mickey's family, who thought that he was led astray by his girlfriend. They only wanted his girlfriend and not his family. The two sides had a fierce dispute, and his mother asked him to choose between his family and his girlfriend.

The protagonist Mickey also faced a serious crisis. Should he choose a career or a family?

This kind of plot is the subject that David Russell is best at, and the movie is very exciting.

Link, Bell, and Amy's performances in the play are very good, and they cooperate very well, especially his emotional drama with Amy Adams, which looks very exciting.

Before, Link felt that he was a little far from the Oscar for Best Actor.

After watching this play, he felt that he acted very well and it was not that he had no chance to win the Oscar.

"Selena, what do you think of my acting?"

Link asked casually, but he didn't hear the answer. He turned around and saw Selena sleeping on the seat with her eyes closed. She was sleeping very soundly, and there was still crystal saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth.


Link shook his head. Last time Selena's movie premiered, he fell asleep. Now his movie premiered, Selena fell asleep. It was a tit for tat.

"Link, you acted very well!"

Amy Adams smiled next to him.

"Thank you, thanks to your guidance in the crew, otherwise I can't act at this level."

"You're welcome."

Amy Adams shrugged her shoulders, suddenly uttered a soft "ah", and covered her lips with her hands.

"What's wrong?"

Link asked puzzledly.

Amy Adams smiled slightly, holding her belly and said, "The baby just kicked me."

"How many months?"

Link asked, looking at her bulging belly.

"Almost six months."

Amy Adams glanced at him, moved her lips slightly and said, "Don't think about it, it has nothing to do with you."

"Okay, I did think about that possibility."

Link spread his hands and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, what happened that time did not lead to a big mistake, nor did it damage the relationship between Amy Adams and her husband.

But after feeling relaxed, I felt a little bit disappointed for no reason. It was a really strange feeling.

Bang bang bang!

At the end of the movie screening, there was a burst of warm applause.

Selena was awakened by the applause. She immediately sat up straight, stared blankly for a few seconds, looked around, then suddenly stood up, clapped her hands and shouted:

"Wow, that's great. This movie is so exciting. Link, you did a great job, Oscar-winning actor-level acting, definitely an Oscar."

"Enough! It's too exaggerated."

Link shook his head. If he hadn't just seen her sleeping and drooling, he might have been deceived by her.

"Tell me honestly, what did you do last night?"

"emm, read a book!"

Selena blushed and stuck out her tongue.

"Reading?! Do you think I will believe it?"

Link pointed at her forehead.

The reason Selena is in Los Angeles is, on the one hand, to promote her new album. The record company she signed with is Hollywood Records, a subsidiary of Walt Disney, which is headquartered in Los Angeles. The album promotion work is also concentrated in Los Angeles.

On the other hand, Catherine and Mandy's recent work center is here. Mr. Gomez is busy with business, leaving her in New York without anyone to care about her. She spends all day indulging in online games and watching TV shows.

Mandy brought her here with the intention of urging her to study.

But Selena is like this, it is obvious that bad habits are hard to change, and Mandy and Catherine need to take more care of her.

"Catherine and Mandy are busy these days and have no time to care about you. You come to live with me and get up early every day and run with me."

"Huh? Do you have to run every day?"

Selena wrinkled her face, feeling a little embarrassed.

"In addition to running, you also practice boxing. You are so beautiful. How can you protect yourself if you don't learn boxing?"


Selina heard him compliment her on her beauty and didn't care about anything else, so she agreed immediately.

After the film's premiere, the film was screened in 6 theaters in the United States that day, earning a box office of US$28,000. The average box office per theater was US$4,667, and the attendance rate was 68%. Among art films, it is a good opening figure. .

The media also received very good reviews for the film.

Some praised director David Russell for once again using his unique directorial style to tell a wonderful and interesting story, saying that "The Fighter" is a movie worth watching.

Some newspapers also praised Bale for his explosive acting skills and is expected to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor next year. Amy Adams's performance is still wonderful and she is a powerful actress.

Since Link is a popular star, there is more talk about him in the media.

The famous film critic Adam Simmons wrote in the Los Angeles Times: "When I first heard that the crew of "The Fighter" was going to use Link Baker to play the male protagonist, I thought director David Russell had made a huge mistake. decision.

Link is a world boxing champion, but not a world-class actor. Let him play the leading role in a literary movie. I think the upper limit of this movie will not be too high. With this idea, I started shooting the movie and waited until The movie came out just to see if Link would mess up a movie again.

This Friday, I couldn't wait to go into the theater and watch "The Fighter". After watching it, I was surprised to find that Link was not superfluous at all. His performance in this movie was not great, but it was definitely not wasted. This role did not affect the quality of the movie

Link's performance in this movie is improved compared to "Blue Sea Tracking", but there is still a lot of room for improvement. I give him a three and a half star rating. "

The New York Post commented, "This movie is full of the style of a movie directed by David Russell. It has a rich storyline and shows a strong boxer's inner emotions and explosions.

Link, who plays the male lead, is also eye-catching. He uses his excellent acting skills to play on the same stage with Christian Bale, Amy Adams, and Melissa Leo without showing any timidity. This is very rare and also Successfully silenced those who had questioned his acting skills. "

"Movie Variety" commented, "There is no doubt that Link has made a turnaround with his wonderful performance in "The Fighter", but in comparison, Christian Bale's performance in the play is even more exciting."

Along with the comments praising him, there was also a lot of criticism.

The New York Times said that his performance in the movie was not as good as Christian Bale's, and the character he created was not as full and three-dimensional as Dick, played by Bale. It also said that he was still ten movies away from becoming an acting pro.

"Hollywood Reporter" said that he chose the right role, but not the right teammate. As a new actor, he dared to play opposite powerful actors such as Christian Bale and Amy Adams in this movie. He was undoubtedly asking for it. Eat bitterly'.

"Rolling Stone Magazine" and "Boxing Ring Magazine" criticized him for not doing his job properly and advised him to spend more time on his new album and boxing matches. He is only twenty years old and still has a lot of time in the future. Even if he wants to become an actor, there is no need to be too anxious.

Overall, about 60% of the reviews are good and 40% are negative, which is much better than the 73% of "Blue Sea Pursuit 2".

"Link, you performed well in this movie and received a lot of recognition. If you increase your PR efforts, you may have a chance to win a few movie awards. Do you want to try?"

Evaka called and asked.

"Do you have a chance to win an Oscar?"

"Of course not!"

Evaka said bluntly.

"Okay, I'm kidding. If I don't win an Oscar, forget it. My goal as an actor is an Oscar. A Golden Globe is also fine. I'm not interested in other movie awards for now. In addition, my acting skills still have a lot of room for improvement. I'll talk about PR awards in two years."

Link thought for a while and said.

"And this time at the American Music Awards, because of MJ, you probably won't win a few awards. You have to be mentally prepared."

Evaka said.

Link nodded and said he understood. Seeing Taylor and Selena coming down the stairs hand in hand, he said goodbye to Evaka and hung up the phone.

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