Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 244 Collecting the gold belts of the four major organizations

"Come on Link!"

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV were also shouting for encouragement.

The match began.

In the ring, Andre Ward attacked ahead of time and punched Link in the upper left position. This was a tentative attack.

Link dodged sideways and swung a punch at Andre Ward's jaw. Andre quickly stepped back and avoided his attack.

Link followed closely and punched again, but Andre Ward raised his arm to block it. At the same time, Andre punched Link's left rib. Link's left rib was hit, and when he retreated, he punched Andre's shoulder.

The two were hit by a punch each, and retreated at the same time, pulling away.

"How could this happen?"

In the audience, Lou Duva looked at Ms. Nora Duva in doubt. In order to watch Link unify the super middleweight, he flew from New York despite his weak body, but saw that Link played badly at the beginning and was completely out of shape.

Nora put away her phone and said, "Franco said Link seemed drunk and didn't wake up."


Luduwa was stunned for a moment, then became furious, "Nonsense! How can you get drunk in such an important game? If you are drunk, why don't you stop the game and play it another day? How can you play like this?"

"Franco persuaded Link before the game and said to play it another day, but Link said it didn't matter and it wouldn't affect the game."

Nora shrugged and said.

"Nonsense! Nonsense!"

Old Duval paused his cane in anger, "I told you long ago that you should be strict with Link and not let him do whatever he wants. In the history of boxing, how many talented boxers have ruined their careers because of alcohol and sex? Link will definitely be ruined if he continues like this."

"My irritable old father, why don't you watch the game before losing your temper?"

Dino turned his head and looked at Old Duval, smiling, "The last time Link played against Carl Franche, he was not in good shape in the first round. You criticized him for not doing his job properly. Later everyone knew that this was a tactic. Will this state now also be a tactic? Don't forget that Link is an actor."

Old Duval had a gloomy face and glared at him angrily, "If you talk to me in this tone again, I will break your legs."

"Dino, watch the game, don't talk nonsense."

Nora winked at him.

"Okay, I just want to remind you, father, that the game has just started and the outcome is undecided. Don't be too irritable, father."

Dino shrugged and smiled.


Old Duval glared at him and looked back at the boxing ring. He saw that Link and Andre Ward were still making tentative attacks and did not launch a strong attack. Link's fighting style was obviously not as sharp as before.

He couldn't help but lose his temper again. Suddenly he thought of what his rebellious son Dino said. Could this be Link's tactics?

As far as he knew, Link was not a person with a chaotic private life, no self-control, and bad hobbies. He did not smoke, drink, or take drugs, nor did he mess around with women. He rarely went to bars. He was very serious about boxing, even devout.

Knowing that there was an important match today, how could he get drunk the day before?

This was obviously unreasonable.

Excluding these unreasonable places, there was only one truth. Could this really be Link's tactics?

But what kind of tactics was this?

Old Duval frowned and looked at the boxing ring seriously, hoping to see through Link's fighting style from this chaotic scene.

In addition to Old Duval, many boxing celebrities came to the boxing scene today.

Bob Arum, De La Hoya, Tyson, James Toney, Bernard Hopkins, Roy Jones Jr., John Ruiz, Mayweather, George Foreman, etc.

After the game started, everyone frowned and looked at the boxing ring with a serious look.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

De La Hoya looked at several colleagues next to him and asked.


Hopkins came back to his senses and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had just studied for a long time and was sweating. He didn't see Link's tactics clearly. He was depressed and looked at his defeated opponent De La Hoya unhappily.

"Link is not in good shape today. Do you think he will lose?"

De La Hoya asked.


Hopkins shook his head and said, "Are you kidding me? A pervert like Link will not be in good condition during a match? Absolutely impossible. This is just his tactic. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense."

"Bernard is right!"

Tyson said, showing his gold-plated front teeth, "Link is very, very cunning. The last time he played against Carl Franche, the opening was even worse than this. Everyone thought that he was distracted by other things, which led to a decline in strength, but what was the result? It was all damn tactics!

I bet that his current state must be pretending, luring Andre Ward to attack, and then waiting for an opportunity to strike, and KO Andre Ward with a back throw. This guy is so strong, but he still likes to use tactics. What a damn bastard!"

Tyson cursed and said that if he had 50% of Link's cunningness, he would not have fallen to the point of boxing with a rich woman to pay off his debts.

"Tyson is right!"

James Tony nodded, stroking his big belly and said, "Link likes to fight counterattacks the most. He lets his opponent attack at will, waits until the opponent gets used to this style of play, and then suddenly launches a counterattack to catch the opponent off guard. Mikkel, Franche, and Tyson were all defeated in this way.

Look at Andre, he also saw that this was Link's trick, so he was very careful during the game and tried to play according to his original rhythm to avoid falling into Link's trap."

"Yes, Andre played very steadily!"

John Ruiz nodded.

De La Hoya looked at Link in the ring.

In the eyes of ordinary viewers, Link was playing very actively at this time, with a measured attack and defense. He did not hesitate to take action when it was time to take action. He also moved flexibly when it was time to move, and the movements of his hands and feet did not stop.

But in the eyes of insiders, his offense and defense are not active enough. To put it simply, if he is full of firepower, he can achieve ten points, but now he only has three points, and he seems to be out of shape.

If it were someone else, Hoya could tell that the other person was out of shape, but this was the cunning Link, and everything was not that simple.

Bang bang bang!

In the boxing ring, Link and Andre both pumped their fists hard, hitting each other, and at the same time, they kept dodging to prevent being hit by each other.

In the first round, Link punched 112 times and hit Andre Ward 22 times. Andre Ward punched 98 times and hit Link 19 times.

There was no winner between the two sides in the first round.

The audience at the scene saw the two fighting fiercely in the boxing ring, with fists and fists hitting the flesh. It was very enjoyable to watch, and shouts came and went.

But this kind of competition left the industry insiders at the scene confused.

Since Link entered the professional boxing world in September last year, he has had fourteen professional matches. Except for Tyson's match, all other matches ended within the first round.

Today I played against Andre Ward, but I fought a full round with my opponent.

What is Link doing?

Is this really his tactic?

"Link, how are you?"

At the right corner of the ring, Coach Brooks squatted in front of Link and asked.

Two assistants were fanning Link, spraying water on him, and applying Vaseline on his forehead.

They have been working on Link's logistics team for nearly a year. This is the first time they have done this kind of work in the middle of a game. They finally found a sense of presence. They couldn't help but feel touched and worked very hard.

Link drank the water and spit it out, shook the water stains on his face and said with a smile, "It's okay, I feel better and better."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Coach Brooks was a little unsure.

"Yes, it's really okay."

Link said with a shrug.

The last time I drank, I had a strenuous exercise with Amy Adams. The alcohol was excreted with body fluids and had little impact on the body.

This time he went to bed directly after drinking. The residual alcohol was still in his body, which affected his performance somewhat.

In the first round just now, he played very hard, exercised a lot, sweated a lot, his mind gradually cleared up, and his condition was getting better and better.

"Well, this is the first time you have finished a round. This is really a surprise. My coach finally comes in handy. Let me tell you about the opponent. Andre played very steadily in the first round. His rhythm There is no chaos at all, and the physical exertion is not great. If you are not sure that you can KO him within 12 rounds, you must be more stable than him, fight slowly and don't worry, and win by points in the end. "

Coach Brooks said.

Link nodded and raised his arms to stretch his shoulders.

"Come on Link!"

Many fans in the audience held up posters and shouted.

Link stood up and shook his fist at them.

"Link, we're here, come on!"

Miley Cyrus and Kesha shouted at him while sitting very close to the ring.

"Boss, come on!"

Emma Stone also shouted from the audience.

Link smiled softly and waved his fist at them.

At the corner opposite the ring, Andre Ward's coach glanced at Link and said to Andre: "Link is a very powerful guy. He knows that you have good physical strength and a stable fighting style, so He doesn't pursue defeating you in the first round, but competes with you for consumption and physical strength. I'm not sure whether he will explode this round, but you must be careful. No matter how careful you are when dealing with a difficult guy like Link It’s not an exaggeration.”

Andre Ward nodded silently.

Link is the most powerful opponent he has ever faced in his career, and it is also a great opportunity.

If you can defeat him, you can unify the super middleweight class and become the overlord of this weight class.

At the same time, he can also step on Link's many auras, become a top player in the boxing world, receive more appearance fees and competition bonus shares, and become a billionaire.

Thinking of this, Andre couldn't help but his heart beat faster and his blood boiled. He looked at Link opposite, his eyes full of high-spirited fighting spirit.

This time no defeat is allowed!

come on!


The second round started, and Link and Andre came to the middle of the ring.

Link nodded towards Andre, he was indeed a very strong opponent.

His physical strength, strength, speed, combination punches, and use of tactics are all at the top level. In addition, his brain is smarter than that of ordinary black boxers, and he is not easily angered, nor will his rhythm be disrupted by others.

When a black athlete has a smart brain, the strength they display will be doubled.

The best way to deal with this kind of boxer is to fight steadily, find the opponent's inferior horse in a mobile battle, and then take the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the opponent.

Link did a game rehearsal before the game.

Since the opponent was once a light heavyweight boxer and had won an Olympic championship at this level, his punching weight was no weaker than mine, and his ability to fight was no weaker than mine.

The opponent has played more than 100 games in the amateur stage and won more than 20 professional games, and he is also richer in skills and experience than himself.

In comparison, what makes me stronger than my opponent is speed, reaction ability, and strong physical strength.

Understanding this, Link's plan is to attack his opponent with high-frequency jabs in the second round, first breaking through the opponent's defense, and then looking for opportunities to KO his opponent and win the game.


The second round of the game begins.

Andre Ward punched once, then took a step back, raised his fists, and assumed a defensive posture, continuing his steady and steady style.

Just like last year in the back-up match before the match between Holyfield and Valuev, he first attracted the opponent's attack, waited for the opponent to consume a lot of energy, and then launched a strong counterattack, and finally won the match in one fell swoop.

This is Andre Ward's usual tactic, and it is also a very practical tactic that has been proven many times. With this tactic, he has won all the way until now.

Today, when dealing with Link, a powerful enemy, he planned to continue to persevere. No matter what tricks Link was playing, he would keep the rhythm unchanged.

Bang bang bang!

Last year, Link watched the match between Andre Ward and Esteban Camu at Madison Square Garden in Ivaca's box and also studied the opponent's game video.

Seeing that the opponent continues to use this steady tactic.

Link no longer hesitated and took the initiative to attack his opponent, using left jab + right jab + left swing fist + right jab. His fists were like javelins, attacking the opponent's defense with both arms one after another.

Punch after punch, the attack continued.

Andre Ward was on tight defense, constantly changing his pace, trying to distance himself from him and prevent him from breaking through the defense.

It's just that Link was slightly faster. When he saw the opponent retreating, he followed him with flexible steps, trying not to let the opponent escape from his attack range or give the opponent a chance to react.

Bang bang bang!

Link's fists hit Andre one after another, right jab + left jab + right straight punch + left jab, bang!

Link attacked with more than fifty punches in a row. A right straight punch knocked Andre's body crooked, and then Link made an unexpected left jab, hitting Andre hard on the left rib.

Andre was beaten until he groaned, and his body bent downwards habitually.

Since Link was taller than him and his arms were seven centimeters longer, he saw his opponent's defense deformed, followed by a tricky right hook, from bottom to top, piercing through the opponent's defense at an extremely fast speed, hitting on the opponent's forehead.


Andre was punched in the left eyebrow bone, his body suddenly leaned back, and he also took a few steps back.

"Whoa! Hit!"

Seeing Link's successful attack, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience. Link's fans suddenly became restless and shouted loudly:

"Come on Link!"

"Link will win!"

"Link, hurry up and finish the game, we want to draw a lottery."

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Link pursued the victory, quickly approached the opponent, used two heavy punches to force the opponent to the rope, used the rope rope tactics, and punched the opponent seven or eight times in one go.

"Link will win!"

"Link is awesome!"

Seeing Link's fists hitting his opponent one after another, leaving the opponent unable to fight back, the audience became even more excited, and the cheers grew louder and louder.

"Look, I told you before, this is Link's tactic, how about it?"

Tyson crossed his arms and smiled proudly at De La Hoya.

"Link is so cunning, so strong, and he still uses tactics in the game. How can he let others fight like this?"

Hopkins lamented.

"Don't worry, after moving up to light heavyweight, his advantage will not be so obvious."

Roy Jones Jr. said calmly.

James Tony nodded, "Link relies on punching weight and speed when fighting. The higher the weight of the competition, the smaller his advantage. It can be seen from his game with Tyson that he is invincible in the super middleweight class. Not necessarily in other weight classes. By the way, did Link say he wanted to move up to the light heavyweight class?”

"Didn't you hear? Link said that his goal is to win the gold belts of the four major organizations in five levels. Not only the light heavyweight, he will also move up to the heavyweight in the future and fight with you."

Hopkins chuckled.

"What a very ambitious guy."

John Ruiz looked at Link in the ring and admired.

De La Hoya also frowned and looked at Link on the stage. Was it really his tactics in the first round?

I have to say that this guy's acting skills are really good. Even a veteran who has been in the boxing world for many years can't find any flaws.

"Come on Link!"

In the boxing ring, Link forced his opponent to the ropes and landed seven or eight punches in a row.

Unable to resist, Andre used a hugging tactic, holding Link with both hands to prevent him from attacking.

In a boxing match, you can only hit the front, not the back of the head or other parts of the body.

Therefore, once you are hugged, apart from hitting the opponent's ribs with small movements, other offensive methods can easily cause fouls.

Also because the hugging tactic is practical, it can be seen in every professional game.

However, because the hugging tactic is rather clumsy, it will interrupt the rhythm of the game and reduce the enjoyment of the game.

This has also become one of the most annoying tactics for the audience. Every time they see someone using the hugging tactic during a game, they can't help but cheer.


The referee saw Andre using the hugging tactic and quickly intervened to separate the two. At the same time, the hugging tactic was also a foul tactic and a technical foul.

According to the scoring rules, Link gets one more point this round.

Link glanced at the other person, waved his fist, and smiled softly.

Andre Ward stared back at him.


The game continued. Link wiped away his sweat and raised his fist to attack Andre Ward, who continued to defend tightly.

At 93 seconds into the second round, Link repeated his old tricks, using head-to-body and head-to-body tactics. He hit the opponent's abdomen with a jab, causing Andre's defense to deform, followed by a straight punch that hit the opponent's forehead.

Andre was staggered, his body suddenly took a few steps back, and he hit the corner post to stabilize his body, almost causing a knockdown.

"Link punches hard!"

"Link kill him!"

Fans stood up and cheered loudly.

Link took a few steps forward and continued to hit his opponent's body and head with high-frequency jabs. He saw that the opponent was preparing to use the hug tactic again.

Link quickly stepped back and struck the opponent's jaw with a long-planned left uppercut from bottom to top.

Andre was hit by the sudden punch and his body rushed upward. His mind suddenly became dizzy. He staggered and tried to grab the rope to stabilize his body.

But the powerful punch still made him dizzy, and he stumbled onto the ring.


Seeing Andre being knocked down, the audience immediately became excited, shouting 'Link must win', 'Link wins', 'Link is Superman'.

More than 60,000 people at the scene shouted together, and the atmosphere in Staples Arena suddenly boiled, like a noisy Sarajevo.

"This guy's fans are too noisy."

Roy Jones Jr. looked back toward the audience.

Many young fans were shaking posters of Link on their seats, making noise as if this was a Link concert.

"It's really noisy. It's very difficult to get home field advantage when playing against him."

James Tony scanned around the three floors of the auditorium. There were Link fans everywhere, at least tens of thousands of them shouting.

Playing games in this kind of venue, it is difficult for others to get home field advantage.

"Tsk, that's for sure. This guy is not only a boxing champion, but also a big singer. His album has sold tens of millions of copies worldwide. Tsk, that's amazing. Based on a few boxing matches and album sharing, Link's current worth is probably Two hundred million, two hundred million a year, this bastard is the real money printing machine.”

Tyson said with envy.

When other people heard that Link made 200 million a year, they couldn't help but look envious and jealous. He became a billionaire in just over a year after his debut. This guy is so hateful.

"Haha, this is good. The more fans Link has, the higher the game ticket share will be, and the more PPV revenue will be. I bet that the next game between me and him, the PPV revenue share will not be less than 100 million US dollars. The income share in other aspects will also be doubled, haha, our bonus will definitely set a new record.”

De La Hoya waved his fists and shouted excitedly.

"Farke! If I had known I should have played against him later."

Tyson said angrily.

Roy Jones Jr., Hopkins, and James Toney are relatively happy.

They haven't competed with Link yet, so they have the opportunity to capitalize on Link's popularity and get more game bonuses and PPV shares.

If you perform better and defeat Link in the game, the income from one game can be worth the total income from the past four or five years.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes suddenly turned hot when they looked at Link.

"Link! Come on!"

In the boxing ring, after Andre fell to the ground, the referee squatted down and counted 4. Andre stood up from the ground and gave Link a cold look.

The referee asked Andre if he could continue the game, and Andre said "yes" firmly.


At 105 seconds of the second round, the game continued.

Link continued to attack his opponent, hoping to take advantage of the victory and defeat his opponent in this round.

But Andre suddenly changed his tactics at this time, stopped defending, and launched a counterattack at him with his fists.

Link did not give in and began to fight with the opponent.

Bang bang bang!

Both men's punches are very heavy, their speed is also very fast, and their combination punches are also very subtle.

After the two men gave up their defense and went all out to attack, the competition in the ring suddenly became intense.

I saw two people punching each other one at a time, aiming at each other's vital points without giving in.

The audience was also shocked by this sudden fight and cheered loudly. Not only did they cheer for Link, there were also many black boxing fans cheering loudly for Andre Ward and asking him to beat Link down.


At 152 seconds, Link received a punch on the lower jaw, but in the next second, he sent a fierce right swing, sweeping from right to left, and firmly hit the side of Andre Ward's face.

Andre's head was hit to the left, his facial muscles deformed, and the sweat on his hair was thrown out.


Andre fell sideways on the ring, his face scraping the floor and sliding for two centimeters before he stopped.


The camera lens clearly recorded the scene of Link's fist hitting Andre's face, deforming it, and throwing sweat away. Especially viewers with high-definition signals could see it very clearly, and many people couldn't help but gasp.

Although boxing gloves can reduce more than 60% of the weight, it will definitely feel sore to be hit in the head by a fist weighing 300 to 400 pounds.

"10, 9, 8, 7"

The ring referee squatted beside him to count. Andre Ward slowly opened his eyes, put his hands on the ground, and stood up little by little, dripping with sweat falling from his body.

"Andre! Come on!"

"Andre, hold on!"

Many black boxing fans shouted in the audience.

"Andre, get up! Beat up that bastard Link."

In a music club in New York, 50 Cent, Drake and others were also nervously watching TV.

"5, 4, 3"

The countdown counted to 3 seconds, and Andre stood up slowly holding on to the rope.


Many spectators shouted excitedly.

The referee asked Andre Ward to let go of the rope and take two steps forward. As soon as Andre took one step, he fell to the ground again.


The audience sighed in disappointment.

The referee held out two fingers in front of Andre's eyes and asked what the number was. Andre replied 'three'.

The referee believed that Andre's condition was not suitable for the game. After discussing with Andre's coach, Andre gave up the game. Several referees unanimously decided that Link won the game.


When they heard that Link had won, the audience immediately became excited. Although there were many Andre fans at the scene, most of them came for Link.

Seeing him using a tyrannical tactic to defeat his opponents and win the WBA-WBC-WBO-IBF-WBF-IBO gold belt, the fans jumped up excitedly, like it was a carnival, and some people took the lead in singing Link's "unstoppable" directly turns a boxing match into a concert scene.

"Yeah! Link wins!"

In the villa, the little girl who was crying just now jumped up excitedly, her small round face full of joy.

"Haha, it's great that Link won."

Selena shouted, dancing around.

"Hmph, be careful next time and stop messing around."

Ms. Mandy said, holding back a laugh.


Selina rolled her eyes, and suddenly her big eyes rolled, she looked at everyone and said, "Do you think there is a possibility that Link couldn't beat Andre Ward because I gave him a drink? Liquor, he suddenly broke out and defeated his opponent?"

"What are you thinking? If it weren't for you, Link would have won the game in the first round, and you still want to take all the credit for Link's victory in the game to you?"

Ms. Mandy rolled her eyes.

Catherine, Taylor, and Lady Andrea also laughed.

Selina sniffed, put her pockets in her pockets and said, "This possibility cannot be completely ruled out. We should wait for Link to come back and ask him. Maybe it is true."

"If it's fake, aren't you worried that Link will come back and beat you up?"

Taylor winked and smiled.

Selena was dumbfounded after hearing this. She saw Link on TV with all the gold belts on his body, looking like he was not easy to mess with. She hurriedly ran upstairs.

"what are you doing?"

"I miss home. I want to go back and stay for a few days."

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