Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 247 The Future Richest Man

"The Fighter" grossed US$15.37 million at the box office in 1,209 theaters in North America in its first week of release, ranking sixth in the box office for the week.

The box office champion is the movie "The Twilight Saga" released at the same time. It grossed US$140 million in North America in its first three days, becoming the third highest-grossing first-week box office film in history. The first two movies were "The Dark Knight" 158 million and "Spider-Man 3" 151 million.

Ranking second to fifth are "Weakness", "Up", "2012" and Disney's hand-drawn animation "The Frog and the Princess".

Compared with the previous five major productions, which had an investment of more than 50 million, "The Fighter" was produced with a cost of only 18 million U.S. dollars, and it received more than 15 million at the box office in its first week, which fully demonstrates that the film is of good quality.

Some media also believe that Link's appeal at the movie box office is getting stronger and stronger, and he is a new actor with very high commercial value.

"Variety" called him another first-line singer who has established a foothold in Hollywood after Will Smith and Justin Timberlake.

The time has come for December.

Compared to the end of last year, he was just a pure boxing star and didn't have much work at the end of the year.

This year he has become a boxing superstar, a popular singer who has released two best-selling albums, a movie star, and a good swimmer. He has companies such as Dynasty Promotions, Link Records, Palm Bay Management Company, Palm Beach Pictures, and Amazon with more than 100 million US dollars. Stock entrepreneurs, billionaires.

He had many titles, and by the end of the year he was extremely busy every day.

First, he went to the set of "Scandal Project" to shoot a scene that was about to be completed, and then he was 'bullied' in his acting skills by his employee Emma Stone.

He decided to find an opportunity to return it and let her know how dark the capitalist's heart was.

Before the movie was finished, he took Taylor to the villa area next door to attend the wedding party of Scott Stuber and his supermodel girlfriend Molly Sims.

He also collaborated with Taylor on the song "You Belong with Me" at the wedding party. Taylor sang and he played the piano and used this song as a gift.

Stuber and Molly were so excited that they wiped away tears, and many billionaires attending the party also applauded and cheered them.

At the party, he also met Elon Musk, who came over for dinner.

When he met the future richest man, he would naturally not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with him.

Elon Musk is also one of the people he admires.

Aylon, 38, is a South African immigrant. He has a bachelor's degree in economics and physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a doctoral program in physics at Stanford University.

He started his own business at the age of 24 and became a multi-millionaire at the age of 28 with his self-developed online content publishing software Zip2.

By 2002, when e-commerce was just emerging, he co-founded the digital mobile payment platform PayPal, a software similar to Alipay, and became a billionaire.

Starting in 2003, he founded the space exploration company SpaceX to study how to reduce the cost of rocket launches, and planned to immigrate to Mars and build a human space civilization in the future.

Unfortunately, the workload of rocket research was too heavy, and three consecutive rocket launches failed, causing the company to be short of funds. He turned his attention to the electric vehicle industry, acquired Tesla Motors in 2005, and became the company's chairman.

Tesla Motors' research was not going well. The first electric car, the Roadster, was not launched until October 2008, with a price of as high as 110,000 US dollars. Because the price was too high and the electric car had too many problems, the Roadster's sales in the car market were dismal.

Also due to the impact of the financial crisis, both SpaceX and Tesla Motors are in trouble. News often spreads in the media that Musk is about to go bankrupt and that the two companies are about to go bankrupt.

It wasn't until Musk sold 10% of Tesla shares to Daimler Automobile Company for 70 million in September and obtained a low-interest loan of 460 million from the U.S. Department of Energy that he successfully weathered the crisis.

But there is also news that Musk’s crisis has not passed.

Due to the high cost of researching Tesla cars and the failure of SpaceX to launch the rocket again, Tesla is still short of money. Because of this, Musk is planning to list Tesla on Nasdaq to overcome the current difficulties. .

After Link met the other party, he did not take the initiative to propose investing in Tesla.

He didn't understand financial investment or car research and development, and he couldn't talk to the other party about such things, so the two of them only talked about music, boxing, and movies.

Musk founded a film company in 2003 and has served as a producer for three films, including "Iron Man 2" released this year. He has also made guest appearances in many films. His current girlfriend, Talulah Riley, is also an actress. .

Musk is also a boxing enthusiast. He claims to be his boxing fan and has watched every one of his matches. He also posted a boxing video in the boxing section of YouTube.

Link had not seen the video and expressed his willingness to practice boxing together when they had time. Musk also took the initiative to exchange contact information with him.

"Honey, you seem to be interested in Elon Musk."

"Why do you say that?"

After attending the party, Link and Taylor walked hand in hand on the path outside the villa. On both sides of the path were lush botanical gardens. Even in the northern hemisphere winter, many trees were still lush, especially the two rows of tall palm trees on the roadside. The color has not changed through the seasons.

"You have just been chatting together for more than an hour, and you are still so involved. I have never seen you be so enthusiastic about anyone before."

Tyler said shaking his hand.

"It's different. Elon is a great genius, like Edison. Chatting with him can increase your knowledge, so I chatted with him for a while."

Link shrugged his shoulders. He remembered that these words were used by Evaca's father to evaluate Elrond.

"So that's it? Then I'll be relieved."

Taylor patted his chest and breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief.

"Don't worry? What do you mean?"

Taylor smiled slightly, pointed at his eyes and said: "I saw that when you looked at him, your eyes were bright, as if you were seeing a beautiful woman. When he looked at you, his eyes were also very hot. Dalula and I thought you two Will come out."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Link looked at her with a dark look, put his arm around her waist and said, "With a girlfriend as hot as you, how could I become that kind of man."

Taylor covered her mouth and smiled: "You mean if it wasn't for me, you would have come out?"

"Of course not. I am a straight man and my orientation is normal. I am just interested in Elon's space immigration plan. If he succeeds, in the future we will only need to buy a ticket to ride on a SpaceX spaceship. Travel to outer space, do you want to travel to outer space?”

Link said, looking at the sky covered by palm leaves.

"It sounds really fun. If I could travel in outer space, I would definitely be able to find inspiration there and write a lot of great songs."

Taylor looked up with him and saw a few blue cherry blossoms falling from the jacaranda tree.

Link shook his head helplessly. Taylor had to involve everything in creation, as if he was obsessed with writing songs.

"You just saw Scott and Molly getting married, did you feel anything?"

Link asked.

Taylor twirled a petal and shook his head: "No, I'm not familiar with them, how can I feel about it? If they are my sisters, friends, or ex-boyfriends, seeing them get married may give me some inspiration for writing." "

"I'm asking about the feelings of getting married. Generally, when singles or couples attend other people's wedding parties, they will think of their own life-long events. Have you had similar thoughts just now, or have you considered when to get married and have children?"

"I thought about it!"

Taylor smiled slightly, walked backwards towards him and said, "It would be best in four or five years, when our jobs have stabilized and we are no longer as busy as we are now, then we can go to the country house in Nashville to get married and have two children. ,what do you think?"

"sounds good!"

Link smiled, hugged her and kissed her on the face.

Taylor smiled and said: "I heard that giving birth to a baby is painful. Do you think that giving birth to a baby will inspire you to create?"

"Definitely. Many singer-songwriters have written related songs during the period of giving birth and raising children. Madonna and Whitney Houston have both. I think you can too. How about we have one now?"

Link hugged her and smiled.


Taylor shook her head repeatedly and said it was too early. She was only twenty years old, still a big girl, and not ready to be a mother.

"It won't be too difficult, trust me, let's go home and have the baby."

"don't want!"

Regardless of Taylor's resistance, Link carried her back to the villa and spent a nice Wednesday afternoon in the small bedroom filled with sunset.

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