Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 256 Chris Liu's phone call

In addition to persuading Cathy to sell her scattered shares, he also acquired some Tesla shares through the channels of Pioneer Asset Management.

Link also plans to get some original shares from Musk. His goal is to own no less than 15% of Tesla shares before next year.

According to Tesla's market value in more than ten years, 15% is close to 100 billion US dollars.

With this share, plus Amazon and Twitter, it will not be a problem to be listed in the top ten of the Forbes Global Rich List in the future.

If everything goes well, he has a great chance to become a billionaire or even a hundred billionaire in ten years. At that time, he will be exactly 30 years old, in the prime of his life, and can consider retirement.

"Link, this is the tax information you need to pay this year, take a look."

Just as he was imagining how to indulge in pleasure when he became a billionaire at the age of 30, Cathy handed him a stack of tax documents.

This pile of documents was like pouring a basin of cold water on a hot stone, sizzling~ not only made him smoke, but also almost cracked him.

According to current federal tax regulations, the highest annual income in the United States exceeding US$518,840 is subject to a 37% tax.

He needs to pay 37 million US dollars for this part.

According to the tax regulations of states such as New York and Los Angeles, the part of income in the state that exceeds 500,000 US dollars must also pay 7%-13% tax.

This part has to pay more than 18 million.

Adding the two parts together, he needs to pay 55 million in taxes in 2009, which is almost equivalent to one-third of his annual income.

"Why do you have to pay so much?"

Link scratched his forehead and asked.

"Boss, you earn more, of course you pay more. This is the result of reasonable tax avoidance. If there is no policy to avoid tax, you will pay more than 67.5 million in taxes."

Cathy blinked her pine green eyes and said.


Link spread his hands and thought he was unlucky.

He had to pay so much tax every year, and he found that it was not easy to become a billionaire in the United States.

After talking about tax issues, he talked to Cathy about the current situation of technology stocks, such as Facebook financing, the newly emerging ins software, and China's Internet products.

He asked Cathy to keep an eye on this information and continue to invest if she encounters a suitable opportunity. This year, he has more than three boxing matches, more than 100 concerts, three movies, one or two records, etc.

The total income will not be less than 200 million US dollars.

According to the current changes in the US stock market, the next ten years will be a bull market, and investing in the stock market is also a safe means of value-added.

Cathy said that she understood and mentioned that Amazon's stock price is still rising, and asked if she should continue to buy.

Link thought about it and thought that Amazon's stock would rise to more than 2,000 US dollars per share in ten years, and the current 336 US dollars is a low period.

He drew a line for Cathy, and she could buy Amazon's stock when the stock price was below 500 US dollars. His goal was to become a member of Amazon's board of directors.

After seeing Cathy off, Link was about to leave when he received a call from Catherine, talking about investing in scripts.

Katherine once had a client named Kristen Wiig. Because she looked like Jennifer Aniston, she entered the entertainment industry in 2003 and became a comedian. In 2006, she became a regular actor on Saturday Night Live and starred in several comedy films. She is considered a third-rate actor in the industry.

Last year, she wrote a script and submitted it to several film production companies, including Palm Beach Studios. After reading the script, Katherine thought it was very good and there was a role suitable for Emma Stone, so she called Link and asked him if he had any plans to invest.

After Link received the script, it was a comedy movie called "Bridesmaids", which tells the story of five bridesmaids of different sizes, beauty and ugliness, and the various embarrassments and embarrassing things they encountered during their friends' wedding preparations. These embarrassing things also triggered their thinking about friendship and life.

A movie that obviously follows "The Hangover".

Last year, the adult comedy "The Hangover" made 460 million box office worldwide with a cost of 35 million, becoming a dark horse in the American film market in 2009, and also caused many film companies to follow this theme.

"Bridesmaids" is one of them.

After reading the script, Link found that he had seen this movie and still remembered some of the plot.

For example, several female protagonists were trying on wedding dresses in a bridal shop, and suddenly had diarrhea. Several people scrambled for the bathroom, and the bride squatted on the street in her wedding dress and became a jet fighter.

The taste is very strong and the plot is also very funny.

This movie is also a relatively successful one among many follow-up works, and it has also caused a trend of comedy movies like "Bridesmaids" in Asia.

Link didn't remember how much the movie was at the box office, but he thought it would not lose money, so he told Catherine that he could invest.

Now Catherine called and said that she would bring screenwriter Kristen Wiig to visit him to discuss how to invest and cooperate.

Link said yes, told Catherine the location of the cafe, and asked Lillian to prepare two cups of coffee.

Ding Dong!

While looking through the information, the phone received a message from the other side of the ocean. The sender was Chris Liu, asking him what he was doing.

He calculated the time, it was still night on the other side of the ocean.

"You're still awake at this hour?"

"We're shooting a night scene today, so we'll be back at the hotel late."

Chris Liu responded quickly.

"What movie?"

"A movie based on a Chinese legend, telling the story of an ancient college student falling in love with a ghost. Do you understand?"

Chris Liu asked.

Link smiled softly and guessed it was "A Chinese Ghost Story".

"There is also one here in the United States. It's called "The Love of Ghosts," starring Demi Moore."

"It's different. Our story is more exciting."

"Okay, is filming hard? Have you ever thought about quitting acting, opening a film and television company and becoming your own boss?"

Link asked in a message.

"Of course it's hard work! Opening a movie company? It costs a lot of money. Humph, you think everyone is like you, a rich man!"

"I saw it in the newspaper, saying that last year you earned more than 100 million U.S. dollars from boxing matches, more than 100 million U.S. dollars from singing, and a net worth of 340 million U.S. dollars, which would be converted into more than 2 billion Chinese dollars. It's incredible. I I still remember the year before last when you came to the capital to participate in a competition. You were reluctant to spend money on food and ate bread every day. In the blink of an eye, you became a billionaire. How did you do it? "

Chris Liu sent two messages one after another.

Link couldn't help but laugh when he saw it. He participated in the middleweight competition in the 2008 Olympics. In order to control his weight, he paid great attention to his diet. He ate bread every meal and did not eat big fish or meat.

Chris Liu thought he was a poor man, so she treated him to two meals.

"This is the American dream. When did you come to the United States? I said I would take you diving, but you never came."

"You have a girlfriend, don't you worry about scandal when you take me diving?"

"Don't worry, there are a lot of scandals about me, and having you here won't have much impact."

"Yes, I have read the news. In addition to your decent girlfriend Taylor, you also have more than ten rumored girlfriends. I didn't expect you to be a playboy."

"Hey, this is a scandal, and it's fake news, okay? Please don't elevate it to your character."

Link retorted.

"Okay, I will reserve my opinion for the time being. When will your concert in China be held? I will come to support you."

"Around May or June."

Link smiled softly and continued to write, "I heard that you are also a singer and have released an album. How about coming to my concert as a guest?"

"Ah? Me? No, no, my singing skills are average and I will ruin your concert."

"Hey, Chris, be confident. You are very beautiful, your voice is very sweet, and you must be good at singing. It's settled, come to my concert as a guest singer, and we will sing together, and the effect will be great. , I will send an invitation to your management company through Universal Music later, remember to sign the invitation."

"Are you serious? This is so sudden. I am completely unprepared."

"I've had this idea for a long time, but the concert is still a while away, so I haven't had time to tell you. It's the same now, there are still four or five months, enough for you to prepare, so little girl, get ready to go on stage with me."

Link laughed.

"Don't you even have the right to refute? You are too overbearing. Okay, I will temporarily agree to you and be your concert guest. If the performance is messed up, don't blame me. You asked for it."

Chris Liu said angrily.

Link smiled softly, thinking that she must be very cute at this time, so he called her.

The receiver rang twice, and then came the somewhat nervous voice of Chris Liu. She first asked in Chinese:

"Why are you calling here at this time?"

Then he switched to English and said, "Oops, my mother will hear me."

"Are you still sleeping with your mother at this age?"

"Of course not. This is filming outside. My mother is my agent. It's safer to sleep in a suite."

Just as she was talking, she heard Ms. Liu's voice coming from the phone, 'Feifei, who are you calling at this late hour? Go to bed quickly, we have to get up early to film the movie tomorrow.'

"Link, I'm going to bed! I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Chris Liu whispered and hurriedly hung up the phone.

"Okay, good night!"

Link sent a message.

Chris Liu also replied with "Good night", but five or six minutes later, she sent another one.

"I have insomnia, and it's all because of you!"

Link smiled softly, took a picture of his handsome face with his mobile phone, and then took a picture of the sunny jetty pier and the blue Pacific Ocean outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and sent them to Chris Liu.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

"Thank you for the compliment, I do look good!"

"I'm talking about the dock. Well, you are also a handsome guy, but it's a pity that you are a playboy. I won't talk anymore, I really want to go to bed."

"are you asleep?"

Link asked after a few minutes.

"No! I have insomnia, completely insomnia, and it's all your fault. Next time you come to China, I will definitely take you to eat the hottest, hottest, hottest hot pot, I swear!"

Chris Liu said angrily.

Link raised the corner of his lips and saw a guitar hanging behind the counter of the cafe. He sent a message saying that he could provide hypnotic music and asked her if she wanted to listen to it.

Chris Liu sent a message asking what it was.

Link called the phone. After the call was connected, he held the guitar and sang into the phone while playing:

Soft kitty, warm kitty

Soft kitten, warm kitten

Little ball of fur

Like a little ball of hair

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty

Happy kitten, sleepy kitten

Purr, purr, purr

snore snore snore

When she first listened to him singing, Chris Liu was still hiding under the quilt and laughing. After five or six minutes, there was no movement.

Link put away his guitar and saw Catherine pushing open the glass door of the cafe and walking in with a middle-aged woman.

The woman is in her thirties, has long, straight blond hair, and is wearing a women's suit. From the side, she looks a bit like Jennifer Aniston. Her name is Kristen Wiig, a comedian and the screenwriter and co-writer of "Bridesmaids." Starring.

"Good afternoon Ms. Wegg!"

Link stood up and greeted.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Baker!"

Ms. Kristen Wiig shook his hand.

The next step is to discuss the film investment. According to the project budget, this film requires an investment of approximately US$30 million.

Kristen Wiig worked for half a year to get 12 million in investment from Apatow Pictures, leaving a shortfall of nearly 20 million. She asked Link if he was willing to invest?

If you are willing to invest, you will receive 30% of the North American box office share and 15% of the overseas box office share after the movie is released.

According to this algorithm, this movie needs to gross more than 60 million at the box office to avoid losing money.

Link decided to invest after considering it. Since this movie is known as one of the most successful R-rated female-themed comedies, its box office performance will definitely not be less than 100 million US dollars.

"Link, this role suits you very well. Do you want to try to make a cameo?"

Catherine said holding the script.

"The groom's role?"

Link shook his head, "It's too difficult to act in a comedy. It would be easy for me to act in this role."

"Link, it's not like this. The groom's role is very small. He is a handsome rich second generation, which matches your appearance very well. The bride is an ordinary-looking black man. If you play the role of the groom, it will increase the number of people. For comic effect, it also makes the bridesmaids jealous of the bride, which I think is a great idea.”

Ms. Kristen Wiig explained excitedly.

Link hesitated for a moment and agreed.

This movie is of good quality, and it has a certain appeal at the box office. If you participate in a cameo, you can also sell more box office, a win-win situation.

After seeing off Ms. Wigg, Link chatted with Catherine and asked about Emma Stone's new movie.

After filming "Scandal Project", Catherine helped her take on another comedy movie "Crazy, Stupid Love". Together with "Bridesmaids", she has two movies for the time being.

According to his prediction, after the release of "Scandal Project", Emma Stone will become more famous in the film industry and become a quasi-A-list comedian. It will be easier to take over the filming of movies and there is no need to be too anxious.

Link asked about Jennifer Lawrence again, and Catherine said that she signed a contract with the IMG agency before her debut and was not a freelance artist.

Link didn't care after hearing this. After becoming a billionaire, he owned stocks of several large companies. He didn't attach much importance to the development of brokerage companies and film companies. They were all about making money anyway, no matter how much they made.

After the two companies are on the right track, he plans to hand over the management of the company completely to Catherine and Mandy, usually only giving some suggestions and not taking care of the rest.

"Is Annie going to kindergarten?"

Link asked, holding the guitar.

"Just four years old, a little early."

Catherine smiled and said, "After she played with you twice during Christmas last year, every time she called, she would ask where my brother was and when he would come to play with me. She was even more affectionate to you than to me."

Link thought of the cute little guy and smiled softly.

"House prices in Los Angeles are not high for the time being. You can consider buying a property here and taking Annie by your side to take care of her. She is young and will be more introverted when she grows up without you."

"You're right. Mandy and I are looking at real estate recently and are planning to buy an apartment in the city. We will take Annie over in a few months."

Catherine laughed.

"It's good. I can go see her when I have time."

Link smiled softly and strummed the guitar strings in his hand.

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty

Pur pur pur

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