Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 259 Best Production of the Year Award

"Hey, Link Taylor, why did you come in just now? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

In the front row, Selena waved to the two. She was wearing a red dress, long brown curly hair, and small shoulders. She looked fresh and cute, and a little sexy.

At the end of last year, Selena released her first song and dance album as a singer. The sales were good and she had a small influence in the music circle. Therefore, she was also invited to watch the Grammy ceremony, just like Link last year.

"I told you to come in with us, but you didn't want to."

Link pulled Taylor to the front row and greeted Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Carrie Underwood, and Adele who flew from the UK.

Adele was nominated for the Grammy Best Female Pop Singer for her single "Hometown Glory" this year.

Adele complained when she saw him. She was originally a very pure musician. Last year, because she met him several times, there were many rumors about the two in the media afterwards. Adele said he was a big rumor carrier.

Link apologized to her and joked that the next time he went to England to meet her, he would do it quietly and not let the paparazzi know.

Adele blinked her fan-like eyelashes and rolled her eyes at him, saying that this would only make the gossip more real.

"Link, the Internet said that you are going to compete with Justin Bieber for the pop music charts in March and April. Is this true?"

Lady Gaga said with her mobile phone.

"Yes, 50 Cent wants to complete revenge on the pop music charts, so they unilaterally declared war on me, and I can only be forced to accept it."

"Come on, Link! I think you can win."

Miley Cyrus, who was next to Kesha and Selena, shouted.

"Thank you!"

"Hey, don't cheer for Link. Last year, he competed with Jay-Z for the charts, and all the albums released at the same time as them suffered. This year, Link and Justin PK, they are both popular, and the impact will be greater. At that time, we will all suffer. Why cheer for him?"

Katy Perry laughed and joked.

The singers around listened and nodded in agreement.

Top-tier PK is a hot topic, and the media will pay special attention to it when promoting it. Albums with high exposure will naturally have high sales, and albums released at the same time will inevitably be affected.

Link shrugged his shoulders and had nothing to say.

Since becoming a billionaire, he has been playing it safe and doesn't like to compete with others, especially in music.

But he doesn't compete, and others want to compete with him, so he can only respond.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the Grammy Awards ceremony began. Since MJ passed away last year, the memorial service was also held here, so the first program was to play the famous music TV work "Earth Song" produced with 3D stereo technology to commemorate MJ.

The second program was Beyonce singing "Single Lady" on the spot, with more than a dozen sexy dancers, swinging their long legs on the stage, singing and dancing vigorously, and instantly dispelling the sad atmosphere on the scene.

The third program was the popular little king Justin Bieber singing the popular song "Baby" on the stage with several dancers, singing and dancing, and the program was more cheerful.

When JB was performing, the fans in the back row of the audience shouted loudly, and the atmosphere was very warm.

In sharp contrast to the lively back row and stage, the hundreds of nominated musicians and singers in the middle mostly looked at Justin, who was only 16 years old, singing and dancing on the stage with indifference.

In terms of appearance and performance ability, Justin is pretty good, a young man with red lips and white teeth, a clear and sunny voice, and a talent for singing. It's not bad to be a child star.

It's just that his singing skills are average, the lyrics of his songs are more sloppy, the rhythm is monotonous, and the style is also very immature.

The Grammy Awards is a big party for the world's top musicians. Those who can come here to attend the party have first-class music creation and music appreciation abilities, and some people can be called masters.

Now they have to open their eyes wide and watch a 16-year-old kid showing off his skills on the stage. How will they feel?

Especially this kid's album sales are higher than theirs, his singles are more popular than theirs, his popularity is higher than theirs, and he has more fans than them.

How would they feel when they are unhappy but have to accept this reality?

Link looked at his peers around him.

Taylor, Selena, Adele, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Kesha, Carrie Underwood, P!nk, Lana, Jonas Brothers, Kings of Leon, Green Day, Jason Mraz, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, etc.

Among these people, the reactions of young singers are mostly calm, while the older generation of singers are mostly chatting, trying to get through the show in this way.


The wish of the old predecessors was soon realized. Justin Bieber's performance ended and there was a warm applause from the scene.

The applause mainly came from the fans in the back row, as well as Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Usher, Kanye and others, and some people stood up and applauded.

Hearing such warm applause, many old singers in the front row looked back with incredible expressions.

Especially some veteran rock singers like Jeff Beck, Bruce Springsteen and others, who complained angrily to the people around them, as if to say that there are people who like such a bad song, are today's fans at this level?

"It's finally over. I hear this song so often these days that I'm almost bored to death."

Selena patted the hem of her skirt and said.

Link smiled softly, "It's good. In the past, the Grammy Awards excluded young singers, and now they actively invite Justin to perform on stage. This shows that the Grammy Awards are becoming more and more open and tolerant of young singers, and we are young singers." , this change is beneficial to us.”

"You mean, you and Taylor can win a lot of awards this time?"

Selina asked, blinking.

"Not necessarily. The singers nominated this year are all young. Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, and Kings of Leon are all under 30 years old. The competition is fierce, and it is not easy to win the award."

While Link and Selena were talking, the awards ceremony began on the stage.

The winners of last year's Grammy Award for Best Production of the Year: British rock star Robert Plant and American country music queen Alison Krauss took the stage hand in hand to present the first Grammy award of this year, Best of the Year. Make.

"The winner of the 52nd Grammy Music Awards for Best Production of the Year is."

Robert Plant glanced at the audience.

This year's shortlisted singers for this award include Beyonce's "Halo", Taylor Swift's "you belong with me", Kings of Leon's "Use Somebody", Lady Gaga's "Poker Face", and Link Baker's "Unstoppable".

These five finalists also represent five mainstream music genres, namely blues, country, rock, dance music, and pop.

CBS television cameras also scanned several people's faces one by one.

Link held Taylor's hand and kept a calm smile on his face, but he was always worried that his smile was too stiff as the camera lens was filming him.

"Link, your smile is so fake."

Selena blinked her big eyes and pointed at his face and joked.

"Don't make trouble, or I'll beat you up."

Link said while moving the corners of his mouth.

"There are cameras ahead, so don't make trouble at this time."

Taylor also lowered his voice and said.

On the stage, Robert Plant smiled and handed the card to Alison Krauss. Alison glanced at the card, with a smile on her face, and said into the microphone:

"Unstoppable Link Baker!"

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